MA - Vanessa Marcotte, 27, murdered, Princeton, 7 Aug 2016 #1

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Right. They are looking into many possibilities, as are we.

Has it been announced if DNA was found on Vanessa for LE to use?

I wondered that too and haven't seen any info on that in media reports. It could also be that in Vanessa's case LE isn't saying as much. I was surprised to see the details in Karina's case released so quickly.
Not that I'm doubting you overall, but as a local of this area, I've never heard someone use "ping me" as a verb. Maybe it's a regional thing, but doesn't seem to be a thing in this area.
It is for peeps who work for tech companies and the people in their lives. Like Goog employees. I've been using "ping" as a verb since grad school in 1996. It's commonly used by thousands in my company, worldwide. It really is a common phrase by those in tech-related companies and has been for at least 2 decades. It started in the network/telecom world from the ping tool used. me
It is for peeps who work for tech companies and the people in their lives. Like Goog employees. I've been using "ping" as a verb since grad school in 1996. It's commonly used by thousands in my company, worldwide.
I'll repeat I'm not saying you are wrong, I'm simply saying I've not heard people use that terminology, not even from my tech company employed parents and local friends.
It is for peeps who work for tech companies and the people in their lives. Like Goog employees. I've been using "ping" as a verb since grad school in 1996. It's commonly used by thousands in my company, worldwide.

Vanessa was a Google employee, so perhaps she used that lingo and her aunt picked up on it. ??

Whatever the case, the information about the phone's location was picked up by her aunt (via her mom, I am assuming). I'm also assuming Vanessa's family tried to text and call her between 2:35 and when they called LE to report her missing, but received no reply. Is that a safe assumption?
Here's some information from Apple about using Find My Phone:

"Note: Maps and location information depend on data collection services provided by third parties. These services are subject to change and may not be available in all geographic areas, resulting in inaccurate or incomplete maps or location information."

"The location circle might be large if your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac is still determining a more accurate location. Wait a few minutes and refresh the map again. If the location circle is still large, your device might not have access to a Wi-Fi or GPS signal."
Vanessa was a Google employee, so perhaps she used that lingo and her aunt picked up on it. ??

Whatever the case, the information about the phone's location was picked up by her aunt (via her mom, I am assuming). I'm also assuming Vanessa's family tried to text and call her between 2:35 and when they called LE to report her missing, but received no reply. Is that a safe assumption?
Why would you think they would have called her btw that time?
Why would you think they would have called her btw that time?

Because she didn't return home as expected. I would think they would call her before calling LE and before going out to look for her as they did.

My question isn't whether they called her, but my assumption that Vanessa didn't reply. We don't know if they reached her after the ping time, so that's why I'm questioning my assumption.
Because she didn't return home as expected. I would think they would call her before calling LE and before going out to look for her as they did.

My question isn't whether they called her, but my assumption that Vanessa didn't reply. We don't know if they reached her after the ping time, so that's why I'm questioning my assumption.

Totally guessing here but I would think they first tried calling/texting after she was late. Then I think they'd use Find My Phone, then call LE. I don't know what time she was reported missing.
Totally guessing here but I would think they first tried calling/texting after she was late. Then I think they'd use Find My Phone, then call LE. I don't know what time she was reported missing.

Several articles gave "around 4pm" as the time, but no source cited for it.

That would fit the 4:30 departure.

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Several articles gave "around 4pm" as the time, but no source cited for it.

That would fit the 4:30 departure.
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I'm guessing they started to get worried btw 3-330, and started calling her and probably driving that loop around that time and then when they didn't see her started knocking on neighbors doors and calling police.

I'm assuming they expected her home by 3/330 at the latest to be ready to leave the house by 4 or just before.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]
I'm guessing they started to get worried btw 3-330, and started calling her and probably driving that loop around that time and then when they didn't see her started knocking on neighbors doors and calling police.

I'm assuming they expected her home by 3/330 at the latest to be ready to leave the house by 4 or just before.

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So how would they know about the 2:30'ish "ping" at the restaurant area if they didn't get worried until 3'ish. I'm not questioning you, but rather trying to figure out how the app works that they used to try to find her. Does it give "last known location" or is it something that is done immediately.

In other words, if they checked the app at 3, would it give the location where the phone was at 2:30?

So how would they know about the 2:30'ish "ping" at the restaurant area if they didn't get worried until 3'ish. I'm not questioning you, but rather trying to figure out how the app works that they used to try to find her. Does it give "last known location" or is it something that is done immediately.

In other words, if they checked the app at 3, would it give the location where the phone was at 2:30?[/QUOTE]

I dont really know how the app works but I'm guessing there was an update of her location at 2225 and when they started to get worried they either checked the app to see if she checked in anywhere....or they began to get nervous at 235 but saw via a find a phone thing where she was and figured based on her location she'd be home shortly....then when she wasn't maybe they started to call and look for her.
The find friends app on iPhone will either share your location for the hour, for the day or indefinitely.

Not sure how accurate it would be in a wooded, isolated area but I share my location indefinitely and vice versa with my mother and as long as her phone is on when I go into the app it updates her current location.

I'm guessing if the last time they had her location was at 2:35 and it stopped after that, the phone may have then been shut off.

Just throwing in my 2 cents.

Eta: if they looked at 3 and the phone was no longer on the the last location would be shown
Last known location is displayed for 24 hours after the phone is dead or turned off.
My mom is Vanessa's moms age and she uses "ping" like a verb. She could be referring to anything from texting, finding me via an app, etc. So I think it depends on the field you work in, and perhaps even your age. We live in Central Mass if that helps. Until more information comes out, "ping" could mean a lot of things, but it is not information from her cell phone carrier. I'm assuming that the police are in contact with her carrier.

She would have had to leave Princeton by 4pm a the latest in order to make her bus in Worcester, so they were probably aiming to leave between 3:30-3:45 to play it safe. I have taken that bus route many times, and it's one that you would want to show up with plenty of time for. The NYC buses, especially on the weekend, tend to be crowded and if you don't want to get a terrible seat next to someone that smells, you get in the habit of showing up early. I think they probably started getting worried sooner than 3 because she would have needed to shower after running.
I'm at work. Trying to stay on top of the thread is not easy when you need to constantly minimize the screen. I may have missed a few things. Just trying to contribute the best I can.
I'm at work. Trying to stay on top of the thread is not easy when you need to constantly minimize the screen. I may have missed a few things. Just trying to contribute the best I can.

Hey, it happens.
Looking for any new news...

Authorities have not said how Marcotte died.
Investigators are trying to determine if she was sexually assaulted.


Some news sites are reporting that Marcotte's body was also found nude, and that authorities are investigating that she was either sexually assaulted or strangled, but police have not confirmed this information.

Police are not ruling out connection to New York jogger killing
Does anyone happen to know where the father lives? It sounds like her parents were divorced and the mother lived in Princeton with a sibling of hers and their spouse. But I'm not sure where the father lived. Perhaps in Leominster?

Also my mom mentioned that she heard they had to ask the father to stop help searching for his daughter because it was throwing off the search dogs. Not sure if she heard that on a local radio station or through the town rumor mill but I can find out.
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