Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #19

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what was that guys name anyone know?

With things changing over and over again how can anything not be suspect?

Yeh all this went nuts:

57 was JU/KUN the stunt man

84 Blurred offf China version is LIN/ANNANMR showed that passenger 84 is a Mr Lin Annan, 27, from China.

99 MAIMAITIJIANG/A This is the professor what happens to have the identical name of the guy in the newpaper who was not on the place but a man with a identical name apparently not . Sharing the same name as the Uighur passenger on the still-missing flight, the scholar said his name has been confused by the media with that of the other man. -

See more at:

Blurred out 84 remains a total mystery MH 370 Passenger Manifest_Nationality.pdf
Seems like all of the initial confusion was obvious in a way...I mean, who could have anticipated that this plane or crash site would not be found? That had to be the last thing anyone was thinking, 3+ weeks ago. Now that it still has not been found, Imo, everything seems more sinister when really, not much has changed, knowledge-wise. This could still be an airplane that crashed into the ocean, for reasons yet known, like an Air France was at the time. But the plane not being found allows for any and all theories in the meantime. Jmo
Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 now classified as a criminal investigation

THE investigation into the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 has been classified as a criminal investigation, according to reports in the Wall Street Journal citing Malaysia’s police chief.
I am thinking perhaps the criminal investigation should be directed toward Malaysia Airlines not the crew or passengers at this point. They have done everything in their power to thwart the investigation and to mislead everyone.
March 3, 2014

Freescale Releases Its First 11 RF Power Products Suitable for U.S.-Based Defense Market Applications
All 11 devices are included in Freescale’s Product Longevity Program, assuring availability for a decade or more

AUSTIN, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Mar. 3, 2014-- Freescale Semiconductor (NYSE: FSL), a global leader in radio frequency (RF) power transistors, today announced the availability of 11 new commercial RF power LDMOS products that can meet the requirements of U.S. defense electronics applications. This is the first set of products released as part of the company’s strategic defense initiatives for its RF power business, announced in June 2013.

Freescale Semiconductor has announced the availability of 11 new commercial radio-frequency (RF) power laterally diffused metal oxide semiconductor (LDMOS) products that can meet the requirements of U.S. defense electronics applications. This is the first set of products released as part of the company's strategic defense initiatives for its RF power business, announced in June 2013.

Guess we are looking at this in two different ways.

My thinking was with all the screw-ups that have occurred, the government saying the plane ended in the ocean, yet there is NO proof and at the same time telling me they have sealed evidence.

To me, as a relative, that would be earth shattering! The pieces just do not form a logical pattern! As with anything, it is the way information is stated as to how it is perceived, and I was just stating my thoughts. :seeya:

Sealed evidence could be anything, including classified imagery or radar from other countries.

I know little about Diego Garcia, but have the impression it's sort of like Bolling. It's an open secret that important mail is processed at BAFB (and hardly a top secret installation or hard to visit just by showing your ID card), but media aren't supposed to mention that. I remember the WP had to do a lightning quick recall during the anthrax scare. Diego Garcia could easily have similar media restrictions about their information gathering capabilities.
IDK but I am going with Inmarsat until someone else gets a crack at the same exact data that they had to work with. Because they are the only ones as of now who actually have the real data associated with 370. Others are plugging in and guessing, and IMO it is not going to give the same result as the people who have the real data to work with.

Another thing is that it was reported that Inmarsat has some other group (was it Nasa?) I guess, double-check their work.


and the AAIB and Boeingl. They have distanced themselves, saying the conclusions of the northern searches west of Perth were not theirs, so it sounds like someone messed with numbers not inmarsats and imo they are just guessing. Inmarsat had some solid, repeatable and reviewable data and numbers that worked for a bunch of planes on same routes. I could see a change or two based on the partial ping that came up later but not this wholesale lets get out of the rough water and into calm seas. I also believe it would have been seen where they are searching now.
I'm definitely not into conspiracy theories and really don't know what to make of this missing plane situation, but one thing that puzzles me a bit is India's statement that their radar was switched off. I can see how they might have some radar stations switched off, but all of them? It doesn't make sense. They have a pretty hefty military and defense budget, they have uneasy relations with several neighbors, and China has a surveillance base right under their nose (in Myanmar territory near the Andamans). Would they really not be keeping an eagle eye on Coco?

