Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #19

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Right when it came out they said it was a zerox error! Ha

Sure, but it took some skill to line the two bodies up so perfectly. Not just a happenstance IMO
I don't find anything suspicious about the doctored photo.
Maybe he was wearing shorts (which is taboo in Malaysia)!
Right after it was announced the plane went missing there was a Flight View tape that was being shown. It was supposedly the actual plane. I watched it several times and the plane obviously turned to the right, not to the left before it disappeared from the screen. Was that discredited? If not why hasn't that been mentioned in the news, etc. ty
Yes, I was so surprised the day it went south too compared to the way it had been reported for days (ie most likely out of the two arcs is north) and then

I don't find anything suspicious about the doctored photo.
Maybe he was wearing shorts (which is taboo in Malaysia)!

not being nasty are you being serious ??

PS: The new curvey loopy doopy flight track coming out now - hits me as a fight for control -- someone taking over that kind of thing>...

whoever is doing whatever , based on the next hours is skilled and would not loopy doopy the plane - it HAS to be a struggle -

Like this one - just do the first 35 seconds:
[ame=""]FedEx Flight 705 - Fight For Your Life - YouTube[/ame]
So this is a summary of what I know so far;

Malaysia first said they had no idea what flight path the plane took.
Then they said that the plane made a sharp turn.
They said the sharp turn was so perfect that it had to have been done by pre-programming the autopilot.
They calculated the distance the plane would have flown and were off by about 1,500 miles.
They refuse to release the full cargo list.
The pictures of the Iranians were "accidentally" put out to the public with both men wearing the same pants.
It's quite common for people to travel with stolen passports.
There is little evidence the pilots were whackadoodle.
There is A LOT of junk in our oceans.
You could write four different, or more, books based on what Malaysia has released about this plane so far.

There is frustration from every country attempting to help because the information is so screwy.
And a lot more I'm probably forgetting...

The mangosteens, Steely!, you forgot the mangosteens!:drumroll:

Boeing never released a statement that they believe the plane landed in Pakistan. jmo

He said a LIGNET report says that Boeing sources believe the plane is in Pakistan

Boeing Source: Missing Plane in Pakistan
The Malaysian government reportedly is investigating the possibility that missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 avoided radar detection and landed in Pakistan near the Afghanistan border inside Taliban-controlled territory

Israel is taking the possibility of a terrorist attack seriously by mobilizing air defenses and giving extra scrutiny to approaching civilian aircraft, according to the Times of Israel

then everyone denied it!!!!

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not being nasty are you being serious ??

PS: The new curvey loopy doopy flight track coming out now - hits me as a fight for control -- someone taking over that kind of thing>...

Yes I'm being serious.
Shorts are taboo in Asian countries.
Travellers are told to avoid wearing shorts in public areas. Swimming is the only exception.

He said a LIGNET report says that Boeing sources believe the plane is in Pakistan

Boeing Source: Missing Plane in Pakistan
The Malaysian government reportedly is investigating the possibility that missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 avoided radar detection and landed in Pakistan near the Afghanistan border inside Taliban-controlled territory

Israel is taking the possibility of a terrorist attack seriously by mobilizing air defenses and giving extra scrutiny to approaching civilian aircraft, according to the Times of Israel

then everyone denied it!!!!

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Boeing never issued a report. That statement was taken as a rumor. No person was ever identified from Boeing as a spokesperson and Boeing never released a statement to that effect. jmo
In July 2010, he had, along with Information Minister [ame=""]Rais Yatim - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame], accused [ame=""]Anwar Ibrahim - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] of being a [ame=""]Central Intelligence Agency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] agent based on a blog article.[17] However, Hishamuddin admitted the Home Ministry "doesn't know if Anwar is a tool (of the CIA) or not". This revelation was not based on any evidence, as he admitted, but on an article by an American blogger.[18] Mysteriously, he added that "action" would only be taken if "national security" was threatened although espionage, i.e. working for a foreign intelligence agency, is a crime.[19]
In July 2010, he had, along with Information Minister Rais Yatim - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, accused Anwar Ibrahim - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia of being a Central Intelligence Agency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia agent based on a blog article.[17] However, Hishamuddin admitted the Home Ministry "doesn't know if Anwar is a tool (of the CIA) or not". This revelation was not based on any evidence, as he admitted, but on an article by an American blogger.[18] Mysteriously, he added that "action" would only be taken if "national security" was threatened although espionage, i.e. working for a foreign intelligence agency, is a crime.[19]

Oh, my... this is just a ridiculous accusation.
Saving face is a very strong cultural component, and generally opposite to the way Americans operate. I don't think the saving face issue can be underestimated in this situation. IMO, somebody isn't admitting something, and if that's the case, it is such a strong, ingrained concept, it's not going to be easily reversed to solve this mystery. We westerners struggle trying to understand this. But google it. It's interesting and a very big deal. Luckily I think the Australian guy heading up the joint committee will have the understanding and skills to deal with this. The CIA even has a briefing paper about Asia and saving face because it is so important in conducting effective relationships.

In Canada, we have a mayor that admits to smoking crack and still has his job!

