Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #7

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Sorry - I've skipped a few pages on this case - you all post a lot! Trying to keep up!

Anyone else - Is this when CB will be in court? July 16 or the 17th? I am going to guess there are no court sites in Germany that you can go to & look it up like in the U.S. I like to keep my notes up-to-date! TIA! :)

I don't know about a court site, but there is this.

It has also been revealed there is a chance Brueckner could be released from prison on July 17 if the European Court of Justice overturns his conviction for the rape of the 72-year-old American woman in Portugal.

The ruling is set to be made in a July 16 hearing which has been fast-tracked because of the nature of Brueckner’s case.

Of the potential outcomes, Portugal could give retrospective permission for the extradition, or the court could order a retrial.

The third possibility is that Brueckner could have his conviction overturned and be released – potentially then fleeing to a country without an extradition treaty with Germany.

Madeleine suspect ‘kept children’s swimwear in mobile home’
why do you persist in posting this. your figures are seriously flawed. it was pointed out upthread. you must have missed it.
the answers are n the wiki page you quoted: "The prevalence of pedophilia in the general population is not known, but is estimated to be lower than 5% among adult men."

TOTAL population of Portugal 2007 = 10.5 million. THAT'S MALE AND FEMALE. ALL AGES.

work out your figures from there:
filter 1: male population of Portugal?
filter 2: adult male population of Portugal? i.e. deduct males that cannot be called pedophiles - male babies and pre-pubescent boys....??
filter 3: from the wiki page you use as your basis. "... pedophiles who are "reflective, sensitive to the feelings of others, averse to risk, abstain from alcohol or drug use, and endorse attitudes and beliefs supportive of norms and the laws" may be unlikely to abuse children." ???
filter 4: Pedophilia is not a crime, child sex abuse is. ????
fair enough about the males and females. I dont agree that my point has been eliminated or flawed at all..and i'd invite you also to read earlier and not be so bloody rude about it. so then halve the numbers. there's still plenty enough to have a society of like individuals..plenty enough.

To further get a handle on how many are amongst us..we know for a FACT that there are at least 6 p'philes in the area around the resorts in PdL. A population of about 1000. (3500 in PdL)..and they are just the ones that have been charged and convicted in the past..

f there just werent p'philes around and it was only a very small percent that were dangerous, then why are there 6 that we know of in PdL, and why hasnt the case against CB been proven either way?..these' people's movements would be easily recognisable as dodgy..IF these people were rare.

I';ve heard all the arguments so far and im just advocating for what's the most likely scenario. I introduced an interesting factor in the investigation that wasnt already reported on or been discussed. i believe it has merit.

It would not surprise me at all if they had a few people either charged or already locked up, and each is trading one or many charges against the other(s)..but each of these 'people' are also hiding things..
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There was a big raid on a german paedophile ring in Munster not a million miles away from Braunschweig,wonder if theres any link to cb
Sick vids in paedo torture house could take cops 30yrs to go through

this illustrates how these people organise themselves. They know that its highly illegal, so they need protection in numbers, and plenty of coordination. In return they get to share sick media and participate in sick activities. They are very very good at hiding what they do- and even better at making it impossible to know exactly WHO did what, which may be enough to avoid convictions and longer term sentences.
Don’t get me wrong. He’s definitely the most significant suspect in 13 years. Everyone seems to agree on that. He fits the bill in many, many ways and German LE appear cautious and diligent. They wouldn’t be ramping it up if they weren’t deadly serious about CB.


I don't disagree, I just remain conscious that at this point, the main thrust against him is the say so of the prosecutor rather than hard evidence. Given he is at least the 3rd major suspect in this case, I remain old and cynical!
Portuguese prosecutors DESTROYED vital DNA evidence | Daily Mail Online

Evidence of the rape also detroyed.

As an aside, " it appeared to be a 'one-off' attack." - is it realistic to think a 5hr attack that has been meticulously planned and carried out would/could ever be a one-off attack?? Seems unlikely!

Also, the bar photo that they've used in the article - do we know who that female friend is?

This may have been answered now but when that photo first circulated, a UK newspaper said she was a shot girl. She did seem to be wearing a promotional t-shirt. Likely then merely a photograph for a club night.
He also says that the saliva trace was of a breastfeeding baby; traces of maternal milk were found!
What baby? So much for hygiene in that apartment?

