Madeleine McCann General Discussion Thread No. 22

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It appears so, rashomon. You would have to go back and review the first media reports to get a clear picture of the changing story of the McCanns.

Is it true that the McCanns first said they locked the door to the apartment and later changed their story to having left the door open?

Yes, first they said the apartment was locked & the shutters jemmied. Mark Warner said there was no damage to the shutters. they changed their story, said they left the apartment unlocked! One of the first of many lies & contradictions!
Yes, first they said the apartment was locked & the shutters jemmied. Mark Warner said there was no damage to the shutters. they changed their story, said they left the apartment unlocked! One of the first of many lies & contradictions!

Right. After the discrepancies were pointed out, the McCanns stopped saying anything at all about the doors or the shutters, claiming it would jeopardize the investigation and was against the rules of Portugal.

The shutters most definitely were not so damaged that it stood out in photos, and again, someone standing and messing with shutters would look odd to any passers. There was no logical reason to mess with climbing out a window when an intruder could simply peer out the door, see who was around, and then walk away quickly with a child.
As always, thank you for the Portugese media updates, colomom!

"Kate and Gerry McCann want to improve the European system against abductions

“The pain makes them strong”

The McCanns want to change the European fight against abductions. And they continue to search for their daughter through the Spanish Metodo 3

The McCann couple is going to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, on Tuesday, to support the creation of an European alert system for missing children.

“They don’t want other parents to go through the situation that they are going through. They feel that with this initiative, they are doing something positive. The pain of their daughter’s disappearance gives them strength not to lower their arms”, says Clarence Mitchell, Maddie’s parents’ spokesman.

Even because the hope of finding their daughter alive continues. “The Spanish agency Metodo 3 continues to work with other European investigation firms, searching for clues that lead to Madeleine McCann”, says Clarence Mitchell.

And money is not short in the fund. “The fund is healthy with the entrance of money from the compensations from British newspapers. That is the money that allows us to pay the lawyers and the investigation teams”, Clarence explains................."

Thanks for posting Colomom but I tell you reading that article made me feel physically ill!

Still using & paying the incompetent Metodo 3!
Fund is paying the lawyers!
"The pain makes them strong" I am wondering just how strong a little 3 year old was when she faced her pain!
"They don't want other parents to go through what they are going through" - well if other parents leave babies alone in an unlocked apartment what do they expect? An alert system won't cure this ill just bloody common sense & caring for their kids!
I am not condemning an alert system but usually by the time the alert is out it is all over for the poor child! Why the heck are they not hammering home "Don't do as we did"? Shameless, arrogant people!

These hypocrites riding on the crest of a media wave make me ill & very angry!
Hope the twins will be safe on their much needed holiday!
The McCanns want privacy. They claim to be tired of the media circus, BUT...when things get all quite, and they are not getting the attention they so dearly crave, they come up with a press release talking about THEM!
"Kate and Gerry McCann want to improve the European system against abductions

“The pain makes them strong”

The McCanns want to change the European fight against abductions. And they continue to search for their daughter through the Spanish Metodo 3

The McCann couple is going to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, on Tuesday, to support the creation of an European alert system for missing children.

“They don’t want other parents to go through the situation that they are going through. They feel that with this initiative, they are doing something positive. The pain of their daughter’s disappearance gives them strength not to lower their arms”, says Clarence Mitchell, Maddie’s parents’ spokesman.

Even because the hope of finding their daughter alive continues. “The Spanish agency Metodo 3 continues to work with other European investigation firms, searching for clues that lead to Madeleine McCann”, says Clarence Mitchell.

And money is not short in the fund. “The fund is healthy with the entrance of money from the compensations from British newspapers. That is the money that allows us to pay the lawyers and the investigation teams”, Clarence explains................."

Thanks for posting Colomom but I tell you reading that article made me feel physically ill!

Still using & paying the incompetent Metodo 3!
Fund is paying the lawyers!
"The pain makes them strong" I am wondering just how strong a little 3 year old was when she faced her pain!
"They don't want other parents to go through what they are going through" - well if other parents leave babies alone in an unlocked apartment what do they expect? An alert system won't sure this ill just bloody common sense & caring for their kids!
I am not condemning an alert system but usually by the time the alert is out it is all over for the poor child! Why the heck are they not hammering home "Don't do as we did"? Shameless, arrogant people!

