Malaysia airlines 370 with 239 people on board, 8 March 2014 #25

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Weekly Update - January 30, 2018

This update which apparently comes out on a Tuesday will cover the week before (Sunday thru Saturday).

The vessel Seabed Constructor arrived at the search area on 21 January 2018 and began launching the eight Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) on 22 January 2018.

It has now completed phase 1. (They show a chart which shows completed area.)

Total area covered as of 28 January 2018 is 4500 square kilometres.
No significant contacts identified to date.

Favorable weather conditions for next week.

Bryan's Dropbox - Search Weekly Report 1.pdf?dl=0
I'm not into Twitter so I can't comment on it, but the Facebook link is great.
It's fascinating to see the path the boat is taking in its search. I'm glad they are keeping it updated so we will not be in the dark wondering about how they are doing.

The Facebook site also provided a link to Bryan's Dropbox where apparently he will provide the Malaysia weekly update. This update is kind of like the ATSB updates were and is easy to read with colorful diagrams. I will try to bring info from the weekly updates into this thread like I did before.
The first one will be my next post. Search Weekly Report 1.pdf?dl=0

Thanks for sharing. It is fascinating. Hope they get a hit on its location before they complete their planned areas.
They haven't reported their location for 18 hours, so we don't know what they are doing. Will just have to be patient I guess.

Everything had been working so well last week. They had said earlier they would be able to continue searching even if a AUV quit working. This sounds more like a communication problem.
What would they do if they found something? Would they announce it to the world or shut down public communication while they investigated further?
Everything had been working so well last week. They had said earlier they would be able to continue searching even if a AUV quit working. This sounds more like a communication problem.
What would they do if they found something? Would they announce it to the world or shut down public communication while they investigated further?

I would think they would probably try to confirm a find before they announced anything. I would hope so anyway. For the sake of the families.
Everything had been working so well last week. They had said earlier they would be able to continue searching even if a AUV quit working. This sounds more like a communication problem.
What would they do if they found something? Would they announce it to the world or shut down public communication while they investigated further?

I wonder if they found something they want to have a closer look at since the location hasn't been updated.

I'm very hopeful they'll find something. I don't think that company would have offered to search if they weren't pretty sure the plane was there, especially after the first search turned up nothing. They know it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.
They are supposed to be leaving the search area in the next few days. So I'm not sure if there will be an update when they do, if they aren't reporting their location. Seems silly to hide your location if you found something, it just draws attention to it.
Everything had been working so well last week. They had said earlier they would be able to continue searching even if a AUV quit working. This sounds more like a communication problem.
What would they do if they found something? Would they announce it to the world or shut down public communication while they investigated further?

If I were them, I wouldn't announce anything unless I was certain it was related to this plane.
The families have already been through so much, I wouldn't want them to get their hopes up...again.
Hopefully this silence is a good thing!
Facebook llnk is reporting an hour ago that the AIS is working again.
Ship is on the way to Fremantle and due to arrive on Feb 8.
That sure was an interesting series of days. Maybe just communication issues. With an advanced ship of that kind it kind of sounds like it was an intentional turn off of communications which is a mystery if that is what they did.

Will be interesting to hear any news they can provide once they dock for resupply.

With the whole way the contract is based on finding the plane it almost makes me think they somehow had gotten some specific information where the plane may be. And with the mystery of the communication being off it adds to me wondering that maybe when they got there they went right to the spot they think the plane was.

So I am hopeful that they found something and hoping they are going to give a big announcement. It would kind of make sense if they wanted to wait to get on land and be able to have a press conference with media present if there is some big announcment.

It sure is interesting. Hoping for some good news.

What is so mind boggling is when you look at the small area they are searching compared to the whole ocean around there it really is a needle in a haystack type of thing. Before I saw the maps from the links I thought the previous searchers had covered much more. Its really just a small area compared to the ocean around there.
Wishing them the best of luck.
They are coming in to resupply? That seems odd. They weren't out there very long. And since the clock is ticking on them, wouldn't it make sense to have supplies brought out to them instead of taking time off of station?
They are coming in to resupply? That seems odd. They weren't out there very long. And since the clock is ticking on them, wouldn't it make sense to have supplies brought out to them instead of taking time off of station?

That is what I cannot understand either.

With such a limited time they have to find the plane according to the contract and with capabilities to stay out in deep water for very long periods of time it does not make sense to me that they would need to come back to "resupply".

Ive been trying to read through the FB posts and I cant tell how they think it is a normal scheduled stop to come all the way back for this resupply. That is what it sounded like but I cant tell if that is just others making an assumption that it was scheduled or if that was known before they started searching.

It doesnt make any sense to me at all.
MSM is starting to pick up the news and asking the same sort of questions about the blackout.

"Ocean Infinity is expected to given another update on the progress of the search late this week but it’s anyone’s guess if it will explain why it disabled its tracking system for such a long period of time."

