Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #13

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I read one yesterday or this a.m. (a.m. for me) that someone linked here, only 1 article.

I must remind all, that news is not always accurate. It is embellished in our new time of instant. Not many reporters, most is culled from the internet and a twist added. I have seen what happens with the last of real reporters. A one second conversation with someone in an office. The reporter makes assumptions, lack of conversation, and writes a story on 5 words that the reporter already had in mind. No research, no contact with anyone that really knows, and they do not stick around to expound beyond what is in their mind from the 5 word exchange. Case after case, you will find all that was reported initially has nothing to do with the reality or the facts.

*Off my miniature soap box now. Next speaker please! --------

I tend not to believe that the plane turned prior to the final communication between the co-pilot and ATC. That would have been huge news, right from the start, and not something that ATC would have missed.

I agree with you about the media, we see it time and time again. They are in such a rush to be the first to report something that they don't check first to see if the information is accurate.
Unfortunately they ran out of "Bintang" singlets in "one size fits all" - all I could find was a shirt that read "I got sent to Websleuths Naughty Corner for 24hrs and all I got was this tacky shirt!".

Was in pink though, not my colour.. I'm more of a salmon person.

Are you a friend of WildAboutTrails?'s a salmon thang! lol

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I think it was yesterday that I heard Senator Chambliss who is on the Senate Intell Committee talking on one of the networks (don't remember which). He said something similary, that there was little doubt this was an intentional act and not a fire or decompression issue. I assume these people receive regular national security briefings on this stuff. He specifically pointed out that apparantly Boeing has indicated that they are pretty certain the transponder was switched off, and did not fail due to some electrical issue or fire.

As usual these people like to deliver the "real news" to the public much later than when they get it.

This has probably been known since Day 2 to American officials.

What's even worse is of course the Malaysian and Chinese officials who will not admit to anything they know even to the direct families of the victims.

I think it was yesterday that I heard Senator Chambliss who is on the Senate Intell Committee talking on one of the networks (don't remember which). He said something similary, that there was little doubt this was an intentional act and not a fire or decompression issue. I assume these people receive regular national security briefings on this stuff. He specifically pointed out that apparantly Boeing has indicated that they are pretty certain the transponder was switched off, and did not fail due to some electrical issue or fire.

I am beginning to feel like the media may have a hand in what way are being led. I mean what is the latest piece of NEW news that we (public) have been told,(fed). IMO The media is just introducing a new head line to an old story. jmo I just don't know what to think.
yeh, I have also conssidered the morbid possibility that either a percentage of the passengers were alive and conscious for the remaining 7hrs of flight as the plane flew on like a ghost ship into the night... possibly having most people around them dead or severely injured or semi concious followed by the imminent realization that the pilots were obviosuly dead behind that secure cockpit door.

I’m sure it would have pretty quickly clued on for anyone left with the lack of the expected pilot to passenger announcement as to when the next meal was being served and what he was planning to do about canning the last minute change of plan that has had you flying south toward Antarctica in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Just flying out helplessly in the dead of an inky black night and and not being able to do anything to turn the plane back around for the nearest airport would be a terrible terrible way to go.

Dreadful thought. The only positive is having time to make amends with one's Maker.
Wow good point, didn't think of that!

Yes, I didn't either!

That makes a lot of sense though.

Well I guess we will know soon thanks fo the Telegraph. Wish we could hear the voices though, to determine if voices sound different.
From the previous thread...

The Zombie plane thing is bad... but these are reporters in another country from the crisis.
What the person in Malaysia who is in charge of giving us information says, is far more important.

“Don’t attempt to hijack the microphone,”
he warned one reporter.
He told another, “If you don’t fall off my radar, you may get to ask a question.”

Captain Shah allowed kids to play on his flight simulator.
Perhaps he deleted THOSE files and only kept his own?
Also, one report said he deleted GAMES... so perhaps the games he didn't use anymore.

Captain Shah's simulator is not "professional"... it is a few computer screens.
It was likely put together for less than $5,000 and he enjoyed teaching kids to fly on it.

Other pilots actually have the cockpit from a real plane turned into a simulator and spend $50,000.

Websleuths - View Single Post - Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #2

Like I pointed out in my post, I only shared one person's first reaction to the information (based on twenty-five years pilot experience). It was the pilot's initial reaction prior to picking apart any special circumstances that may have led to the deletions.
Investigators are curious enough about the deletions to have the FBI determine what specific data was deleted. We'll have to wait and see what they say before ruling out if significant or not imo.

Same as the latest info regarding the last minute phone call the pilot made. It all depends on the nature of the call to determine whether or not it means anything. I wish they'd not report half arse information that leads to all kinds of speculation. If the media is going to reveal a last minute phone call, tell the whole story and why it is relevant to the missing airplane. Again, it is a wait and see factor considering the info is traceable (someone already knows who he called and if deemed suspicious or not).
I was up all night. Watched the Sean Hannity interview with Gen. McInerney at least three times. He speaks with such certainty. Hard to believe he is not in the know.
I think it was yesterday that I heard Senator Chambliss who is on the Senate Intell Committee talking on one of the networks (don't remember which). He said something similary, that there was little doubt this was an intentional act and not a fire or decompression issue. I assume these people receive regular national security briefings on this stuff. He specifically pointed out that apparantly Boeing has indicated that they are pretty certain the transponder was switched off, and did not fail due to some electrical issue or fire.

I really don't understand this. It was announced a week or so ago that this was an intentional and criminal act. Why are people still trying to turn it into an accident?
Malaysian woman claims to have seen missing MH370 in the water near Andaman Islands on day it disappeared

As aircraft and ships continued to search for debris which might be that of the missing flight MH370 on Friday a Malaysian woman on a flight across the Indian Ocean claimed to have seen an aircraft in the water near the Andaman Islands on the day the jet disappeared.

The Kuala Lumpur wife was so convinced about what she saw at 2.30pm on March 8, several hours after MH370 vanished, that she filed an official report with police that very day - a full five days before the search for the plane was expanded to the area around the Andaman Islands.

News of her apparent sighting came as a blank was drawn after two days of searching in the Indian Ocean for two objects deemed by experts as possibly being from the missing plane.

Another possible sighting in the Andaman Islands.

A few pages behind. Would love to hear Derryn Hunch's take on this.
Dreadful thought. The only positive is having time to make amends with one's Maker.

I don't really know how secure the doors *really* are - especially if one had 7hrs of nothing but time to force the thing open... but I sure as hell would be giving it a red hot try.. (no pun intended should this be a fire scenario)
Are you a friend of WildAboutTrails?'s a salmon thang! lol

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LOL I thought the same. Much Salmon talk thru the Arias Trial. I'll take the pink tho. My fave color. Pick me :please:
Why is it I am tracking my husband on my I phone but we can't find this 777. Airlines are operating in the dark ages!

Totally agree surely there is a way to put a small tracking device somewhere in a place that can't be accessed maybe even randomly placed so that noone on board would know where it is. Then there would always be a way to track it.
Yes, I didn't either!

That makes a lot of sense though.

Well I guess we will know soon thanks fo the Telegraph. Wish we could hear the voices though, to determine if voices sound different.

First, official transcripts would be nice.

Later, once the families know one way or another - although I think their sad souls know - much later, voice recordings can be released. IF the families are okay with it. I do not think this is a criminal act, so I added the big IF the families are okay. It may be the last recording of loved ones voices they have.
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