Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #23

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Some are agreeing, I felt like I sounded like a conspiracy nut for a while there..........I did not go to this creepy place I am now for about 7 days I follow crashes it slowly started to be oh no, this is a wildly planned (and executed) terrorist scene.

From like wee2 there was a dark forboding feeling to this like oh what is gonna happen next I am not out of there!! and the longer it goes on in this stupid fashion, the more likely I feel like it is something bad is gonna happen --
TOTALLY agree!
Article in our local paper is headlined, Search for Missing Plane to End This Week". Is this correct? Nothing at all has been found!

I think they are betting on getting the black box within a week, otherwise the SAR will have to "regroup".

I am not feeling so optimistic.

I keep going back to the news story -
From the article below; he's pretty confident they have found the right area; that they can't just say the plane is found until they have images of it. He said the best of the best were brought in to triangulate the area.
David Mearns says missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 crash site has been found
ONE of the world’s most experienced wreck hunters believes the crash site of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has been found and that recovering its black boxes is inevitable.

David Mearns, the director of UK-based Bluewater Recoveries said that 40 days after the Boeing 777-200ER went missing, search teams had finally found their target.

“I think essentially they have found the wreckage site,” Mearns told the ABC’s 7.30 program last night.

“While the Government hasn’t announced that yet, if somebody asked me: ‘Technically, do they have enough information to say that?’ My answer is unequivocally ‘Yes’.”

...“Obviously for the sake of the families and for everybody else they will want photographic proof and that will be coming shortly,” Mr Mearns said.

Thanks, I had not read this article that followed

They hired him as an independent consultant? so he didn't work for the company, Mitchell worked for himself and UFly would be the client.

Well at least I agree with one statement..."This was an internal company matter" and IMO it should have stayed that way.

But in the end UFly did benefit from this...$$$$$$ CNN booked the simulator for 12-15 per day for about 30 days...

uFly has a blog of CNN using their SIM to report on the plane that I hadn't seen before today
CNN Flight Simulator Reports on Flight MH 370 using our simulator

I also saw a pic of a birthday party where one employee was wearing a pilots outfit but I can't find it now :( Wondered if that was new since they let him go. I can't understand why they all wouldn't be dressed like that

I'd say he was an employee according to this.
uFly Careers; Positions:
Flight Simulator Instructors / Pilots:
As a flight simulator instructor, you will provide flight enthusiasts the opportunity to take control of flying our simulator and offer a flight experience like no other.

We invite commercial pilots and sim enthusiasts to apply. Please send us your resume and/or call us to book an interview. Please forward your resume to attention Claudio.
Off Topic - Hi everyone Happy Easter and hope your all having a great weekend. Sorry I haven't been around much this week I am in agony with the nerve in my left leg and I'm going to need a 9th operation soon. I will keep you posted when it is and how I get on.

Hopefully this surgery will be the ''charm'' and you won't need another one!

Wanted to wish you a speedy and complete recovery.

I really appreciated your keeping us aware of the press release times in the early days when we were all on tender hooks waiting for news....any news (not much has changed). Will miss you but hope that your recovery is speedy.

Off topic

Thanks very much for your kind message Newone. I am facing another two operations and that should be it hopefully. I will keep you posted when my surgeries are and how I get on. I will have have my mobile WiFi dongle with me so I will still be around here even in the hospital. Thanks everyone for caring I really appreciate it.

On topic - I am waiting for the press release for today Monday 21st of April from the Joint Agency Co-ordination Center website It has not been released at the time of this post. I will post the press release when it is released.

Hope you all had a great Easter!
*ALERT* - New Joint Agency Co-ordination Center press release just released about today's search 21/4/2014

Link to website with today's maps

"Media Release
21 April 2014—am

Up to 10 military aircraft and 11 ships will assist in today's search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

Today the Australian Maritime Safety Authority has planned a visual search area totaling approximately 49,491 square kilometres. The centre of the search area lies approximately 1741 kilometres north west of Perth.

This morning, Bluefin-21 AUV completed mission eight in the underwater search area. Bluefin-21 has searched approximately two thirds of the focused underwater search area to date. No contacts of interest have been found to date.

The focused underwater search area is defined as a circle of 10km radius around the second Towed Pinger Locator detection which occurred on 8 April.

Bluefin-21 AUV's ninth mission will commence later this morning.

The weather forecast for today has conditions deteriorating, particularly in the north of the search area, as Tropical Cyclone Jack continues its track southwards. Wide spread showers are developing with isolated thunderstorms to the north and east south-easterly winds."
"#MH370 probe team may be forced to 'start again' "

Start again from where?

