Malaysia airlines MH370 with 239 people on board, 8 March 2014 #26

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This is way over my head at the moment (and possibly at every moment?).. but sounds interesting, albeit... somewhat discouraging?:

Despite many stories in the media repeating claims that historical WSPR data can be used to track MH370, there are many reasons why these claims are patently false. There is broad agreement among acknowledgeable researchers that have investigated these claims, and a handful of these researchers have documented their concerns.

“I do not believe that historical data from the WSPR network can provide any information useful for aircraft tracking.”-
Prof. Joe Taylor (K1JT), Nobel Prize in Physics, Inventor of WSPR
Considering the very favorable assumptions we made regarding propagation loss, incident angle, and noise floor, we can be quite confident that the WSPR signal originating in Switzerland at 17:16 UTC did not interact with MH370 in any way that was detectable in Australia, as was claimed.
This article attempts to lay out in simple technical terms why WSPR data cannot be used to track aircraft over long distances, and certainly cannot be used to reconstruct the flight path of MH370. At long distances and at low transmission powers, the received signals from hypothetical aircraft scatter are simply too weak by many orders of magnitude.

WSPR Can’t Find MH370 « MH370 and Other Investigations

PS In the article above, it links to this youtube, which seems to dispute the info in the posts upthread regarding Richard Godfrey's theory.:


Richard Godfrey is speaking about this on Aussie 60 Minutes this Sunday, along with some other people.

In the preview I have seen on TV (which is a bit different from this link) he says they have tracked the entire flight path. He also says that there was 'an active pilot' for the whole flight.

(Not sure if this preview link can be seen outside Aus.)
Richard Godfrey is speaking about this on Aussie 60 Minutes this Sunday, along with some other people.

In the preview I have seen on TV (which is a bit different from this link) he says they have tracked the entire flight path. He also says that there was 'an active pilot' for the whole flight.

(Not sure if this preview link can be seen outside Aus.)
In Canada, I was able to view the link... hope I can also tune into the Aus version of 60Minutes when it airs? Which channel will it be on?
MH370 new leads, Malaysia to consult Australian Transport Safety Bureau | AsiaNewsToday

''KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 18 (NNN-Bernama) — The Malaysia’s Ministry of Transport (MOT) will be consulting the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) on their review of documents produced by British aeronautical engineer Richard Godfrey, which asserts new leads in the search of the missing MH370 aircraft.

The ministry in a statement Friday said they acknowledged that ATSB was currently reviewing the documents put forward by Godfrey but unable to comment on the validity of his assessments without a third party review and verification.''

Important to note that Australia is not actually going out and searching again. What is being done is a 3rd party review of the (previous) search data.

Because the area that Richard Godfrey has identified has already been searched, they want to ensure that they didn't miss any indicators (or any areas) in the previous search - which, as we know, was done by unmanned subterranean craft.

" ATSB added that the findings of the review are expected to be released in the next few weeks while stating that any decision to conduct further searches for MH370 would be a matter for the Malaysian government and that the ATSB was not aware of any requests to support a new search for the missing aircraft."
MH370 new leads, Malaysia to consult Australian Transport Safety Bureau
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Mr Godfrey said 160 signals were disturbed over the Indian Ocean that night, disturbances likely caused by an aeroplane.

Only one other aircraft was anywhere near MH370 over the ocean and Mr Godfrey said that plane was at least an hour away.

That meant the disturbances were most likely caused by the Malaysian jet allowing its flight to be tracked as well as its probable final resting place.

He has said he can narrow a search area down to just 300 square kilometres (115.8 sq miles)

Far from heading in a straight line into the Indian Ocean, Mr Godfrey has claimed MH370 did a number of 360 degree turns over the sea – almost like holding patterns before an aircraft lands at a busy airport. That would mean the “ghost flight” theory – that the plane was on autopilot and the passengers and crew were incapacitated – may not be accurate.

“This is strange to me. When you’re in the remotest part of the Indian Ocean trying to lose an aircraft why would you enter a holding pattern for 20 minutes?

“(The captain) may have been communicating with the Malaysian government, he may have been checking whether he was being followed, he may have simply wanted time to make up his mind,” said Mr Godfrey.

New theory of MH370’s final flight leads to ‘horrifying’ conclusion
Can't believe we're coming up to 8 years and it still hasn't been found. Such a huge mystery!

I sometimes wonder how much of the plane is left down there, to be found. With some pieces washing up on various beaches in different nations.

Searching for the wreckage, in the vast depth of that ocean, is like walking a line through mountains and valleys and trying to locate a downed plane ... in an unmanned vehicle.
I sometimes wonder how much of the plane is left down there, to be found. With some pieces washing up on various beaches in different nations.

Searching for the wreckage, in the vast depth of that ocean, is like walking a line through mountains and valleys and trying to locate a downed plane ... in an unmanned vehicle.

If it didn't sink, I expect it would have been found from satellite imagery.

I admire Danica's hopefulness after all these years. Paul removed his wedding band and watch before departure, in saying to her, that he'd be using heavy equipment for his job and could not wear them while he worked so he wished to leave them behind. Danica is saving the wedding band for their oldest son and his watch for their youngest son.

I am one who believes, unfortunately, the pilot committed suicide as well as murder of all 239 passengers on board the fateful plane. Evil flew that destined airplane into the vast Southern Indian Ocean.

This is way over my head at the moment (and possibly at every moment?).. but sounds interesting, albeit... somewhat discouraging?:

Despite many stories in the media repeating claims that historical WSPR data can be used to track MH370, there are many reasons why these claims are patently false. There is broad agreement among acknowledgeable researchers that have investigated these claims, and a handful of these researchers have documented their concerns.

“I do not believe that historical data from the WSPR network can provide any information useful for aircraft tracking.”-
Prof. Joe Taylor (K1JT), Nobel Prize in Physics, Inventor of WSPR
Considering the very favorable assumptions we made regarding propagation loss, incident angle, and noise floor, we can be quite confident that the WSPR signal originating in Switzerland at 17:16 UTC did not interact with MH370 in any way that was detectable in Australia, as was claimed.
This article attempts to lay out in simple technical terms why WSPR data cannot be used to track aircraft over long distances, and certainly cannot be used to reconstruct the flight path of MH370. At long distances and at low transmission powers, the received signals from hypothetical aircraft scatter are simply too weak by many orders of magnitude.

WSPR Can’t Find MH370 « MH370 and Other Investigations

PS In the article above, it links to this youtube, which seems to dispute the info in the posts upthread regarding Richard Godfrey's theory.:

Thank you for this. Based on this I have to conclude that any info derived from what they think is WSPR data is nonsense. If that’s what they’re using to determine that the plane was in a holding pattern or doing something else and it went down in a specific place (especially one they already searched) then I have to dismiss it.
Thank you for this. Based on this I have to conclude that any info derived from what they think is WSPR data is nonsense. If that’s what they’re using to determine that the plane was in a holding pattern or doing something else and it went down in a specific place (especially one they already searched) then I have to dismiss it.
On the other hand.... even experts aren't always right. Where I live, back in 1986 when they were building the SkyDome, or whatever they call it currently (it is downtown Toronto, and has a retractable dome), engineers said it was impossible and would never work. .. so it seems that people and experts may have different ways of thinking. Wouldn't it be great if a billionaire somewhere would offer to pay to check some of these theories out?

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