Madeleine McCann 3 year old missing in Portugal - Part 7

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Being new to this site, it apears that a lot of the opinions are based on information carried in articles in the press.

I know this is the only way people can air their views but, as an ex-journalist - and having had to read every national and local newspaper for years - I can confirm that only around 50 percent of the information in newspaper articles is generally true. The problem is - as someone once said - that you don't know which half.

Journalists are employed to write stories - and, today, if they can't get one, their jobs are at risk. Many of the discussions here are abstractions from 'facts' that may not be true. Only be reading the police reports willl you be able to get a better picture, but even then - the information in them need not be necessarily true.

People's memories are selective ... ask yourself what time you carried out certain actions yesterday and describe exactly what your neighbour was wearing.

Therefore unless you have direct access to statements, most of what is written about is conjecture. And quite a lot of it seems to be based on TV detective movies, where one of the characters is the murderer - unmasked by the detective, with via a complicated plot.

The McCanns are clearly 'evil' characters to some people, who may not know the real circumstances of the case. Someone has expressed it odd that the mother did not go out looking for the child.

If you have ever seena gathered world's press - you will know why.
It is in the interests of the press to find the child (as a worldwide story). They've got almost infinite resources and they are not bound by the moral code that the police are. Also there is a massive reward in place. If a gang was involved - it is this reward. that may produce results... and the reward money came from the publicity.

In fact, if my child ever goes missing, the first phone call will be to the police, the second to the local news agency.

The McCanns are taking the only line possible - keeping the case in the public eye, by any means possible. Because they have no alternative. It's 'lucky' that Mrs McCann is relatively photogenic , as if she wasn't - and Madelaine wasn't so pretty - most of the current coverage would have died out by now.

I read that someone on this thread thought that it was significant that one of the party was an anaesthetics specialist? Why? The parents are doctors - They know that a well known pain-killer for children would do the trick if they want the children to go to sleep.

As for what I think about them leaving their children for even 30 minutes? I find this inexplicable, as doctors know that children can choke or vomit within minutes.

This should be clearly be investigated - it is also the way for the British police and authorities to get more involved in this case.... And the British police give regular factual statements to the press.

With everyone else, I am hoping for her safe return.
Being new to this site, it apears that a lot of the opinions are based on information carried in articles in the press.

I know this is the only way people can air their views but, as an ex-journalist - and having had to read every national and local newspaper for years - I can confirm that only around 50 percent of the information in newspaper articles is generally true. The problem is - as someone once said - that you don't know which half.

Journalists are employed to write stories - and, today, if they can't get one, their jobs are at risk. Many of the discussions here are abstractions from 'facts' that may not be true. Only be reading the police reports willl you be able to get a better picture, but even then - the information in them need not be necessarily true.

People's memories are selective ... ask yourself what time you carried out certain actions yesterday and describe exactly what your neighbour was wearing.

Therefore unless you have direct access to statements, most of what is written about is conjecture. And quite a lot of it seems to be based on TV detective movies, where one of the characters is the murderer - unmasked by the detective, with via a complicated plot.

The McCanns are clearly 'evil' characters to some people, who may not know the real circumstances of the case. Someone has expressed it odd that the mother did not go out looking for the child.

If you have ever seena gathered world's press - you will know why.
It is in the interests of the press to find the child (as a worldwide story). They've got almost infinite resources and they are not bound by the moral code that the police are. Also there is a massive reward in place. If a gang was involved - it is this reward. that may produce results... and the reward money came from the publicity.

In fact, if my child ever goes missing, the first phone call will be to the police, the second to the local news agency.

The McCanns are taking the only line possible - keeping the case in the public eye, by any means possible. Because they have no alternative. It's 'lucky' that Mrs McCann is relatively photogenic , as if she wasn't - and Madelaine wasn't so pretty - most of the current coverage would have died out by now.

I read that someone on this thread thought that it was significant that one of the party was an anaesthetics specialist? Why? The parents are doctors - They know that a well known pain-killer for children would do the trick if they want the children to go to sleep.

As for what I think about them leaving their children for even 30 minutes? I find this inexplicable, as doctors know that children can choke or vomit within minutes.

This should be clearly be investigated - it is also the way for the British police and authorities to get more involved in this case.... And the British police give regular factual statements to the press.

