Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #12

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The video from the Today Show that I just posted shows how they could do it. They use a robot submarine.

Cute little things weren't they?

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Australia military or navy (or whoever is in charge of the satellites) could very well have better images than what was released to the media/public. I can't see the PM announcing he has credible information regarding the possible debris found if he wasn't 100% sure it was plane debris.

Didn't China also claimed to have "credible" information, when they released their satellite pictures? It was also assumed, they would have them in much better quality, but in the end, it was a false report, so I'm still sceptical regarding the Australian satellite footage.
Oh my gosh,.. Those poor families... This is more than enough to drive anyone insane!

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The rovers only go about the speed of a lawn mower, and there are only about 30 of them in the whole world. Even if this is debris from the plane, finding the rest is like finding a specific needle in a stack of needles.
Oh no :( :facepalm:

Can you post a twitter link? Trying to go through all of the tweets to find it will make my eyeballs fall out.

And hi everyone, trying to catch up :seeya:

We can't have your eyeballs falling out!

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Maybe her gut instinct is better than we all would believe! Nothing is impossible.

I'd say it is virtually impossible. You don't need hostages, you have an enormous airplane. Keeping 239 people for this long and no one knowing anything? Impossible.
One of the CNN experts also stated it was "the most remote area on the planet". On the planet?!?

It is remote, but not the most remote. That area goes to the South Pacific. Try Point Nemo in the South Pacific. It is the most remote from any land mass.

Point Nemo is the location in the ocean that is farthest from land

No surprise that it is not a common shipping lane. I know Global Ocean Race goes through that area.

Global Ocean Race
I'd say it is virtually impossible. You don't need hostages, you have an enormous airplane. Keeping 239 people for this long and no one knowing anything? Impossible.

Unless they aren't hostages and just people trying to survive until found? IDK just anything is possible really , until we have proof otherwise.
I'm gonna check the news wire

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Unless they aren't hostages and just people trying to survive until found? IDK just anything is possible really , until we have proof otherwise.

That only happens on bad TV shows/movies. It isn't possible. Living in a fantasy world and thriving on emotion doesn't help in situations like this. Logic does.
It is night in that part of the world right now, so I doubt they have any sort of information on what the debris is/isn't. They haven't even located it.
Last wire @12:23 est .... Nothing about satellite

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Please post only tweets from mainstream media...
I'm finding nothing else on this, I don't think it's reliable
I don't believe that tweet about it not being the plane. The person's twitter says "Social Media Entertainer" "News and fun stuff". Clearly not MSM.
I don't believe that tweet about it not being the plane. The person's twitter says "Social Media Entertainer" "News and fun stuff". Clearly not MSM.

thanks Softail, I agree - I see no other mention of it
IDK if this particular engine bears any relation to MH370's engine (except for the manufacturer), just found the picture to be quite impressive, not least in terms of proportions. It was taken at the Farnborough Airshow fair in 2006.

Rolls Royce engine Trent 900:



This beauty is for the the A380- the biggest passenger jet in the world now --she is two stories for the whole length of the cabin!! They have not extended her yet -! but will carry over 650 people - yes in one machine!
We can't have your eyeballs falling out!

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I'm already having to prop them open after staying up way too late due to last night's events.

Okay, until we see/hear something verified, there's still a chance. This is such a roller coaster ride, a very tragic, horrible, sad, confusing, aggravating roller coaster ride.
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