MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #9

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I'm SOOO glad you brought this up, as it fits perfecting line my my thoughts all along. John NEVER went into the house. Period. AB and whoever else was in the backyard with.....CHLOE!!! He's like, hey man, you got one? The old lady doesn't let me smoke. Something happens. I don't know what. Maybe it just Chloe, but whether it is an altercation before or after, I vise viscerally feel that John was attacked by Chloe that night. So maybe the cover up is simply to protect Chloe?

Moreso than anyone else, who is the most vulnerable being in this entire thing? It's Chloe. No one wants anything to happen to Chloe! If anyone found out Chloe did it they'd make us put her down. (Not discounting any of these other ba$$$ds didn't have a hand it, but I think that is what the initial coverup was about. Chloe. After seeing all of the photos and knowing I literally just got bit big time by my cat, my marks look EXACTLY like his. I think there was a lot of liquor flowing and a very few people made some really bad decisions. They thought it would go away, but it didn't. Once they realize that, they started onloading things as fast as possible. Chloe being the main one, where she was sent somewhere safe to live out her golden year. And at this point, if KR doesn't go to prison, the rest of us will at some point.
If this scenario happened, it wouldn’t have been covered up because of Chloe. Let’s assume she attacked John and he fell backwards and hit his head. He was unconscious.

Who is responsible for a dog attacking a guest? The homeowner, Brian Albert. Can you imagine the amount of money that could be won in a civil suit for your dog potentially incapacitating a police officer for life? Sure, his insurance policy would probably cover some of it, but the future would look pretty bleak for Brian and his wife as they face retirement with a lot less money than they planned on having.
My mistake. In the Nightline interview Karen Read explains why she said "Did I hit him? when talking to a firefighter.

She seems to say that it's possible she may have done something to incapacitate O'Keefe and because he was drunk he passed out and later died of hypothermia.

Very interesting comment. JMO.

That interview is still not evidence at the trial. We on the outside can speculate about what she said all day long, but the jurors can't.
The State has only a few days left in their case and nothing at all has been presented to point to KR killing JO. I think this is the craziest case I've ever watched (in terms of the State even bringing it to trial at all). Maybe she DID do it!?? But they have presented no evidence!

One hundred percent no evidence showing that KR hit JOK with her car.
All we have is a huge rush to judgment by a mentally and ethically challenged member of LE.
Once Trooper Proctor set his sites on KR he tailored everything to fit his narrative.
Bc of the same Trooper, who absolutely should have recused bc of his relationships with Julie Alberts family, we really don’t have solid evidence of who left John mangled on the front lawn.
If you don’t investigate this is what happens. You are left to speculation and an S - ton of reasonable doubt.
The whole thing is wack.
Total travesty.
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The whole point is that John wasn't answering his phone. All Karen's calls were going to voicemail. That's exactly why she was panicking.

I get that for some people that wouldn't be a big deal. Maybe they're used to their partner sleeping off their hangover in some random location. But that's definitely not true for everyone. Karen's being worried sick because her partner didn't come home does not make her some kind of weirdo or suggest that she's obviously guilty.
The calls weren’t going to voicemail - Karen was ending them before they were answered by voicemail. That’s why her excuse of “butt dials” is clearly a lie, The calls were started and ended by her, and she was also texting in the midst of them. Not butt dials.
That is her defence and alibi saying that. Is it true?? lol MAYBE?? maybe not. thats the key though isnt it. unknown.

We factually know.
she dropped him off there.
She drove a car.

so its a big leap of faith to believe that she "forgot"...
or she was black out drunk....

Now the black out drunk theory creates its whole world of other implications for Karen.

Doesn't matter what road you want to take...
all of them lead to KR and her behaviour and actions stinks of guilty knowledge.
If she knew she had hit him, why wouldn’t she have just pretended to be asleep at John’s house until someone called her when he was found?
Wondering now if Lally and Co while discussing Trooper Paul's upcoming testimony " a few weeks ago", did they mention factoring in the CW's own witnesses who testified to the fact that Higgins Jeep was parked directly in front of 34 Fairview, and therefore directly in the path of the Lexus backing up. ???? That front yard width was not that long was it? Did Paul ever have to go back to the drawing board, and re-calculate distances to include the jeep, or nah? Just go with the story they originally had.

The Questions !!!
This is a critical statement.
There is no splainin this pretty important point away.

