Madeleine McCann 3 year old missing in Portugal - Part 11

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Most burglars are aware that they leave DNA, which, if the burglar theory is correct, may be why he took her.

DNA has to be matched to a known suspect. And given how well the JP controlled the crime scene, it doesn't seem to have been any one's concern.
Correct me if I am wrong but didn't I read that you could hire a sitter to come to your room for the children. If that is the case, they would not have had to carry any sleeping children.

As Lanie also noted.

No explanation for that one other than the one given, that they didn't want to leave their children with strangers, which they already did all day.
in Diario de Noticias today (Aug 24):

Copied from: post #284

PJ finds delay in Birmingham analyzes strange

After two weeks waiting for results from analyzes performed in the lab in Birmingham, England, to blood samples that were detected in the apartment where Madeleine McCann disappeared from, as well as from residues that were collected from several vehicles, Policia Judiciaria (PJ) is starting to “find the delay strange”, especially after the information leak to a British newspaper, which guaranteed that the blood is not from Maddie, but from a man of northern origin, who had been there before the McCanns’ holidays.

This is because the Forensic Science Service, which is specialized in determining DNA from very deteriorated samples, could have the results in 48 hours if they had given the case maximum priority, as DN could discover. The only plausible explanation is related to the “confusion” that exists with the trash from a vacuum-cleaner bag, which contains all sorts of material, like fibers, hair, dust, textile samples, as DN had mentioned. The lab experts, who refuse to indicate a deadline for the conclusion of the work, is having difficulties in separating the material and finding out what is important to analyze.
In Portugal Diario on Aug 23:

Copied from: post #285

Maddie is ‘seen’ every day

PJ confesses they receive information on sightings of the girl every day, but they don’t know the recent case in Spain. In Portugal there are no dogs that are able to detect the same smell as the two English dogs that were in the Algarve: “Those are unique dogs in the world”
I agree wtih this synopsis but I add to it. As of two days ago I no longer believe the checking on the children rotations as put forth by the Mccaans. The whole set up is unbelievable. Aside from the obivous danger and disregard for the children the set up is completley unrelaxing and overly disruptive for the adults. If people were comming and going as often as claimed nobody could have been relaxing or playing trivia and drinking the way they were alledgedly drinking. The evening as described by the adults nolonger makes sense to me. I should add that if anyone knows me here they know I always lean on the side of innocence and respecting the right of anyone to be treated as not guilty. Hence my team Humanity tag. So this is a huge change for me. But this time I do not believe in the innocence of these parents anymore


I completely agree with you mjak. The kids were not checked on. If they were at all it certainly was not every 15 minutues. That in itself is a joke when you consider the length these folks had to jog drunk to get there.
in Correio da Manha today (Aug 24):

Copied from: post #286

English dogs denounced residue
Blood found in the McCanns’ van

The Policia Judiciaria collected a residue which the English dogs identified as being blood, in the car that was rented by the McCanns. The biological sample was sent to the Birmingham lab, but the result is not known yet.

The collection of the sample has confused the investigation. This is because the car was rented by the McCanns over a month after Madeleine disappeared, which means the child could never have traveled in the vehicle. And in doubt of what residue this is – if it really is human blood, if it is possible to define a genetic profile, if it coincides with the 4-year old child -, the investigators keep all scenarios open. Nobody assumes publicly that the parents are suspects, but the possibility of their involvement is not being dismissed either.

As CM could further discover, at least one more organic residue was collected in the car of one of the family’s friends. It is unknown, in this case, whether it is a blood trace or some other residue, like saliva or even a blood stain.
Correct me if I am wrong but didn't I read that you could hire a sitter to come to your room for the children. If that is the case, they would not have had to carry any sleeping children.

Yes but anyone with kids knows how kids act with a babysitter. Parents get in late, kids are up late watching TV, eating, etc. Still the parents chore to get them in bed AFTER they have been drinking sugar drinks, and popsicles supplied by the babysitter all night.
MUCH easier IF they dosed the kids and have them in lala land by the time mommy and daddy stumble in....

Revealed: what happened the night Madeleine went missing

The dogs smelled the cadaver smell on a beach.

The (beach)trail that was found by the dog matches the theories that were presented by the South-African specialist that was hired by the family.

Dianne Webster, the grandmother of two of the children that were at the Ocean Club, did not confirm that organization of the couples to check their children in the apartments, and said each was responsible for ‘watching’ their own children. There are also mismatching versions about who got up during dinner to go to the bedrooms.

As has been discussed before, Matthew Oldfield did or didn't see Madeleine at about 945-50. If what Dianne Webster is said to have said is accurate, doesn't this mean that Oldfield must have been especially requested to look in on the McCann tots? Although the Oldfield kid(s) had a sitter, it would not be odd for the parents to look in during the evening, and I can imagine Gerry asking him to "look in on our kids, would you, as long as you're up and making the extremely short walk over there".

