MA - Remains of 3 infants found, Erika Murray charged, Blackstone, Sept 2014

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I remember seeing the "violation of an abuse prevention order" charge and my initial thought was that (since it was worded with the animal cruelty statement) the animal protection people had been to this home a couple of times and the family had been warned to not leave the dog outside without food & water or shelter during cold temperatures.

My only other thought is that this is the Mass. "usual" wording when children are placed into Child Protective services care, as child abuse & neglect laws are always in effect. (?) Since this family had not had any contact with CPS within the past year - there was no current CPS order (as those cases are usually closed 1 to 1.5 years after they have placed kids in foster/kinship care).

Either way, I don't think RR was charged with this charge - only EM. It has been reported that RR has only been charged with the pot charges, and I doubt those will carry more than a misdemeanor penalty (depending on the amount found and Mass. laws).

Does anyone think that they will announce the ME findings on the deceased infants or do you all think they will wait for trial?
The 3 y/o and the 5 mo old were not running around this house at any time. The 3 y/o spent most of her life on her back, unable to use arms and could not walk. The 5 mo old should be just sitting up on her own and crawling if she were developmentally on task - which we know neither of these little girls were. :(

I had a co-worker with a cape cod style home looks to be the same layout as this home, except my co-worker installed a bathroom upstairs. There was one bedroom next to the bath on the main floor and adjoined wall to the living room (right side of front door). So is this a 1 bedroom on the main floor and 2 upstairs for a total of 3 bedroom home, or were there 2 more bedrooms on the main floor (albeit very small bedrooms)? Here's my question - where did the 13 & 10 y/o's sleep? Did they share a room? Did they sleep upstairs on the 2nd floor with dead and living babies?

"The 2 little ones running around" that I meant were the 2 that are the oldest that RR knew about, not the youngest. I reread my post and I didn't write my thoughts correctly, sorry.
Legal question.................if RR is helping LE and squealing on EM with truthful answers, would this be a bargaining chip for why he is not arrested also for all the abuse, squalor?
Just sentencing for his pot growing?
IMO, allot of people knew something was not right with EM, but no one bothered to get her mental help.............
what about her parent? RR parents (who now have the 2 older children)
It amazes me that the 2 older children could keep so many secrets...........
My 5 grandchildren tell me everything sooner or later. Every little thing that happens to them, family etc.
This truely baffles me.
Hello all!
It's now 5am over here and I've been glued to this thread for a ridiculous amount of time. Before I go to sleep, I just want to leave some "food for thought" from my own experiences.

- The "constantly stoned" RR theory is absolute crap. Regardless of how stoned he was, he was bound to notice something. My ex would literally be constantly stoned, and he'd notice far more than he would in the 10-15 minutes of the day when he was somewhat sober. He would also be far more cuddly (and I remember his friends being quite similar) so if RR didn't SEE something, he probably would have felt it!
- I was diagnosed with severe clinical depression a couple of months ago. I have some really rough times with it and despite being on medication, finding a reason to get up in the mornings is still very difficult for me. I, however, keep a relatively clean home. I bathe my dog and feed her regularly. If I had kids, I'm pretty sure that the same would apply to them. My mental illness would not cause me to severely neglect them and hide them in closets. We need to stop blaming these actions on depression - its not a blanket defence for obscene acts of negligence.

I can't imagine the pain these kids are going through right now. So hopeful for a swift recovery for the little one and some miraculous milestones for the 3yo!
Welcome to the forum missdottie! Glad you joined us for this discussion! I agree with your thoughts. Even if RR was smoking pot after work or on the weekends, the "worst" behaviors we would expect is that he is lazy and just lays around the house, maybe watching tv and eating munchies. The pot smoking is not the real issue of what was going on in this home (IMO) - I think that was more of a distraction for RR (and maybe EM) from the real issues. I think the biggest issue for the entire family is APATHY. The entire extended family did not want to make EM uncomfy because her house was messy - so they just never came into the home.

I want the ME to release the info in the deceased infants! Will the media report the findings or do you think they just want this case to quietly dissolve away and never darken the reputation of this town again? I think it is highly doubtful they will find anything due to skeletal remains in filthy conditions, but I still want answers!
Legal question.................if RR is helping LE and squealing on EM with truthful answers, would this be a bargaining chip for why he is not arrested also for all the abuse, squalor?
Just sentencing for his pot growing?
IMO, allot of people knew something was not right with EM, but no one bothered to get her mental help.............
what about her parent? RR parents (who now have the 2 older children)
It amazes me that the 2 older children could keep so many secrets...........
My 5 grandchildren tell me everything sooner or later. Every little thing that happens to them, family etc.
This truely baffles me.