There really isn't.
What’s the first questions police ask when you report a missing person? “Where is the last place you saw the person? When?”

Then what do the police do? Go to the last place the person was seen.

Also, JEN is the one who said they needed to go to the Albert’s house. This is in evidence in Jen’s own testimony.
Flashback to a year ago.. watch this..

Thank you for sharing this video. What Proctor, the Canton PD, the court, have done to KR and to her parents' lives is INEXCUSABLE. For anyone who can't imagine a cover-up, watch the officers in the court. Watch their behavior as KR's defense begins to argue these 2 motions.

After watching the trial to date, I never want to step foot into Massachusetts ever again. I don't trust the local or state PD.

KR should be made whole in every way possible. Financially, they can start making her whole with Proctor's pension. AMOO
Wondering now if Lally and Co while discussing Trooper Paul's upcoming testimony " a few weeks ago", did they mention factoring in the CW's own witnesses who testified to the fact that Higgins Jeep was parked directly in front of 34 Fairview, and therefore directly in the path of the Lexus backing up. ???? That front yard width was not that long was it? Did Paul ever have to go back to the drawing board, and re-calculate distances to include the jeep, or nah? Just go with the story they originally had.

The Questions !!!

Did they come up with the great idea together to film a daytime dry weather recreation of an accident that happened during a nighttime blizzard?
Who is responsible for a dog attacking a guest? The homeowner, Brian Albert. Can you imagine the amount of money that could be won in a civil suit for your dog potentially incapacitating a police officer for life? Sure, his insurance policy would probably cover some of it, but the future would look pretty bleak for Brian and his wife as they face retirement with a lot less money than they planned on having.

I would guess that the Alberts were very well insured, having both a German Shepherd and a swimming pool.

But Chloe didn't kill John. His incapacitating head injury wasn't caused by any kind of a fall. It's a small but deep wound. In my opinion, the depth of the wound alone indicates he was smashed in the head by an object that was wielded by a person. And by something far harder than a little cocktail glass. Our skulls are very hard.

Bruising to fists would tend to indicate defensive wounds, maybe from a fight that happened immediately. Arm injuries tend to indicate the dog clawed at his right arm, when he was still able to hold the arm up to protect his face. Head injury caused by a heavy object possibly a few seconds later.
Anybody know if the shoe landed in front or behind the JO and how far? Looks like it was found on the edge of the grass/road. If I am correct it flew over the car??(
Yes, we're to believe that it defied all known laws of physics. (It was a Nike though so.... Cue: "I Believe I Can Fly".)
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I've only seen bits and pieces of this trial and forgive me if I'm behind.
I am watching Michael Proctor being grilled by KR's defence attorney. I am a short way into this SIX hour video.
I have two observations:
- That defence attorney is terrifying
- Proctor is the most guilty or ashamed looking witness I have ever seen.

Edit - It's like watching a dog tear apart a fluffy toy, and the toy is destroyed in the first 30 seconds.
But then it somehow just keeps tearing more strips off for SIX HOURS.

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It's what they did at the end of Friday with the current witness, where both defense and commonwealth question the witness outside the presence of the jury to see if they have the relevant knowledge to testify about the subjects they've been called to give evidence to, then the judge decides if the evidence is allowed or not.

Edit: added "outside the presence of the jury"
Will we get to hear? If so, when it's the CW's turn, those few seconds should be quite entertaining.
The calls weren’t going to voicemail - Karen was ending them before they were answered by voicemail. That’s why her excuse of “butt dials” is clearly a lie, The calls were started and ended by her, and she was also texting in the midst of them. Not butt dials.
Sorry…either I missed something or you have JMcC and KR mixed up for the butt dials.

Karen made over 50 calls to OKO that all went unanswered. Though, one call did through to his voicemail and left a recording of the three women on scene finding his body. Apparently, she was in the midst of calling him and dropped her phone in KR’s car when they found OJO. This was voicemail played early in the trial during JMcC’s cross examination.

Timestamp: 2:04:00

yeah i did too.
Unprompted or led she divulged her and John were bickering on the drive over there about being welcome or not.
She felt excluded.
He went anyway

Said in an earlier post... If I was Karen I would have had smoke coming out my ears too.
How dare he.

Now.....add alcohol.
Now....add male drunk defiance. (sorry know it!)

This is real life relationship stuff.

Add alcohol. Loose cannons.


You seem to be projecting how you would react on Karen. A lot of people do that and you can see that in other's comments.
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