With everyone else, I am hoping for her safe return.
I think most of us that post regularly here on this thread realise that you cant believe half of what you read in the press, but the actions of the parents and the way they have gone about finding her or lack of looking for her is what makes this case different from other cases about missing children. The parents lack of responsibility in regards to the welfare of their children has kept this story in the headlines, not what the parents have or havent done to find their daughter, as stated in earlier posts the parents seem to want the public eye on them as the ideal perfect family, which of course is not true. Now that the McCanns and their friends are being looked into more by the LE, and more criticism thrust at them in regards to their lack of parental skills, there is not very much news available to the public, we do not know what has happened and if the parent or friends have shed any light on the whereabout of Madelaine.
So without ranting on anymore, I hope that we do here something that will lead us to Madelaine, and am hoping that the LE do have information that will hasten this process.
Being new to this site, it apears that a lot of the opinions are based on information carried in articles in the press.

I know this is the only way people can air their views but, as an ex-journalist - and having had to read every national and local newspaper for years - I can confirm that only around 50 percent of the information in newspaper articles is generally true. The problem is - as someone once said - that you don't know which half.
This should be clearly be investigated - it is also the way for the British police and authorities to get more involved in this case.... And the British police give regular factual statements to the press.

With everyone else, I am hoping for her safe return.

Hello MrsMouse,

Welcome, and thank you very much for your contribution.

It is very frustrating to all of us that there is not more information available to us. We have learned alot about how the news media selectively releases details and witholds controversial information. Many of our friends in the UK are very upset with their normally tenacious media.

I think part of the reason that the McCanns have been vilified by some is a direct result of this lack of information. But, it is much more than that. For many it is a "gut instinct" that something is very wrong and that we are being deceived. We can see it in body language and hear it in freudian slips. I read an article ( that seemed to explained some people's behavior:

There are a couple of reasons for this phenomenon. First, it seems that it is human nature to dislike ambiguity. People like to be able to classify things into distinct categories -- good vs. bad, right vs. wrong, black vs. white. This very aspect of human nature has led to countless problems throughout history. Because of this mentality, people want their bad guys to be bad and their good guys to be good, not to be left with the uneasy feeling of not knowing whether to like or dislike a given character. After all, if the bad guy is anything less than pure evil, how can we be justified in hating him? One of the most common tactics in wartime propaganda is to dehumanize the enemy. It makes it easier to kill them.

So, it appears that this lack of information has directly contributed to a sometimes unfair assessment of the McCanns. All the "theorys, conjecture, abstractions" are a natural reaction, IMHO. People (especially "sleuthers") need to explain and understand. That is practically impossible in this case.

I can also see another dynamic at play here. Many of us are mothers of young children and feel like this situation is our worst nightmare. We imagine ourselves in Kate McCann's place and we envision our reactions. Many of us cannot fathom why she does not react they way we would, with great emotion, agony and physical action (searching). While there are things going on that we do not know about, it still feels wrong. We have come together to talk, grieve, offer emotional support and "hug" each other. We assure each other that what we are feeling is OK, no matter what. At times it feels like group therapy.

So, until we get more information, we can only operate on instinct and conjecture, no matter how unfair or biased. We pray every day for an end to this. I know most of us would be happy to make one last post, celebrating or grieving, and then go away from this forever.

Please stick around and give us the benefit of your knowledge. It is very valuable.

Hello mrsmousemat, welcome.

In agreeing with Shazza and colomom, I also want to say that I believe part of what we're dealing with is based on cultural differences. Living in America, we're used to a certain way parents "behave" when their children go missing. They organize physical searches and are not afraid to bring in experts if need be. LE keeps the community informed, and there is none of this all-round secrecy about possible suspects in which nobody knows what is going on. But Madeleine's disappearance is being handled differently, partly because it happened in Portugal, and we're frustrated in that we don't know what part is "the way they do it there" and what part is not right.

With the McCanns, what we've observed is their, in my opinion, short-sighted belief that Madeleine's poster alone is going to bring her home and all they have to do is sit back and wait for that to happen. It also looked, until recently, as if the Portuguese police were stuck in dead ends with no clue of how to proceed. Maybe the situation is changing, but in the meantime you have the parents carrying on basically as if nothing's changed in their lives other than GM jet-setting all over the world on his Maddie tour. KM might look a little grieved, but she's fit and well-groomed. They put the twins in child-care most days. And maybe it's me, but I just don't get their behavior.
Aunt Philomena (Gerry's sister) will be on Fox after the commercial break to answer as to whether Gerry and Kate should be held accountable for their negligence in leaving the children alone.

