Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #19

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I agree with your thoughts. If FF could have used location data from records belonging to another mobile number used by CB then I'm sure he would have done so. FF has effectively handed CB to HCW on a plate, sprinkled with gold flakes. Am I the only one who thinks that, having been paid by the metaphorical Indians to ensure CB is not convicted of crimes against Madeleine, FF has now been threatened by the Chiefs to ensure that he is?
Or maybe FF knows what CB is and or he has seen or been told some evidence the LE has and knows it would be impossible to get him off ?
I’ve maybe been overthinking this case a lot lately but it has always been my opinion this this was no lone wolf abduction. We have had an accomplice mentioned, the German employee, tip off by receptionist, possible connection to oc nanny, waiter at tapas, Nicole, Roman , Matias & Russians since CB was identified as prime suspect. In my head I’m starting to join the dots but of course I maybe way off. Ive always had suspicions of a lot of false witness statement & cover ups. I’ve always had suspicions about Robert M & Michaela W & Sergey M and felt they had some involvement & were given large payouts due to reporting of them in this case when indeed they could have been involved. This could be a bit long winded so please bear with me while I locate articles to enlighten you all to my train of thoughts.
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Lets start with Matias... do we know for sure Matias is his first name? I remember the guy who owned the Paraiso restaurant Miguel Matias, he was reported to have been one of the last people to see MM alive. The McCanns reportedly dined there hours before MM went missing where apparently Gerry pushed the kids on the swings on the beach outside the Paraiso & where the supposed last dance between Gerry & Madeleine took place. The McCanns have denied this, I believe The McCanns were at OC at this time. Also on GerryMccannsblog ( NOT his official page, just someone’s blog ) MAtias photo is missing from the witness section. Photos provided by the Paraiso are in the pjfiles, I would appreciate it if someone could bring them here, Im having problems doing it, think I read somewhere years ago that the photos looked photoshopped ( not necessarily an official source so no evidence of this ). Could this be the Matias? Revealed: Gerry McCann's last dance with little Madeleine | Daily Mail Online

McCanns filmed at cafe on day Maddy disappeared
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Murat joined the Remax property company in April 2005 and worked there on two separate contracts during 2005 as a sales executive.
He was paid salary and commission and earned between 1,500 and 2,000 euros a month (£1,000-£1,300) - not a big income for that kind of business in the Algarve, which has always attracted a steady flow of house-buyers from Britain and other parts of Europe.
Proprietor Delfim Soares said Murat got on particularly well with British clients - primarily because he was from the same background, "but also because he was very polite, very kind and very correct". He added: "We thought he had great potential. He was a very good salesman because people liked him and trusted him. We all thought he would be very successful here, and could do much better - but he left.
"I thought it was strange because he seemed to be doing so well. But he told me he had to go for personal reasons. It must have been something very strong to force him to leave."According to Mr Soares, Murat became instantly attracted to another of his sales staff, Michaela Walczuch, a blonde German divorcee. She also used the name Matias, believed to be from a former marriage.
Madeleine suspect: Oddball of the Algarve | Daily Mail Online

So according to this article MW also went by the name of Matias (from a previous marriage) could she be NFs sister-in-law? It could give us the link to CB? Also note the the name Soares, Jair Soares went missing from a beach in Monster (maybe a coincidence). I think local police in Portugal were on the right track to begin with...until Amaral took over.
If CB claims to have used 2 phones it could be one of his tricks and very hard to prove.
That could be 2 people spending some time together and then parting.
Only if he constantly say for 10 days has 2 phones on him then this is possible but how would this help the case? Both phones would connect to the same mast if they were together in his pocket.
Am I missing something here?
Murat joined the Remax property company in April 2005 and worked there on two separate contracts during 2005 as a sales executive.
He was paid salary and commission and earned between 1,500 and 2,000 euros a month (£1,000-£1,300) - not a big income for that kind of business in the Algarve, which has always attracted a steady flow of house-buyers from Britain and other parts of Europe.
Proprietor Delfim Soares said Murat got on particularly well with British clients - primarily because he was from the same background, "but also because he was very polite, very kind and very correct". He added: "We thought he had great potential. He was a very good salesman because people liked him and trusted him. We all thought he would be very successful here, and could do much better - but he left.
"I thought it was strange because he seemed to be doing so well. But he told me he had to go for personal reasons. It must have been something very strong to force him to leave."According to Mr Soares, Murat became instantly attracted to another of his sales staff, Michaela Walczuch, a blonde German divorcee. She also used the name Matias, believed to be from a former marriage.
Madeleine suspect: Oddball of the Algarve | Daily Mail Online

So according to this article MW also went by the name of Matias (from a previous marriage) could she be NFs sister-in-law? It could give us the link to CB? Also note the the name Soares, Jair Soares went missing from a beach in Monster (maybe a coincidence). I think local police in Portugal were on the right track to begin with...until Amaral took over.

