Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #22

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BBM ~ I believe if there were terrorists, they would have strong religion behind them.

I've been around alot of Iranians, and these 2 boys just look like regular Iranians who are seeking a better life. Most of them want to drink, since alcohol is illegal is Iran. JMO.

I do not think we can know anything just from their looks. They really would not try to go anywhere on stolen passports with long beards, now would they? Or would they instead try to fit in and look like "tourists"?

It could be religious, political, financial, who knows? The point is we dont' know. And I am not going to be like, oh ok because Malaysia said they're crossed off the list as suspects, ok fine I'm just going to sit back and believe Malaysia.

Sorry, I don't believe all the gobbledy-gook that Malaysia has already checked out all the passengers and eliminated them as suspects.

I'm like you, odd situation. Only reason to travel to Beijing to get to Amsterdam, when you can fly way cheaper and direct(way quicker) from KUL to AMS is to dodge the Chinese advance visa application rule.

Unless things changed you could fly into Beijing without a visa stay up to 72 hours without "entering" the country and leave without drawing their attention to you and your passport/previous stops. So they could fly under stolen PP, enter Beijing without a visa, fly to AMS, enter Europe unknown and disappear. Or the could just be drug runners.

On the Sat sits 22K miles up and over a point West of Maldives about -0.29 and 64.5 lat/lon

Also, they originally flew from Tehran to Qatar.
There are direct fligts from Tehran to KL. Just wondering if it cheaper to fly through Qatar.
I'm like you, odd situation. Only reason to travel to Beijing to get to Amsterdam, when you can fly way cheaper and direct(way quicker) from KUL to AMS is to dodge the Chinese advance visa application rule.

Unless things changed you could fly into Beijing without a visa stay up to 72 hours without "entering" the country and leave without drawing their attention to you and your passport/previous stops. So they could fly under stolen PP, enter Beijing without a visa, fly to AMS, enter Europe unknown and disappear. Or the could just be drug runners.

On the Sat sits 22K miles up and over a point West of Maldives about -0.29 and 64.5 lat/lon

Maybe they just wanted more stamps in their new $10,000 passports? lol kidding.

Can one fly MAS from KL-Amsterdam. Does MAS have flight from KL-Amsterdam?
I do not think we can know anything just from their looks. They really would not try to go anywhere on stolen passports with long beards, now would they? Or would they instead try to fit in and look like "tourists"?

It could be religious, political, financial, who knows? The point is we dont' know. And I am not going to be like, oh ok because Malaysia said they're crossed off the list as suspects, ok fine I'm just going to sit back and believe Malaysia.

Sorry, I don't believe all the gobbledy-gook that Malaysia has already checked out all the passengers and eliminated them as suspects.


:seeya: All good aa9511. I think we had thei debate a month ago too. We have some WS folks who are are suspicious of the Iranians, and some that not. I don't like the fact that they were cleared so quickly.

And this...

Khairul, a father of one daughter, had recently bought a house on the outskirts of the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur, and had more than 10 years experience as a flight engineer, his father Selamat Omar told Reuters. He declined to say whether he believed his son could have been involved in any foul play.

Selamat said he and other family members were supposed to visit Khairul's new house this month. But Khairul had told his father on Thursday he had to go for a job in Beijing and that they would reschedule. That was the last time they spoke.

"Khairul was doing well in his job and was a good son. He would come visit us at least once a month," Selamat said.

Read more at:
Angus Houston spoke with ABC The World TV program late yesterday. This is basically what he said.

- Crews very frustrated at not finding any debris. They have been working so hard.
- Heartened that all nations working together- where there is a need - working toward a common purpose.
- Fusion Centre suggested by Singapore, to coordinate future search and rescue ops.
- He never put a number on how many days until anything is found. Could be up to 20 days, hopefully will be far less.
- Very deep, and very dark down there. Only one vehicle at this stage that can work at those depths.
- Conditions in silt could be very demanding, bringing unanticipated problems.

An arduous task that thankfully the Australians are undertaking. Just cannot imagine where we would be at this stage without them. Bless them!
The pings they keep hearing are coming from one of the ships in the local vicinity that has a "pinger" on board as a training tool for their crew. Or better yet, it is stored in somebodies carry-on luggage.

The pingers are set to frequency specific to airplanes.
I am confident that the pings that have been heard are from MH370.
Also, they originally flew from Tehran to Qatar.
There are direct fligts from Tehran to KL. Just wondering if it cheaper to fly through Qatar.