I don't see why they would lie about it. Maybe I just assume everybody is more wired up and doing more spying than they really do. Bond movies are my favorite background sound...

Heard something about this a while ago - playing around with the earthquake and hit this and and course I must share with you all.

Also thanx to WS someone here turned me on to SKY news and the play news internet deal - love it !

The University of Science and Technology of China has announced a possible location for the crash site of Malaysia Airlines flight MH 370 based on two seismic recordings (stations *advertiser censored* and IPM of the Malaysia National Seismic Network; see map). The proposed site is in the Gulf of Thailand (orange hexagon on map).
The time of the event reported by the Chinese was 2:55 AM (on 3/8/2014, which equates to 18:55 UTC time on 3/7/2014).
U.S. Geological Survey analysts at the National Earthquake Information Center in Golden, Colo., reviewed this analysis and have a different conclusion.

I'm going to go with the USGS on this one. Low level seismic activity in that exact area is so common that it rates as a non-event. You can link back to the USGS shake map site and look at lists of earthquakes world wide for various time periods.

It's a neat idea though. I'm also wondering if an airplane crash into water could even generate a 2.7. Maybe someone better versed in the physics could address that. The 9/11 crashes were all around a 2 on the Richter scale, but that was full speed into buildings/land.

Also: if a crash was dramatic enough to generate a 2.7, wouldn't it have also generated noticable large waves of some sort? Since the Andaman island quake, that entire region is well wired up with a tsunami alert system.

I'm a rock/mineral/volcano girl. Physics has never been my big love. Stuff like this always makes me wish I enjoyed it more.
Tue Mar 11, 2014 7:19am EDT

Malaysia's Berita Harian newspaper quoted air force chief Rodzali Daud as saying the Malaysia Airlines plane was last detected by military radar at 2:40 a.m. on Saturday, near the island of Pulau Perak at the northern end of the Strait of Malacca. It was flying at a height of about 9,000 meters (29,500 ft), he was quoted as saying.

"The last time the flight was detected close to Pulau Perak, in the Melaka Straits, at 2.40 a.m. by the control tower before the signal was lost," the paper quoted Rodzali as saying.

BBM: He has since denied making this statement.
Tue Mar 11, 2014 7:19am EDT

Malaysia's Berita Harian newspaper quoted air force chief Rodzali Daud as saying the Malaysia Airlines plane was last detected by military radar at 2:40 a.m. on Saturday, near the island of Pulau Perak at the northern end of the Strait of Malacca. It was flying at a height of about 9,000 meters (29,500 ft), he was quoted as saying.

"The last time the flight was detected close to Pulau Perak, in the Melaka Straits, at 2.40 a.m. by the control tower before the signal was lost," the paper quoted Rodzali as saying.

BBM: He has since denied making this statement.

This is where I truly believe it went down. If not, then just the other side of Indonesia. I think they are looking too far South.
This is where I truly believe it went down. If not, then just the other side of Indonesia. I think they are looking too far South.

This is the official MAS statement released on 8 March.

Malaysia Airlines

MEDIA STATEMENT released at 7.24am/8 Mar 2014 MH370 Incident

Sepang, 8 March 2014: Malaysia Airlines confirms that flight MH370 has lost contact with Subang Air Traffic Control at 2.40am, today (8 March 2014).

Flight MH370, operated on the B777-200 aircraft, departed Kuala Lumpur at 12.41am on 8 March 2014. MH370 was expected to land in Beijing at 6.30am the same day. The flight was carrying a total number of 227 passengers (including 2 infants), 12 crew members.

Malaysia Airlines is currently working with the authorities who have activated their Search and Rescue team to locate the aircraft.

The airline will provide regular updates on the situation. Meanwhile, the public may contact +603 7884 1234 for further info.

bbm: Notice the ATC mentioned. It only when someone pointed out that by 2 40 am, MH370 should be well over Vietnam then they changed the time to 1 20 or 1 30 am, imo. Subang ATC knew or was in contact with MH370 until 2 40am.
Question: are there still searches going on?


This is interesting;

Asiana says pilot error partly to blame for San Francisco plane crash
By Stella Kim and Laura Smith-Spark, CNN
updated 11:39 AM EDT, Tue April 1, 2014

...Lee Hyomin, a spokeswoman for Asiana Airlines, said the pilot was not solely responsible for the crash but "could have failed to respond quickly" to factors including problems with the aircraft's auto throttle system.