One Matias is the first name and another is the surname.
Apparently in this interview broadcast from RTL Nord for Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein on October 13, 2020, FF has blamed the parents, saying that an accident occurred in Apartment 5.a on May 3rd, 2007 and that Madeleine's parents, with the help of others, took care to hide Madeleine's body.

Exklusives Interview: Christian B.s Anwalt glaubt fest an dessen Unschuld im Fall Maddie McCann

Can a fluent German member please confirm.

He referred to the P.J. files and the conclusion in them, that an accident may had happened and the body has been brought away by the parents and maybe other persons.

So you can't call it blaming them in a direct way, but indirectly yes!

That's embarassing!:mad:
It seems to.

So (and I'm thinking this through as I write, so bear with me), in order for Fulscher to argue against CB being in a geographical position that would allow for him to have committed this abduction crime he's alleged to have committed, CB must have told Fulscher that the phone in question WAS his phone at the time and WAS in his hand on the evening concerned? Is that rational thinking on my part? Because why otherwise would Fulscher place such importance upon 'distances' and 'times'?

I have a whole load of other follow-up questions but would like the above to be examined for flaws before I pursue them.

That's how I read it. They can't put the phone in anyone else's hand, no phone alibi...
That's embarassing!:mad:

This is what I predicted would happen all along - a "prepack defence"

What makes it even easier, is that so much of this became public testimony / evidence in Lisbon so FF has access to detail.

The onus would the on prosecutors to prove that the theory does not raise a reasonable doubt, so HCW will need something to take all this off the table. He will also need to be able to account for forensic evidence, or show why it can be discounted.

Not an easy lift, IMO
Agreed. What is interesting is that he claims to be able to work out such a precise window. At least one part of it is based on a witness timing and another part is apparently based on his phone records which implies there must be more location info in the phone ping data than was perhaps thought. Unless he has somehow been able to get records from the phone company, the only available data I'm aware is the ping data from the PDL towers from the 2nd to 4th May.

Does it actually say anywhere he used phone data? i took the phone comment to be just reporting on what HCW claims.

The only logic I can think he is applying here is a phone ping, placing CB at a certain location, at a certain time after the event. And if he is using the PDL data log, it would mean CB's phone being picked up in another area of PDL. To be absolutely certain of the window closing, I can only think he's referring to the 10pm time Kate said she returned to the apartment. His phone then pinging in another location some time after 10 and from which FF has calculated how much time it would have taken CB to get there from 5A.

ETA: Alternatively, the second ping is earlier than that but places him too far away to get back to 5A before Kate's check at 10 and he is then basing the available window on either GM's or MO's stated check times.

My guess is he has done a re-enactment of some kind. Paced out the journeys etc

From my point of view the main significance is that CB is going to be able to use all the original evidence in the case to throw mud at the wall.
It seems to.

So (and I'm thinking this through as I write, so bear with me), in order for Fulscher to argue against CB being in a geographical position that would allow for him to have committed this abduction crime he's alleged to have committed, CB must have told Fulscher that the phone in question WAS his phone at the time and WAS in his hand on the evening concerned? Is that rational thinking on my part? Because why otherwise would Fulscher place such importance upon 'distances' and 'times'?

I have a whole load of other follow-up questions but would like the above to be examined for flaws before I pursue them.

I suspect he is going in a different direction with this. Without wishing to rehash witness evidence we have discussed before, it is sufficient to note (now that FF has directly raised it for the defence) that the evidence tended to be structured around the JT sighting which left only a tight opportunity. We know the Met then discarded that sighting, but that is not a legal finding.

