Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #7

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The Sun's article is pretty consistet with the Mirror one but does contain this additional piece -

He aimed to steal as much money as he could until he reached his dream of having a million euros.

“But the German guy and his friend took everything.

“I came back to Praia da Luz in about February 2007 and found Christian camping wild near the town.

“He was going to raves and I think selling drugs. I stuck around for a bit and then went back to Spain.”

Couple of things to perhaps infer from this. One, he was expecting to come out of prison with his loot intact. Now it is all gone, does he now become desperate?

Second, CB was camping wild back in Feb 2007. Reported that he wasn't kicked out of the farmhouse until April 2007 in some articles though... He was released from prison in Dec 2016 and if the loot and video camera was taken from the farmhouse then, he must have still been a tenant, or is it the pending eviction which made him get an acquaintance to move what was in there before someone else found it?

ETA: MT seemed to indicate CB was interested in MT's cannabis connections. Possibly why he sought out MT. We know CB was drying out cannabis on the roof of AB's house in Germany around this time too.
On your second point:
CB was in jail 8 or 9 months ending December 2006.
The robbery by ‘friends’ was while he was in jail.
So could have been any time between March/April and December.
maybe he was worried about losing goods to pay for the diesel sentence fine? Which could be the reason behind Getting friends to remove his valuables from the farmhouse.

Makes sense that the robbery happened while he was in jail, and at some point after this, while he was still in jail, his tenancy ended. as it also explains why the farmhouse was found in such a mess. The mess being because the whole place had been ‘turned over’.

Also, could this Austrian guy be the second tall ‘English speaking’ friend witnessed with CB at the drug parties/raves up at Barao d st Joao ?
Have we heard anymore yet on a potentially link with Peggy when he was in Bavaria?
It also emerged that Brueckner sold the VW van for £ 5,000 in 2015 to a fellow German who ran an unofficial scrap yard in the Silves region of the Algarve. Portuguese police seized the vehicle in 2019.

In the last known address of Madeleine McCann, the suspect Christian Brueckner
Would that be the German businessman Bernhard, the one who bailed CB out?
Which is obviously why they are trying to find some forensic trace. If they did have a video though, combined with witness testimony relating to some kind of confession, I still think a prosecution is perhaps possible there, provided there's enough circumstantial evidence to back up CB's involvment. Unfortunately, we don't know what they have just yet so we can only speculate.
Any number of people could have a copy of digital video on a usb stick, what LE need to track down is the source camera for the video.
Last night I mentioned I'd read somewhere that rewards don't often help in solving cases such as these and I noted I'd provide a link later... for those interested, here is the quote I had in mind, and the link as well:

"And yet, the fact is, where rewards are on offer, very few people ever claim them"
Do cash rewards catch criminals?

This came up because someone upthread had posted they thought associates with information would come forward in this case given the large reward money avail.... But the reward has been available all this time, and yet only now we're starting to hear about a possible suspect - I doubt we are hearing about him now due to any reward money offered.
One thing I’ve been thinking on - we have a fair few photos now. Is there any way to deduce a pattern as to when he shaved his hair very short? Wondering if this is a precursor to premeditated crime - although the detail about wearing swimming goggles also makes me think he might use a swimming hat. That and the link to children’s swimming costumes all paints a bit of a picture.

How about wigs?

April 2007: He moves out of a farmhouse and into a campervan linked to the crime. The farmhouse is cleaned and a bag of wigs is found.
Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner LAUGHED at jokes he was hiding her in his cellar | Daily Mail Online
fair enough about the males and females. I dont agree that my point has been eliminated or flawed at all..and i'd invite you also to read earlier and not be so bloody rude about it. so then halve the numbers. there's still plenty enough to have a society of like individuals..plenty enough.

To further get a handle on how many are amongst us..we know for a FACT that there are at least 6 p'philes in the area around the resorts in PdL. A population of about 1000. (3500 in PdL)..and they are just the ones that have been charged and convicted in the past..

f there just werent p'philes around and it was only a very small percent that were dangerous, then why are there 6 that we know of in PdL, and why hasnt the case against CB been proven either way?..these' people's movements would be easily recognisable as dodgy..IF these people were rare.

I';ve heard all the arguments so far and im just advocating for what's the most likely scenario. I introduced an interesting factor in the investigation that wasnt already reported on or been discussed. i believe it has merit.

