Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #16

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In my mind, this is looking like mass homicide/pilot suicide.

I've read elsewhere that suicide/homicide may be related; different sides of the same thought coin. I'm not sure if that's true.

I have wondered why mass homicide/suicide seems to be mostly committed by males. Aside from a few female religious/political zealots with bombs strapped to their chests, most females who commit suicide take only themselves out or occasionally their kids (which is a horrible!). Males who are sick or distraught seem to be more likely than females to take out total strangers in addition to themselves.

I've wondered if others have noticed this and if this is true, why it is...maybe testosterone or aggression related?

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Has anyone else come to the same conclusion as I (after the news reports tonight), that the 8:19 partial ping is when the plane ran out of fuel?

I got this from combining what 2 experts said on CNN tonight - the first is the guy who wrote the book about plane crashes - he said that he didn't think that the plane had a mechanical malfunction (in the beginning time) because what happens is that when something happens to the plane, like a mechanical thing, something in the engine, etc., the Satcom antenna gets a signal, which it then passes on to the satellite.

Then, on the next program, Richard Quest was talking about the WSJ article which said that the 8:19 ping was not caused by human, and it was not on the hour (hourly pings were satellites sending pings to the Satcom...hello? are you there?). So that means that the 8:19 ping was from the plane to the satellite.

If we combine what these 2 experts say, I think the reasonable conclusion, IMO, is that this is when the plane ran out of fuel. At that precise point. When it ran out of fuel, it send a signal to its Satcom, which sent a signal to the satellite. This is the "partial handshake" at 8:19, IMO.

I do not know how long the plane would actually be in the air after that.


bumping up my own post :)
Before long, the search may be originating from Antartica.
bumping up my own post :)

I see what you're saying. I think. That the 8:19 partial ping may have been the error code trying to ping that something is wrong?

Could be. I hope someone that knows something about it comes along to tell us.

Also, if something went wrong and it was unable to ping a something is wrong message before 8:19, could a faint odd ping finally have happened? Guess it could, but IDK!!!

Hi guys this is doing the rounds on facebook and some MSM news site....sorry if you have seen it, but this is suppose to be from one of the ships in the last couple of days and I would believe it.......

so can understand why this may take some time to find anything, and how debris can move quite considerably in this type of weather...

I could only watch it for a few seconds and felt seasick!
bumping up my own post :)

I think the 8:19am partial ping was when an engine stopped running, and the indication of engine fail prompted this ping. Les Abend discussed this last night on CNN.
For some reason when I heard about the "Partial Ping", I kept thinking about "Hanging Chads" :floorlaugh:
How significant is the lack of a distress signal from the pilots, and of evidence of passengers using their mobile phones?

Very significant. Starting on the flight deck: the order of priorities of any pilot is clear: aviate (ie keep the aircraft flying), navigate (achieve the desired course and altitude), communicate. If the crew were dealing with a complex and unforeseen problem, they would quite properly focus on the issue rather than contacting the ground or other aircraft. But it appears that a number of manoeuvres were performed that would seem to allow enough time for one or other pilot to broadcast a warning.

If passengers became aware of an unusual or sinister development, it is highly likely that at least some of them would switch on their mobile phones – a few of which would be expected to register on networks while briefly flying over the Malayan peninsula. But the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission reports no such contact. It is possible that passengers were unaware of the change in course, or that they were incapacitated, for example by depressurisation of the cabin.

Once the aircraft was some distance from land, any contact with ground stations would be impossible.


When I try to go through scenarios of what might have happened, I read something yesterday which made me consider that it could be that the passengers and crew did not know what was going on. In that case, it would most definately have to have been pilot suicide, b/c the guy was saying that the pilot could have incapacitated the co-pilot, and then locked the cockpit and prevented anyone from coming in.

However, I don't know how the flight attendants would fit into that picture. Wouldn't they suspect something if the pilot was not responding to their calls? (like for example, do you need a drink, snack, etc.?).

And it would require the pilot to turn off the tv screens (which usually show the location of the plane...well I guess there would be no location shown anyway if the transponder was turned off).

The other thing is, the passengers might not have noticed any turns, but I would think the crew would have noticed huge turns, and since they probably have gone KL-Beijing route before, maybe they would know someting was wrong?

IDK. But I was just thinking that, at that time of the night, a lot of passengers were probably asleep. And without flight map on their screens, how would they know they were goiing in the wrong directions? (if the above scenario played out). They would just be sleeping or reading or whatever they were doing.

One thing is the altitude changes, but we don't really know if it was gradual ascent and descent or if it was sudden changes. The sudden changes would have certainly alerted passengers, but would gradual changes have alerted them? What if the information is wrong that the cabin would depressurize at 43 or 45,000 feet? I read somewhere that Boeing wouldn't have made the 777 capable of depressurizng at just a few thousand feet above its limit. ?? IDK. So if we didn't have depressurizing, and we had gradual ascent and descent, would the passengers have noticed (especially if they were sleeping?)?