So if your only job is to create reasonable doubt, one way to do it would be reveal the witness evidence to be unreliable.
Does it actually say anywhere he used phone data? i took the phone comment to be just reporting on what HCW claims.

My guess is he has done a re-enactment of some kind. Paced out the journeys etc

From my point of view the main significance is that CB is going to be able to use all the original evidence in the case to throw mud at the wall.
It's not very clear and there are few direct quotes from FF to know exactly what he said. The Mirror article seems to make no mention of the phone records but yet The Sun says:

But Mr Fulscher claims he has looked at Christian's mobile records, and worked out potential times and distances to the holiday apartment the McCann family were staying at on the night the toddler disappeared.
Madeleine McCann suspect's lawyer says mobile phone records 'prove innocence'

You could be right in that they are simply referring to the call we already know about, but that call finished over an hour before GM states he saw MM in 5A. Even if there is location data pinpointing that call to a certain area of PDL, it would seem to have little relevance to the abduction window, surely he could have got to 5A within in hour, wherever he was.

I do agree though this is an attempt to throw mud on the witness testimony. He may be simply pointing out that none of the witnesses have claimed to have seen CB. And that when you piece together all of their comings and goings there is only a 90 second period where none of them were in the proximity of 5A and the escape routes for CB to go unnoticed. In other words, that window is so unfeasible that it must be someone else who did it, someone who potentially passed by one of the witnesses but has not yet been identified.
So are we all supposed to be falling off our chairs at FF's revelation or is there more to come?

I was looking at the all mystery forum yesterday and there is a new RTP interview with FF in German but from what I understood on the forum FF is deflecting on the parents and said collectively the T7 hid the body.
Seems inevitable that this would come back to the parents and the group, poor Kate and Gerry.
Could any german speakers please translate what FF says in this interview? Specifically anything in relation to phone records and the 90 second window that was referred to in the recent articles?

Exklusives Interview: Christian B.s Anwalt glaubt fest an dessen Unschuld im Fall Maddie McCann

I don't have time to type it all out but the two most interesting things I took out of it are

1. The phone evidence does not necessarily place CB near the resort. I am sure this would be the subject of expert evidence just as it was in the McStay case.

2. The Tapa's evidence means there was little opportunity for an abduction.

Given what FF is now saying on the public record, I think we might need an updated guidance from the mods as to what we are allowed to discuss.
It's not very clear and there are few direct quotes from FF to know exactly what he said. The Mirror article seems to make no mention of the phone records but yet The Sun says:

But Mr Fulscher claims he has looked at Christian's mobile records, and worked out potential times and distances to the holiday apartment the McCann family were staying at on the night the toddler disappeared.
Madeleine McCann suspect's lawyer says mobile phone records 'prove innocence'

You could be right in that they are simply referring to the call we already know about, but that call finished over an hour before GM states he saw MM in 5A. Even if there is location data pinpointing that call to a certain area of PDL, it would seem to have little relevance to the abduction window, surely he could have got to 5A within in hour, wherever he was.

I do agree though this is an attempt to throw mud on the witness testimony. He may be simply pointing out that none of the witnesses have claimed to have seen CB. And that when you piece together all of their comings and goings there is only a 90 second period where none of them were in the proximity of 5A and the escape routes for CB to go unnoticed. In other words, that window is so unfeasible that it must be someone else who did it, someone who potentially passed by one of the witnesses but has not yet been identified.

Thanks - i didn't notice the Sun version.

Cross referencing to his german interview, I think he will argue that CB was not actually in PDL
I’ve maybe been overthinking this case a lot lately but it has always been my opinion this this was no lone wolf abduction. We have had an accomplice mentioned, the German employee, tip off by receptionist, possible connection to oc nanny, waiter at tapas, Nicole, Roman , Matias & Russians since CB was identified as prime suspect. In my head I’m starting to join the dots but of course I maybe way off. Ive always had suspicions of a lot of false witness statement & cover ups. I’ve always had suspicions about Robert M & Michaela W & Sergey M and felt they had some involvement & were given large payouts due to reporting of them in this case when indeed they could have been involved. This could be a bit long winded so please bear with me while I locate articles to enlighten you all to my train of thoughts.
The 2 employees who stand out for me <modsnip> Their movements on that night are very suspicious. Nuno also left much info out of his first statement compared to Hayley X
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