Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #10

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Ok, this is what I learned so far today.

There was nothing bizarre on the pilots simulator.
There was nothing really bizarre about his demeanor or the co-pilots.
The turn had to have been programmed into the plane, but they don't know who did it or when it was done.
Some more radar information came out today, but I forget what it was about.

Is there anything else I'm forgetting?

:seeya: You are too normal :) Thats why Ilove you.

You are forgetting that Boston was no accident, 9/11 was no accident someone knew something.
AS IN THIS CASE someone knows something.
I think they are in a huge cave somewhere and the plane is getting painted to be used for something else.
I just don’t want to think about the poor people because then I will cry..
So I was reading Capt. Chris Goodfellow's summary ( his belief is that the plane accidentally caught fire due to a fault with the wheel.

I was just thinking that, a fire could have broken out too due to shoe bomb trying to get cockpit door open, then the highjackers were subdued, but the smoke overcame the pilots before they could land the plane safely.

Either way it's spooky to think that the plane could have been flying around with everyone on board dead OR not, just everyone who knew how to fly a plane.. oh my god... sounds like a horror film.

If this turns out to be the reason (fire either due to malfunction or terrorism) then it's a good thing we've spent so much time explaining to terrorists everywhere the possible ways that they could take over civilian planes. LOL

Shoe bomb? Wonder of that's why the two kids with the fake passports had the same legs in the photos that were released??
On the passenger deck, a diversion is created, causing one of the pilots to open the cockpit door---cockpit is taken over by hijackers.

Correction: cockpit is taken over by terrorists!

It might have been simpler than that. Get a hottie to flirt with the co-pilot and let him invite her into the cockpit or have her ask if she could come in.
Snipped for space.
Personally, I don't think the plane will reappear. I believe it's crashed somewhere-just not sure of the where quite yet.

Maybe a vortex... like the Amelia Earhart plane that still rmains a mystery.
Unsure if posted earlier, but now showing on AC360 how easy it is to disable ACARS and depressurize the plane. It is definitely not rocket science! I am sure my 8 year old granddaughter could do it!
Can someone shed some light on this.
Everytime CNN has the plane simulator on it shows Mississauga, and the time.
I am from Toronto, very close to Mississauga, our main airport is Toronto Pearson.

Toronto and Mississauga are on a border.

So I believe this flight simulator is based at Toronto Pearson Airport.

Does no one else have a flight simulator...other than the pilot of this flight?

Why would CNN keep showing this flight simulator?
My take on it--- derived from news reports and experts on CNN, Fox, ABC, NBC.
I haven't heard a single "expert" yet surmise how hijackers could have gotten on board undetected. See item #1 below. Am I the only one that has this theory ??

1) Hijackers avoid going through security by being smuggled into the cargo hold of the plane such as in a large crate or wooden box. Planes routinely carry large crates and freight items. They routinely load heavy things using a forklift. A shipping crate 6 feet square and 6 feet tall would not even be considered that large of an item. None of these hijackers would show up on a passenger list.

2) While down in the cargo hold, they disable and disconnect what communications they can shortly before ascending to the passenger deck. This would explain some of the electronic systems shutting down prior to the pilots' sign-off with air traffic controllers. A trap door in the cabin gives the flight crew access to the lower cargo hold (and the hijackers access to the passenger deck).

3) On the passenger deck, a diversion is created, causing one of the pilots to open the cockpit door---cockpit is taken over by hijackers.

4) Somebody says "good evening" to air traffic control. Nobody knows whom.

5) Transponder is turned off, as well as any other identifiers and tracking devices that can be disabled from cockpit. The plane is essentially flying in stealth / blackout mode at this point. All cell phones and electronic devices are collected from the passengers at gunpoint.

6) The plane is now in control of the hijackers, flying a predetermined route to wherever the destination was. Low altitude flying, zig- zagging, and shadowing other aircraft is used to confuse radar operators and air traffic control. The pilot of the plane is highly experienced and knowledgeable, possibly even ex-military.

7) The plane is landed at an abandoned military base (or similar) and hidden. The U.S. military had bases and outpost all over the place back in the Vietnam and Korea days. Other foreign countries did as well. Many of those installations now sit abandon and forgotten, some of them have also been bought by private individuals and companies. Some of these installations were located on small islands. That particular plane is large in size, but it would be totally possible to land it on a highway or on a short runway with the right person controlling it. Almost any old military or army base is going to have a runway and hangers.

8) If the same people that knew how to turn off communication devices and tracking devices are as capable and proficient as they seem, then they will also know how to remove the black box and get rid of it. This means that many parts of this mystery may NEVER be solved.

9) What use they have for the plane is left to be seen.

10) What use they have for the passengers, if any, is left to be seen.