"Seabed Constructor is expected to dock in Freemantle to refuel and top up supplies before returning to the search area."
I dont know anything about mariner laws or rules of the sea but I do kind of agree with some of the SM posts where it seemed a little too ironic that the plane went missing and turned off its transponders and here we have a search vessel that had some sort of communication blackout.

We sure dont need anything else going missing in the sea. It didnt sound very professional but then again maybe there are valid reasons for it.

Hopefully we will get a satisfactory explanation whenever we get an official update from those in control of the search ship.
'Seabed Constructor' begins search for MH370

PETALING JAYA: The vessel Seabed Constructor has begun the search for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, said Datuk Seri Azharuddin Abdul Rahman.

In a statement on Tuesday (Jan 23), the Department of Civil Aviation director-general shared that the vessel had arrived at the search area in the southern Indian Ocean.

According to Azharuddin, who is also head of the MH370 Response Team, the vessel commenced the search operation with the first Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) launched at 12.55am local time (2.55am Malaysian time) on Monday (Jan 22) and subsequently the remaining AUVs.

Sydney (AFP) - After years of futile efforts, a fresh hunt for MH370 has set off for the remote Indian Ocean -- and the top Australian scientist who helped pinpoint the new search zone is hopeful the missing jet can be found within weeks.

Armed with oceanographic analyses and a high-tech search vessel, the latest search for the Boeing 777, which vanished in March 2014 carrying 239 people, kicked off on Monday run by private exploration firm Ocean Infinity, in the hope of solving one of aviation's most enduring mysteries.


"We're hopeful that they (Ocean Infinity) could find the aircraft within the first month of the search," oceanographer David Griffin of CSIRO, Australia's leading national agency for scientific research, told AFP.

"Malaysia has given them three months to complete the search. So we're into the first week now. We could hear something from them in the next couple of weeks," said Griffin, who met with the Ocean Infinity team in London last month.

- No find, no fee -

Ocean Infinity has a huge incentive to find the plane. As part of the deal, the private team will only be paid if they find the jet or its black boxes, with up to US$70 million on offer if they are successful.

This is one reason why they are tracking the area search.

The suspension has been lifted on a “no cure, no fee” basis, meaning Ocean Infinity will be paid on a sliding scale, depending on what the search finds and how quickly it makes progress. The government will pay a $20 million reward if the company finds debris in the first 1,930 square miles, $30 million for the subsequent 3,860 square miles, and so on, according to Malaysian Transport Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai. The 90-day search will focus on finding the plane’s black box, which could help answer some questions about how the aircraft went down.
“I found the development quite odd, and worrying,” he said. “If this silence and becoming invisible was intentional, to ward off suspicion, a satisfactory explanation is due. If it was for other reasons, then in the interests of transparency, we ought to be told what caused it.

“There are no journalists and no family members on board the search ship. I wish there were some ... We watch on in good faith. I hope ongoing official disclosure is of such a high order that there is little room for speculation, controversy or a whiff of conspiracy.”

During the three-day data blackout conspiracy theories spread online, including one that Seabed Constructor had taken a detour to recover sunken treasure from the nearby wreck of the SV Inca, a Peruvian ship that sunk in 1911 while en route to Sydney.

Kevin Rupp, a precision machinist who has been publicly tracking Seabed Constructor, said that was highly unlikely.

“I have nothing polite to say about those who are spreading rumours that Seabed Constructor was really on a treasure hunt,” he said.

He said all speculation was simply guesswork, and the tracker may have been turned off to prevent unnecessary distress to the victim’s families. “If the ship detected possible contacts [with MH370] its most likely action would be to move to the spot of the detections and lower an ROV – a tethered remote-controlled small vehicle,” he said.

“To do this, Seabed Constructor would have to sit still in one place for a long period of time and this would be very noticeable to those of us watching through our AIS tracking apps ... I believe they may have turned the AIS transmitter to low power mode to prevent us from speculating that they had found something and causing undue distress for the next of kin.”
Weekly Update - February 6 2018

Search operations progressed as scheduled. (No mention of the AIS problem.

Total area now covered is 7500 square kilometers. (the contract is for square MILES)

Two points of interest were identified. Investigation classified each as geological. (pictures)

Seabed Constructor departed the search area at on February 4 in transit to Fremantle for resupply and crew change. It is expected to arrive on February 8 and scheduled to depart on February 12 to continue with the search operations.

Favorable weather for next week.

Kevin's dropbox - Search Weekly Report 2.pdf?dl=0
Finally found a link that identifies the contract levels with square kilometers.

It will be paid $US20 million if plane is found in the 5000 sq. km primary search area, $US30m in the 10,000 sq. km secondary zone and $US50m in the 10,000 tertiary area.

The three zones make up the 25,000 sq.m area defined by the ATSB and other experts.

Ocean Inifinity will get $US70m if it locates the wreckage in outside that 25,000 zone where a number of experts have suggested it is.
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