Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #15

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Breaking News on Sky News UK live on tv- Air and Sea search for flight MH370 suspended for today (Tuesday in Australia) due to bad weather.

Sorry I wasn't around earlier for the press conference I am ill at the moment. Obviously it was very upsetting news but not surprising. I hope the flight data recorders are found, also the remains of those on board and wreckage so that we know what happened definitively.

The people on board, their families and the searchers continue to be in my prayers.

Thank you for all your posts and updates which are much appreciated. Welcome to websleuths new members thank you for joining us.
Personally I don't find the clearing of data on his simulator unusual I delete stuff on my computer all the time, but given the circumstances I think it is the right thing to retrieve the data. The turning off of two different transponders is reason enough to make both pilots suspect.

I agree.
I think it should be done in order to conduct a thorough investigation
Oh no, all searches called off due to weather!!

Eh? It's 7am there, surely they might be able to get out there later? Or is this due to the cyclone/storm that was mentioned a few days ago?
I don’t care for falsities either, especially when they have the potential to unfairly damage someone’s personal and professional reputation. I am aware that after a 2 wk period of ‘respect,’ investigators have been interrogating family members, including his estranged wife. It may be there is some other evidence to be found that they are trying to uncover (eg. about his mental state, acquaintances and activities in those last days, etc.). But the simulator & computer have been searched forensically by FBI and cleared, according to media.

Found my tweet--from this later article (NZ; 3-22-2014):

Personally, I think it was someone other than the two pilots.
Unfortunately the search for debris in the Southern Ocean has been suspended today due to poor weather conditions. All aircraft are grounded and HMAS Success left the search area early this morning and proceeded south until seas abate. Search operations are scheduled to resume tomorrow (Wednesday) should the weather permit.

I might actually spontaneously combust and/or implode. I waited all day here in America for daylight over there and some answers, now POOF no search today for them.

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Thanks. Frustrating, but I am glad to hear they are being careful. The last thing this mystery needs right now is an accident that hurts someone trying to help. I am so grateful there are people willing to do this type of work, I hate to see them out in even more harm's say.

I agree with the planes however certain boats stay on water through even the toughest of conditions. I suppose it is futile though to try to look for something when waves are really high.

I suppose I have to add another day to not get to see 1 single piece of evidence in someones hands that can say it came from the plane.

Oh well. I agree I want people to be safe and nobody to get hurt over this.
So now Malaysia is saying that everyone on board died in a crash. The plane crashed in the Southern Indian Ocean. The searchers are expected to have their hands on what could be a piece of wreckage today. Anything else I'm missing?

Search postponed due to weather conditions.
While I don't think any other lives should be put at risk....this storm could seriously uplift or sink whatever debris is there that they finally found. I feel like this move is going to set them back considerably. Also, the huge US military crater boat that's out at sea helping is considerably safe even in these horrible conditions. I would hope that because it is international waters that at least that ship will continue on looking.

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Is there a press briefing coming up at 12:30am US EST time? I thought I heard that earlier today.

Wonder if they were hoping to have the green and orange objects retrieved by then?
Honestly, the amount of searching already done and yet to be done is not something all of these countries would participate in and condone, if they were not as certain as they could be that they likely saw some wreckage from this plane. I feel that some piece of the plane or a related item will turn up as soon as they are able to search without worrying about horrible weather. I do not get the impression that anything is being "hidden" despite the confusion and often mismanaged handling of the whole case.

And I hate that CNN and HLN, etc. seem to want to drum up conspiracies,,suspicions, etc. rather than just reporting what they know.

I agree.
I think it should be done in order to conduct a thorough investigation

Of course it should.....

While I don't want to come out and say "it was the pilot" until they can prove it, he has to be up there as one of the main suspects, and I really don't understand people getting so upset when people on here say they think the pilot had something to do with it.

This is a sleuthing site, no one knows him personally or what may have been on his mind but are willing to come on here and say "it wasn't the pilot he was a good man and you are all horrible people for putting on here that it might have been him!"...

Being a sleuthing site, that is what we are supposed to do, go through the information and try and put it all together...........well if that is the case then the pilot has to most definitely be a suspect.......I don't like the idea either, as I do think from what I have read about him, that he was a man that felt for and tried to help the underdog.............but putting that aside, you can not say it was not him, and at the moment you can not say with all certainly that it was him.........the cold hard truth, sad as it may be.
Am I nuts or what. Don't some of the marinecraft have helicopter pads? Helicopters can get very close to the water (in decent weather conditions) and scoop up debris...can't they? I understand why they don't search at night, but this seems like a helicopter job to me.?????????? JMO

24th March, 2014: 2030(AEDT)

Search operation for Malaysia Airlines aircraft: Update 15

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority can advise objects have been located by a Royal Australian Air Force P3 Orion.

The crew on board the Orion reported seeing two objects – the first a grey or green circular object and the second an orange rectangular object.

So debris was spotted by searches on the Orion aircraft..they just haven't been to the objects with a ship..

Are these objects spotted part of the reason that has lead Malaysia to confirm the flight did indeed do down into the ocean and all lives lost?
Another day sadly. But whist I feel that the safety of all air and sea crew involved in the operation is paramount, I still feel that the revelations today, or rather lack of, just prolongs the agony of each and every relative that had loved ones, unfortunate to be on this plane. If it was me in that situation, I know I would need tangible evidence - of which I would have none. JMO

25th March, 2014: 9.45am (AEDT)

Search operations suspended for today due to adverse weather: Update 16

AMSA has undertaken a risk assessment and determined that the current weather conditions would make any air and sea search activities hazardous and pose a risk to crew. Therefore, AMSA has suspended all sea and air search operations for today due to these weather conditions.

AMSA has consulted with the Bureau of Meteorology and weather conditions are expected to improve in the search area in the evening and over the next few days. Search operations are expected to resume tomorrow, if weather conditions permit.
Am I nuts or what. Don't some of the marinecraft have helicopter pads? Helicopters can get very close to the water (in decent weather conditions) and scoop up debris...can't they? I understand why they don't search at night, but this seems like a helicopter job to me.?????????? JMO

The problem is the ships aren't there yet, it takes hours and days to get there. HMS Echo (which will be very useful once it arrives, it specialises in under water searches) goes at approx 20 miles per hour.
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