Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #19

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Malaysia has said all along that the transcript that China released was wrong. The Chinese media are the ones who lied or can't translate properly. Malaysia always said it was inaccurate, now the world is shocked to find out that it is inaccurate.


It was originally spoken in English, translated into Mandarin for the Chinese families, then leaked to the press who translated it back into English

Malaysia said straight away it wasn't entirely accurate. They should've just released the audio (or at least an official transcript) to eliminate any doubt.


From Amee's link ... today's search area.


A Joint Agency Coordination Centre (JACC) was established on Monday and is being led by Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston AC AFC (Ret'd) in Perth to effectively communicate Australian government activities in relation to the search and recovery operation.

This Australian government initiative will provide timely information to families of passengers and crew on board the missing aircraft and inform the public about the latest available information.
Flight MH370: search for Malaysia Airlines plane could take weeks, says Angus Houston

April 01, 2014 7:11PM

MALAYSIA’S missing jet tragedy illustrates the need to improve in-flight tracking of passenger aircraft, the International Air Travel Association (IATA) says, adding: “We cannot let another aircraft simply vanish.’’

Former Defence chief Angus Houston says the search operation to find the missing Malaysia Airlines plane could take weeks and is the most challenging he has ever seen.

The retired Air Chief, who is co-ordinating the search for the plane, told a media conference in Perth this afternoon the search area was the size of Ireland.
Originally Posted by mck16
is anyone watching the presser. If so did they say something about Mrs. Weeks. I think she has shown up there at the gate demanding answers.

That is so sad. I know someone who knows her and it makes me so sad that she still doesn't have answers. She lives so close to the air base, it must kill her watching the planes fly overhead, wondering if they will find anything.

Air Chief Marshal Houston has invited Mrs Weeks for a one-on-one.

When asked about Danica Weeks - the wife of missing Perth passenger Paul Weeks who visited the RAAF Pearce air base today - Air Chief Marshal Houston said he had passed on his personal phone number to her and urged her to come to the centre for a one-on-one briefing.
And Air Chief Marshal Houston has stated that there is no certainty in the search area ....

“We have the best experts in the world helping the Australian Maritime Agency to find where the best area to search is,” he said.

“At this stage it’s very important to pursue the leads, the evidence that has been presented to us. I think they give us a starting point.

Air Chief Marshal Houston said the team was working from “a very uncertain starting point”.

“We don’t have hard information like we might normally have,” he said.
Malaysia Airlines MH370: Search could be hindered by oceans full of garbage, experts say

As the protracted search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 continues, the prevalence of ocean junk – fishing equipment, lost buoys and clumps of seaweed, among other items – is proving frustrating.

"Probably the larger fraction comes from consumer items that were made from plastic, so this is everything from drink containers to bleach bottles to cleaning solutions to drums to milk jugs.

"We found a refrigerator that had washed up on one of the Bass Strait islands."

Dr Wilcox says most ocean junk originates from humans living within 100 kilometres of coastlines.

A large patch of garbage – including entire houses – has been floating in the Pacific Ocean, north of the equator, since the 2011 tsunami in Japan
This all seems strange. They know where the plane couldn't have gotten to. They know pretty much what it did and how it flew, with only maybe a mistake in speed calculation. Can't they start at some point and search outward from that point? Maybe several different searches at the same time going on. Maybe they are doing this, who knows.
Australia to deploy flying air traffic controller

Australia will deploy a modified Boeing 737 to act as a flying air traffic controller over the Indian Ocean to prevent a mid-air collision among the aircraft searching for the Malaysia Airlines jetliner that went missing over three weeks ago, an official said Tuesday.

The E-7A Wedgetail equipped with advanced radar will be deployed "in the near future" to monitor the crowded skies over the remote search zone, former Australian defense chief Angus Houston, who heads the joint agency coordinating the multinational search effort.
Wreckage of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 may never be found: Angus Houston

April 1, 2014 - 8:46PM

The head of the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 has raised the possibility that no wreckage from the passenger jet may ever be found, revealing authorities have a very poor understanding about how fast or far it travelled.

Speaking to media on Tuesday, Air Chief Marshal (rtd) Angus Houston compared the search for the aircraft to the disappearance of HMAS Sydney, which took 60 years to locate.
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak will arrive in Perth, West Australia tomorrow to witness the ongoing search operation for the missing MH370 passenger jet.

Razab is scheduled to visit Pearce Air Base near Perth to thank all involved in the multinational effort to find remains of the Beijing-bound plane which disappeared on March 8 with 239 passengers and crew onboard, reports said today.
Malaysian and Australian government officials have said the decision to shift the focus of the hunt in the Indian Ocean closer to the coast of Australia—after more than three days of fruitless searches in the previous location—was based on “updated advice” from an international technical team assisting Malaysia.

People familiar with the Malaysian-led probe said it was an evolving process and investigators shared all relevant information with international partners. But Malaysian officials didn’t feel it was their role to ensure that foreign experts were sharing refined data among themselves, one of these people said.

