MA - Vanessa Marcotte, 27, murdered, Princeton, 7 Aug 2016 #5

DNA Solves
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I continue to think it did not go as he planned with her level of fight which LE believes left some sort of marks on him and then he took further action after that happened. May have been impulsive at that point. I just see that as the turning point in what happened with this.

I see what your seeing here...but perhaps...just say if it was someone she was meeting up with and a normal encounter turned physical...wouldn't that also account for a sort of sudden amount of unplanned physical struggle taking place...
Also there were loads of tips about all different types of vehicles driving around that day, I remember reading in the PL multiple truck sightings and light colored vehicles .... yet 3 months later this is the one LE has chosen to focus feeling is they are only telling us a tiny piece of whybtheybthink this vehicle was involved...but I think they put the info out with far more backing and thorough checking then just a vehicle spotted a few times. So I don't take that info lightly.

Btw you just made me think of something....say they know vehicles revregistered to a male head of household but male head has a son and perhaps it was the son who drove it.....even if they have DNA...driving a dark SUV is not enough evidence to force someone to give over a DNA perhaps they think someone borrowed a vehicle from a family member and they need the family members collaboration to get enough evidence to subpoena for DNA.
That's part of what I was thinking unless the person would have access to the car for work maybe. I also wonder if they do more than one test maybe a lot of people have an SUV or the person they suspect was out of town for work. But I'm sure they would(if it's the persons car itself) be hiding it i the garage or something. Either that or they banked on knowing how many of that type of SUV are out there and aren't worried. Someone's post about a small evidence bag made me wonder what how small is and if it's the size of a lighter or knife. But I know they must be not telling us something that has prompted the DNA tests and actually would someone's kid have to willingly give DNA if under 18? Or would cops not be allowed to ask? Or what if this is a stolen SUV that a local took and abadoned? I mean if they're saying the SUV was parked but there then how could someone be dumb enough to do that? Unless clearly overly cocky and confident. And who knows the area and I think knows what he's doing. Also in reply to who was talking about why someone wouldn't use a gun, some like the up close and personal choking and bringing back to life on repeat method or straight choking and watching the life go out of their eyes and knowing they did it with their own hands and likely gets off on it(wonder if he could only be able to get off to weird stuff) and finds it empowering. To me a gun is not personal and says stranger but strangulation(not sure where I read she was or if it was only brief at one article near the first of the case) says personal and not random. Now if it was some sort of stabbing I would say it says personal and rage but because I never see the method discussed in a way that makes it seem they for sure have said how she was killed it makes me unsure. But that's mostly because I didn't expect this to take me until almost 6am to catch up and my brains asleep by now.
So technically she had her run clothes on but we don't know she even went and ran or walked or did someone spot her doing so? Also this app or whatever with run times is it something anyone besides active runners would check or use? I ask cause even if she changed he settings can her friends see them still? Or nobody? I agree about not knowing the times because I think if she turned around early like in the day before changing her settings then maybe she saw them again. Or if she was killed before getting far like KV then it could show the person lives in the neighborhood between her parents and the start of the wooded areas.

The running clothes are only highly likely, this isn't known for sure.
She probably had "friends" in the app. And those people could potentially still see her runs. The public can only see 17 runs from summer 2015
A struggle wouldn't just leave DNA in those 3 places though...and a perp who just got into it with her would obviously know that.

To me that's like falling down in the mud and then just cleaning up by washing your hands...obviously rather ineffective ... you know what I'm saying?

The thing on this topic that I posted about way back is this: IF he raped her or attempted to rape her AND IF the burning was to erase DNA, why would be not burn (or attempt to) her private parts? I'm not saying it would be easy to erase DNA (and he obviously didn't do so), but surely he would have attempted, at least briefly, while he was burning other parts of her.

This is a "one of these things doesn't belong" thing, IMO. Or if both these things are true - he raped/attempted to rape her and his motive for burning was to try to erase evidence, then he is not the brightest bulb in the bunch or was simply panicked and not thinking clearly.
As a longtime dedicated woman runner, I agree fully with your statement that she'd likely wear the same exercise clothing to walk in as she would to run in. This way she's not only most comfortable for a walk, but is also dressed to run should she decide to do a brief run if she was feeling it.

My thinking for Vanessa is a Under Armour type (not necessarily that brand) athletic shirt and typical running shorts. She probably had clothing from lululemon, as it specializes in women's yoga wear, but also has clothing that she could wear walking or running. FWIW, I do not see her as wearing what's essentially a sports bra as a shirt. In my experience, women who are "true" runners, as opposed to gym-type women who occasionally run, do not generally wear those. There are exceptions, of course. Sure many people saw the footage of Karina in the Queen's case - that's what she had on.