And if he did, then why would Kate jump up 5 minutes later to check her kids- she had been at Tapas for at least 1 1/2 hours without going there?
Is it just me or does this case seem to be going around in circles? We're getting the same information over and over again, but from different newspapers, posted as new until I don't know who to believe anymore.

Which is why, ladies and gentlemen, it is a bad thing to leave your children alone and unattended while you go out and get drunk.

Good work, colomom, as usual! You are the eyes and ears for all of us. :clap: :clap:
Did Oldfield mention that he didn't actually go and see the children?

Knowing that Madeleine had been crying the night before (reportedly) was Kate alarmed by the silence Oldfield reported?

Maybe that's why she leaped up only five minutes after he returned.
Did Oldfield mention that he didn't actually go and see the children?

Knowing that Madeleine had been crying the night before (reportedly) was Kate alarmed by the silence Oldfield reported?

Maybe that's why she leaped up only five minutes after he returned.

I wonder if Mathew Oldfield is going to be the next sacrificial lamb. He didn't actually look in on the children, just listened at the door, so it was almost an hour between Gerry and Kate. And even Gerry didn't actually see Madeleine, so who knows when she was abducted... if she was.

BTW, there was a huge furor over at Aussie Mike's blog today.

Date time: August 25, 2007 2:27:00 AM

Apparently Gerry McCann's sisters were on the Richard and Judy talk show in the UK, which several of the forum posters watched live. The sisters reported that Madeleine was definitely abducted because Jane Tanner saw "Madeleine being carried away". When asked by the show hosts if they were sure it was her, they replied it definitely was because the child looked like her and was wearing the same pajamas.

So, are they saying that Jane Tanner is now positive she saw Madeleine being carried away that night? And if so, why didn't JT say something to the McCanns at the time? It makes me wonder if the specific information was even shared with the PJ. Or if they're just making things up.
(From: )

Portugal's National Newspaper in English

I wanted to post this link so I can access it again in the future. My normal (and favorite) computer is a MAC and I can only access this from my PC, on which I am not allowed to add bookmarks (long story).

This is an interview with Sousa which shows just how closely the PJ have been working with their British counterparts. I was very happy to read that.
As Lanie also noted.

No explanation for that one other than the one given, that they didn't want to leave their children with strangers, which they already did all day.

I actually considered that they didn't want to call it a night when the sitter's time was over, at this resort I believe it was 11:00 pm. We know via the woman upstairs, the night one of the children (presumedly Maddie), cried for over an hour and a half, they didn't return until atleast 11:45. So in other words, they didn't want to be bound by another's schedule.
I wonder if Mathew Oldfield is going to be the next sacrificial lamb. He didn't actually look in on the children, just listened at the door, so it was almost an hour between Gerry and Kate. And even Gerry didn't actually see Madeleine, so who knows when she was abducted... if she was.

BTW, there was a huge furor over at Aussie Mike's blog today.

Date time: August 25, 2007 2:27:00 AM

Apparently Gerry McCann's sisters were on the Richard and Judy talk show in the UK, which several of the forum posters watched live. The sisters reported that Madeleine was definitely abducted because Jane Tanner saw "Madeleine being carried away". When asked by the show hosts if they were sure it was her, they replied it definitely was because the child looked like her and was wearing the same pajamas.

So, are they saying that Jane Tanner is now positive she saw Madeleine being carried away that night? And if so, why didn't JT say something to the McCanns at the time? It makes me wonder if the specific information was even shared with the PJ. Or if they're just making things up.

Gee if I saw a strange man hurrying away with my good friend's child in the dark in a foreign country OR ANY country when I knew she was supposed to be in bed asleep.. I think I would I would start screaming and shouting in that second raising the roof INSTEAD of waiting DAYS to say...oh BTW....

yeah whatever... They are all full of BS.:mad:
I actually considered that they didn't want to call it a night when the sitter's time was over, at this resort I believe it was 11:00 pm. We know via the woman upstairs, the night one of the children (presumedly Maddie), cried for over an hour and a half, they didn't return until atleast 11:45. So in other words, they didn't want to be bound by another's schedule.

I have read somewhere, sorry no link, that Madeleine was crying, Daddy, Daddy, I'm hungry, I'm hungry. Apparently when the story was translated into Portugese, and then back into English, it was Daddy, Daddy, I eat, I eat.
I have read somewhere, sorry no link, that Madeleine was crying, Daddy, Daddy, I'm hungry, I'm hungry. Apparently when the story was translated into Portugese, and then back into English, it was Daddy, Daddy, I eat, I eat.

I've actually read this other places, and according to a Portuguese woman on another forum, it's a mis-translation. "Papa" is Portuguese for Daddy. But papa is also a baby talk word for food.
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