EEKS. I did not know this. OMG. Sure does sound like they were trying to bolster "tourist" creds, now doesn't it?? Qatar, Kuala Lumpur, Beijing. :scared::scared:

I'm saying this b/c of a poster who posted a part of the 9/11 commission report which stated that a couple of the 9/11 terrorists decided to go to.....OMG WAS IT BEIJING?????.......from Kuala Lumpur along with this other scientist guy b/c they thought it would make them pass off better as "tourists."

Maybe they just wanted more stamps in their new $10,000 passports? lol kidding.

Can one fly MAS from KL-Amsterdam. Does MAS have flight from KL-Amsterdam?

MAS flight 9016 is due to land AMS in 2:44 hours.
Also, they originally flew from Tehran to Qatar.
There are direct fligts from Tehran to KL. Just wondering if it cheaper to fly through Qatar.

I would think so.
I know when they booked their flight to Beijing, they asked for the cheapest flight available.
Hmmmm...looks like I need some beer. Question: If it turns out this plane was hijacked, how will Wolf Blitzer, Richard Quest, and Mary Shiavo save face ?? Discuss amongst yourselves.............I"ll BRB.

Isn't Mary Schiavo skeptical? I love her, I think she's adorable.

I don't watch alot of CNN unless it's AC. :ignore:
The original story was that there were 4 stolen passports or 4 people who there were trouble with their identity. What bothers me is that they seemed to clear the 2 guys very quickly, like on the 8th or before.

Four passengers on the missing Malaysia Airlines flight that vanished over the South China sea are suspected of travelling on fake passports...

...But more ominous questions about who was on board the plane emerged on Sunday as Malaysia's Transport minister, Hishamuddin Hussein, said the identities of four passengers are now being investigated. "All four names are with me," he said, according to Reuters.

On Sunday, Malaysian Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said that authorities were now looking at four possible cases of suspect identities. He said Malaysian intelligence agencies were in contact with their international counterparts, including the FBI.

"All the four names are with me and have been given to our intelligence agencies," he said. "We do not want to target only the four; we are investigating the whole passenger manifest. We are looking at all possibilities."
EEKS. I did not know this. OMG. Sure does sound like they were trying to bolster "tourist" creds, now doesn't it?? Qatar, Kuala Lumpur, Beijing. :scared::scared:

I'm saying this b/c of a poster who posted a part of the 9/11 commission report which stated that a couple of the 9/11 terrorists decided to go to.....OMG WAS IT BEIJING?????.......from Kuala Lumpur along with this other scientist guy b/c they thought it would make them pass off better as "tourists."


He said both men had obtained visas from the Malaysian embassy in Tehran for their visit to Malaysia, adding that they flew here via Doha, Qatar.

Read more: MISSING MH370: Iran ready to help upon request: Envoy - Latest - New Straits Times

...I was the one who posted the 9/11 commission. Eerie.
Maybe they just wanted more stamps in their new $10,000 passports? lol kidding.

Can one fly MAS from KL-Amsterdam. Does MAS have flight from KL-Amsterdam?


Yes, ElleElle, EXACTLY.

Hmm......ever seen a surveillance camera and looked right at it wondering who was watching you ?? I do it everytime I see one. Sometimes I do other things to see if I can get the person that is watching me to make a move.

The Iranian guys didn't have anything to do with this. If someone took over this plane, they had a lot more experience than some 20 year old punk.

Agree. I have totally discounted both of them. Neither had any flight experience that we are aware of and assuming this was a deliberate action, whoever commandeered this plane in the wrong direction would have to have knowledge of WHEN to do it (before entering the Vietnamese ATC), and already had begun the process before signing off with Malaysian ATC, and so forth. These two men were purportedly attempting to begin a new life in Europe, not die in the depths of the Indian Ocean.

The Iranians flew out of KL because a direct flight from Iran to Amsterdam would require them to have visas to enter the country. Iranians need visas to enter any EU nation. When they arrived in KL, they obtained the stolen passports (which were from Italy and Austria). They wouldn't be needed visas to enter their respective countries because visas are not needed for EU citizens to enter another EU nation.
Since their layover in Beijing would have been less than 72 hours, they wouldn't have needed visas to enter Beijing. Because again, visas are needed to enter China if you are staying there longer than the 72 hour travel period.

The stolen passports were easier and quicker then going through the visa application process.
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