Gonçalo Amaral afirmou que a amostra de saliva encontrada "é de bebé com leite materno" e que estava noutra cama que não a de Maddie.
This is from 2014 and claims the letter from an anonymous tip on the first anniversary (someone local - hand delivered) that she was in the reservoir were not chased up. Other articles from 2008 however claim it was searched and they found a bag of bones some of which they were at the time speculating could be a child’s fingers. Sorry if you’ve covered this - I came off for a couple of weeks.

Madeleine McCann: Mysterious Letter Claims Body Was Dumped in Barragem Da Bravura Reservoir

The van that belonged to CB. Pictures taken in 2019, according to Gonçalo Amaral.
Pictures taken in 2019. So what about 2007?
There now seem to be two elderly rape victims. One was found on a cam two associates stole from CB's home while he and MT were locked up. It sounds like MT found out about that attack from whoever saw it on the camera.

The second seems to be the American elderly woman. This one he is said to have shown a friend and is the one he was convicted for.

Why was he never tried or convicted for the one the friends found on his camera? Is it possible those friends are who LE are looking for who may have since changed their loyalty?
I believe MT said the pair who stole it destroyed the video (for whatever reason), nothing for the police to go on in that instance. Unable to identify a victim and only a second hand account that it even happened.
I believe MT said the pair who stole it destroyed the video (for whatever reason), nothing for the police to go on in that instance. Unable to identify a victim and only a second hand account that it even happened.

The multiple accounts I read of the intruders who found the videos were, after a bit of sieving that they had seen 3 videos; the elderly American woman in her apartment, a woman of approximately 40 and another woman, between 15-20, who from what I remember was attacked in the farmhouse (so maybe a girlfriend).
I believe MT said the pair who stole it destroyed the video (for whatever reason), nothing for the police to go on in that instance. Unable to identify a victim and only a second hand account that it even happened.

Yes, they kept that video until the vehicle (theirs) was eventually destroyed with the camera and video evidence. (Although to this day I’m still baffled that anyone would let that kind of evidence be destroyed but maybe that kind of thing is just old hat to some people.)
This is from 2014 and claims the letter from an anonymous tip on the first anniversary (someone local - hand delivered) that she was in the reservoir were not chased up. Other articles from 2008 however claim it was searched and they found a bag of bones some of which they were at the time speculating could be a child’s fingers. Sorry if you’ve covered this - I came off for a couple of weeks.

Madeleine McCann: Mysterious Letter Claims Body Was Dumped in Barragem Da Bravura Reservoir
"The handyman picked up the note in the doorway of apartment 5A, a year after she disappeared."
Sorry to keep going on about this reservoir but when did we place CB in Silves? Wasn’t there a crime that placed him there?

“The remote reservoir is near the town of Silves where a lorry driver saw a woman handing a child like Madeleine McCann over to a man two days after she went missing.”

(This from the article I posted above)
"The handyman picked up the note in the doorway of apartment 5A, a year after she disappeared."

Hmm indeed. Although we do suspect that CB has form for getting confessional on anniversaries.
It also emerged that Brueckner sold the VW van for £ 5,000 in 2015 to a fellow German who ran an unofficial scrap yard in the Silves region of the Algarve. Portuguese police seized the vehicle in 2019.

In the last known address of Madeleine McCann, the suspect Christian Brueckner
This article from the Telegraph discusses the tip-off in Odiaxere.

If the informant is the same man, we have link to Belgium and more missing children.

“It is believed this lead may have come from the same anonymous source who predicted where two murdered children would be found in Belgium last year.

The handwriting on the letter is said to be similar to that on a map received by De Telegraaf in June 2006 which correctly predicted the location of the shallow graves of Belgian girls Nathalie Mahy, 10, and Stacey Lemmens, seven, who had disappeared while playing in front of a cafe in Liege.”

Again, apologies if already discussed. Some fast sleuthing going on.

McCanns condemn Madeleine 'grave' tip
One thing I’ve been thinking on - we have a fair few photos now. Is there any way to deduce a pattern as to when he shaved his hair very short? Wondering if this is a precursor to premeditated crime - although the detail about wearing swimming goggles also makes me think he might use a swimming hat. That and the link to children’s swimming costumes all paints a bit of a picture.
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