Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #12

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The US Navy said, strong radar returns received by search aircraft in the area, are not linked to the objects.

Australia pledged to continue the search for the objects by air and ship until located, unless it is certain they can not be found. If the objects are not located today, they'll be searched for tomorrow, ...
The resolution and quality of satellite images are different for different satellites, I am sure. That's why it was asked for owners of other satellites to reposition them so they could pick up info from this specific area.

On google street view I can see my car in the driveway. There would not likely be satellites with that type of resolution being aimed over the entire Indian Ocean.

I actually think it is pretty amazing they've identified something as small as approx. 70 some feet long. I also think it's important to take into account that the former director of the National Transportation Safety Bureau has stated that he thinks this object is too big to be a part of the plane. He would be one of the most knowledgeable experts on earth about these kind of things, so I'd give credence to what he has to say.

Obviously, they could not ignore these findings so they are doing what must be done in order to further identify them. And yes, they had to make it public right away due to resources being immediately needed. Asking merchant ships to participate is unusual and extraordinary. That would not be kept under wraps for long.

This Australian government site says that a general maritime broadcast went out on Monday evening. It also says that six ships participated in searching.
fwiw, i just went to the area southwest of perth on google earth... date says image is from 4/9/2013...

(when you are zooming in, the date will show at some point to the left of the co-ordinates @ lower right screen)
I'm baffled too. It sounds like the norm to lose containers on big trips. Anyone put in a claim for lost containers in that part of the world? If not my logic says it's the plane.

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I read that they thought it was unlikely containers because it's not a normal shipping channel, I'll look for link
The resolution and quality of satellite images are different for different satellites, I am sure. That's why it was asked for owners of other satellites to reposition them so they could pick up info from this specific area.

On google street view I can see my car in the driveway. There would not likely be satellites with that type of resolution being aimed over the entire Indian Ocean.

I actually think it is pretty amazing they've identified something as small as approx. 70 some feet long. I also think it's important to take into account that the former director of the National Transportation Safety Bureau has stated that he thinks this object is too big to be a part of the plane. He would be one of the most knowledgeable experts on earth about these kind of things, so I'd give credence to what he has to say.

Obviously, they could not ignore these findings so they are doing what must be done in order to further identify them. And yes, they had to make it public right away due to resources being immediately needed. Asking merchant ships to participate is unusual and extraordinary. That would not be kept under wraps for long.

This Australian government site says that a general maritime broadcast went out on Monday evening. It also says that six ships participated in searching.

The reason you can see your car in the driveway in Google Maps Steetview is because Google sends out a car every year to drive down every street in the States. The car has cameras mounted all over to pick up streetview images. Google Streetview car
Google Streetview has nothing to do with the satellite they use.
Sorry guys…..
Either water or land crash after half a month no....

Water impact: If the plane was in controlled ditch, hit like a belly flop, there would probably be survivors. Any survivors are suffering from blunt force trauma injuries and without immediate medical intervention survivability is not possible

If water crashes not level, the aircraft, going 400 miles an hour will “dive” under water. In this instance, we have blunt force trauma, still in seat belts, under water survivability unlikely.

Hypothermia –can kill a person in 20 minutes- lets go 50 degrees were looking at a day maybe?

In the instance of crash landing, after half a month we have humans suffering with blunt force trauma, bleeding, no fluid, food, survivability unlikely.

In reality, after half a month, the only way they could be alive, if the plane is in a hanger, and the perpetrators find them of value and provide food water warmth.

Just the reality here guys

.... if the body is floating in water less than 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius) for about three weeks, the tissues turn into a soapy fatty acid known as "grave wax" that halts bacterial growth. The skin, however, will still blister and turn greenish black. Finally, crabs and small fish may feed on the soft parts of the face like the eyes and lips, according to the book Forensic Taphonomy: The Postmortem Fate of Human Remains, by William D. Haglund and Marcella H. Sorg.

What about the bodies, wouldn't they float to the surface also for a while?

if the body is floating in water less than 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius) for about three weeks, the tissues turn into a soapy fatty acid known as "grave wax" that halts bacterial growth. The skin, however, will still blister and turn greenish black. Finally, crabs and small fish may feed on the soft parts of the face like the eyes and lips, according to the book Forensic Taphonomy: The Postmortem Fate of Human Remains, by William D. Haglund and Marcella H. Sorg.

What about the bodies, wouldn't they float to the surface also for a while?

Sent from my HUAWEI-M931 using Tapatalk
Need an aircraft carrier in the area!

That would be extremely valuable. However, the Poseiden aircraft has incredible capabilities. It should be able to find those large pieces with its radar. If it can't they sank.
fwiw, i just went to the area southwest of perth on google earth... date says image is from 4/9/2013...

(when you are zooming in, the date will show at some point to the left of the co-ordinates @ lower right screen)

Just remember that not everyone writes dates the same way. That's September, not April - and while its still old it's not as bad as it first seems to people who write the date backwards ;)
No, but soon to be here! :D

I was thinking of the planes searching, and ships out there, sunrise should be about 6:19 a.m., according to this chart I googled and have no idea if it is correct, scroll down for sunrise.

I think the search area is an hour or two behind Perth? I remember reading it yesterday (that would make sense if it is 2-3000km away).

It's dawn in Perth right now so they could be leaving any time if they want to get there at daybreak.
The coordinates are on the top of the photo's that were released:


The image on the left definately looks like a piece of white metal, like that of a wing, IMHO.
is anything being reported checked on Tomnod?

I went to google earth and entered my address..image is from last the summer

Same here Intermezzo, only the image of my home was nearly five years old, before I purchased the home. Could tell because the image had the previous owner's kid's toys in the yard and swing set...
"The reason you can see your car in the driveway in Google Maps Steetview is because Google sends out a car every year to drive down every street in the States. The car has cameras mounted all over to pick up streetview images. Google Streetview car
Google Streetview has nothing to do with the satellite they use."

Yes, I did write that incorrectly! It is not "street view" that shows us the overhead, is it? It is actually the most zoomed-in satellite image where I can see my car in the driveway.

And I can of course see it in street view - which I do understand is taken by a vehicle.


Re: Needing an aircraft carrier

Nah, aircraft carriers are set up for doing what their name calls for. They are not a heavy work vessel.
My thanks button is being uncooperative again. Still can't figure out why it works some of the time but not others.

On the sad topic of bodies, what would happen if they were all seatbelted at the time of the crash?
Need an aircraft carrier in the area!

My thoughts, exactly! There needs to be a stationary vessel where search planes can land, refuel, and take off. An aircraft carrier in the area would help expedite a more economical and efficient search. :moo:
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