Appreciate the agreement on this. Sometimes I feel like I'm bashing my head against the wall, and maybe I'm way off. It's nice to have my running experiences resonate with someone!
I agree I think it's likely to SUV doesn't belong to the perp but I do think it was involved in someway with the murder that day. And I think the fact it doesn't belong to the perp is complicating things...

Even if they go to every house in Princeton with a dark SUV you then have to grille everyone in the house as to if someone else had acces to it that Sunday and then track that person down...and that's assuming the vehicle owners are being honest...and even if they are which dark SUV borrower to you follow up on?

I must confess it's creeping me out a bit that I know someone who grew up in Princeton is in their mid 30's, often drives their uncles old dark SUV (I want to say it's an old pathfinder or something), owns a business that would put him in close contact with girls btw the ages of 16-35...was having problems with his wife over the summer, has a history of infidelity, has a history of violence against women who don't put out for him, and currently lives the next town over. He is the type who can be suave and charming but there is a definite creepiness and coldness about him too. I certainly don't think I can just go around accusing random people I know with no proof...but I just can't help but think of him...especially when the dark SUV thing came out. But if it was him, I think I wouldn't be all that surprised.

Yeah, I remember you posted about this recently. Definitely sounds like a possibility. Him aside, must be creepy living in that area ....

That's if for me for now. Need to go out and make a buck ... :)
Keep in mind you said if you were seeing someone you would just go to his place or he to yours....but what if neither of those places are an option?...then it makes perfect sense to me you would use a cover no one would ever question (running) to see him...or at least perhaps a standing weekly appointment and that's were that got to say their goodbyes before she headed back.,

If she was seeing someone I don't think she would always meet them in the woods...but I can certainly see using running as a little cover to get a goodbye in without bringing attention to anything. It's what I would have done if I was in her shoes and seeing someone I wasn't ready to tell people about it. The thing with a good cover is, it's always best to use something you already do and no one would question, rather then to have to make up a new lie. Love is love is love...sometimes it speaks stronger then the mind.

We certainly do not know what VM did, but I do think it is a possibility and one that would explain many things in my mind regarding this case.

Regarding seeing her get on and off a bus...that really doesn't make any sense....given Worcester bus station is a 30 minute drive through at least two town backroads from the bus station to Princeton. So that wouldn't be realistic for someone to know her running or we she was headed from the bus stop of the just spotted her at the bus station.

In cases where the rare thing happened and I couldn't then we used the logging roads after we close or a friends place we ended up staying at after partying. But granted my bestfriends even know usually so it isn't secret but more secret from select people so it's possible she knew family and friends wouldn't approve and wanted it secret. Like I said nobody my age goes back home every weekend from a bigger town with more potentials to a smaller one unless for a man or crush. Now I don't know if her ex lives there that they said they ruled out but maybe she still wanted to fix things either way to me a man is definitely why someone would do that each weekend... for how long was it she did this btw? But I definitely agree about it being for a dude but I also know I used my own phone for talking to them because I wasn't trying to hide something to that extent but if the dude had it planned then I'm sure he could have had a burner cell. But the FBI or LE either didn't find any evidence that showed a guy or if they did they either ruled him out or they're trying to track him down. Part of me wondered when someone said black eye about some photo of her and the fact that Le announced clearing an ex or some article did made me think that maybe he caused it and she knows now she can't see him publically so she hides it from family and friends and LE finds evidence of them seeing each other or something and then cleared him. Cause think about the fact that they only mention one ex not every ex and every hook up but one specifically seeming like either he was the most recent one or they found text evidence of something between them or they believe or were told by family that he's obsessed or stalker like or abusive so they told cops(I'm sure they asked the parents if she had any exes like that) or they knew she had a weird encounter with him that weekend or something at the store or whatever that made them mention that specific one. If he wouldn't let her leave him maybe he's why she cut the jog short the one day. But basically I agree but think if she's hiding it that much and even from bestfriends then there's a reason and it's likely they won't approve. What's weird is that as far as we know her parents didn't find it off that she came every weekend unless she told them she was talking tk her ex but not back together. All just theories on my part but it's weird only one ex was mentioned and that just now occurred to me. It seemed personal if she was indeed strangled and I often wonder since at first it said rape or sexual assault but now you don't hear it mentioned if they found out anything sexual was willing and before he killed her cause something set him off maybe. I guess it's odd to see it not mentioned anymore when KV they usually mention having it done to her even still in articles.
I don't see it so black and white. There are many scenarios. For instance, he could be out of town, planning to target someone with the means to do it and looking around for a target, then sees her and carries it out (with what he has with him already). He could be from out of town and driving around and acts impulsively without the full plans ahead of time , not planned means to do it, etc. He could be in town and been watching her and planned how he will carry it out one day completely or he could be in town, fantasizing, then act impulsively when he sees her this day on a whim (without so much exact planning). He could know her through association, even having talked to her before in some prior activity or run in somewhere. He could know of her by only seeing her in the area. He could not know her or know of her at all. This is the issue. The scenarios go on and on which is what LE narrows down. Yet, we do not know what they have, so it leaves this very open to numerous possibilities.