Of course, this theory would only work for pilot suicide. Because hijackers would have had to make a scene to get into the cockpit.


Hi guys this is doing the rounds on facebook and some MSM news site....sorry if you have seen it, but this is suppose to be from one of the ships in the last couple of days and I would believe it.......

so can understand why this may take some time to find anything, and how debris can move quite considerably in this type of weather...

I could only watch it for a few seconds and felt seasick!

Thank you. This is very real and definitely allows us to understand what the searchers are up against. I, too, am feeling a bit queazy after watching for a few seconds.
In my mind, this is looking like mass homicide/pilot suicide.

I've read elsewhere that suicide/homicide may be related; different sides of the same thought coin. I'm not sure if that's true.

I have wondered why mass homicide/suicide seems to be mostly committed by males. Aside from a few female religious/political zealots with bombs strapped to their chests, most females who commit suicide take only themselves out or occasionally their kids (which is a horrible!). Males who are sick or distraught seem to be more likely than females to take out total strangers in addition to themselves.

I've wondered if others have noticed this and if this is true, why it is...maybe testosterone or aggression related?

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Yes I have noticed that. In our country over 25K males commit suicide each year and around 4-5K females do the same. Males are far more successful in completing suicide than females who attempt suicide.

I believe that it may have a lot to do with society in general and how the male is suppose to be perceived and is viewed. Strong, expected to be emotionless, 'the rock', and is suppose to handle any stressful situation on their own that is thrown their way.

However; deep down inside where everything remains hidden they are just as vulnerable to pain, worry, dread, and stress just like any other human being.

Males tend to not have close support groups where they feel comfortable enough in expressing their doubts, and insecurities about things happening in their lives. Females are much more vocal and usually have close friends/family who will listen closely, and have sympathy for what they are going through. Even male friends of the male don't enter into such close type relationships, and even they don't feel comfortable discussing 'issues' their male friend may have. So men in general feel they have to deal with it all on their own.

In doing so they see no way to solve their problems, other than bottling it all up inside like they feel they are expected to do, and not talking about it or they think suicide is the answer, and the only way to end the pain they feel. Imo that is why far more males commit suicides than females.

I think the 8:19am partial ping was when an engine stopped running, and the indication of engine fail prompted this ping. Les Abend discussed this last night on CNN.

So do you think that would have been some time after the plane actually ran out of fuel? gliding? And then when it stopped gliding, it sent the ping?

I'm getting confused I guess with this whole idea of the plane giliding for hundreds of miles even after the fuel is out.

Hi guys this is doing the rounds on facebook and some MSM news site....sorry if you have seen it, but this is suppose to be from one of the ships in the last couple of days and I would believe it.......

so can understand why this may take some time to find anything, and how debris can move quite considerably in this type of weather...

I could only watch it for a few seconds and felt seasick!

Thanks for the link! IMO, officials are quite reasonable in assuming that all on board the flight are dead. Even if some managed to survive initial impact, they wouldn't last long in a lifeboat in seas like that.
At the daily press briefing on the search for MH370, acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said an analysis had identified 122 potential objects in a 400 square kilometre area.



Thank goodness for these images. This is the first time I actually agree the objects look like debris. They appear to be much different than the clouds.

ETA - And they are not pods of fish because they are spread out too far.

Hi guys this is doing the rounds on facebook and some MSM news site....sorry if you have seen it, but this is suppose to be from one of the ships in the last couple of days and I would believe it.......

so can understand why this may take some time to find anything, and how debris can move quite considerably in this type of weather...

I could only watch it for a few seconds and felt seasick!

Thanks for this. I think people need to see it to understand, but if you read the posts below it, it is from some other time, so the sea is actually worse now during the Cyclone! Terrifying!

For some reason when I heard about the "Partial Ping", I kept thinking about "Hanging Chads" :floorlaugh:

Bane of my existence for a while. Couldn't stand hearing it. Learned that voting is a joke - my opinion only. Friends built an effigy of a big W and a chad and burned them on News Year Eve that year. :giggle:

Yes I have noticed that. In our country over 25K males commit suicide each year and around 4-5K females do the same. Males are far more successful in completing suicide than females who attempt suicide.

I believe that it may have a lot to do with society in general and how the male is suppose to be perceived and is viewed. Strong, expected to be emotionless, 'the rock', and is suppose to handle any stressful situation on their own that is thrown their way.

However; deep down inside where everything remains hidden they are just as vulnerable to pain, worry, dread, and stress just like any other human being.

Males tend to not have close support groups where they feel comfortable enough in expressing their doubts, and insecurities about things happening in their lives. Females are much more vocal and usually have close friends/family who will listen closely, and have sympathy for what they are going through. Even male friends of the male don't enter into such close type relationships, and even they don't feel comfortable discussing 'issues' their male friend may have. So men in general feel they have to deal with it all on their own.