BBM that right there! My kiddos love talking on the phone with Grandma (lives 13 hours away) and I try to listen in when they are talking b/c they'll tell Grandma things they don't tell me, usually about stuff at school.
:wagon: MissDottiePetite

Look forward to hearing more of your thoughts.
BBM that right there! My kiddos love talking on the phone with Grandma (lives 13 hours away) and I try to listen in when they are talking b/c they'll tell Grandma things they don't tell me, usually about stuff at school.

OMG, I need to do this. I wonder if it would work. Except I'll have the boys call their friend. They'll say more. They tell me next to nothing about school. Their friends tell me more than they do. At the first soccer game after school started, their teammate told me all sorts of stuff about the school. I only wish she was in one of their classes. LOL
Just checking in to see if there is any news on "our" kids.
EM's Atty argues not to bring her to court until results are in:

"Nothing is going to happen in this case until the medical examiner’s report is completed,” Halpern said. “Until then … I don’t really think it’s necessary for the state to spend money and time transporting (Murray) back and forth . . . "

At least we know the ME report has not been filed yet . . . this tells me they are waiting on toxicology or some other testing to finalize the results.

ETA: RR is due in court 11/12/14 on the pot charges
News from the hearing today:

Halpern spoke today . . . here are some snippits:

Halpern motioned to keep EM out of court - next court is scheduled for "Jan. 14, 2015, after the prosecution agreed. The judge also waived Murray's appearance for the January date."

They are waiting to conduct further court hearings after the ME results are in. Halpern said, "on other murder cases he’s tried it has taken as long as 11 months to get a medical examiner’s report."

He requested funds for psych testing for EM stating "The more time that passes her mental status may change" . . .

"two youngest, both found malnourished and covered in their own feces, have “made a lot of progress, particularly the 3-year-old.” He said they’re undergoing a lot of rehabilitation treatment".

ADA John Bradley said he didn't think the ME report would take that long and felt it would be given some priority . . . "Bradley also said that as the investigation progresses, “other defendants” might be identified. Bradley was likely referring to Murray’s boyfriend".
Well, we need not speculate anymore or have the faintest doubt that our imaginations might be overestimating the level of filth.

Oh wow... Those mattresses! Those photos are beyond disturbing.

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Well, we need not speculate anymore or have the faintest doubt that our imaginations might be overestimating the level of filth.


Unbelievable! I made the mistake of looking at those pictures before dinner. Needless to say, I went without. I am increasingly frustrated with LE as each day passes that there are no charges filed on the "father" of these poor children. To me that is even more unbelievable than the utterly disgusting and inhumane conditions they were living in. At this point, I'm thinking he probably could have gotten away with the marijuana plants if he had just told LE he thought he was growing tomatoes
I started looking through thinking, it wasn't as bad as I'd imagined....then that quickly turned into gagging and tears. I'm 100% confident now that RR knew of the conditions of the home and did nothing. He needs to be charged, I'll never be convinced that you could be w/in 10 feet of that home and not smell that.

The poopy hand prints about killed me. :(

Those babies...those poor poor babies. All four of the living children suffered so much, the three that died of neglect (my assumption) what horrors they knew. :(
I haven't been through them all and the ones I have looked at, I didn't for long. My children were about and now that they've gone to bed I can't make myself look at the rest/more in-depth right now. I did read in the article that there were remains of a dog in the pictures. I wonder if that was the dog that was in the background on her babysitting profile? It has since been taken down but when she was advertising on a nanny/babysitting site she had a pic of her two oldest kids and there was a small dog (maybe pug sized) that looked fawn/very light tan. Some of the pics I looked at were a trigger for me from living in a similar situation for a short time as a child, but I wonder if anyone could tell me if you can distinguish any characteristics (size, color, breed, etc)? TIA

A 'Little Tyke' style plastic toy box sans lid had more than one photo released. I get the impression that was hidden under a bed? Does anyone think that may have been were an infant would've been found? It was piled with dirty diapers. It was the way it was photographed that made me wonder why it seemed important. I get the feces on the walls, floors, and beds, but how did it get on the ceiling? From the article I posted above said it was on the ceiling. WTH?! My heart just breaks over this...I am SO SO glad that neighbor stepped in. Now I'm going to get caught up on this thread since I've been away for a bit.
I can't identify any animal in any of the pics. I've looked through a few times, but they are very poor quality photos. There is so much crap (literally) and debris in every photo it's hard to determine where one item ends and where feces begins. :(

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