Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #10

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Pilot on CNN is saying (I think) that the pilots could have pre-programmed in the nearest airport as a "just in case" thing....just a precaution. That makes sense.
Derryn's on now?

Hmm...maybe he can tell us (please?) about the door between the cargo hold and the cabin on the B777-200ER -- (or just B777 in general) discussed in [ame=""]this post.[/ame]

I'm curious...

• what part of the cabin is it in--forward, middle, or rear?

• is it normally locked?
Two fiancée stories:

Pictured: The distraught captain fiancée who was about to marry missing Malaysian co-pilot after nine-year relationship

(This one to air tonight):

Anderson Cooper 360° ‏@AC360 1m
She was planning to marry her partner #PhilipWood when he boarded #MH370. @sjhbajc talks to @andersoncooper. #AC360 8p on @CNN

Whoa, this article says that the pilot is related to the jailed opposition leader! I haven't seen that discussed. The co pilot has a very cute and open honest looking face, and his fiancee is just beautiful. It's hard to believe that he did anything.
Anderson Cooper, Mary Schiavo, and Pilot Anders have been repeating the same things over and over again for days now.
This really frustrates me; with all the technology we have today we could not track a Plane this big. I’ve been wondering about the Cell phones.

1. If the plane did divert and fly back over land, and lower to avoid radar, wouldn’t those cell phones “ping” the towers.

2. Even if they didn’t have service in the area, would the phone know that? IMO It would need to contact a tower to determine coverage, right?

3. When I fly with my wife, I turn my Cell off, she never turns hers off, ever. So out of 239 people certainly someone had a Cell phone on.

4. Has anyone released any data on Cell phones? Last Tower? Etc.

It just seems to me there is something going on here and we are all being left in the dark. I mean someone can be reported missing and within hours LE knows what tower they pinged off. 239 people go missing and all I’m hearing (foxnews link in earlier post) is how it isn’t possible, but we know on 911 people were using cell phones on planes, when over land, but it’s mum on this!?!

Early reports say that cell phones did ping off a tower in Kota Baru, Malaysia. Whether that was 100% confirmed or not, is the other question.
Since several official people seem to think this jet is in Pakistan,(Boeing insider, General McCanary), would the jet have had enough fuel to pass by Maldives and fly up to Pakistan? I wondered if they would do this to avoid being detected crossing India. They would have had to go around India,past Sri Lanka,over the Maldives and up to Pakistan over the Arabian sea.
The General is going to be on Sean Hannity tonight. I'm going to listen more closely to see if he has anymore information.
Pilot on CNN is saying (I think) that the pilots could have pre-programmed in the nearest airport as a "just in case" thing....just a precaution. That makes sense.

Things that make sense. No longer make sense. For me :floorlaugh: I know it's not funny but my brain is saturated :scared: And I now have a head cold :banghead:
Since several official people seem to think this jet is in Pakistan,(Boeing insider, General McCanary), would the jet have had enough fuel to pass by Maldives and fly up to Pakistan? I wondered if they would do this to avoid being detected crossing India. They would have had to go around India,past Sri Lanka,over the Maldives and up to Pakistan over the Arabian sea.
The General is going to be on Sean Hannity tonight. I'm going to listen more closely to see if he has anymore information.

What time is Hannity?

IDK about Pakistan, as I said before...IMO it would have to be something which was already know by Pakistan intelligence...ISI...and the Pakistan army, or there is no way IMO they would NOT have not noticed an unidentified blip coming in on their radar.

And why would Pakistan army take that chance?
Originally Posted by PoirotryInMotion
Problem is, if going with this theory (that he had been practicing this sort of thing on the simulator), then you need to explain why the authorities have said there was nothing suspicious on the confiscated equipment.
I find the 5 runways the pilot programmed in suspicious.

Programmed in on his simulator, or in the cockpit? Sorry for being confused! (I hadn't heard any details about what the pilot had on his simulator). I do find the purposeful reprogramming described by authorities in the cockpit to be suggestive of a hijacker (whoever it was).
I agree with Derryn's analysis against a fire being likely. A catastrophic event like a fire either means the plane lands or crashes within a short space of time, not flies on for hours.
I believe it far more likely that someone had control of the aircraft, who and why we don't know. The most obvious persons to look at are the pilots as they were in control at the beginning of the flight.
Unfortunately I don't think they will find the plane any time soon. So very sad for the families. 4 people on it from my city makes it closer to home.
CNN just called me. They saw my posts on Websleuths. They wanted to know if I had ever been in a big airplane, seen a big airplane, heard a big airplane, or had relatives that had been in airplanes. I said YES to all of the above. They want me to come and be on a show as an "expert" on airplane flight. Is that cool or what !!?? Wolf sounds a lot different on the phone than he does in person.
Derryn's on now?

Hmm...maybe he can tell us (please?) about the door between the cargo hold and the cabin on the B777-200ER -- (or just B777 in general) discussed in this post.

I'm curious...

• what part of the cabin is it in--forward, middle, or rear?

• is it normally locked?

Unfortunately I don't know the answer to this - no idea sorry :(
Evening All!

Good read about SATCOM, ACARS and Pings.

CNN just called me. They saw my posts on Websleuths. They wanted to know if I had ever been in a big airplane, seen a big airplane, heard a big airplane, or had relatives that had been in airplanes. I said YES to all of the above. They want me to come and be on a show as an "expert" on airplane flight. Is that cool or what !!?? Wolf sounds a lot different on the phone than he does in person.

Gee, I didn't know you had to have all those qualifications to be a CNN expert.

Derryn's on now?

Hmm...maybe he can tell us (please?) about the door between the cargo hold and the cabin on the B777-200ER -- (or just B777 in general) discussed in this post.

I'm curious...

• what part of the cabin is it in--forward, middle, or rear?

• is it normally locked?

Unfortunately I don't know the answer to this - no idea sorry :(

I'm googleing it at the moment though and the general consensus is no, you can't get between the two...
long before?
see....more questions!!
so how much time does one consider is Long before? 10, 20,30 mins....1 hr.???

Well that's pretty vague, hey?!
I'd like to know the answer to this too!

Long in a day? Week? What?
Is there no way to tell exactly when the flight plan was changed? Is this stuff not time stamped?

ETA: If I had read a few posts down, I would have read that the flight plan was changed roughly 12 minutes before the "Alright/All right, good night."
I should read first BEFORE posting! :floorlaugh:
Here is the image Intermezzo-

Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Latitude- 11.577303 Longitude- 92.680922


Cool, thanks for putting that in perspective! If you zoomed out, where are the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in relation to the other locations we've been discussing. My SE Asian geography is not good!

ETA: Never mind, I looked it up. Looks like it fits nicely into the northern arc area... Also, I don't agree with whoever said it had been repainted. It's a fuzzy picture and the Malaysian Airlines jets are already mostly white, and might well appear all white from above.
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