These hypocrites riding on the crest of a media wave make me ill & very angry!
Hope the twins will be safe on their much needed holiday!

I agree one hundred percent. They are shameless and arrogant.

There are so many incidences of parents who, in the desire to help other's, "admit" to their own errors in order to educate the public. Having lived in Tucson and now San Diego, every summer brings the poignant story of some family who loses their young child in a drowning accident. They were only answering the phone, they thought someone else at the party had their eye on the child, they left the bathroom for mere seconds/minutes while the child was bathing, the cover on the pool wasn't properly secured, the alarm to the outside doors had been temporarily disabled.....the list is endless for scenarios that have resulted in the tragic death of a baby or young child.

It has to haunt these parents to even think of the circumstances leading up the deaths of the precious children yet, even in their immense pain, they reach out to help other families by declaring honestly what they did "wrong" to help cause the drowning. Your heart breaks listening to them - but, as a poolowner, I can tell you each one of those heartbreaking first person stories always made me listen and take note!

This is one of the things I find despicable about the McCanns. There isn't one shred of evidence that their daughter was abducted yet they make themselves national spokespeople for better abduction alert systems.

There is, however, concrete and irrefutable proof that these two selfish doctors chose to leave their babies alone so they could drink and socialize night after night. Even when their little girl told them she was scared and cried for them, they still went out and left her to fend for herself and her two baby siblings.

I will NEVER get over that fact. That's the real genesis of everything that befell Madeleine - not some made-up boogie-man in the dark.

If you're going to use people's hard-earned dollars to support your media tour Gerry and Kate, why don't you at least preach the right message? "Don't be total selfish a$$es like we were and decide that partying every night (on a family holiday) is more important than making sure the children God gave you are safe."

Heck, I might even send in a dollar or two if they'd start being honest instead of acting like poor pitiful victims on tour.
Oh gawd - they are bringing up Metodo again, as if they have actually "done" anything to find Madeleine besides net some red herrings and give interviews that make them seem money hungry. If they are still paying Metodo, they might as well go toss their money into the Mediterranean.

Yes, first they said the apartment was locked & the shutters jemmied. Mark Warner said there was no damage to the shutters. they changed their story, said they left the apartment unlocked! One of the first of many lies & contradictions!
Suspects changing their story to fit the evidence is always a red flag.
This needn't mean the McCanns were involved in their daughters disappearance, but they many be hiding something else.
Suspects changing their story to fit the evidence is always a red flag.
This needn't mean the McCanns were involved in their daughters disappearance, but they many be hiding something else.

Definitely a red flag, one of the many & I cannot imagine anything else that they would be hiding other than they know exactly what happened to Madeleine!
Amen, Teacherbees, well said. When the McCanns do make reference to their decision that night (and the previous night, we now know) it is never on their own they bring it up.

They only mention it if they are asked directly about it, and then they respond with something along the lines of "obviously...." if it's Kate, a comment that starts off sounding like she's taking responsibility but then morphs into words of "it felt so safe" or other excuses that mitigate anything else she said. Kate will downplay that it was even a decision at all, or give a reason that puts it back on the children--they were so tired, there was no pram, etc., etc.

If it's Gerry, he makes some impatient noise and gesture and comments along the lines of what's done is done.

Barnaby, I agree also, the article made me sick. As always, about the pain of Kate and Gerry and not a word about Madeleine's situation and how she might be feeling.

Madeleine's parents take child abduction alert campaign to Europe

Missing British toddler Madeleine McCann's parents embarked on a series of meetings with MEPs in Strasbourg today in a renewed effort to secure backing for a Europe-wide child abduction alert system.

Gerry and Kate McCann have until July 24 - the close of the plenary session - to collect the signatures needed to ensure that their proposal, in the form of a written declaration, is sent to the EU President and published.

From Paulo Reis, in his Gazeta Digital today:

European missing children alert system being developed since 2006

Gerry McCann “has grown frustrated” by the refusal of many Members of European Parliament to sign up a “written declaration” proposing the creation of an EU alert system similar to the Amber alert, in the USA. The father of Madeleine McCann accused those MEPs of a "complete lack of understanding in what we hope to achieve.”

