Madeleine McCann 3 year old missing in Portugal - Part 11

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The McCanns stated that the reason they did not hire a sitter or use the evening creche was because they were uneasy about leaving the children with strangers. I seriously doubt that they interviewed every creche worker and thereby determined that those that worked in the evening could not be trusted but those that worked in the daytime could. The point is that they said they did not want to leave their children with strangers and yet, they did, everyday.

The one thing that does not fit with an editing is the laugh by the filmer after he says what he does. Do you know where you saw another version where he doesn't say that?

Sorry Colo I don't. I have read 1000 articles since this happened and watched 100 videos. I want to say Sky but my memory is shot..
My interpretation to Mrs. Fenn's "It's rubbish" was her anger about how the JP waited three months before getting around to talking to her.
That may be true but she also said what the press have reported her as saying is rubbish, and that she had never spoken to any them.
Could a four year old really identify anyone? In the dark, in and out so quickly. All he would have to say is, "I'm here to fix the plumbing" or some other story, if she awoke. Later she might say "a dark haired man was here." Good luck finding him then!

Most burglars are very good at getting in and out quickly. Especially if the timeline about visits is true--he would have to be very lucky or be watching the apartment to time the checks.

Texana - I think some 3 1/2 - 4 year olds could be pretty clear in describing or identifying depending on their vocabulary and how much they talk with adults (IMO). I think my 3 1/2 year old would be able to tell me what someone looked like and then point him out.
Texana - I think some 3 1/2 - 4 year olds could be pretty clear in describing or identifying depending on their vocabulary and how much they talk with adults (IMO). I think my 3 1/2 year old would be able to tell me what someone looked like and then point him out.

Maybe so, but in the dark if a child was awake, would the burglar then kill the child, or flee? To me, the burglar theory is the weakest one because it doesn't fit the usual pattern of thieves.
I think this is about the M's out drinking and cutting up THEN going to pick up their kids from the creche and having to deal with trying to settle them down so late so they themselves could 'pass out'. MUCH easier to leave the kids in bed all tucked in for the night and possibly 'dosed' up so when they themselves came in tipsy they could just 'crash'. No dealing with little ones... I think that is why they didn't want to use the baby sitting service. Obviously it had nothing to do with them not trusting them since they did leave them there during the day.. AND we have all seen them taking the twins there since!

Exactly! We used to joke with other parents back when we used babysitters, about staying out long enough to make sure the sitter put the kids to bed!

I truly believe that's the reason they didn't use the night time creche. They justified it by saying it was better for the children to be asleep in the room, than to be woken up at eleven or so and carried back to the room awake and who knows, maybe be awake for a couple of hours after that. (The power nap effect!)
My sister sent me this in an email and I wanted to share it with you guys:

"27th August; the day the Whole World is waiting for .....Planet Mars will be the brightest in the night sky starting in August. It will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. This will culminate on August 27 when Mars comes within 34.65 Million miles of earth. Be sure to watch the sky on August 27. It will look like the earth has 2 moons. The next time Mars comes this close again is in 2287 (280 years in the future).

Share this with your friends as NO ONE ALIVE TODAY will ever see it again."

Wouldn't it be great if Madeleine were found alive on that day??? :dance: I know, I know.....I am such a Pollyanna I am almost pathetic. I would probably even be cute if it weren't for the huge bags under my eyes from having stayed on this computer all night. :crazy: In any case, I guess the Shawn Hornbeck case and Elizabeth Smart case will always inspire me to dream.
My sister sent me this in an email and I wanted to share it with you guys:

"27th August; the day the Whole World is waiting for .....Planet Mars will be the brightest in the night sky starting in August. It will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. This will culminate on August 27 when Mars comes within 34.65 Million miles of earth. Be sure to watch the sky on August 27. It will look like the earth has 2 moons. The next time Mars comes this close again is in 2287 (280 years in the future).

Share this with your friends as NO ONE ALIVE TODAY will ever see it again."

Wouldn't it be great if Madeleine were found alive on that day??? :dance: I know, I know.....I am such a Pollyanna I am almost pathetic. I would probably even be cute if it weren't for the huge bags under my eyes from having stayed on this computer all night. :crazy: In any case, I guess the Shawn Hornbeck case and Elizabeth Smart case will always inspire me to dream.
hun that is a hoax.
Exactly! We used to joke with other parents back when we used babysitters, about staying out long enough to make sure the sitter put the kids to bed!

I truly believe that's the reason they didn't use the night time creche. They justified it by saying it was better for the children to be asleep in the room, than to be woken up at eleven or so and carried back to the room awake and who knows, maybe be awake for a couple of hours after that. (The power nap effect!)