**However, IMO - I agree with Joshua the fire was likely to remove his DNA, ***especially because a struggle was reported***, so specifically 'after' the struggle occurred and he knew his DNA was left behind. If he knew he is not in the 'system' yet, it points more to someone in the town being worried of the connection still being made compared to someone outside of the area who can take off and they may never make the connection.

Nice post !

Regarding the DNA, is it fair to say that IF the burning was a DNA Coverup, that a rape must not have occurred. What we be the point of burning off the DNA on the hands if you had obviously left DNA in places from which it is basically impossible to remove?

I guess there's The possibility that he was trying to " burn the whole place down", but the seemingly targeted burns on the face Hands and feet seem to me to suggest that he did not expect the whole place to burn, otherwise he could have just set a single fire instead of these targeted burns.
I don't see it so black and white. There are many scenarios. For instance, he could be out of town, planning to target someone with the means to do it and looking around for a target, then sees her and carries it out (with what he has with him already). He could be from out of town and driving around and acts impulsively without the full plans ahead of time , not planned means to do it, etc. He could be in town and been watching her and planned how he will carry it out one day completely or he could be in town, fantasizing, then act impulsively when he sees her this day on a whim (without so much exact planning). He could know her through association, even having talked to her before in some prior activity or run in somewhere. He could know of her by only seeing her in the area. He could not know her or know of her at all. This is the issue. The scenarios go on and on which is what LE narrows down. Yet, we do not know what they have, so it leaves this very open to numerous possibilities.

**However, IMO - I agree with Joshua the fire was likely to remove his DNA, ***especially because a struggle was reported***, so specifically 'after' the struggle occurred and he knew his DNA was left behind. If he knew he is not in the 'system' yet, it points more to someone in the town being worried of the connection still being made compared to someone outside of the area who can take off and they may never make the connection.
Well if we go off the he was in town theory and had the things to do it but needed the target then my mind says he could more easily be the killer of KV and that his job takes him for town to town traveling and he likely could get in and out and do his crime without detection. If he tries burning his DNA and failed then I feel he was startled or interrupted or his break was almost over or he had to get the car back and rushed off hoping the fire wouldn't finish the job but it didn't. That shows he knew the conditions could easily light a big fire but he failed cause he was cocky and assumed he did enough and it would finish burning. If her teeth had been damaged to where they couldn't be used to ID her then i would say he was trying to burn off finger prints and disfigure her face and body so she couldn't be ID'd because maybe people may assume he did it. But then again it's a small town and he would have to know the parents would call the cops so clearly they'd find her and know it's her but taking the clothes and all that feels also like trying to hide who it was and his DNA but maybe the shoe they found he had accidentally dropped in his rush because he was carrying her clothes etc. Again we know so little info we just have theories for now. But if this person does it at random but prepares what is needed first and goes to different towns then could he have a job related to the wilderness or something IF he was the killer of KV and ally brueger that is. Because each were in areas that were wooded. And because I believe he knew the conditions for if what he did could start a big fire. Or he could have been a local but moved away and was still obsessed with her and knew he would be in town and took his chance. Cause while it seems like a local I've not seen anyone ask if it could be someone who use to live there or someone who vacations there. Not sure if there are any vacation homes there but if so then maybe the dude rented the SUV and a house and went looking for prey hence it sounding like the cops saying the car drove around that day.
She went to BU. She was living there working for I want to say vistaprint (but don't quote me on that) when she took the job at google and moved to NYC about 1-1.5 years before her death.

But yes I think it's possible to put tracking on someone's phone without them knowing...especially if you were a tech savvy genius working at google...

