Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #19

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How is a window of only 1.5 minutes calculated? Am guessing maybe this is based on timing of how long it takes to walk to the sighting by the irish S family???
Lawyer for Madeleine McCann prime suspect says he's found proof he is innocent
It does suggest there was more than one phone ping from CB's phone during the relevant time period 9-10pm if FF has used phone records. That in itself is useful & imo almost certainly places the phone in CB's hands that night.
Agree Misty. And if CB's lawyer is focusing his defence on the timings of the Tapas folk to dispute the abduction, that does suggest to me that he is unable to put that phone in anyone else's hand but CB's.
Something to watch tonight - judging by the preview it seems to be a dramatized rehash of what is already known. I'm having problems with the 60 min website, but you can find the preview on their Twitter account.

I know it’s a big case but FF flying out to Portugal to prove innocence is really above and beyond, is that normal for a lawyer to do?

It depends on the kind of case IMO. Usually lawyers wait until they got the case files, to get a picture and make a strategy.

In this special case FF has no files yet, his requests for the files have been rejected also. His client is frequently part of the media.

So it makes sense, to do some own investigations. Either to put some pressure on the investigators, or to allow some rapid reactions, if it gets to a possible interrogation of his client maybe.
It does suggest there was more than one phone ping from CB's phone during the relevant time period 9-10pm if FF has used phone records. That in itself is useful & imo almost certainly places the phone in CB's hands that night.
Agreed. What is interesting is that he claims to be able to work out such a precise window. At least one part of it is based on a witness timing and another part is apparently based on his phone records which implies there must be more location info in the phone ping data than was perhaps thought. Unless he has somehow been able to get records from the phone company, the only available data I'm aware is the ping data from the PDL towers from the 2nd to 4th May.

The only logic I can think he is applying here is a phone ping, placing CB at a certain location, at a certain time after the event. And if he is using the PDL data log, it would mean CB's phone being picked up in another area of PDL. To be absolutely certain of the window closing, I can only think he's referring to the 10pm time Kate said she returned to the apartment. His phone then pinging in another location some time after 10 and from which FF has calculated how much time it would have taken CB to get there from 5A.

ETA: Alternatively, the second ping is earlier than that but places him too far away to get back to 5A before Kate's check at 10 and he is then basing the available window on either GM's or MO's stated check times.
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Vera, La Voz, Spain? Reverse image brings up that location in various reports stating CB was there. Perhaps you can pinpoint it on Google Earth.
It is late afternoon IMO (shadows). I expected this to be Vera or somewhere near Vera. But so far I cannot identify the location of the photo.
1minute and 30 seconds is veeeeeeery tight if you ask me.
It actually proves that he could have done it!
My thoughts too. Also doesn't help his case when he says:

"If the witness statements are correct, there was a time window of one minute and 30 seconds in which the child could have been abducted.”

Nobody was walking around with stopwatches that night, most of the timings given would have been approximations anyway. They could easily be out by 5 to 10 minutes, if not more.

He's almost admitting CB might have been able to do it and admitting CB was indeed in the area. I wonder how HCW will react to this. If FF and CB are willing to admit the phone was with him that night, does that effectively give LE the same evidence they were hoping to confirm from the mystery caller?
1minute and 30 seconds is veeeeeeery tight if you ask me.
It actually proves that he could have done it!

90 seconds seems long enough, to carry a child out of an unlocked apartment, that has been visited before maybe.

The conclusion seems much more interesting to me. If FF puts CB into the stage according to the mobile data by himself, maybe "disguised" as exculpation, he is forcing the charge and the possible trial.

FF want's that trial IMO. At that point, maybe he assumes that a trial could be the only way to rehabilitate his client and get the attention, the solicitor maybe is looking for. Or he is even aware that his client isn't telling him either, what happened and what prosecuters might have in their files.

Very very interesting!!!
New evidence in the case of missing British girl Madeleine McCann suggests that her suspected killer didn't act alone and could have been aided by an "insider" the night she disappeared

"We know that the phone number, which was used by our suspect on the 3rd of May, 2007, was connecting in the mast [that] belongs to the Ocean Club in Praia Da Luz," German prosecutor Hans Christian Wolters told Hayes
New evidence in Madeleine McCann's disappearance suggests her suspected killer didn't act alone
That's interesting... i had no idea they have 8000 hours of videos! Could this be a mistake?

No I believe this to be true on the ITV documentary HCW said this and said it will take a long time to go through all the videos.

Perhaps another sign that CB did not act alone or was part of a bigger network to have that amount of videos.
90 seconds seems long enough, to carry a child out of an unlocked apartment, that has been visited before maybe.

The conclusion seems much more interesting to me. If FF puts CB into the stage according to the mobile data by himself, maybe "disguised" as exculpation, he is forcing the charge and the possible trial.

FF want's that trial IMO. At that point, maybe he assumes that a trial could be the only way to rehabilitate his client and get the attention, the solicitor maybe is looking for. Or he is even aware that his client isn't telling him either, what happened and what prosecuters might have in their files.

Very very interesting!!!
90 secs are enough to carry out a child but are they enough to:
- arrive unseen
- wait for the right moment to sneak into the apartment
- sneak in
- get the target
- sneak out at the right moment
- take off unseen
90 secs are enough to carry out a child but are they enough to:
- arrive unseen
- wait for the right moment to sneak into the apartment
- sneak in
- get the target
- sneak out at the right moment
- take off unseen

So we'll have to wait for FF's calculation of the time to be made public, he spoke about. IF he really spoke about!

I'm still not concerned about the strategy of a solicitor placing his client, even if in a indirectly way, in the area around the crime scene, instead of insisting in the prosecuters to prove he was there....
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Sorry, but i can"t see any new evidence in SF's "revelations"....
SF's evidence hasn't been published in this item. Perhaps it will be disclosed some other time.
Reading and watching sexta9 between the lines, and following SF's investigation, I understand that among the tapas personnel there was a friend or acquaintance of NF and/or CB.
That person probably knew NF through nanny work. (Baby sitting or dogsitting?)
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