Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #15

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So like I said

The allotment was owned by someone else and it is that person who likely demolished the building and closed the cellar

Also now they are saying 2010?

Like i said this was most likely a speculative search that has not paid off.
Justice is and should be blind - ie. impartial and neither preconception nor emotion-led.

While I understand your distaste here, his lawyer is just doing his job.

He’s doing it for publicity though which I think is wrong. He isn’t taking it because he believes in his innocence but because it will boost his career.
To me it seems pretty clear the neighbors are doubting that he bought it from the owner.

"Brueckner had told them he had bought the land from the factory owners, but neighbours were sceptical."

I bet it turns out like everything else so far that he was freeloading there as well.

I agree he was inclined to freeload, but that doesn't necessarily mean he had no money.

People who have narcissistic personalities have a strong sense of entitlement, which, imo is obvious in his crimes, theft, rape, paedophilia.

Freeloading is another example of having a sense of entitlement.
I can guarantee where I live now, you pay when they come knocking or they take you away with them. I have personally been locked up 14 days for non payment in Europe and I was classed as a juvenile at the time. Cops knocked, asked if I had the money ~ 200 Euro, I said no and they took me away, first to the police station then to prison for 2 weeks. Never been locked up since (2 nights in Egypt don't really count) in a way it was an interesting learning experience.

But in CB's case he didn't really have a permanent door to knock on, from this case alone it seems like he was untraceable most of the time.
Probably best to agree to disagree about CB's mystical wealth. Lets talk about NF and her relationship with CB, how is that looking now? Maybe she was having quality time racing around Europe in the VW, pretending to be poor with a smelly CB or maybe left at home counting the money and taking care of the plantation? :)
He’s doing it for publicity though which I think is wrong. He isn’t taking it because he believes in his innocence but because it will boost his career.

But that's just not how the law works.

A lawyer's responsibility is to represent their client, to look at the charges made against them and to look at the available evidence to back up those charges. And then to weigh that evidence and those charges up, to assess them and see if they have merit or not. And if they don't, then that, of course, is going to be what they base their defense of their client upon. It's not about whether their client is guilty or not, it's about the due process of law.

As far as I can see, that's all Fulscher is doing. ie. his job.

You can't say with any authority whatsoever, unless you know chapter and verse of Fulscher's history as a lawyer, that he is defending CB solely for publicity or for a career boost.

If, of course, you have info to the contrary, do please post it.
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He’s doing it for publicity though which I think is wrong. He isn’t taking it because he believes in his innocence but because it will boost his career.

Hang on a minute

We've seen precisely zero evidence that CB is guilty of this crime

I thi I we should hold judgement until the prosecutor actually charges and presents a case?
Probably best to agree to disagree about CB's mystical wealth. Lets talk about NF and her relationship with CB, how is that looking now? Maybe she was having quality time racing around Europe in the VW, pretending to be poor with a smelly CB or maybe left at home counting the money and taking care of the plantation? :)

Headline is a blatant lie - Just look at the first pic :D:D

Pictured: ‘Girlfriend accomplice’ of McCann suspect is seen for first time since being unmasked.

Pictured: 'Girlfriend Accomplice' Of McCann Suspect Is Seen For First Time Since Being Unmasked - NewsOpener
He did it and L.E. knows that. Believe me, L.E has so much to do day by day, they got no time to play games.

They collected info and evidence over the last years. And by now, they are collecting, what they didn't found out by themselves. HCW works tactical. Time from interrogation to the charge normally takes about 2-3 months. At least CB is imprisoned until beginning of january 2021. Maybe at the end of august, we know more.

If they were not sure to charge someone, they had not started this official investigation. No chief in charge would allow that, if the suspect has been investigated for years including footage of the suspect by doing odd things.

We have 2 cars used in PDL, please tell us what you know! Not a please help, who these cars may belong to.

I'm sure, very soon we will all look a bit surprised, to the unknown results they have by now.
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But that's just not how the law works.