Perhaps this suave tech savvy guy gave VM the creeps and it was part of the reason she left the city every wknd?

My college roommate of 3 years, and best college friend, works for google in San Fran. I've been to the office a few times. These people live a life most "regular" people like me and you (generally ) can only dream of. They are highly respected, make tons of money. Services provided for free in San Fran include a Starbucks like coffee in the building, everything is free. Three free meals a day at like 10 different restaurants in the complex. Free massages. National music acts visiting to play at lunch hour. Free transport to and from the office. The list goes on. These are overachievers and really pretty amazing people. My friend's IQ is through the roof and he tells me he feels stupid around his coworkers. So yes, they certainly have the intelligence to track her. And of course there are some crazy people out there. But you would really have to hide your crazy to get through the iron gate interview process at google. They really only hire top quality people. You have to fit their ideals, not just have the job skills. I just don't see it.being anyone from Google. There is a special culture there. Like I said, I know that crazy people can be anywhere. But IMO I don't think this individual worked for Google. Further, people of that level of intelligence wouldn't seem to commit this crime when and when and how it was done. I know we don't know the details, but for example, Google people would be very unlikely to leave a car where anyone can see it. They would also know that not hiding the body shortens your getaway time. JMO. WE have perhaps a smarter than average perp here, but he isn't "Google smart"
No she didn't have a very big SM presence. She had instagram which was quickly disabled after her death and FB which was set to private, and twitter which her last post was months earlier and about something she bought online or the e-commerce site she was trying to buy something from or something...and then map my run which she made private about a year before.
To be fair she could have Snapchat or tumblr or Pinterest but we never found it. I notice as someone who is stuck using social media to network work wise that every person seems to have one social media type they use more than others. Some people make more Snapchat stories some more IG posts etc or the cops removed it fast OR she disabled them after the day she changed the one privacy settings. Because I find it very hard to believe someone working st google would only have a small amount of social media stuff. I'm not saying it's not possible that she's the rare type who lacks a lot of social media presence but just find it unlikely with her job and having the same age as me. But I do agree with everyone saying it's a local and I believe either it's a current local or a local who's moved away or one who vacations there in the summer and has a house somewhere else also. Just nothing about the case feels random to me but it could be random but still by a local and they could have seen her that day then decided to do it making it still random and unplanned.
Nice post !

Regarding the DNA, is it fair to say that IF the burning was a DNA Coverup, that a rape must not have occurred. What we be the point of burning off the DNA on the hands if you had obviously left DNA in places from which it is basically impossible to remove?

I guess there's The possibility that he was trying to " burn the whole place down", but the seemingly targeted burns on the face Hands and feet seem to me to suggest that he did not expect the whole place to burn, otherwise he could have just set a single fire instead of these targeted burns.

With the draught if he wanted to burn the whole place down, it wouldn't have been difficult.
She went to Boston University.

I posted previously on the DNA testing you're talking about in response to someone posting a link about it. I recall ThinkHard did, too. It's called familiar DNA searching. NY LE is petitioning to use it in the Queen's case.
How close is that to where her parents live? Yes I know about that testing and oddly awhile back(and this could be the same as familiar DNA but was worded differently) i read some article about using the DNA to find out his race and I believe they said reconstruct a face(it was a video that showed this) based on the DNA showing his background as far as being French and Irish etc or whatever and then make estimates on what the face may look like. They recognized that it can be wrong about how the face looks but that it can tell the race and ethnicity. The way it was talked about seemed even less used than familiar DNA is and almost as if it's a new program someone created within recent years that's rarely used but I saw the video weeks ago and can't recall all the specific details.
My college roommate of 3 years, and best college friend, works for google in San Fran. I've been to the office a few times. These people live a life most "regular" people like me and you (generally ) can only dream of. They are highly respected, make tons of money. Services provided for free in San Fran include a Starbucks like coffee in the building, everything is free. Three free meals a day at like 10 different restaurants in the complex. Free massages. National music acts visiting to play at lunch hour. Free transport to and from the office. The list goes on. These are overachievers and really pretty amazing people. My friend's IQ is through the roof and he tells me he feels stupid around his coworkers. So yes, they certainly have the intelligence to track her. And of course there are some crazy people out there. But you would really have to hide your crazy to get through the iron gate interview process at google. They really only hire top quality people. You have to fit their ideals, not just have the job skills. I just don't see it.being anyone from Google. There is a special culture there. Like I said, I know that crazy people can be anywhere. But IMO I don't think this individual worked for Google. Further, people of that level of intelligence wouldn't seem to commit this crime when and when and how it was done. I know we don't know the details, but for example, Google people would be very unlikely to leave a car where anyone can see it. They would also know that not hiding the body shortens your getaway time. JMO. WE have perhaps a smarter than average perp here, but he isn't "Google smart"

Sociopaths are very very very good at faking it...they can be some of the most charming people you will ever meet.

