Madeleine McCann General Discussion Thread No. 25

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Sorry, I didnt mean to get anyone riled up, I havent looked alot at this case like some people have. I was not implying that I support her parents in any way, because I dont! ......YOU DONT LEAVE CHILDREN ALONE...... it is there fault they lost their daughter, because they didnt want to be bothered to watch their children. IMO

Sorry Dolphinmom....I guess you can tell that the regular posters on this board are those who have researched this case extensively. Like you said, the board has gone quiet. While I see evidence of many readers (check out the view numbers) it is primarily a core group that still posts. Most of us want to make sure that this case does not just fade away, even if some keep badgering us that it is over. It will never be over. Even if Maddie is found or we have a confession IT WILL NEVER BE OVER.

Because, just like you said, the lesson here is "DONT LEAVE CHILDREN ALONE" and there may be other lessons yet to be learned. Maddie will always be remembered as a child that was taken for granted, neglected and exposed to harm. A lesson we should all remember....forever.

Please feel free to post any questions you have and I am sure you will receive many responses with logical explanations. I don't think anyone meant to try and discount your feelings.

REPLY: Dolphinmomcca, you are making a massive assumption - that Madeleine died early evening on 3rd May. You need to consider a different time for her death.

There are many indications pointing to Madeleine being dead during the night of 2nd/3rd May. That would have given the McCanns and their 'Tapas 9' friends ample time to execute their abduction scenario at 10.00pm. Elsewhere on this forum, I have shown that there are severe doubts about each of the alleged eight 'sightings' of her during 3rd May.

In addition, there is an evidence trail pointing to Madeleine's body having been stored safely in a freezer, and then moved in the hired car.

The best explanation that fits the facts is that Madeleine's dead body was preserved by the McCanns in a freezer probably outside Praia da Luz, then buried by a friend of the McCanns, quite probably on the day the McCanns were being blessed by the Pope.

Kate McCann's underlying Catholic faith, however weak it was at the time of Madeleine's death, may have played a part here. She may have insisted on the nearest thing possible, under the circumstances, to a real funeral.

Was that day - the day the Pope touched them - Madeleine's funeral?


OMG...the mind boggles TB. If it turns out that this is the case, I will never trust again.

The McCanns legacy....lovely. :mad:
Sorry Dolphinmom....I guess you can tell that the regular posters on this board are those who have researched this case extensively. Like you said, the board has gone quiet. While I see evidence of many readers (check out the view numbers) it is primarily a core group that still posts. Most of us want to make sure that this case does not just fade away, even if some keep badgering us that it is over. It will never be over. Even if Maddie is found or we have a confession IT WILL NEVER BE OVER.

Because, just like you said, the lesson here is "DONT LEAVE CHILDREN ALONE" and there may be other lessons yet to be learned. Maddie will always be remembered as a child that was taken for granted, neglected and exposed to harm. A lesson we should all remember....forever.

Please feel free to post any questions you have and I am sure you will receive many responses with logical explanations. I don't think anyone meant to try and discount your feelings.

No harm done :) Like I said, I havent looked into this case as much as some people have, but I have been obsessed with the find Madeleine website for months now......until I found this website and better info. This case really does fascinate me, I hope and hope that Madeleine is found safe, but at this point it looks very bleak :mad:
REPLY: Dolphinmomcca, you are making a massive assumption - that Madeleine died early evening on 3rd May. You need to consider a different time for her death.

There are many indications pointing to Madeleine being dead during the night of 2nd/3rd May. That would have given the McCanns and their 'Tapas 9' friends ample time to execute their abduction scenario at 10.00pm. Elsewhere on this forum, I have shown that there are severe doubts about each of the alleged eight 'sightings' of her during 3rd May.

In addition, there is an evidence trail pointing to Madeleine's body having been stored safely in a freezer, and then moved in the hired car.


2 Questions:
Wasn't Madeleine in the creche on 3 May?
Did any additional information on the alleged freezer evidence come out in the PJ files?
So, have the McCanns and their expensive propaganda machine won the battle to divert attention from the truth?

It certainly seems that the political and media support has won the day for the 'negligent' pair!

It seems that inconsistancies such as Gerald McCann using a key - but his friends using an open door - are now accepted as 'normal' behaviour!

Is child neglect, abandonment, possibly worse, now acceptable - provided you have money?

