Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #22

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todays search and recovery
Joint Agency Coordination Centre

Media Release
11 April 2014—am

Up to 12 military aircraft, three civil aircraft and 13 ships will assist in today's search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

Today the Australian Maritime Safety Authority has planned two search areas in close proximity totalling about 46,713 square kilometres. The centre of the search areas lies approximately 2312 kilometres north west of Perth.

todays charts

AMSA News ✔ @AMSA_News

Today's search area charts are now available from the #MH370 media kit page.
Yes, that's true. It's just that an airport is a busy place with people going to and fro, people everywhere - esp. going thru the security - I do think it's a little odd that amidst all of that he chose to look up seemingly directly at the camera.

Re: Iranians - one of them looks fairly young, the other doesn't look that young. It could have been that the older one was the one who was to pilot the plane, the younger one to handle the cabin (is that the right word for the rest of the plane?) And also, I would expect younger if they were terrorists.


Seriously ?? Listen, if the people that took over this plane were able to fool and dupe just about every "expert" in 20 different countries, my guess would be that the said perpetrator had about 30 years worth of experience FLYING planes as well as being highly trained in dodging radar and missile systems. A couple of Iranian guys that may or may not be able to shave yet, ain't gonna cut it.
They keep narrowing down where the pings are to get a more accurate location. Fine, except the batteries are due to die any minute. Why do they not send one of the submersible vehicles down to try to locate it while it is still pinging in this area they think it is? Will it not be easier to find while it is pinging than when it stops?

Call me confused, scrambled, and these are my opinions.
Yes, that's true. It's just that an airport is a busy place with people going to and fro, people everywhere - esp. going thru the security - I do think it's a little odd that amidst all of that he chose to look up seemingly directly at the camera.

Re: Iranians - one of them looks fairly young, the other doesn't look that young. It could have been that the older one was the one who was to pilot the plane, the younger one to handle the cabin (is that the right word for the rest of the plane?) And also, I would expect younger if they were terrorists.


I think they were Christian Iranians trying to get the hell out of Iran. JMO
Yes, that's true. It's just that an airport is a busy place with people going to and fro, people everywhere - esp. going thru the security - I do think it's a little odd that amidst all of that he chose to look up seemingly directly at the camera.

Re: Iranians - one of them looks fairly young, the other doesn't look that young. It could have been that the older one was the one who was to pilot the plane, the younger one to handle the cabin (is that the right word for the rest of the plane?) And also, I would expect younger if they were terrorists.


BBM ~ I believe if there were terrorists, they would have strong religion behind them.

I've been around alot of Iranians, and these 2 boys just look like regular Iranians who are seeking a better life. Most of them want to drink, since alcohol is illegal is Iran. JMO.
Yep. Yep.
The second guy bugs me.
The one visiting his mother is a young guy (19?). The second guy is thirty. I think some reports stated they were friends and were traveling together, but, I don't believe that.

But then, I go back to WHY?
That seems to be the theme here. :eek:verreaction:

Yes, exactly. Hopefully the relationship b/w the two guys has been thoroughly our dreams.
Yeah, it can be fun to look at a camera and act all surprised, nervous, and fidgity.

I keep hoping for a false arrest, since I could use the money from the resulting lawsuit, but so far it hasn't happened.

You remind me of....was it Lucky? On King of the Hill.
Can they all be coordinated, with a touch of truth?

I know you have read, and perhaps watched enough now, to know where it is all headed. :)

BBM ~ Once this over there will be a sprinkle of truth in all the mish-mash of information, ala JA.
They keep narrowing down where the pings are to get a more accurate location. Fine, except the batteries are due to die any minute. Why do they not send one of the submersible vehicles down to try to locate it while it is still pinging in this area they think it is? Will it not be easier to find while it is pinging than when it stops?

Call me confused, scrambled, and these are my opinions.

The pings they keep hearing are coming from one of the ships in the local vicinity that has a "pinger" on board as a training tool for their crew. Or better yet, it is stored in somebodies carry-on luggage.
Is this scrambling info new? First I have heard of it! Oh, just a last minute thing they 'forgot' to mention'?! With this admission, is it possible that Malaysia shot it down and is behind this whole incident?

And now it's the captain's voice? Four weeks later and no official determination! Why has the USA not been allowed to identify this voice? This is supposing that Malaysia has not permitted us to do it. Why? :banghead:

bbm. That's what I think. Possibly the plane got into trouble or something caused the plane to turn back toward Malaysia. Because they couldn't identify the plane, I believe Malaysia shot it down. I think the pilots became incapacitated and the 'wounded' jet flew until it ran out of fuel or eventually lost altitude.