Last week, the acting transport minister told reporters that despite the setbacks, “I do not think that we would have done anything differently” in searching for the plane.

“They don’t have the necessary structure for inter-agency coordination,” said James Keith, who served as the U.S. ambassador to Malaysia from 2007 to 2010. “It has exposed their lack of preparation to deal with such a disaster.”
April 1, 2014 - 8:46PM

But Air Chief Marshal Houston, head of the new Joint Agency Coordination Centre (JACC), said this analysis - described last week as the “most credible” lead to date - was a “very inexact science”.

“We don't know what altitude the aircraft was travelling at. We don't really know the speed it was going,” he said.

He said the ground speed of a plane travelling at sea level was half that of a plane travelling at 40,000 feet even if both aircraft had “the same indicated airspeed”.
About $1.5 million remains of the $4 million set aside by U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to fund search operations through early April. “And then I think we have to reassess and decide whether we need to do more,” says Lieutenant Colonel Jeff Pool, a Pentagon spokesman.

He dismissed questions about U.S. taxpayers’ spending as “a false story,” given the Navy’s routine daily operations in the region. “The ships would have been sailing anyway.” The search operation, Pool adds, “is good training for them” in the event a future calamity involves a U.S. aircraft or requires a search in U.S. waters.

The U.S. spends heavily to project a military presence around the globe, particularly since President Obama has identified the Pacific Rim as a priority of U.S. military engagement. The destroyer USS Kidd, which was dispatched to the search for more than a week, patrols the South China Sea as part of its regular mission. A second destroyer, the USS Pinckney, has been sent to Singapore for maintenance work after searching for more than a week. Two of the Pentagon’s surveillance aircraft flying search routes in the southern Indian Ocean are based at Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, Japan.
Malaysia’s transport ministry released a transcript today of voice transmission from the cockpit of Flight 370

Here's the transcript:

MAS 370 (Kuala Lumpur to Beijing)
Departure from KLIA: 8 March 2014

12:25:53 MAS 370 Delivery MAS 370 Good Morning
12:26:02 ATC MAS 370 Standby and Malaysia Six is cleared to Frankfurt via AGOSA Alpha Departure six thousand feet squawk two one zero six
12:26:19 ATC ... MAS 370 request level
12:26:21 MAS 370 MAS 370 we are ready requesting flight level three five zero to Beijing
12:26:39 ATC MAS 370 is cleared to Beijing via PIBOS A Departure Six Thousand Feet squawk two one five seven
12:26:45 MAS 370 Beijing PIBOS A Six Thousand Squawk two one five seven, MAS 370 Thank You
12:26:53 ATC MAS 370 Welcome over to ground
12:26:55 MAS 370 Good Day

12:27:27 MAS 370 Ground MAS370 Good morning Charlie One Requesting push and start
12:27:34 ATC MAS370 Lumpur Ground Morning Push back and start approved Runway 32 Right Exit via Sierra 4.
12:27:40 MAS 370 Push back and start approved 32 Right Exit via Sierra 4 POB 239 Mike Romeo Oscar
12:27:45 ATC Copied

12:32:13 MAS 370 MAS377 request taxi.
12:32:26 ATC MAS37..... (garbled) ... standard route. Hold short Bravo
12:32:30 MAS 370 Ground, MAS370. You are unreadable. Say again.
12:32:38 ATC MAS370 taxi to holding point Alfa 11 Runway 32 Right via standard route. Hold short of Bravo.
12:32:42 MAS 370 Alfa 11 Standard route Hold short Bravo MAS370.

12:35:53 ATC MAS 370 Tower
12:36:19 ATC (garbled) ... Tower ... (garbled)
MAS 370 1188 MAS370 Thank you

12:36:30 MAS 370 Tower MAS370 Morning
12:36:38 ATC MAS370 good morning. Lumpur Tower. Holding point.. [garbled]..10 32 Right
12:36:50 MAS 370 Alfa 10 MAS370

12:38:43 ATC 370 line up 32 Right Alfa 10.
MAS 370 Line up 32 Right Alfa 10 MAS370.
12:40:38 ATC 370 32 Right Cleared for take-off. Good night.
MAS 370 32 Right Cleared for take-off MAS370. Thank you Bye.

