Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #20

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Search teams from Australia and New Zealand have spotted objects that may be linked to missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, the first such sightings to be confirmed by two different teams scouring the Indian Ocean for wreckage of the aircraft, The Global Times reported.

The report also said that five aircraft spotted multiple objects of various colours during the search for the missing plane. Around 256,000 square kilometres were searched and photographs of the objects were being assessed as the search concluded today.
Well night folks....this is very disappointing the way they baited everyone today with the "BIG" news - I don't know if this is CNN's fault or is this the Australians' fault or is it Malaysians' fault? I don't know who sent out the original - stay tuned for "BIG" news coming. Who inserted this "BIG"? This is crazy.

Australians officials are constantly saying, it's gonna be a long haul. It might take years. It's the most difficult search. Etc., Etc.. But yet then on the other hand, there is daily big deal made about moving the search area...not drastic move, just small move. They are not saying they are moving the search area to the Northern arc or something.

I understand they want to be forthcoming, and that is all good, but this kind of baiting is not good IMO.


Nothing about BIG NEWS in our media today, and I looked everywhere once it was repeated here on WS that CNN said there would be BIG NEWS. Just our usual daily updates and progress reports. Maybe CNN need to tone down their adjectives a bit .. or a lot?

I imagine to the families involved, and to many others, every bit of news is important. And every day of the search is equally as important. And keeping their loved ones, and the search, in the media is important.

CNN is the one that announced/announces there is "Breaking a News" in this case

IMO it is a ploy to grab our attention and stay glued to their channel ...

I turn to the Cdn media and did not hear or read any Breaking News
My family wanted to watch The Big Bang Theory and I went to read a book
Search teams from Australia and New Zealand have spotted objects that may be linked to missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, the first such sightings to be confirmed by two different teams scouring the Indian Ocean for wreckage of the aircraft, The Global Times reported.

The report also said that five aircraft spotted multiple objects of various colours during the search for the missing plane. Around 256,000 square kilometres were searched and photographs of the objects were being assessed as the search concluded today.

Is this NEW or a repeat?
Aviation experts now believe the plane's final 'ping' indicated when it ran out of fuel, giving them a better idea of where it crashed.

The doomed flight's final 'ping' transmission did not definitively reveal where the plane was, but investigators now believe it indicated when MH370 ran out of fuel.

This could lead to a breakthrough in determining how fast the Boeing 777 might have been travelling, and therefore how far it did travel before it ditched.

Looks like the search area is getting further north and closer to Australia. Oceanographers said the debris would drift on the currents in this manner, but I hope that it is still relatively close to the apparent crash area so that we can find the plane and the flight recorders.

Search teams from Australia and New Zealand have spotted objects that may be linked to missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, the first such sightings to be confirmed by two different teams scouring the Indian Ocean for wreckage of the aircraft, The Global Times reported.

The report also said that five aircraft spotted multiple objects of various colours during the search for the missing plane. Around 256,000 square kilometres were searched and photographs of the objects were being assessed as the search concluded today.

Key words are "may be linked". All objects they spot "may be" the plane. They really need to wait for positive confirmation at this point because people are beginning to realize nothing ever pans out.

I do hope they find it though. I just dont have good vibes about this area at all.

Im beginning to think more about either the Sunda Trench or the Diamantina Trench that whoever was flying may have wanted to ditch in. To me, the Sunda trench makes much more sense. It is further north and they are not near that one searching. It just seems to me that one North would be the easiest for the pilot to ditch in.

Looks like the search area is getting further north and closer to Australia. Oceanographers said the debris would drift on the currents in this manner, but I hope that it is still relatively close to the apparent crash area so that we can find the plane and the flight recorders.


You would think that Austrailia would have spotted the plane on their radar if it went that close to Perth. That seems awfully close. Of course maps are deceiving and 900 miles is not too close. Not sure how good their radar is but that seems like they should have been aware of an approaching plane the night it disappeared.

Human nature would have them wanting to move closer and closer to take off spot. It makes you wonder if they are inadvertently making the evidence get them closer to Perth. A human nature thing.
Key words are "may be linked". All objects they spot "may be" the plane. They really need to wait for positive confirmation at this point because people are beginning to realize nothing ever pans out.

I do hope they find it though. I just dont have good vibes about this area at all.

(snip for focus).

From article quoted in a post above:
the first such sightings to be confirmed by two different teams scouring the Indian Ocean for wreckage of the aircraft

I think we have been down this road before. I remember that statement from maybe a week ago now.
Key words are "may be linked". All objects they spot "may be" the plane. They really need to wait for positive confirmation at this point because people are beginning to realize nothing ever pans out.

I do hope they find it though. I just dont have good vibes about this area at all.

