Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #14

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My apologies if this has been posted - I've dropped off the thread somewhat due to lack of new info.

Probe into mystery call to captain of doomed jet: Unknown woman used a fake ID when buying phone to bypass security checks

  • Call was made to Captain Shah just hours before he took off in MH370
  • Pay-as-you-go phone which made the call was bought with fake ID
  • Fake ID was used to get around security measures put in place after 9/11
  • Increases fears Captain Shah may have links to terrorism
  • Investigators will soon question the captain's estranged wife in detail

I take DM articles with a grain of salt.
They have a way of sensationalizing stories.
AFAIK, Shah and his wife weren't separated. Her and the kids just went to their second home, which I don't find suspicious.

Who is this female who made this alleged call to the pilot?

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Here's something else. I wonder if the news is starting to spread? Although, the first article just says they're looking into a call made - it doesn't mention anything about a secret phone and mystery woman. The second one mentions more about a mystery person.

MH370 pilot's phone call under scrutiny

Authorities are probing a phone call reportedly made by the pilot of MH370 before take off.
MORE details have emerged of a mystery woman who reportedly called the captain of Flight MH370 before take-off, raising fears about his motives. ....

...In investigations into the Captain’s life, police are believed to have traced the number to a shop selling SIM cards in Kuala Lumpur.

It was bought “very recently” by someone who gave a woman’s name – but was using a false identity.

The news comes as police are understood to be keen to speak to the Captain’s estranged wife....
I was very surprised to read about the woman who bought a pay as you go cell phone in an article somewhere up-thread. I would think if it was true CNN would be all over it. I've been watching CNN for days now and no mention of it. Strange, unless this is NEW news.

I'm happy to hear they are not claiming it is a mystery man because we all know where that might lead based on politics.
I'm happy to hear they are not claiming it is a mystery man because we all know where that might lead based on politics.

I don't think anyone recognizable to the general public would go in anyway. This woman - if the story is true - was sent to do someone else's work by buying the SIM card/phone, IMO.
We have no way of knowing what Israel is doing...

"Air traffic controllers in Israel have been ordered to use extreme caution measures to identify incoming aircraft as the hunt continues for a missing Malaysian jetliner that disappeared March 9.
Without any trace of MH370, which was bound for China, Israel is worried the Boeing 777 could be used as a weapon of mass destruction, which makes it crucial for all incoming traffic to be identified in time to scramble interceptors, reports say."

All this chat on news about landing distances , those numbers are at the max weight allowed , for landing .

Airlines really love it when , in emergencies if crews do not mess up their planes.

If I were a terrorist, and I had shorter runway than the ideal numbers I do not think I would be all that concerned if Iblew out 2-3 tires or whatever by slamming the brakes !

I also would have no hesitaion to reverse at full (they really into not having pilots slam reverse really shortens engine life)

Now as a terrorist am I concerned about long term engine wear and tear??

WHoever these folks are, obviously know a lot. They would be able to calculate distance to stop. They would also know at what speed they would leave the runway.

They would be able to conclude, since I really do not care if go off the runway at 42 miles an hour casue I ran out of runway .

Going off at 42 mph is a different experiance for airline owners and passengers than terrorists.
Quite a while back they made all aircraft approaching their space identify themselves much futher out It was like

"Air traffic controllers in Israel have been ordered to use extreme caution measures to identify incoming aircraft as the hunt continues for a missing Malaysian jetliner that disappeared March 9.
Without any trace of MH370, which was bound for China, Israel is worried the Boeing 777 could be used as a weapon of mass destruction, which makes it crucial for all incoming traffic to be identified in time to scramble interceptors, reports say."

"Air traffic controllers in Israel have been ordered to use extreme caution measures to identify incoming aircraft as the hunt continues for a missing Malaysian jetliner that disappeared March 9.
Without any trace of MH370, which was bound for China, Israel is worried the Boeing 777 could be used as a weapon of mass destruction, which makes it crucial for all incoming traffic to be identified in time to scramble interceptors, reports say."


I can't imagine Israel on an even higher alert than it's normal diligence.

Here's something else. I wonder if the news is starting to spread? Although, the first article just says they're looking into a call made - it doesn't mention anything about a secret phone and mystery woman. The second one mentions more about a mystery person.