I wouldn't want to carry my sleeping child around either. This explains why they wouldn't want to leave the kids at the creche, but it doesn't explain why they chose not to use in room babysitting service, also offered by the resort.
The list is thorough, but we're no closer to finding out what happened to Madeleine today than we were 16 weeks ago.

Isn't that the truth? This is all so frustrating. This feels so much like the JBR case. So few answers and leads. :mad:
" . . . The parents of missing Madeleine McCann will not take legal action over a series of alleged smears against them in the Portuguese media, a family spokeswoman has said.

But the couple are said to be incensed over alleged claims about their daughter's disappearance in the local media. . ."

ahhhh brings back memories of the Ramsey's. Wonder if Lin Wood volunteered to be the Mccann's lawyer? (Just kidding since the Mccan's live outside the US.)
" . . . The parents of missing Madeleine McCann will not take legal action over a series of alleged smears against them in the Portuguese media, a family spokeswoman has said.

But the couple are said to be incensed over alleged claims about their daughter's disappearance in the local media. . ."

That's big of them. You'd think they had more on their mind than worrying about what the press has to say, considering that they do still have a missing daughter.

Not to stray off-topic: August is the actual month that Mars hit opposition in 2003 and was very bright in the sky... but nowhere near moon-size bright or moon-size in sight. This "hoax" has been going around for 4 years now, and in actuallity, this year opposition doesn't happen until Christmas Eve, and even then it will be nowhere as bright as it was in 2003. It will be nothing more than a bright red star in the sky. So say this, your fellow board astronomer.

Back on-topic: does anyone know if the McCann's were ever given a polygraph? is that even a technique allowed in the EU?
That's big of them. You'd think they had more on their mind than worrying about what the press has to say, considering that they do still have a missing daughter.
Damned if they do....Damned if they don't then.
Not to stray off-topic: August is the actual month that Mars hit opposition in 2003 and was very bright in the sky... but nowhere near moon-size bright or moon-size in sight. This "hoax" has been going around for 4 years now, and in actuallity, this year opposition doesn't happen until Christmas Eve, and even then it will be nowhere as bright as it was in 2003. It will be nothing more than a bright red star in the sky. So say this, your fellow board astronomer.

Back on-topic: does anyone know if the McCann's were ever given a polygraph? is that even a technique allowed in the EU?

I too would be very interested to know if the McCanns or their friends were given a polygraph test, even if it isnt allowed in Portugal, with the british helping with the investigation they should be able to arrange it, and if the McCanns and their friends have nothing to hide they would agree to take it. Also has DNA samples been taken from the McCanns and friends, I cant remember if they have or not, so much seems to be happening but nothing is being solved, and with everything that has been said, televised etc, my brain just doesnt seem to handle all the rot I have seen and read.
That's big of them. You'd think they had more on their mind than worrying about what the press has to say, considering that they do still have a missing daughter.
In the interest of fairness: Quote from the same article:
". . .Kate and Gerry McCann's spokeswoman Justine McGuinness stated the pair were not considering legal action against Ms Felgueiras.
She said: "Kate and Gerry are not planning to sue anyone. They are focused on finding Madeleine." . . ."

I bolded one part to make it stand out, in the interest of fairness.
In the interest of fairness: Quote from the same article:
". . .Kate and Gerry McCann's spokeswoman Justine McGuinness stated the pair were not considering legal action against Ms Felgueiras.
She said: "Kate and Gerry are not planning to sue anyone. They are focused on finding Madeleine." . . ."

I bolded one part to make it stand out, in the interest of fairness.
I thought I read somewhere the spokeswoman Justine McGuinness was sacked by the McCanns, if wrong I apologise.
Damned if they do....Damned if they don't then.

I was talking about their decision to sue or not sue the journalist and nothing else.

Neither from Portuguese sources, I might add.

I'm beginning to think that the McCanns make very impulsive, off-the-cuff decisions without a lot of thought about the long term picture, and then some PR person has to come up behind them and clean up their messes. That's the best explanation I can give for one media source claiming they're going to file suit, and a later one denying it.

I also find it very interesting how the McCanns and their friends are crying foul now that fingers are being pointed at them. Unfortunately for them, the statistics are working against them. Many times when something happens to a child, the parents are responsible. There are a lot of things I've seen the McCanns do and say that I've never come across with any other parent of a missing child, especially this early in the investigation. And suing a newspaper is one of them. Even the Ramseys waited several years before bringing suit against people who were openly accusing them of killing JonBenet.
I thought I read somewhere the spokeswoman Justine McGuinness was sacked by the McCanns, if wrong I apologise.

David Hughes was hired to take her place, but it seems she hasn't stepped down yet. And to the best of my knowledge, it's never been said whether she quit or was sacked.

BTW, I don't think they were polygraphed. I read somewhere that Portugal doesn't use them. But if I were the parent of a missing child and innocent of any wrong-doing, I'd insist on one, as long as it was administered fairly.
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