12:42:05 MAS 370 Departure Malaysian Three Seven Zero
12:42:10 ATC Malaysian Three Seven Zero selamat pagi identified. Climb flight level one eight zero cancel SID turn right direct to IGARI
12:42:48 MAS 370 Okay level one eight zero direct IGARI Malaysian one err Three Seven Zero
12:42:52 ATC Malaysian Three Seven Zero contact Lumpur Radar One Three Two Six good night
MAS 370 Night One Three Two Six Malaysian Three Seven Zero

12:46:51 MAS 370 Lumpur Control Malaysian Three Seven Zero
12:46:51* ATC Malaysian Three Seven Zero Lumpur radar Good Morning climb flight level two five zero
12:46:54* MAS370 Morning level two five zero Malaysian Three Seven Zero
12:50:06 ATC Malaysian Three Seven Zero climb flight level three five zero
12:50:09 MAS370 Flight level three five zero Malaysian Three Seven Zero
01:01:14 MAS370 Malaysian Three Seven Zero maintaining level three five zero
01:01:19 ATC Malaysian Three Seven Zero
01:07:55 MAS370 Malaysian...Three Seven Zero maintaining level three five zero
01:08:00 ATC Malaysian Three Seven Zero
01:19:24 ATC Malaysian Three Seven Zero contact Ho Chi Minh 120 decimal 9 Good Night
01:19:29 MAS370 Good Night Malaysian Three Seven Zero
Poor Coordination Led to Flawed Search for Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

Before the new search area was identified, Inmarsat had "no Malaysian radar data showing [Flight 370 was] faster" than 450 knots, according to one person briefed on the issue.

By the end of last week, however, four days after the prime minister's announcement, the international team of technical experts concluded that the plane had indeed been flying faster than 450 knots and therefore used more fuel and likely went down earlier. Officials haven't said how fast they believe the plane was flying.

The assumptions used to approximate the presumed final location of Flight 370 are still guided by little hard data. Even with the now-refined speed data from the 777 as it flew back across the Malaysian peninsula, investigators "don't know what speed [Flight 370] was doing after it left Malaysian [military] radar," this person said. "It's a very imprecise thing."

Minister: Plane’s Path Consistent with ‘Deliberate Action’
Malaysia’s Defense Minister reiterated investigators’ belief that the way Flight 370 flew before it disappeared from radar was consistent with “deliberate action” by someone on the plane.

Hishammuddin Hussein’s comments come after a Federal Bureau of Investigation search of flight-simulator data and other computer files taken from Flight 370’s pilot, Zaharie Ahmad Shah, revealed no evidence to explain what might have happened to the aircraft.

“The international investigations team and the Malaysian authorities remain of the opinion that, up until the point at which it left military primary radar coverage, MH370’s movements were consistent with deliberate action by someone on the plane,” Mr. Hishammuddin, who is also acting transport minister, said in a statement Tuesday.

A transcript released in conjunction with the statement shows that conversations between the cockpit and ground control ended less than an hour into the flight with the words, “Good night Malaysian three seven zero.” It was unclear who was speaking.

Malaysian military radar last spotted the plane flying over the Strait of Malacca, hundreds of miles west of its original flight route over the Gulf of Thailand. Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak had said that signals relayed by the plane to a satellite confirmed it turned from its original course. Mr. Najib said last week that analysis of data emitting from the plane indicated that its flight came to an end in the remote waters of the southern Indian Ocean.

– WSJ Staff
I am saying higher powers are propagating the development of the conspiracy theories. Deliberately.

I totally respect you're opinion but I don't buy it. I think governments do hide the truth when convenient and distort the truth when suitable, but for the life of me I can't imagine why the Australian government and military would participate in or be misled into such a massive cover up. If something dangerous happened on that flight why the need to go to such lengths to cover it up? If something was planned by any of the countries now helping with the search, I give them way more credit that they could have organized it totally inconspicuously.
Hishammuddin, who is also defence minister, said he would share the latest developments on the search with the United States government and his Asean counterparts during the Asean Defence Ministers' meeting, which starts today.

The three-day meeting, chaired by US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel, will be held at the US Pacific Command in Hawaii.

"I will also use this opportunity to discuss the possibility of deploying more specific military assets in the event that we need to embark on a more complex phase of the operation.

"I will also be discussing with the US and our other friends and allies how best we can acquire the assets needed for possible deep sea search and recovery."

Read more: 'I will try to rope in more assets' - General - New Straits Times
KUALA LUMPUR: The transport of lithium-ion batteries in the cargo of passenger aircraft is a common practice, says the International Air Transport Association (IATA).
Director-General and Chief Executive Officer Tony Tyler said it has to however, be undertaken in accordance with the Dangerous Goods Regulations.
“I am unaware of the type of lithium batteries on board the missing flight MH370.But all lithium battery types have to pass strict testing requirements to be allowed onto an aircraft,” he told a press conference here today.
He was responding to a question on whether passenger aircraft are allowed to carry the lithium-ion batteries as part of cargo.
“Clearly, strict regulations and requirements covering packaging and labelling, have to be followed,” he added.
Tyler also said Malaysia Airlines (MAS) had a good track record in terms of safety performance.
“It has been on the IATA registry since 2006 and the current registration will be reviewed in 2016,” he added.
A closed-door meeting will be held for families in Kuala Lumpur tomorrow. It will be led by Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) and MAS, while technical experts from Malaysia, China and Australia will be participating. [However, Britain's theguardian earlier reported that British experts - satellite company Inmarsat and UK's Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) - will not be taking part in a technical briefing. Inmarsat has said it was not invited]
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