MA - Remains of 3 infants found, Erika Murray charged, Blackstone, Sept 2014

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Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Here’s Murray from earlier, getting emotional. She is mostly looking ahead or down, while listening to this police interview. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors


Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Trooper Murphy says after the initial police interview with Murray on 9/11/14, she was free to go as they continued to investigate. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murphy says they did a 2nd interview with Murray once she was arrested. That was a video interview. They will be playing it in court. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
We are now seeing Murray seated at a table in the @BlackstonePD station with 2 police officers on 9/11/14. She agrees to speak with them voluntarily. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police: “We found actually more than one deceased child” Murray doesn’t say much in response, almost like a mumble. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray continues to nervously laugh as she talks with police. When asked if she knows when she had the other deceased children she says, “I didn’t even think about them really.” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray says Ray is the father of the deceased children and doesn’t know anything about them. She agrees with police she had them after her older two kids. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police: “so somewhere before 2004-2010 you had three more children. Murray puts her hands to her mouth, tough to tell if she’s emotional, but she continues to joke and laugh with police. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police: nobody knew about them? Murray: nope Police: it’s really just amazing you could do that. Murray laughs. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray says she believes she carried all 3 babies for about 9 months with no OBGYN care, no prenatal vitamins and no one knowing she was pregnant. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police ask Murray if she had considered abortion, “I had thought about it yeah but I didn’t know how I’d get there and do it, I didn’t have health insurance” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police press Murray on why she thinks the three babies died. Murray doesn’t really answer, says she went 2 weeks early with both her two older children. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police: “Why did you keep it from Ray?” Murray: “I was just nervous how he would react.” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray: “He said he did not want to have more children” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray on what Ray would have thought if he found out she was pregnant again: “mad, really, really mad” Police: “How was he with the other two children?” Murray: “shocked” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray: “I’ve gotten pretty lucky with my kids, they are pretty happy babies, all of them.” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police: “nobody on the face of this earth knew these two kids were yours until when?” Murray: 2 weeks ago @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray agrees her 13yo daughter would help watch the younger kids - she thought her mom was babysitting them. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
When asked what her mom thought about the discovery of the 2 younger children, Murray said, “not upset, I wouldn’t say upset, she was more shocked.” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police press Murray on whether she had any other miscarriages or children she hasn’t told them about. She says she’s 100% sure she didn’t. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police question whether her mom would come in the house. Murray says no, she wasn’t a huge fan of Ray, “It’s not that she didn’t like him, it just wasn’t a comfortable situation in the house” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police: when the babies were born what did you dress them in? Murray: “I did have baby clothes...I bought them from people getting rid of their baby” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police: did any of those 3 children die after a while? Murray: no Police: like live for a little bit? Murray: no @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray says she thinks one of the infants who died was a girl, not sure of the other two. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police press Murray on what she did when the infants were born. Murray: “I don’t really know, I don’t remember” She keeps nervously laughing throughout. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray: “I just wrapped them up and tried to hold towels” Police: was there a lot of bleeding? Murray: not really @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray: “Definitely not breathing,” Police: “never even a breath?” Murray: no @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police: “why’d you put the baby in the closet?” Murray: “I don’t know, panic.” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police ask Murray if her son ever said, “hey there’s a baby in there!” Murray laughs, “no” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray: “It was further in the closet...not sure” what she placed the baby in. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police: is it possible any of these 3 children survived for a little bit longer? Murray: “I don’t remember I really don’t I’m pretty sure they were all just...” (she trails off) @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police: “do you recall who was home at the time of the births?” Murray: “I think everyone was.” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police: “Let’s just get it all out...tell me if there’s anything more that we should know.” Murray: “We’ve done everything.” She says she’s 100% truthful, but the trooper points out she said that before and then changed her story. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police: Other than your older children, “you delivered 5 and 2 survived.” Murray: yes @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police get Murray to admit at least one of the infants was alive... Murray: “I went to check on the baby and it wasn’t breathing” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray says she thinks the first infant is the one who was alive for a little while and then died. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray says her 10yo son was walking when this girl was born. So he was 2-3 at the time. Her older daughter would have been 5-6. She says she didn’t show the baby to her older two kids. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray: “She was just blue.” Police: “what was her name, did you give her a name?” Murray: no @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray said the baby girl was on her back in a pack n play type crib, and she was warm when she found her but blue. Murray says she had baby clothes on. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police: did you think of notifying anyone? Murray: well no one knew Police: did you try to revive her? Murray: no Police: why not? Murray: “Just panic” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police: do you think deep down inside Ray may have known? Murray: maybe @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police: what did Ray do when he found out about the children? Murray: he broke down Police: He cried? Murray: “He was crying but I couldn’t understand anything he was saying.” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police: what else was in that closet? Murray: junk...clothes Police: how did you conceal the diapers? Murray: trash, we had dark trash bags @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray says of her 3yo: “I would bring her into my bedroom and we would watch TV” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police get Murray to agree her 3rd child was born successfully at home, died at about a week old. When asked about the next baby Murray says “I don’t think they lived,” and the 5th baby she’s “pretty sure” the child didn’t live. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray now says Ray asked her about the 2 living children a short time before they were discovered. She had said she was babysitting for them. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police: was there any afterbirth you held out of the trash so the trash man wouldn’t find it?” Murray: it all went in the trash Police: was there any thought of putting in the babies? Murray: no I wouldn’t do that. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray nervously laughs again as police press her whether she ever checked on the dead infants or smelled them. She says no. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police: if that phone call hadn’t come in and we hadn’t found the babies and they continued to grow, eventually Ray or the children would have found out, what would you have done with the babies? @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police: would you have adopted them out? Murray: no Police: were you concerned about them developmentally? Murray: “I know that (the 3yo) definitely was not talking...(the 5 month old) rolled over, she was doing ok” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police on how Ray didn’t know she was pregnant: Ray is just not real sharp at picking up on people’s body sizes? Murray: I would wear oversized shirts...I didn’t gain much weight @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Dear God. I'm speechless. I can't even wrap my head around this...

I hope the interviews are available at some point for the public. Not because I'm morbid, but because this is just not registering with me.

At one point, one of the tweets said, "we threw them out..." or something of that nature. Um, did she have a mouse in her pocket? Who is "we"? This whole thing is the most callous, incomprehensible thing I've ever read/witnessed. Those poor investigators. Can you imagine?!
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
The video interview with police is done. There was a very brief cross examination and we are done for the day. We will resume with testimony Monday around 10am. I’ll have live updates on what happened today on @NBC10Boston & @NECN at 5 & 6pm #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Thank you SO much for posting all the tweets. It's so frustrating that this case is getting NO exposure. How could the WORLD not want to know about this? There are so many teachable moments, especially for women who feel trapped or scared about unplanned pregnancy, abuse, neglect, etc. Infuriating!

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