Then, realizing it was a passenger plane they had hit, Malaysia kept quiet, never dreaming Inmarsat would figure out the plane flew south. All this time, the Malaysia govt has not wanted this plane found. It will humiliate them for the world to know what they did. They let others search in places they KNEW the plane wouldn't be. This has been about Malaysia saving face.

If this has been asked and answered, I truly apologize.....I thought the black box only had 30 day battery life? So what is pinging? Another device? Or was the 30 day thing wrong on my part? TIA. :cool:
They had interviews in a couple of places with the man who they were staying with for a couple of days in Kuala Lumpur. IIRC, there is a picture of this man with two Iranian men, all 3 of them together. I'm pretty sure they were both together. Also the woman at the travel agency - there was an interview with her somewhere on the webz and she talked about them together - that this man Ali called and wanted to get tickets for them.

Ali is the one who apparently organized their tickets, and perhaps also arranged their stolen passports. I think he has fled to Iran, prob. due to his illegal passport activities.


:cheers: Yes, I remember that piece of information now. It think it was around the time we had Steely's art class. :floorlaugh:

So, yes they were together. Game changer now ... :doh:
As long as we're discussing conspiracy theories ----------------

-I must admit the video of Captain Shah going thru security, the point at which he seems to look straight at the security camera as he's going through, that caught my eye the first time I saw the video.

-On CNN when they had "exclusive" interview with the Iranian man's mother in Germany, and she said her son got the passport and was coming to see her b/c she has (had?) cancer and she told him that she needed him. But what about the other guy he was with? This struck out to me from the interview. If one Iranian guy was going to see his mother who had cancer, what was the other guy's reason? Why did they go together? Wouldn't it attract more attention to them if they were travelling together, both on stolen passports? They apparently went into the airport separately, but still went on the same flight. If one guy was going to see his sick mother, how did he have time to bring this other guy into his whole plan? I dunno I still am suspicious of the two of them, IDK why but just some things don't add up.


I'm like you, odd situation. Only reason to travel to Beijing to get to Amsterdam, when you can fly way cheaper and direct(way quicker) from KUL to AMS is to dodge the Chinese advance visa application rule.

Unless things changed you could fly into Beijing without a visa stay up to 72 hours without "entering" the country and leave without drawing their attention to you and your passport/previous stops. So they could fly under stolen PP, enter Beijing without a visa, fly to AMS, enter Europe unknown and disappear. Or the could just be drug runners.

On the Sat sits 22K miles up and over a point West of Maldives about -0.29 and 64.5 lat/lon
Seriously ?? Listen, if the people that took over this plane were able to fool and dupe just about every "expert" in 20 different countries, my guess would be that the said perpetrator had about 30 years worth of experience FLYING planes as well as being highly trained in dodging radar and missile systems. A couple of Iranian guys that may or may not be able to shave yet, ain't gonna cut it.

Ah, but you're forgetting an important point: The planning would have been done over years and the planning would have been done by many people, part of a large terrorist network.

If it was a terrorist acitivity, it has been in the stages of planning for many years by now. JMO.

It's not like 2 guys just hatched up a plan over dinner the night before, YKWIM?

Also, there are lower-end flight simulators which anyone with a bit of money can buy and practive on with 777. Let's say the one guy already had piloting experience, but spent 2, 3, even 4 or more years being trained by an actual commerical-airline pilot?

HOw do you think Al-Qaeda carried out 9/11? It was an organized mission planned out over many years. Which involved many people in the background, planning everything, scoping things out, etc..

They keep narrowing down where the pings are to get a more accurate location. Fine, except the batteries are due to die any minute. Why do they not send one of the submersible vehicles down to try to locate it while it is still pinging in this area they think it is? Will it not be easier to find while it is pinging than when it stops?

Call me confused, scrambled, and these are my opinions.

I thought a few days they said they'd send down the autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV)?
The pings they keep hearing are coming from one of the ships in the local vicinity that has a "pinger" on board as a training tool for their crew. Or better yet, it is stored in somebodies carry-on luggage.

Or whatever Freescale had onboard, since no one can produce cargo manifests.
Hmmmm...looks like I need some beer. Question: If it turns out this plane was hijacked, how will Wolf Blitzer, Richard Quest, and Mary Shiavo save face ?? Discuss amongst yourselves.............I"ll BRB.
If this has been asked and answered, I truly apologize.....I thought the black box only had 30 day battery life? So what is pinging? Another device? Or was the 30 day thing wrong on my part? TIA. :cool:

I think it's a minimum of 30 days.


Odd. This location is where I nearly lost my physical life in Pai, Thailand - The Golden Triangle.
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