A couple of days ago (when Australia said we would have to re-think and regroup if we found nothing in the next week) I read an article that suggested that subs/private contractors may track the whole route of the southern arc.

I looked but can't find the article now, sorry. Just too much stuff comes up when MH370 is part of any google search.
Found it ...

If the initial search fails to unearth any evidence of the missing aircraft, which disappeared on March 8 with 239 passengers and crew on-board about one hour into a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, analysts say a second sweep of the 60km by 40km area currently being searched could be undertaken.

It could also be expanded to a wider zone covering 804km surrounding where the area where a series of transmissions believed to have been from the aircraft’s black boxes were detected last week.

If this fails, Australian Transport Safety Bureau chief commissioner Martin Dolan told the Wall Street Journal a further search could take place along a more than 595km by 48km stretch of ocean believed to follow the aircraft’s last known flight path.
Travelers at Asian airports have asked questions about the March 8 disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 while en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

"Why did the Malaysian military see the plane on their radar but not report it immediately?"

......official line is that its radar operators spotted the plane but didn't have any reason to suspect it. This is why they didn't attempt to contact the plane or scramble jets to intercept it..... experts say there are grounds to doubt this. They speculate the air force failed to spot the unidentified plane entering its airspace, didn't respond to what could potentially have been a national security threat. Admitting that would be a highly embarrassing

Non-American citizens will find it very difficult to sue ........... The Montreal Convention stipulates plaintiffs can file suit in five locations: the domicile and principal place of business of the airline,..... the end destination; the country where the ticket was purchased, and the place where the passenger lived.
Personally, if I was a family member/next of kin of someone onboard, I would not accept the death certificate. :notgood:

I agree it's a tough one....really hard to accept BUT necessary if grandparents or aunties or uncles have little ones of passengers to protect, take to school, doctors etc. and/or look after real estate like paying mortgages or rents etc
Kind of OT...but in browsing true crime on Amazon today, I came across at least four (Kindle) books on flight M370 already...good grief.
Well don’t get me wrong - I understand a little of the science behind why mapping the ocean floor is much more difficult than determining what lies under arctic and antarctic ice, but I just find it fascinating how we can (relatively speaking) conquer space, but deep water throws out such an unbelievable challenge.

I don’t think the governments of the world are hiding from us the ability to map and image in one swipe, large swaths of very deep ocean floor.

I mean, the NSA totally knows if your dog just pooped on your neighbour’s lawn, but I’m guessing that if you lived in a pineapple under the (deep) sea, you’d probably be safe. :laughitup:

I think the pineapple would need to be somewhat reinforced with the sort of metal we don't find every day. At its depths, the pressure in the Indian Ocean is in the range of three tons per square inch. It's much easier to travel in deep space than in conditions like that -- it's like burrowing into Jupiter rather than flying around it.
Just found this while reading the news... It's an update, crossing over with the plane which made an emergency landing last night

As the search enters its 45th day this morning, the article quotes members of the International Investigation Team (IIT) based in Kuala Lumpur claimed they are thinking of starting right from the beginning to solve this unprecedented chapter in aviation history.

An official is quoted as saying: "We may have to look into this if no positive results come back in the next few days - but at the same time the search mission in the Indian Ocean will go on.

"The thought of it landing somewhere else is possible as we have not found a single piece of debris that could be linked to MH370.

"However, the possibility of a specific country hiding the plane when more than 20 nations are searching for it, seems absurd."

Back to basics - again!

Interesting article about why we are not hearing what is going on behind the scenes .. and while all this goes on, the families just wait.

The co-operation of militaries in the search for the missing Flight 370 has created a unique event in a region increasingly fraught with rivalries.

On one hand, global and regional powers are at pains to show off their military capabilities in conducting the search.

On the other hand, the fear of conflict in Asia has made countries wary of exposing too many of their abilities in sensitive areas such as satellite imaging, surveillance technology and underwater listening.

Global powers would also be tempted to keep an eye on each other’s capabilities, the expert said.

And while governments peer at each other’s satellite abilities, it is expected that any image that is too revealing of a nation’s capability would be “fuzzed-up” before public release.
Kind of OT...but in browsing true crime on Amazon today, I came across at least four (Kindle) books on flight M370 already...good grief.

Could they be articles, cluciano63? I bought what I believed was a book through Nook and it turned out to be only an article.
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