Edited to add: Fox repeats reports that the McCann's will face neglect charges. Philomena is on the phone, I can hardly understand her. She says McCann's are upset people aren't thinking about the feelings of the family in speaking of charges. Says she doesn't think the charges are actually going to happen. Panel says legally they can be charged, but don't think they should be. Jeanine Pirro says though that this shouldn't be looked at as less of a crime of negligence because the children didn't die in a fire, as has happened in cases she prosecuted.
Aunt Philomena (Gerry's sister) will be on Fox after the commercial break to answer as to whether Gerry and Kate should be held accountable for their negligence in leaving the children alone.

I wonder (heavy sarcasm) what she will have to say??

Now this:'smuggled-out-of-country-on-a-boat

I am soooo close to be done with this whole mess. I am really starting to feel like I am being manipulated and I do not like it.
:furious: :furious: Amen, colomom! All this time the P-LE and McCanns have said they're getting close to finding Madeleine, they think she's still there, she's not in Malta, someone close by knows something and has to bring it to their attention. So what? It was a lie? Or are they just casting about groping for answers? You know what I think? They don't have a clue what happened to this little girl.
Aunt Philomena (Gerry's sister) will be on Fox after the commercial break to answer as to whether Gerry and Kate should be held accountable for their negligence in leaving the children alone.

Edited to add: Fox repeats reports that the McCann's will face neglect charges. Philomena is on the phone, I can hardly understand her. She says McCann's are upset people aren't thinking about the feelings of the family in speaking of charges. Says she doesn't think the charges are actually going to happen. Panel says legally they can be charged, but don't think they should be. Jeanine Pirro says though that this shouldn't be looked at as less of a crime of negligence because the children didn't die in a fire, as has happened in cases she prosecuted.

What about Madeleine's feelings? What about her safety? This is neglect pure and simple.

I just love this new spokewoman, Justine McGuinness *sarcasm intended*. :razz: :razz: :razz:

"If they could turn back time, there are things that they might have done differently, with the benefit of hindsight," said Justine McGuinness, McCann family spokeswoman.
"But it's impossible to say whether had there been an adult in the apartment at the time of the abduction, it would have stopped a predator."

Might have done differently? Well, let me enlighten you. There is a huge difference between trying to steal a child out of an unlocked apartment with no supervising adults and one that is locked with parents there to protect. But these ninnies just don't seem to get it.
Aunt Philomena (Gerry's sister) will be on Fox after the commercial break to answer as to whether Gerry and Kate should be held accountable for their negligence in leaving the children alone.

Edited to add: Fox repeats reports that the McCann's will face neglect charges. Philomena is on the phone, I can hardly understand her. She says McCann's are upset people aren't thinking about the feelings of the family in speaking of charges. Says she doesn't think the charges are actually going to happen. Panel says legally they can be charged, but don't think they should be. Jeanine Pirro says though that this shouldn't be looked at as less of a crime of negligence because the children didn't die in a fire, as has happened in cases she prosecuted.

Thanks for that "live" update Carpe!

There is a post on the Mirror forum ( by theAuthor, that details his take on possible media manipulation and there is a post on the proboards106 forum that hints that the McCanns are responsible for this story about possible charges. That they know they are not going to face charges so their media lapdogs have published these stories just to keep the case in the public eye.

While I am happy to have people looking for her, even though I don't hold out much hope, I will not be lied to or manipulated.

This back and forth by the PJ just makes it worse, they are really looking like a bunch of idiots.

OK, rant done, deep breath...I have a headache. :banghead: ....wonder why...

Edit: and if all that were not enough:
Thanks for that "live" update Carpe!

There is a post on the Mirror forum ( by theAuthor, that details his take on possible media manipulation and there is a post on the proboards106 forum that hints that the McCanns are responsible for this story about possible charges. That they know they are not going to face charges so their media lapdogs have published these stories just to keep the case in the public eye.

While I am happy to have people looking for her, even though I don't hold out much hope, I will not be lied to or manipulated.

This back and forth by the PJ just makes it worse, they are really looking like a bunch of idiots.

OK, rant done, deep breath...I have a headache. :banghead: ....wonder why...