A lawyer's responsibility is to represent their client, to look at the charges made against them and to look at the available evidence to back up those charges. And then to weigh those charges up, to assess them and see if they have merit or not. And if they don't, then that, of course, is going to be what they base their defense of their client upon. It's not about whether their client is guilty or not, it's about the due process of law.

As far as I can see, that's all Fulscher is doing. ie. his job.

You can't say with any authority whatsoever, unless you know chapter and verse of Fulscher's history as a lawyer, that he is defending CB solely for publicity or for a career boost.

If, of course, you have info to the contrary, do please post it.

And no charges have actually been presented so how can the lawyer evaluate the evidence?
He did it and L.E. knows that. Believe me, L.E has so much to do day by day, they got no time to play games.

They collected info and evidence by the last years. And by now, they are collecting, what they didn't found out by themselves. HCW works tactical. Time from interrogation to the charge normally takes about 2-3 months. At least CB is imprisoned until beginning of january 2021. Maybe at the end of august, we know more.

If they were not sure to charge someone, they had not started this official investigation. No chief in charge would allow that, if the suspect has been investigated for years including footage of the suspect by doing odd things.

We have 2 cars used in PDL, please tell us what you know! Not a please help, who tjat cars belonged to.

I'm sure, very soon we will all look a bit surprised, to the unknown results they have by now.

Personally i wait for the evidence to be presented before deciding in advance who is guilty based on mere accusation
I couldn't pay it. Not really off point as you were saying that people don't get locked up for non payment. But maybe you think its just a "Good story"
I find it difficult to believe anyone would be locked up for 2 weeks for non payment of such a small fine if that was the whole extent of the story but not going to keep this argument going, it's not serving any purpose. My point was that I don't think CB really cared about the fine.

You're entitled to your opinion but just think you should state it as your opinion (IMO). You're making assertions like CB was "begging for scraps" and that he must be skint because he didn't pay his (and MT's fine). The things that then don't fit with your argument you just seem to dismiss, like the stored stolen goods MT spoke of, or saying that the rolex's and stolen valuables that AB spoke of must have been in 2008 instead of 2007, or that he must not have owned the winnebago or the factory because he had no money. I'm not saying your definitely incorrect (you might be right) but you don't have proof to any of the above and given what we know, it's equally possible he did have hidden money or came into money/goods.

It's important to keep an open mind. The truth is - we don't really know.
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I get you there, that’s pure bollocks... I said earlier you have to take him at his word, but it wouldn’t surprise me if he had grows...

Money doesn’t grow on trees or does it...

When was all this happening?, 50kg is a hell of a lot of weed and a poo load of money, depending on when this was happening id say it was more than likely hash, still 50kg is 200 '9' bars but a lot easier to hide in a vehicle and transport, plus much much less smell. It came over from Morocco to Spain and Gibralter then different directions from there.
Weeds only really become more readily available outside of the States and Amsterdam in last 10 years, probably less, 7 or 8years, now weeds everywhere as its so easy to grow your own ( personal or for profit) and the equipment is much more readily available, now its really difficult to get hash.
I’ve followed everything, and you are right they made out he was a big time dealer, but that must of come from tip offs. I’d just like to think my weed dealer hasn’t hid children’s body parts around Europe.

If anything he seems like a great dad and I certainly know I am providing his family with food, shelter and the rest lol.

Yeah weed dealing on the side isn't so bad. There is a stigma behind it due to it being illegal (and how strong it smells). CB was trafficking drugs around Europe. If your dealer is like mine he is not on the same level in terms of dealing and the types of character involved higher up in the chain.

CB's drug trafficking will have given him sufficient knowledge and experience of evading the law and trafficking - most likely making him confident enough to traffic children (if it is believed that he did that). Mix that in with his known break ins to appartments, etc - we are looking at a very experienced and accomplished criminal who is more than capable of this heinous crime.
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