It would not surprise me at all if they had a few people either charged or already locked up, and each is trading one or many charges against the other(s)..but each of these 'people' are also hiding things..
Interesting, who are the 6 we know of in PdL?
Given how he just sang like a canary to the media, it doesn't seem that he is at all afraid of any of CB's past or present associates... I'd like to know why not? What makes him feel so safe to reveal these things to the media? CB's ex gf apparently went to hide after speaking to police and yet here is this guy.....

Money. Payment by the press.
fair enough about the males and females. I dont agree that my point has been eliminated or flawed at all..and i'd invite you also to read earlier and not be so bloody rude about it. so then halve the numbers. there's still plenty enough to have a society of like individuals..plenty enough.

To further get a handle on how many are amongst us..we know for a FACT that there are at least 6 p'philes in the area around the resorts in PdL. A population of about 1000. (3500 in PdL)..and they are just the ones that have been charged and convicted in the past..

f there just werent p'philes around and it was only a very small percent that were dangerous, then why are there 6 that we know of in PdL, and why hasnt the case against CB been proven either way?..these' people's movements would be easily recognisable as dodgy..IF these people were rare.

I';ve heard all the arguments so far and im just advocating for what's the most likely scenario. I introduced an interesting factor in the investigation that wasnt already reported on or been discussed. i believe it has merit.

It would not surprise me at all if they had a few people either charged or already locked up, and each is trading one or many charges against the other(s)..but each of these 'people' are also hiding things..

I clearly remember in the early days of this missing investigation that so many Portugese parents (more than have been mentioned so far in this thread) were complaining saying no-one, not even the Police were helping them find their missing children. I know some missing Portugese children have been mentioned in this thread but it was many more than so far mentioned here. Are there any Portugese speakers in this thread who can search for all the missing Portugese children who have been named in press or on TV programmes?
Wow! So IF the tip off was by the person who CORRECTLY predicted where the 2 missing children in Belgium would be found, this must be significant, surely? Especially as a previous poster posted links saying they found a plastic bag of small bones and 5 metre cord in the lake 9 miles from PDL. Why have we not heard the results of analysis of those bones?

Thanks for sharing this.
He probably didn't unfortunately otherwise they would have been conducting an excavation you'd have thought. He may have given clues to it though. Told him how she died maybe and what he did with the body.

That's why I thought the appeal for details of room interiors may have been inportant. If he indicated to the guy that she was buried nearby the crime scene they would maybe be able to pinpoint an area for a search.

One thing that does come to mind when you read between the lines of all these stories is that German LE still think it's possible to recover a body. Implies they do know what happened there and the body can be found.

I thought the appeal for info on interiors might relate to what we now know is said to be a second brutal attack against a second elderly woman - in the second instance, she was said to have been chained to a post" during her attack. I wonder what country that attack is supposed to have happened in, because I haven't been able to find any mention of it yet (that said, I haven't looked very hard). Maybe someone else can find it? Surely that would have made headlines, if she reported it to LE?
The 'tip off' letters were written in Portuguese. I wonder if CB can write eloquently enough in Portuguese?
this has me thinking about the phone call, the member of staff suspected etc... Did they think it was just going to be a robbery? Then when they actually realised what actually
happened they felt that this should be done.
Interesting quote in that article -

“He also got into a huge row with another friend because he borrowed a lap top from him and when Christian gave it back the guy found lots of child *advertiser censored* on it.”

Sounds very similar to the SM accusation made by the anonymous Alison that her boyfriend "Christian" had allegedly 'told' her about.


ETA: if you scroll UP at this link... you're in for a stomach turn.

If you read the bottom of that page, we learn that PJ had his Sony Vaio laptop for 10 months, despite promising they'd return it within a week. I wonder, did he get it back finally? What ELSE was taken from his home (if this is listed somewhere in the link, I haven't gotten to it yet!).
I clearly remember in the early days of this missing investigation that so many Portugese parents (more than have been mentioned so far in this thread) were complaining saying no-one, not even the Police were helping them find their missing children. I know some missing Portugese children have been mentioned in this thread but it was many more than so far mentioned here. Are there any Portugese speakers in this thread who can search for all the missing Portugese children who have been named in press or on TV programmes?
Might help
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