In doing so they see no way to solve their problems, other than bottling it all up inside like they feel they are expected to do, and not talking about it or they think suicide is the answer, and the only way to end the pain they feel. Imo that is why far more males commit suicides than females.


I agree with all you have said, and do know quite a few men that are much like this. However, it has greatly changed. In my age group (48), most men no longer view life in the same way, so most can openly express their emotions, pain, fear, joy, anger, quite openly, even cry. And no longer feel they have to carry the burden. Most men in my age group and younger no longer feel the need to be the breadwinner either. So things have changed some, for the better in allowing themselves to express emotion and even have lengthy discussions about it. Maybe I just attract these types, which is fine by me, I tend to like open, honest, feeling, thinking friends.
Thank goodness for these images. This is the first time I actually agree the objects look like debris. They appear to be much different than the clouds.

Yes, ITA. This is the first time I have thought that it could be the real thing.

I am a little wary b/c as we've heard so much about that area being the "trash bin" and a lot of trash building there.

So IDK, but that definately looks like some type of debris to me.
Thanks for this. I think people need to see it to understand, but if you read the posts below it, it is from some other time, so the sea is actually worse now during the Cyclone! Terrifying!

Bane of my existence for a while. Couldn't stand hearing it. Learned that voting is a joke - my opinion only. Friends built an effigy of a big W and a chad and burned them on News Year Eve that year. :giggle:

I agree with all you have said, and do know quite a few men that are much like this. However, it has greatly changed. In my age group (48), most men no longer view life in the same way, so most can openly express their emotions, pain, fear, joy, anger, quite openly, even cry. And no longer feel they have to carry the burden. Most men in my age group and younger no longer feel the need to be the breadwinner either. So things have changed some, for the better in allowing themselves to express emotion and even have lengthy discussions about it. Maybe I just attract these types, which is fine by me, I tend to like open, honest, feeling, thinking friends.



You attract good ones!
Thanks for this. I think people need to see it to understand, but if you read the posts below it, it is from some other time, so the sea is actually worse now during the Cyclone! Terrifying!

Bane of my existence for a while. Couldn't stand hearing it. Learned that voting is a joke - my opinion only. Friends built an effigy of a big W and a chad and burned them on News Year Eve that year. :giggle:

I agree with all you have said, and do know quite a few men that are much like this. However, it has greatly changed. In my age group (48), most men no longer view life in the same way, so most can openly express their emotions, pain, fear, joy, anger, quite openly, even cry. And no longer feel they have to carry the burden. Most men in my age group and younger no longer feel the need to be the breadwinner either. So things have changed some, for the better in allowing themselves to express emotion and even have lengthy discussions about it. Maybe I just attract these types, which is fine by me, I tend to like open, honest, feeling, thinking friends.

It certainly has changed some and on some things men are more open now but I still think even younger men still keep certain things inside. Even young men in their 20s,30s and 40s.

The number of male suicides have not declined. It is still at an alarming rate.

Imo, we as a society should wonder why there is such a large disparity in male suicides vs. female suicides. That alone should tell us that males are just as vulnerable or maybe even more vulnerable to pain than even females. And I still believe this is because, although we have made some advances in how men are to be perceived, we still have a very long long way to go.

The numbers speak for themselves and it is such a tragedy to lose this many men every single year due to suicides alone. Some towns don't even have 25K people living in them.
Yes I have noticed that. In our country over 25K males commit suicide each year and around 4-5K females do the same. Males are far more successful in completing suicide than females who attempt suicide.

I believe that it may have a lot to do with society in general and how the male is suppose to be perceived and is viewed. Strong, expected to be emotionless, 'the rock', and is suppose to handle any stressful situation on their own that is thrown their way.

However; deep down inside where everything remains hidden they are just as vulnerable to pain, worry, dread, and stress just like any other human being.

Males tend to not have close support groups where they feel comfortable enough in expressing their doubts, and insecurities about things happening in their lives. Females are much more vocal and usually have close friends/family who will listen closely, and have sympathy for what they are going through. Even male friends of the male don't enter into such close type relationships, and even they don't feel comfortable discussing 'issues' their male friend may have. So men in general feel they have to deal with it all on their own.

In doing so they see no way to solve their problems, other than bottling it all up inside like they feel they are expected to do, and not talking about it or they think suicide is the answer, and the only way to end the pain they feel. Imo that is why far more males commit suicides than females.


I agree with everything you've written. Just wondering why males seem more likely than females to commit mass homicide along with their suicide...

Are you suggesting that it's not a gender difference and more likely related to the fact that men are statistically more likely than females to attempt and commit suicide?

I'm wondering if the act of mass homicide/suicide (obliterating as much life as possible) is different than suicide (putting an end to my suffering). If so, is it related to a greater genetic predisposition towards aggression, narcissism (lack of empathy), or hormonal (higher testosterone levels?

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