Is there a culture amongst the media classes of child abandonment with the latest to join the McCann fan club being the crime-watch host Nick Ross, whose partner presenter was shot - another mysterious death!
see the article in the tomorrow's Daily Mail, posted in media thread

the company mentioned in this article reveals this:

look at the nature of this company's business
Oakley International Group LlcIs This Your Company?
2550 M St Nw, Washington, DC 20037-1301, United States (Map)

Phone: (202) 457-6146

SIC:Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical Systems and Instruments

Line of Business:Mfg Search/Navigation Equipment

Detailed Oakley International Group Llc Company Profile
This company profile is for the private company Oakley International Group Llc, located in Washington, DC. Oakley International Group Llc's line of business is mfg search/navigation equipment.

Company Profile: Oakley International Group Llc

Year Started:2007

State of Incorporation:N/A


Location Type:Single Location

Stock Symbol:N/A

Stock Exchange:N/A

Also Does Business As:N/A


SIC #Code: View Details

Est. Annual Sales: View Details

Est. Employees:1

Est. Employees at Location:1

Contact Name:Kevin Richard Halligen

Contact Title:N/A

anything you can find out about this company would be welcome, especially when it was set up - Gerry McCann of course has paid two visits to Washington

perhaps some may recall how puzzled we were that a trip by both McCanns to find out about Amber Alert was not mentioned in the US press - perhaps that was just a front
Very interesting indeed Cushty, thanks for posting. That company only set up in 2007 & their field of expertise is hardly investigative!

I read the article in the media thread, unbelievable how much money has been squandered by useless agencies employed by the McCanns, I wonder................!!
So, have the McCanns and their expensive propaganda machine won the battle to divert attention from the truth?

You know what? They can spend MILLIONS of dollars in their expensive propaganda and lawyers but at the end of it all, the MAJORITY OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC condemns them! And they know it! And they WON'T be able to live peacefully ever again!

I wish we could do with the Mc Canns the same thing that Argentines did with a former military guy accused of genocide. He was sent free and EVERY TIME he would go out to a restaurant or bar, cinema, you name it...and someone would recognize him, people would stand up and LEAVE! ONE BY ONE to the point that managers would have to ask the guy to leave because they did not want to lose costumers! They did this so many times that the guy was pretty much living inside his house.
So, have the McCanns and their expensive propaganda machine won the battle to divert attention from the truth?

It certainly seems that the political and media support has won the day for the 'negligent' pair!

It seems that inconsistancies such as Gerald McCann using a key - but his friends using an open door - are now accepted as 'normal' behaviour!

Is child neglect, abandonment, possibly worse, now acceptable - provided you have money?

Going back to the OJ case, I think we've all found out how much money plays into a case.
Going back to the OJ case, I think we've all found out how much money plays into a case.

Yep, no doubt. I was just thinking about that the other day when I watched an interview with K & G McCann. Not only the money factor, but also the arrogance. I feel they act just like OJ after he was acquitted. OJ did it, we all know he did it, he knows we all know he did it, but he celebrates the fact that money kept him out of prison. The only difference between the 2 cases is OJ used his own money, the McCanns used money collected by school children and little old ladies. The despicable attitude remains the same.
REPLY: Dolphinmomcca, you are making a massive assumption - that Madeleine died early evening on 3rd May. You need to consider a different time for her death.

There are many indications pointing to Madeleine being dead during the night of 2nd/3rd May. That would have given the McCanns and their 'Tapas 9' friends ample time to execute their abduction scenario at 10.00pm. Elsewhere on this forum, I have shown that there are severe doubts about each of the alleged eight 'sightings' of her during 3rd May.

In addition, there is an evidence trail pointing to Madeleine's body having been stored safely in a freezer, and then moved in the hired car.

The best explanation that fits the facts is that Madeleine's dead body was preserved by the McCanns in a freezer probably outside Praia da Luz, then buried by a friend of the McCanns, quite probably on the day the McCanns were being blessed by the Pope.

Kate McCann's underlying Catholic faith, however weak it was at the time of Madeleine's death, may have played a part here. She may have insisted on the nearest thing possible, under the circumstances, to a real funeral.

Was that day - the day the Pope touched them - Madeleine's funeral?