Im beginning to think more about either the Sunda Trench or the Diamantina Trench that whoever was flying may have wanted to ditch in. To me, the Sunda trench makes much more sense. It is further north and they are not near that one searching. It just seems to me that one North would be the easiest for the pilot to ditch in.

The search that cried wolf...
Military sources have told 7News that updates from submarine captains are not promising. They're reporting a mass of junk beneath the surface of the water, which they're examining with hi-tech cameras.

Only technology, they suggest, will identify wreckage, not the human eye.

Thanks for all the interesting links JerseyGirl.

This sounds discouraging. Im not sure what they mean except maybe that they are spotting so much structure and other objects that it makes it hard for them.

Its hard to believe there would be that much stuff under the water unless they mean lots of structure like rocks and cliffs.
Losing hope here too, but, each time something is spotted and reported a little more hope comes back. Even if it turns out to be junk. At least we know they are searching. We may not fully comprehend how they determine the areas to search, well, I sure don't, but at least they are looking. The more territory covered the better. Have to keep reminding myself of the difficulty and depth of the ocean involved. I hope more than one sub, and something more than a ping locater, are also searching the bottom.
Thanks for all the interesting links JerseyGirl.

This sounds discouraging. Im not sure what they mean except maybe that they are spotting so much structure and other objects that it makes it hard for them.

Its hard to believe there would be that much stuff under the water unless they mean lots of structure like rocks and cliffs.

I don't know what they mean either. "below the surface" to me sounds like visual from above, not floating but not on the ocean bottom.

who knows anymore ... I'm starting to get dizzy!
about the sub:

Peter Jennings, a defense expert at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, said submarines are of limited use in deep-water searches, though. Most are designed to operate in less than a kilometer (0.6 miles) of water. Depths in the current search area are estimated at up to four times that.
Late Friday, the Joint Agency Coordination Centre, led by Air Chief Marshal Houston, said no objects were found in the day's search for the missing plane.

Ocean Shield is equipped with a U.S. device designed to detect signals from the flight recorders, thought to be sitting on the ocean floor up to 2 1/2 miles below the surface of the water. The device, a Towed Pinger Locator, has a limited range in a search area that is the size of the U.K. The equipment, towed behind a moving vessel, would need to come within 1.8 kilometers (1.1 miles) of the recorders to pick up their signals.

HMS Echo, a U.K. military survey vessel able to profile ocean depths, joined the search on Friday after being relocated to the southern Indian Ocean from the Persian Gulf. The two ships were to start at either end of the 240-kilometer corridor and meet roughly in the middle.

"No hard evidence has been found to date so we have made the decision to search a subsurface area on which the analysis has predicted Flight 370 is likely to have flown" .
The pinger's batteries will likely die after 30 to 45 days, and Friday marks the 28th day of the search.

The pings sound about once every second. The noise is inaudible to the human ear, but devices such as towed pinger locators (TPLs) can hear the sound from 2 nautical miles away.

The pinger locator has a sensor that looks like a 35-inch, 70-pound yellow stingray. It can recognize the flight recorder's chirps up to 20,000 feet below the surface of the water.

The Australian ship is dragging a TPL on loan from the United States to help hunt for the plane in the Indian Ocean.


A worker lowers from the Australian Defence Vessel Ocean Shield the U.S. Navy Supervisor of Salvage and Diving (SUPSALV) towed pinger locator into the ocean during operational testing in the southern Indian Ocean as part of the continuing search.
Did I just hear right that both pingers in the AF447 black boxes failed to work? That even though they covered the area listenign for them, when they found the wreckage they realised the pings hadn't been transmitting?
Ocean Shield is also carrying an underwater unmanned vehicle, a Bluefin 21, to help search for any wreckage. The small vehicle, which wasn't used Friday, can operate for 25 hours and descend nearly 3 miles.


The Bluefin 21, the Artemis autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), is hoisted back on board the Australian Defence Vessel Ocean Shield after a successful buoyancy test in the southern Indian Ocean as part of the continuing search.

The 21-foot-long robot is capable of staying submerged for 25 hours at a time, deploying its sensors to search and map 40 square miles of sea floor per day. "It's a 4,500-meter-rated vehicle, so it can descend to 2.5 miles underwater," he told us. "Once it goes down, it 'flies' above the seabed and uses sonar acoustics to image the ocean floor. It also moves in a 'mowing the lawn' pattern, running in parallel lines that overlap and cover the entire bottom to form an image of the sea floor."

Read more:
Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar has slammed Anwar Ibrahim's claims that the government tried to suppress information related to the missing flight MH370.

Khairy countered that air force jets were not scrambled to intercept MH370 - then only an identified radar plot - because Malaysia is not at war and the civilian airliner was already on its way out of Malaysian airspace.

In addition, he said MH370 was following commercial air routes, and civilian aircraft frequently change course without being intercepted by military fighters.


why is a Malaysian government "Youth and Sports Minister" making a statement???


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