I think the Malaysians are embarrassed, and now other govts can "spy" on them, which is not really what they're looking for, but, have accepted the assistance.
I was checking out airports on obscure islands this morning simply due to nothing being located. 3 weeks of wandering and nothing.

Malaysia claims black box may have answers. Maybe, maybe not. If plane was flying unmanned so to speak last 2 hours won't tell us much.

If shot down seems it would have lots of wreckage, maybe not shot down over water then-country can control it's borders.

In back of my mind I still have thoughts that it landed somewhere. Lots of doubts have come into my mind re above theory. Multi nation searchers, lots of resources being used but we repeatedly come back to square one.

BBM ~ Me too. I have since about 3-4 days MH370 went missing.
Yes, why did that happen? :waitasec:

I have heard (by an ex DOD employee)

Rumor..believe me or not.. I consider it rumor as I cannot question his sources.

That China had some important government officials on MH370. Which might be why names were blocked off...
"A US technology company which had 20 senior staff on board Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 had just launched a new electronic warfare gadget for military radar systems in the days before the Boeing 777 went missing.

Freescale Semiconductor has been developing microprocessors, sensors and other technology for the past 50 years. The technology it creates is commonly referred to as embedded processors, which according to the firm are “stand-alone semiconductors that perform dedicated computing functions in electronic systems”.


1. Why were so many Freescale employees traveling together?
2. What were their jobs?
3. Were they on a mission and if so what was this mission?
4. Can these employees be the cause of the disappearance of this plane?
5. Could the plane have been then hijacked and these people kidnapped?
6. Did these employees hold valuable information, did they have any valuable cargo with them?
7. Did they know company and technological secrets?
8. With all the might of technology why cant this plane be located?
9. Where is this plane where are these people?

The 20 Freescale employees, among 239 people on flight MH370, were mostly engineers and other experts working to make the company’s chip facilities in Tianjin, China, and Kuala Lumpur more efficient, said Mitch Haws, vice president, global communications and investor relations. "

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So this is a summary of what I know so far;

Malaysia first said they had no idea what flight path the plane took.
Then they said that the plane made a sharp turn.
They said the sharp turn was so perfect that it had to have been done by pre-programming the autopilot.
They calculated the distance the plane would have flown and were off by about 1,500 miles.
They refuse to release the full cargo list.
The pictures of the Iranians were "accidentally" put out to the public with both men wearing the same pants.
It's quite common for people to travel with stolen passports.
There is little evidence the pilots were whackadoodle.
There is A LOT of junk in our oceans.
You could write four different, or more, books based on what Malaysia has released about this plane so far.

There is frustration from every country attempting to help because the information is so screwy.
And a lot more I'm probably forgetting...

The hotties smoking and sitting on co-pilots lap. :behind:
Originally Posted by LambChop View Post
Boeing never released a statement that they believe the plane landed in Pakistan. jmo

Who knows anymore huh!

Accoridng to this guy:

General McInerney is the founder of Government Reform Through Technology, a consulting firm that works with high-tech companies. GRTT conducts business with federal, state, city and local governments to help them introduce advanced technology into the public sector. For 35 years, General McInerney served as a pilot, commander, and strategic planner in the U.S. Air Force. He retired from military service as Assistant Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force and Director of the Defense Performance Review, reporting to the secretary of defense.

MCINERNEY: I think that's a fair observation. The way the Boeing report came out, it said the air field was in Taliban controlled areas. Well, I think that's saying in western Pakistan. And there are three primary bases, two are main operating bases and one is a satellite base that could handle this aircraft in the Pakistani air force. There are other falcon bases, but I'll talk about that later
HANNITY: So your theory, and I'm interpreting here that this is based on information that you are putting together, that would explain away the transponder purposely being turned off and other communications being turned off. That would explain the ping that lasted up to seven hours later, when you consider the timeframe flying out and changing course. It would also explain that the flight path altered by computer command and not by manual control. So what answer -- your theory would answer all those questions, right?

MCINERNEY: It would. And I believe both pilots may have been complicit, I believe that -- remember, they turned off -- they didn't turn off communications, they turned off navigation aids. They didn't turn off their HF radio, their VHF radio, their UHF radio. So they had the sat com. So they had communications that they listening to what was going on and, I think, probably transmitting to the location they were going to. That's why I think the U.S. vacuum cleaners -- those sensors that picked up all this stuff, have probably been able to detect more than we're getting.

Boeing saying they believe the airplane was in Pakistan, which I talked about on Friday.
HANNITY: General, I've known you a long time. I know you too well to know that you're not just making this up, this isn't something you've concocted. You've spoken to a number of people, am I correct?

MCINERNEY: Yes, but that's all I want to say, Sean, please.

He said a LIGNET report says that Boeing sources believe the plane is in Pakistan

Boeing Source: Missing Plane in Pakistan
The Malaysian government reportedly is investigating the possibility that missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 avoided radar detection and landed in Pakistan near the Afghanistan border inside Taliban-controlled territory

Israel is taking the possibility of a terrorist attack seriously by mobilizing air defenses and giving extra scrutiny to approaching civilian aircraft, according to the Times of Israel

then everyone denied it!!!!

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