I think this is very plausible. It explains several unanswered questions:

A) Why the McCanns chose to go to the Pope for a blessing of Madeleine's picture, rather than staying in Portugal or going to other countries to search for Madeleine.
B) Why the McCanns have never expressed verbally much concern about Madeleine's treatment at the hands of said abductor, and have in fact, used words such as "being treated like a princess" and "giving them her tuppence's worth." Both are much more indicative of how people deal with grief by imagining how their loved ones are reacting and being treated in the hereafter.
C) Why the timeline and actions of the Tapas diners have never been confirmed, and will never be confirmed exactly--on May 3rd. They can't be. They were taking care of the aftermath of Madeleine's death.
Yep, no doubt. I was just thinking about that the other day when I watched an interview with K & G McCann. Not only the money factor, but also the arrogance. I feel they act just like OJ after he was acquitted. OJ did it, we all know he did it, he knows we all know he did it, but he celebrates the fact that money kept him out of prison. The only difference between the 2 cases is OJ used his own money, the McCanns used money collected by school children and little old ladies. The despicable attitude remains the same.

Well said IW!

& hey, lol, prize homewrecker Angelina Jolie is now lending support to the McCanns, what a recommendation, ROFL! Maybe she can find & adopt Madeleine, LOL! One more trophy for her collection!
Sorry if anyone finds this post harsh but I don't appreciate women who find "happiness" by devastating another woman's life like she did to Jennifer Anniston & who use their money & fame to bypass adoption laws in third world countries! ... addie-mum/
Well said IW!

& hey, lol, prize homewrecker Angelina Jolie is now lending support to the McCanns, what a recommendation, ROFL! Maybe she can find & adopt Madeleine, LOL! One more trophy for her collection!
Sorry if anyone finds this post harsh but I don't appreciate women who find "happiness" by devastating another woman's life like she did to Jennifer Anniston & who use their money & fame to bypass adoption laws in third world countries! ... addie-mum/

omg - just what they need - another celebrity apologist! :bang:
We know how Kate and Gerry like the highlight so I am sure they're thrilled in the idea of meeting Angelina Jolie, specially Kate. She will probably go shopping, do hair, etc for this big meeting and of course take as many pics as possible. :crazy:
Very interesting indeed Cushty, thanks for posting. That company only set up in 2007 & their field of expertise is hardly investigative!

I read the article in the media thread, unbelievable how much money has been squandered by useless agencies employed by the McCanns, I wonder................!!

Could have been a diversion of funds - so company gets 1/2 and the McCanns get the other half with out anyone questioning where the money went? :eek:

Respectfully snipped ~
Well said IW!

& hey, lol, prize homewrecker Angelina Jolie is now lending support to the McCanns, what a recommendation, ROFL! Maybe she can find & adopt Madeleine, LOL! One more trophy for her collection! ... addie-mum/

This is just sad :mad:. Jolie knows nothing about this case. And Barnaby - I agree, I don't particularly like Jolie either. She changes her tune to often without showing any "realness" if you know what I mean?


Kennedy, Brian Kennedy. Look at the photo and wonder...why does this man immerse himself in supporting neglectful parents?

Also caution, is this a new attempt to extract money from a gullible public? Why has the fund been at the same amount for so long?

How about a view of the accounts Mr Kennedy!
Well said IW!

& hey, lol, prize homewrecker Angelina Jolie is now lending support to the McCanns, what a recommendation, ROFL! Maybe she can find & adopt Madeleine, LOL! One more trophy for her collection!
Sorry if anyone finds this post harsh but I don't appreciate women who find "happiness" by devastating another woman's life like she did to Jennifer Anniston & who use their money & fame to bypass adoption laws in third world countries!

I totally agree with you usual.

I can't stand AJ but I would LOVE to send her a link to Thewayaheadm's YouTube videos and tell her that I think she has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is living on another planet.

She makes me ill....
I totally agree about Angelina Jolie. She is so shallow with her Issue Du Jour attitude. She yanks those kids about month-to-month and the oldest ones are ending preschool age--unless she is going to hire private teachers and tutors (in the old days, called a governess) they are going to suffer mightily with their education.
I totally agree with you usual.

I can't stand AJ but I would LOVE to send her a link to Thewayaheadm's YouTube videos and tell her that I think she has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is living on another planet.

She makes me ill....

Makes me ill also with her vials of blood & her self confessed sexual deviance - loves knife sex OMG! - like who needs her? Some role model for her kids just like the McCanns I reckon it is an allegiance made in................ hell!

I totally agree about Angelina Jolie. She is so shallow with her Issue Du Jour attitude. She yanks those kids about month-to-month and the oldest ones are ending preschool age--unless she is going to hire private teachers and tutors (in the old days, called a governess) they are going to suffer mightily with their education.

Well Tex you have heard of trophy wives........... Angelina invented trophy kids! Like Colomon says, she makes me ill, really ill!
Big lips maketh not a mother!

Can anyone tell how much I loathe this woman? LOL!
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