The McCann have been campaigning for an EU alert system, to deal with cases of missing children. But since 2006, the European Commission has approved a project to set up a single EU hotline number (116 000) and a coordinated alert system, between the 27 Member States.

On December 2006, a special meeting of Member States endorsed the European Commission's initiative to reserve a set of common free phone numbers “for services of social value”, including the number 116 000, to be made “available for hotlines for missing children.” On February 2007, the EU Commission formally adopted the decision “reserving the 116000 telephone number in all Member States as a hotline for reporting missing children.” Viviane Reding, the EU Telecom Commissioner at the time, said that she was “delighted that today the first major step towards a single EU hotline number for missing children has been taken”, according to BBC.

Until now, four European countries have set up the 116 000 hotline to report missing children – Belgium, Greece, Portugal and Denmark – and France will do it this summer. The European Federation for Missing and Sexually Exploited Children (“Missing Children Europe”) was invited by the European Commission to help in this project and, following a meeting on 17 August 2007, Missing Children Europe convened an Interdisciplinary Core Group of NGOs and law enforcement agencies, which met on 31 August 2007 and drafted some initial recommendations, which were the basis for a Commission Guidelines about missing children, discussed at the Informal Meeting of Justice and Home Affairs Ministers in Lisbon of 2 October 2007.

The EU hotline and alert system for missing children is high in the agenda of the French EU presidency, to start in August 2008 and new and important steps are expected, for 2009, as “Missing Children Europe” refers, on a report about it's cooperation with this EU project.

In his blog, on 13 June, Gerry McCann strongly criticized the EU project, claiming that the 116 000 number “is only operational in one out of 27 European countries (Greece) so far.” Also, he considers that the system the EU is setting up, since 2006, does not mean “an Amber alert will be issued for an abducted child as no such system exists." The McCann, who will be in Strasbourg on June 20, still need 182 Euro MPs to sign up the “written declaration” but this document carries no legal weight in the European Union.

Duarte Levy and Paulo Reis

Highlighted above should read: a "complete lack of understanding in what we hope to achieve which is to have everyone support us fully and completely and totally believe everything we say"....IMO.

What do the MEPs know that we don't know? Why are they giving Gerry McCann the cold shoulder? Do they think he is insignificant, or do they think he killed his child?,,30100-1319232,00.html

Tons of comments.....very few supportive.

Like this one:

Posted by Liz from Glasgow

It would be more useful if they'd advise us NOT to do what they did rather than spend our time and money searching for sainthood rather than their missing daughter.

EXACTLY what I thought the public would think.

You weren't kidding about the level and kind of response--I was amazed, actually, I thought the McCanns still retained more support in the UK.

The most apt comments were basically to the effect, "how can people who left three young children alone night after night while they were out having dinner and drinking, promote themselves as having anything to do with children."

Says it all--plus the thought they should be convincing the other Tapas diners to return to Portugal to help with the reconstruction.

Also, I found it horrifying in the original article that Gerry referred to bringing up the issue of the children being alone as "boring." (I think he said "quite boring, actually.")

What an arrogant donkey! Boring to you, Gerry! but not perhaps Madeleine.

The last two paragraphs:

Responding to a television reporter&#8217;s suggestion that they could face child neglect charges, Mr McCann said: &#8220;We didn&#8217;t abandon or neglect Madeleine. Someone went into an apartment and stole a child.

&#8220;You have gone over old ground. It&#8217;s really quite boring. We want to focus on issues that can make a difference.&#8221;

Yes, he really said it. I cannot express how angry this makes me. They absolutely refuse to accept responsibility for the HUGE part they played in what happened to Maddie.

We didn’t abandon or neglect Madeleine. Someone went into an apartment and stole a child
And had you been there, they likely wouldn't have! Oh wait......:waitasec:
OMG! This witch has the cheek to say that they could have had more support from the public!!
The public who searched while she sat on her backside in the apartment or jogged or went to have her highlights done!
The public who donated a fortune to the fund! What an arrogant, hypocritical monster! ... _t3839.flv
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