The mystery woman may be nothing more than a lady friend.
Ex-El Al expert: Iran likely involved in MH 370

March 16, 2014, 7:35 pm
served as head of global security for Israel’s national carrier in the 1980s and now works as an aviation security consultant in New Jersey, said investigators were correct in homing in on the two fake-passport carrying Iranian passengers on the doomed flight, and they have wasted valuable time by exploring other leads.

it was an excellent plan from the terrorists, to land in a place where they can hide the plane and no one can find it.”

Like his colleagues, Schiff said that his guess is as good as anyone’s as to the fate of MH 370, but he also believes there’s a good possibility that it has been brought down, intact, on a hidden runway in some far-flung corner of the world.

“It will be found. It may take a month or a year, but eventually, it will be found,” he said.

“This aircraft didn’t vanish. It exists somewhere in the world, and it will be found, probably in one piece.”

Read more: Ex-El Al expert: Iran likely involved in MH 370 | The Times of Israel
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Transponders were turned off. Who turned them off?

That's what we don't know.
Could have been the pilot or co-pilot. Could have been passenger(s) with aviation knowledge and they hijacked the plane. That is one of the many unknowns in this case. The main one being WHERE IS MH370?

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When the news about MH370 first broke, I was sure they would find the plane within a few hours or maybe a couple of days. Then I thought it would be found on land (crashed). Now I'm leaning more towards a crash in the ocean.

Hijack is still my top theory as to what happened, I just haven't been able to narrow down who it could be. I've crossed the pilot off my list and the 2 Iranians with stolen passports.

I just want this plane found!!

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:seeya: AuburnSchnauzer Long time no see!

Myself and many others on this thread are exhausted since this started 2 weeks ago. I think we went through every single theory. :coffeews:

I finally slept last night ... more than 4 hours anyway. I don't know why this is affecting my sleep as I don't know anyone on the flight or connected with the story. WS cases don't usually have such a strong effect on my personal life.

Prayers and blessings for all and the passengers on MH370.
A bit more on the co-pilot and his fiancee

27-year-old Fariq was planning to marry 26-year-old Capt Nadira Ramli, a fellow pilot from another airline AirAsia, Sabah-based? Daily Express reported today.

Fariq, who began his career with MAS in 2007, and Nadira, a daughter of a senior Malaysia Airlines pilot, have known each other for nine years, the paper said.

Fariq and Nadira studied together at the Flying School in Langkawi, the paper said.

However, Fariq's cousin, who declined to be named, said the pilot never went to school in Kelantan as he was brought up in Kuala Lumpur.

Ramli is the youngest child of another pilot, Captain Ibrahim Ramli.

Nadira won a trip (Lucky Seven) from AirAsia across China in 2012 and has a blog where she details it. Quite fascinating but I don't think I can post a link here.
Yikes...I bought my first phone, a Tracfone pay as you go, the day before a flight some years ago...I still only have a Tracfone.
How on earth do these folks have the world believing that sat images take 4 days.

Sat are UP there to track inter cont missles if the reality is the sat needs 4 days, and since there is no missle on earth that could take 4 days to hit its target
then something is certainly OFF

There are different kinds of satellites. The ones that signify missiles I imagine react to certain movement speeds through the air - I don't think they take video of the world 24/7 while someone sits there to see if they sees a missile whiz by.

I don't know what the exact purpose of these satellites are, but I don't think it takes 4 days to get the pictures. If they are taking pictures of a vast ocean, it takes 4 days to go over the pictures to see if anything weird comes up. You would have to look through so many different shots of different parts of the ocean to find anything.
A report in the Daily Telegraph (australia) has quoted an aviation expert who is certain what happened to MH370 wasn’t an accident — with the evidence pointing to the plane’s crew being involved. Neil Hansford, chairman of Strategic Aviation Solutions, said: “I think it’s been put there either by one of the crew or both, and they’ve picked an area where the aircraft won’t be found.
“This was a crew-related incident. It wasn’t a catastrophic explosion. It wasn’t hit by military ordnance.”
He said the near full tank of fuel with 117,00 litres instead of the 45 per cent required to fly to Beijing, was an indicator it was not an accident.
Why/how would it only be up to the crew how much fuel is put in before take-off? Can a pilot just say "fill it up"?
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