The auto throttle problem was compounded by inadequate warning systems to alert the flight crew when the plane's airspeed fell too low, she said.

The spokeswoman also cited the "flight crew's failure to execute a timely go-around when the conditions required it by the company's procedures."...

If the problem with the air speed indicator is accurate it might have something to do with this crash. Also, there goes the argument that the 777 has no history of malfunctions.

I also wonder if the pilots thought the plane was about to stall and flew up in an effort to come back down and restart the engines. They then may have turned towards another airport and passed out from the climb. If there was a problem with the auto throttle there may be other problems like an altimeter problem. It may be grasping at straws, but the argument that the 777 is a very safe airplane has been tarnished a bit here. JMO
Is there is a 777 fire extinguisher bottle that dropped from the sky in the Maldives....

It appears various engineers / experts agree that the object looks a lot like a 777 fire suppression bottle:

Thanks! That's awesome. In the first article they say if it is an airplane fire suppression part that it should have an identifying number on it.

Here are some pictures from the second article;


Photo: Object found on Maldives beach


Photo: A fire suppression bottle of an aircraft. Source:


Location of Baarah in the Maldives map
Yesterday Writer7 wrote an excellent series of posts analyzing the number-crunching of the satellite data done by aviation reporter Jeff Wise (CNN, Salon) and scientists on Wise's blog. Writer7's fine work culminated with a timeline for the Inmarsat satellite pings from MH-370.

I thought it might be illuminating to plot those satellite pings on the broader MH-370 timeline:

00:30 am - PING #1
00:36 am - Taxiing.
00:41 am - Take-off
00:43 am - PING #2
00:50 am - Climbing from 25,000 to 35,000 feet.
00:55 am - PING #3
01:01 am - Cruising at 35,000 feet.
01:07 am - PING #4, Last routine ACARS data transmission.
01:07 am - MH-370 cockpit to ATC, repeats "Malaysian...370 maintaining level 350" (35,000ft)
01:19 am - "Good Night Malaysian Three Seven Zero"
01:21 am - MH-370 Transponder turns off.
01:22 am - (approx) IGARI waypoint reached, 360 deg. West turn begins.
01:30 am - After Viet ATC asks, nearby plane contacts MH-370, hears "buzz", "mumbling".
01:38 am - Viet ATC informs Malay ATC of situation, neither can contact MH-370.

02:15am - (approx) Last Thai/Malay military radar blip of MH-370, heading NW.

02:25 am - PING #5
02:27 am - PING #6
02:29 am - PING #7

02:40 am - Viet ATC notifies Malaysia Airlines it can't contact MH-370.

03:40 am - PING #8
04:40 am - PING #9
05:40 am - PING#10
06:40 am - PING #11

08:11 am - PING #12
08:19 am - Partial handshake PING from MH-370 to ground station.

This timeline raises a few interesting questions:

1). Between 12:30-1:07, the plane pinged the satellite every 12-13 minutes. In normal flight, should it have continued to do so? No ping at 1:19/1:20 am might suggest ACARS was disabled at or before that time.
2). Why was there a sudden flurry of pings at 2:25, 2:27, and then 2:29...???
3). Why did MH-370 start sending hourly pings at 3:40am (not 2:40am)?
4). Why was there no hourly ping at 7:40am, but instead one at 8:11am?
5). Why did the plane ping a ground station at 8:19am? To indicate what?
Is there is a 777 fire extinguisher bottle that dropped from the sky in the Maldives....

It appears various engineers / experts agree that the object looks a lot like a 777 fire suppression bottle:

This is old news. The Maldives object was found a week ago.

They've had time to check it out by now, so it's most likely unrelated.

Some folks examining the photo pointed out subtle differences from Boeing bottles, suggesting this could be part of a scuba re-breather, an anchor, marine equipment or other assorted junk.

As currently understood, the satellite evidence means the plane didn't go to Africa and didn't pass the Maldives.
This is old news. The Maldives object was found a week ago.

They've had time to check it out by now, so it's most likely unrelated.

Some folks examining the photo pointed out subtle differences from Boeing bottles, suggesting this could be part of a scuba re-breather, an anchor, marine equipment or other assorted junk.

As currently understood, the satellite evidence means the plane didn't go to Africa and didn't pass the Maldives.

I looked and couldn't find any articles saying what it is or isn't definitively. I don't know what the answer is.
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