They lack intrinsic empathy not expressive empathy. They are still capable of being completely engaging...the can be experts at studying the human condition and they use it to their advantage.

So it would be very very easy for someone like that to fit into that world...very easy.

Also keep in mind he hasn't been caught yet, so he did something "right" and who's to say staging wasn't part of the make people doubt aspects of it...if that was his motive, well it's clearly working...and that's pretty smart if you ask me.

I'm not saying it is a google employee but I disagree with you entirely that it couldn't be a google employee ... google isn't perfect, their employees are not perfect...VM was not perfect. It sort of seems like your glorifying a company and a human to these untouchable can do no wrong calibers or perpetuating stereotypes over reality....and too me life just doesn't work like that.

The most dangerous people I have known have been polished and well dressed ... smart dangerous people know that they can use their charms to win people over and not be suspected...I fear them more then a punk in an alley.
Your post was in response to one of ForensicMass's posts where he mentions she was strangled.

I have definitely read in the media that she was strangled, as well. The source - don't know, as I'm not keeping notes, but I have a good memory. Now, of course, that media source (or sources, plural) could be wrong, but it is out there. And I don't think even rags with poor journalistic standards would include a cause of death if they didn't have a solid source. But most anything is possible.

I'd imagine the person who you responded to will have a response for you. He just went through all the old stuff at once, so info should be very fresh in his mind.

The strangulation-
To clarify, several media sources reported that she "may" have been strangled. I haven't seen it explicity stated that she was in fact strangled for sure. But the media obviously isn't randomly guessing this. People are right though, we aren't technically certain she was strangled. But it seems likely and makes sense with the known details of the crime. From what LE has said, "the killer likely has cuts scrapes and bruises, and possibly an Eye injury". These are certainly consistent with injuries someone would incur while trying to strangle someone. Also, if we believe the perp dragged her 100 feet into the woods as she stuggled he was certainly physically strong. And if he killed her by the road how would there have been so much struggle? And what method would be used at the roadside that is more discrete? Also, strangling is a method often employed in crimes that occur or develop suddenly, as I believe this did.
So I accept it as the COD, albeit with a slight degree of uncertainty.
How close is that to where her parents live? Yes I know about that testing and oddly awhile back(and this could be the same as familiar DNA but was worded differently) i read some article about using the DNA to find out his race and I believe they said reconstruct a face(it was a video that showed this) based on the DNA showing his background as far as being French and Irish etc or whatever and then make estimates on what the face may look like. They recognized that it can be wrong about how the face looks but that it can tell the race and ethnicity. The way it was talked about seemed even less used than familiar DNA is and almost as if it's a new program someone created within recent years that's rarely used but I saw the video weeks ago and can't recall all the specific details.

About an hour.
With the draught if he wanted to burn the whole place down, it wouldn't have been difficult.

Totally agree. In fact I can't see a way that he could have left ANY fire unattended without the whole thing lighting up. I related some stories about this earlier. I've accidentally set fires in conditions that were not nearly as ideal. I lean toward any fire being out at the time he left. Which would mean the fire was small and concentrated, otherwise he'd have needed some special
Means to extinguish it.
She went to BU. She was living there working for I want to say vistaprint (but don't quote me on that) when she took the job at google and moved to NYC about 1-1.5 years before her death.

But yes I think it's possible to put tracking on someone's phone without them knowing...especially if you were a tech savvy genius working at google...

