MA - Remains of 3 infants found, Erika Murray charged, Blackstone, Sept 2014

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Sorry if these post of the tweets are jumbled. I am following a mired of people now tweeting. The tweets are not always in order. I hope you can make sense of them.

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Back from morning break and the next witness is @MassStatePolice Trooper Shawn Murphy, previously assigned to the Worcester DA’s office. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murphy interviewed Murray at the Northbridge Police Dept. in September 2014 @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murphy says he audio recorded an interview with Murray on 9/11/14 @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
The police audio recording of Murray’s interview on 9/11/14 is being played now. She is not under arrest at the time, but is read Miranda rights before the interview. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray begins listing birthdates and names of her children - 4 of them. She says she gave birth to the last 2 at home. She’s laughing as she describes “I just went with it.” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray says Ray Rivera is the father of all 4 children. Murray says the youngest 2 have no birth records, never went to the doctor. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray says once DCF took her kids, they went to live with Ray Rivera’s mom in Douglas. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray says she hadn’t seen Ray since police entered their home: “we just decided to just for now work on ourselves...I haven’t talked to him since then.” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murphy: “any particular reason you didn’t take them to a doctor?” Murray: “no not really” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray says she thinks she gave birth in the bathroom, the only bathroom in the home. Murphy: “what did you do with the placenta and stuff?” Murray: “We just got rid of that, threw it in the trash” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray is still nervously laughing throughout, she finally says Ray “didn’t know” she had the babies. Murphy presses how he couldn’t know since babies cry: “is Ray deaf?” Murray: no @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray had originally said all 4 kids were on Ray’s insurance and listed as dependents on his taxes. She is effortlessly contradicting herself in this recorded police interview. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray: “It was just a normal day just cleaning or doing whatever.” Murphy: “cleaning the house?!” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray says she bottle fed the babies, would sell craft stuff and buy baby formula as needed. She admits she would leave the kids at home and walk to the store. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray says her older kids didn’t know her younger kids were hers: “yeah they just thought that I was babysitting...that’s what I told them...I was just scared and nervous.” (Murray begins to cry on the recording.) @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murphy: “Have you had any other children? Any children that didn’t survive?” Murray: “no” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murphy: “Did Ray say he didn’t want any more kids?” Murray: “He said that plenty of times.” She explains he was really upset to learn about the 2 other children when all of this was exposed. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murphy: “was he in denial that you successfully hid 3 kids from him? Murray: “two kids...I don’t know.” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murphy: “did Ray think you were babysitting?” Murray: “I don’t know.” Murphy: “Do you think it’s strange?” Murray: “yeah...but I got into it and I just didn’t know how to get out of it.” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murphy: “Umbilical cord, how did you cut that?” Murray: “Just with scissors.” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murphy: “no other children that you gave birth to, no other miscarriages?” Murray: “no.” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murphy: “We went through your house, it’s very, very unsanitary...rodents, fleas” Murray: “yeah” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray admits during the police interview that she hasn’t seen a doctor in 10 years, since she was pregnant with her son. She claims the older two children have been going to a pediatrician in Northbridge. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray continues to nervously laugh throughout this police interview audio recording. It’s unsettling at times as she nonchalantly describes the 2 kids she never took out of her home. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police: “I’m in disbelief that you’ve had two children in that house who have never had to see a doctor, never got sick?” Murray: “Yeah I consider them (or I’m) pretty lucky.” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police press her on what she thinks is going on right now and why she’s in trouble. Murray: “That I didn’t tell anybody about the youngest two and that the house was bad.” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray says her boyfriend Ray would go to work at Staples from 8:30am-8pm, then on nights/weekends he would just sit downstairs, listen to music and watch sports. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray says she lived in her parents’ house until she was 20 and got pregnant with her oldest child. Then she and Ray moved into his sister’s Blackstone home. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police: “Can you think of anybody who came to your house?” Murray: “No” - She says her older kids had friends but would go over the friends’ houses. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murphy: “How did this all come about?” Murray: “I’m not 100% sure.” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray says when she came home from picking up her oldest daughter from her mom’s house, police were at her home. (On Aug 28, 2014) @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray says it had been “a while...months” since she had cleaned the 2nd floor, “but downstairs I would pick up...I was never an overly neat person.” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray says she will voluntarily give a DNA sample to prove the younger two children are hers. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray says Ray buys the groceries, pays the bills, buys the kids’ clothing, doesn’t give her money - “I would repurpose buy formula” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray says she would sell the furniture & crafts on Facebook and Craigslist. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray says she only posted pictures of the older two children on Facebook, not any of the younger two, says she is tagged in most photos on her page, doesn’t post often. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murphy: “We found some skeletal remains up there of a child” Murray: “I had no idea.” Murphy: “did you give birth in a closet at any time?” Murray: “no...I haven’t been in the closets in a long time.” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murphy: “something happened right?” Murray: “yeah it just wasn’t born alive.” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray: “It was just normal, it just wasn’t alive.” Murphy: “you just put it in the closet and what were you going to do?” Murray: “I don’t know. I just panicked.” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murphy: “Is there anything else in there?” Murray: “no” Murphy: “I just want you to be honest with me...if there’s any other would just be helpful for you to tell me” Murray: “no” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray: “It came out and it was blue, it was just not -“ Police: “It was not breathing” Murray: “yeah” - she says she doesn’t remember the sex of the baby. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
An officer calls her out for “an unbelievable story.” Murray: “I panicked, I didn’t know what to think, they weren’t breathing, they weren’t alive...I didn’t feel a heartbeat.” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray: the dead baby was born before 3yo & 5 month old. Murray: “I just wasn’t thinking.” Police: “not thinking is not a good answer...were you afraid of something?” Murray: “I was afraid because I didn’t tell anybody, no one knew” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray says she gave birth in the middle of the night while everyone was sleeping. Murray: “I didn’t know what to do.” She says she didn’t know to clear the child’s airway, didn’t give CPR, cut the umbilical cord @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray says she wrapped the baby’s remains in a towel and put it in an upstairs closet. Police: “did you smell anything coming from that closet?” Murray: “no” Police: “do you think this is normal?” Murray: “No.” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray keeps looking down as this police interview is played. It’s more than an hour at this point. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police: “Were your children sleeping in that room when you put it in the closet?” Murray: “Um no...yeah...they would sleep on the couch at some times.” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray says the 5 month old never had a crib, would sleep on a bed with pillows around her. She said the 3yo has never talked, walks when she’s with her, “she cries, she laughs” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray says of Ray: “He started to question me recently and I just told him I was babysitting.” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police press Murray on being truthful with them “it doesn’t make sense, it’s something like a horror movie...almost unbelievable.” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police: “Is there any other explanation for us?” Murray: “no I’m being 100% truthful.” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police: “what was your plan?” Murray: “I didn’t have a plan I just took it day by day.” Police: “you’d need social security numbers...” Murray: “I didn’t know how to do that” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray: “I had just been in this situation and I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t know who to trust, who to tell.” @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police: “Are we missing anything at this point?” Murray: “No.” Police: “You don’t suffer from any mental illness or anything like that?” Murray: “Not that I know of.@NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors
Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Back from the lunch break, we are hearing more audio of the police interview with Erika Murray, after the discovery of 2 neglected children and a set of infant remains. @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Police: Did Ray know you were pregnant? Murray: No @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston‏Verified account @AlyshaNBCBoston
Murray said Ray did the laundry. Police: so who did the babies’ laundry? Murray: no one @NBC10Boston @NECN #Blackstone #HouseofHorrors

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