Edit: and if all that were not enough:

There are way to many contradictions in the media, what are we to believe, the parents should be charged with child endangerment for a start, then get some PI's in to investigate as the P LE obviously havent a clue what is going on or has gone on. Get someone on this case who knows what they are doing.
All these people go home and have dinner and a nice warm bed to sleep in, but where is Madelaine and how is she living, if indeed she is still alive. SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING CONSTRUCTIVE, and bring this little girl home.
MrsMouseMat, welcome to websleuths and thanks for your thought provoking input. I completly agree with your sentiment regarding the media and the dangers of drawing conculsions formed on what is often misleading information. There is no denying that the media often distorts and taints facts inorder to met their own needs. However, I believe most of us who post here are not ignorant of this fact and base our opinions with this disclaimer. I agaree with Calikid that there are cultural differences here that is resulting in a lack of understanding and contributing to the formation of conlcusions erroniously. Again I believe most of the posters I have come to know here on this forum are aware of this variable and recognize it when drawing their own conclusions.
What continues to be objectionable to me is the parents continued focus on issues perphieral to the main objective which is finding Maddie. First, it was all about raising money, Then it was travel and visiting the Pope and now this trip to the United States. I don't understand the reasoning behind Mr. McCann's trip to the United States. I commend his desire to learn and work with NCMEC. However, Now is the time to be focused completly on Maddie and he needs to bring the resources to Portugal. First he wanted to Met with Mrs. Bush. How does meeting the Presidents wife help find his child? I understand the need to keep Maddie's case in the news but it seems like the media coverage he gets isn't focused on finding Maddie. I find this very hard to understand. All I know is if my child was missing I would be spending my days searching and at the police station and bringing all the search resources I could to where my daughter was last seen. Yes, I know this might be idealistic but it is the only way I know. I recognize the cultural difference and it seems P-LE does not alow the parents to be participants in the active search but if I was a parent no one could keep me from lawfully searching for my child. There is no way I would not be searching after 80 days. There does come a point where you have to move on and take your experience and use it. Thats the time to be going to the NCMEC or getting involved in legislation for protecting our youth. I humbly admitt I have no right to pass judgment on these parents. I also do not accuse them of having anything to do with their daughters dissapearance. I just feel from the supsicious dissapearance to today there behavior has been unusal and warrents further investigation.

Hello all

This is my first time posting but I have been reading for weeks. I wonder if any of you check out the following sites:

SOS Maddie

SOS Madeleine McCann

(I have posted the links which automatically translate from French into English via Google)

Tonight, on SOS Madeleine, M. Levy (an investigative journalist who has come out of retirement and appears to have great contacts with the PJ - author/editor of the SOS sites) has responded to a question about what's going on with the investigation:

"What is on now, it is that they did not do this all alone… this evidence collected by the PJ also accuses Malinka directly. To deny having telephoned in middle of the night - he is taking people for imbeciles!"

I am beginning to think that the PJ are really on top of this case. Perhaps they are getting all of the suspects lined up and will make multiple arrests. Maybe they need these people out and loose so they don't tip-off the people that actually have Madeleine. (Just my opinion of course!)
Hi Kizzbo, thanks for the links, I'm glad you joined us.

It sounds as if the PJ have gone completely back to the beginning. Interesting though, that the info is nothing new, still not enough to bring Madie back, or to charge anyone. Same ole suspects.
If the P-LE is secretly working on information behind the scenes that results in Madeleine's safe recovery and the arrest of whomever is responsible for her disappearance, I'll happily eat a large slice of crow pie.
If the P-LE is secretly working on information behind the scenes that results in Madeleine's safe recovery and the arrest of whomever is responsible for her disappearance, I'll happily eat a large slice of crow pie.
Save a slice for me too.
You were discussing this yesterday. In spite of the Sky News headline, Gerry is NOT meeting Laura Bush but she is meeting with some of her senior aides.

Sky News - Updated: 07:15, Tuesday July 24, 2007

US First Lady To Help Madeleine Case

Gerry appeared on America's Most Wanted:

Video Gallery: Gerry McCann Visits Washington D.C.

On Monday, July 23, Gerry McCann, the father of missing 4-year-old Madeleine McCann, came to Washington, D.C. in the quest to help find his daughter. Gerry received a tour of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children, where he learned about some of the latest techniques in tracking missing kids. Gerry also had an opportunity to talk to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and sat down with AMW to talk about Madeleine's case and its impact on him and his family.
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