The fact that this plane vanished isn't the scary part. The scary part is going to be when this plane re-appears.

Those are all certainly possible. :scared: :eek:
ld this indicate an inside job involving more people other than the pilots?

oh I think this has been in the works for very long time many involved whereever they landed that country is "in on it"


I think there was an underground, including airport workers, military and whatever and that is why this went off so smoothly! Far too many people had their heads turned the other way!
The pilots did the course change for some reason. It could have been a problem with the plane, it could have been a sick passenger or it could have been a hijacking. I'm just pretty sure now that the pilots weren't doing it nefariously for their own reasons or were doing it in order to get help. If it was a hijacking they weren't involved.

The co-pilot has been known to let hotties into the cabin. Perhaps this was known by potential hijackers and was used as a way to take control of the aircraft. Who knows? :dunno:


Hey Steely- maybe the hotties ate yohr baby or um, hijacked the plane! hehehe!

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Yes, I watched that interview and I could tell that the expert was not one to try to stir things up, He chose his words carefully and he was deadly serious. I believe that they know the plane is stashed away
in Pakistan but they don't know the fate of the passengers. MOO

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That "expert" is retired General McInerney.
Can someone shed some light on this.
Everytime CNN has the plane simulator on it shows Mississauga, and the time.
I am from Toronto, very close to Mississauga, our main airport is Toronto Pearson.

Toronto and Mississauga are on a border.

So I believe this flight simulator is based at Toronto Pearson Airport.

Does no one else have a flight simulator...other than the pilot of this flight?

Why would CNN keep showing this flight simulator?

I did hear mention of Canada while the simulator was being discussed last night. So you are probably right. BTW Toronto is beautiful!
Does it not make you sad to think this plane and all of the crew and passengers might be on the bottom of the ocean? I just don't see how the plane couldn't break apart on impact and there would be some type of debris. Am I delusional?
Shoe bomb? Wonder of that's why the two kids with the fake passports had the same legs in the photos that were released??

seriously? I didn't know that. You mean they were wearing the same pants and shoes or you think the picture was doctored?

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I did hear mention of Canada while the simulator was being discussed last night. So you are probably right. BTW Toronto is beautiful!

My guess would be that they could not find any other 777 sim that is free these guys have been sitting in that SIM since last week!!

IMO they should have found a far more dynamic SIM trainer he is pretty flat doesnt really explain a lot does a lot of pointing basically!!

Dont know if it is class D BUT It costs $50 million!
Swissair Flight 111, right? I've seen a documentary about it a while ago and remembered instantly that the cause of the crash could not be determined until one of the investigators made a last ditch-attempt (at the very end of this investigation, so he was either going to make it or break it) on the insulating material , which fortunately revealed what actually caused the fire).

Makes you wonder what they actually tested, if anything at all.

Afterwards this specific material being used (and considered to be fire-proof) has been replaced worldwide (IIRC) with a secure alternative.

NOT worldwide... just in the Western Countries. Many developing countries still use it.
They talk about it at the very end of the documentary.
One of Malaysia's major industries is semiconductors. They used to be the number two supplier - not sure of their current ranking. They compete with China in a lot of ways.

(Right when I caught up with this thread, just the thread not the page, my head started pounding. I'm going to rest my eyes so sorry for butting in here.)

On the last thread, I was cracking up over the comments about putting on our tin hats for this case.
Did you know that Malaysia used to be the number one supplier of tin?
In the 1980's there was a tin crisis. Not sure what that means exactly - supply or demand or what. Now they list metal instead.


Interesting that one of Malaysia's major industries is semiconductors. Wasn't there a very large group of mainly Chinese individuals who worked for an American company that makes the same thing? Hmmm.

ETA: Did the US company have manufacturing in Malaysia? I wonder how large it was.
And this is why we all our pulling our nails, hair, out!!!! ITs madness......Dear World,
WHich is it -
yes no

up down
right left
vertical horizontal
bright dull
black white !!!!!!!!!!!

And US govt , for the first time in history has been basically silent WHAT is that about?.

The US doesn't need to go around jumping up and down making a big noise about this. It happened in Malaysia to a Malaysian owned aircraft with mostly Chinese and Malaysian passengers. I think it's great that the NTSB and FBI are involved, even if they're calling the shots behind the scene, because they have the expertise. But it would be dumb and irresponsible if the US were giving updates on another countries investigation.
seriously? I didn't know that. You mean they were wearing the same pants and shoes or you think the picture was doctored?

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They were wearing the same bottom half. :facepalm:

Malaysia Airlines and the case of the missing legs

Or maybe it's the case of the extra legs?

The photos circulated Tuesday of the two Iranians who got on the missing Malaysia Airlines flight showed two men with different bags, different T-shirts and the same pair of legs.
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