Perhaps this suave tech savvy guy gave VM the creeps and it was part of the reason she left the city every wknd?
Is vistaprint a tech related job? The guy could be someone she has tech classes with and hasn't graduated left which shows why door to door DNA may not find him unless his family live in that area. But it would explain the self defense class post which I believe she either went to or planned to go to. And even if not local or a local I believe this person is tech savvy maybe has hacking skills of some sort. Or if they worked for something specific like Apple or something then maybe they'd be able to hack into her info that way and track her. This person seems smart and determined if he went tonthe trouble to do that and if he's that obsessed and someone she works with then to me he could see KV and be reminded of her and attacked. I don't know if I've seen this asked but did she ever run anywhere near Howard beach or if KV had the same app that shows her runs then is there any location they both use in New York? I mean they could both belong to some joggers groups on social media and he work there. I wonder if anyone besides LE looked at tinder and dating sites because someone super busy may use sites like that to date. I mean I want to say if I never have needed to use one then I doubt she has but you never know. I wonder if any creepy social media pages have been made with her name or photos... I would look but it's now almost 7am and I would never sleep. Also I wonder if she had one of those apple watches or Nike fitbits that someone could steal or get into and figure out her locations and such. She seems the type to have one with being serious enough to have the runners app. Also with her love for yoga I wonder if she went to any classes for it like a lot of people do such as hot yoga etc cause just one more place to get a stalker and if like at my gym they have the classes there then she easily could have a guy make conversation and find out stuff. I mean I actually had a dude approach me at the bar/club and i forget what the actual words he used were but they essentially were about my purse. He was creepy enough that he saw my bag sitting near the machine and remembered it and then approached me however long after and actually kept hitting on me anytime he saw me after so I believe plenty of creepy guys hangout at gyms and this dude was coast guard so he you'd think would be normal seeming... and i know plenty of yoga isn't at the gym and some is outdoors in parks so I feel if she loves it that much then she attends something most likely or has at least and that's just one more place to pick up a stalker.
Also I should say the self defense classes she mentions would someone be looking into them or taking them if they just got creeped out on weekends? I think if it was posted after KV then whatever creeped her out before and made her potentially change her settings scared her even more for some reason and maybe they'd approached her or sent her a weird message or drove by one too many times. Something caused it and made her want to get others to also take the classes for their safety. Could just be the KV thing but it doesn't feel that way to me.
Sociopaths are very very very good at faking it...they can be some of the most charming people you will ever meet.

They lack intrinsic empathy not expressive empathy. They are still capable of being completely engaging...the can be experts at studying the human condition and they use it to their advantage.

So it would be very very easy for someone like that to fit into that world...very easy.

Also keep in mind he hasn't been caught yet, so he did something "right" and who's to say staging wasn't part of the make people doubt aspects of it...if that was his motive, well it's clearly working...and that's pretty smart if you ask me.

I'm not saying it is a google employee but I disagree with you entirely that it couldn't be a google employee ... google isn't perfect, their employees are not perfect...VM was not perfect. It sort of seems like your glorifying a company and a human to these untouchable can do no wrong calibers or perpetuating stereotypes over reality....and too me life just doesn't work like that.

The most dangerous people I have known have been polished and well dressed ... smart dangerous people know that they can use their charms to win people over and not be suspected...I fear them more then a punk in an alley.

I didn't say it "couldn't" be a google employee. I just think it very very unlikely. If it were anyone as clever as the people I know at google, she would still be a missing person and we would be discussing where she might have run off to. JMO.

I'm not glorifying the company or the people. If someone from google did it, they didn't allow a car to be seen there. They didn't leave her where she could be found in a matter of hours. I mean, these are things that even I know, and I'm borderline special needs compared to these people. They are brilliant people by and large. And not just in one micro field.
Sociopaths are very very very good at faking it...they can be some of the most charming people you will ever meet.

They lack intrinsic empathy not expressive empathy. They are still capable of being completely engaging...the can be experts at studying the human condition and they use it to their advantage.

So it would be very very easy for someone like that to fit into that world...very easy.

Also keep in mind he hasn't been caught yet, so he did something "right" and who's to say staging wasn't part of the make people doubt aspects of it...if that was his motive, well it's clearly working...and that's pretty smart if you ask me.

I'm not saying it is a google employee but I disagree with you entirely that it couldn't be a google employee ... google isn't perfect, their employees are not perfect...VM was not perfect. It sort of seems like your glorifying a company and a human to these untouchable can do no wrong calibers or perpetuating stereotypes over reality....and too me life just doesn't work like that.

The most dangerous people I have known have been polished and well dressed ... smart dangerous people know that they can use their charms to win people over and not be suspected...I fear them more then a punk in an alley.

Trying madly to catch up on this busy forum.
I believe a company can do background checks etc. and people can still harbor many secrets. No one is perfect.
Even though local has screamed in my head from the beginning I also entertained the idea that it might be someone that she works with as they would know what she did on weekends as everyone talks around the bubbler so to say and a suave charming supposed braniac with charm could gleam that information with no problem.
You can get comfortable with people never thinking that they are thinking of doing horrible things to you.
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