Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #23

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Yeah, I keep getting pulled back to those early photos of debris off Vietnam, the sighting of the plane on fire from the oil rig and the fire canister over in the Islands...

I know what you mean .. that all got dismissed very quickly and easily .. and I wonder why.

Yet it makes the most sense, considering the last known location of the plane (and excluding the satellite pings, which in my mind could be from any unidentified aircraft, perhaps even an Indonesian or other one flying anonymously at that time, one that landed safely).

Occam's razor.
I know what you mean .. that all got dismissed very quickly and easily .. and I wonder why.

Yet it makes the most sense, considering the last known location of the plane (and excluding the satellite pings, which in my mind could be from any unidentified aircraft, perhaps even an Indonesian or other one flying anonymously at that time, one that landed safely).

Occam's razor.

And considering less than safe maintenance of the aircraft would place all liability on Malaysia Airlines aka the country of Malaysia...
Hearing on CNN that the 777 is outfitted with four emergency locator transmitters that are independently powered and activated in water. How is it possible that not one of the transmitters was activated? I would need one heck of a lot of proof that this plane is in water. IMO the current search is a waste of resources and $$ since it is focused in an area that is speculative. What absolute proof is there that this plane did not fly in another direction like North?

There is none.

No absolute proof that the plane is anywhere.

Like that first report ,a boeing 777 vanished in flight between...

Off topic , This missing plane stuff used somewhat believable. Until they let it go on so long that one must believe all of the thousands of things must go wrong in order for this one 777 to just vanish with any indication as to what happen . The only thing people can believe is the pilot did it, which makes no logic as to why he would fly the way it has been presented. way high ,then way low one knows the speed except they seem to always be searching just outside the area of the first reported fuel load.

The first search area could not have been reached. Then they came up with a second and third ,however with the est. fuel load v/s height and airspeed that area would also be unrealistic.

I give up.
I've never seen a simulator instructor so have no clue how they dress. I think some sort of UFly uniform would have been better. I assume UFly didn't have another instructor to put on CNN. IMO they hold some responsibility too; they should have stopped it in the beginning if they didn't like it. I dislike how they're now saying he was not an employee

I didn't watch a lot of CNN; was going by the photos. Martin was dressed casual too.

UFly Media Inquiries and Press Releases PRESS STATEMENT April 17, 2014 Mississauga, Ontario

uFly Simulator Inc. wishes to clarify the recent news concerning Mitchell Casado. Mr. Casado was not an employee of uFly but rather an independent consultant who was retained by the company to fly the simulator, instruct customers on its operation and provide the ultimate piloting experience to patrons of the business. Over time, there developed a difference of opinion as to how to do that between Mr. Casado and uFly which ultimately resulted in uFly ending the relationship yesterday. uFly’s business plan calls for the company to have several pilots available and on call to provide this service to the company and be available for customers at all times.

Mr. Teixeira sincerely apologizes for any misunderstanding and had no intention of offending fellow Canadians or anyone else for that matter. This was an internal company matter that needed to be addressed and had to be dealt with.

uFly Simulator Inc. is a flight simulation company open to the public to provide customers with an exciting and memorable experience of flying an airplane. The 777 simulator is a state of the art machine giving a panoramic 180 degree view of what a pilot sees in flying this type of aircraft. To Experience the simulator may be made by calling (416) 777-2261 or by visiting our website at
Oh now I get it. It's more an amusement ride than a professional training environment. At least that explains why the guy had such a so what attitude towards his attire. This company isn't training pilots: its taking whoever wants to have an airplane rush for a ride. Got it.

What is so funny to me is how all positive they all were at first with how they knew for sure they were in the right spot and how the black box would be found. Then as the weeks drug on, the Brady Bunch began to have a few defectors but the majority of them said "No, they are in the right spot and they will find it soon".

Then as the reality sunk in that they may not even be in the right spot, we had more defectors and now the Brady Bunch has been reduced to an embarrased dribbling crew trying to give a glimmer of hope. We dont get the screaming yelling reassurances anymore that we are even in the right spot anymore.

CNN has squeezed as much orange juice as they could out of this and now we are down to the rind.

I agree with this xcept IMO the real professionals who are actually doing the search IMO always knew the reality they were facing and always knew that an early find would just be plain lucky and thAt a long search was probable.

But CNN's so called xperts, that's a different and sensational story
Originally Posted by Isabelle:
Hearing on CNN that the 777 is outfitted with four emergency locator transmitters that are independently powered and activated in water. How is it possible that not one of the transmitters was activated? I would need one heck of a lot of proof that this plane is in water. IMO the current search is a waste of resources and $$ since it is focused in an area that is speculative. What absolute proof is there that this plane did not fly in another direction like North?

Yeah, I keep getting pulled back to those early photos of debris off Vietnam, the sighting of the plane on fire from the oil rig and the fire canister over in the Islands...

My opinions only, no facts here:


OK, if the current search locates the missing plane, kudos and champagne for the searchers all around. But if not- return to the basics.

We know for a fact that the plane was over the Gulf of Thailand/South China Sea when continuous location information was lost (the transponder).

The eyewitnesses on the ground are not quite as factual, but still better evidence than anything else presented in this mystery, except the transponder.
Hi guys!

Ugh, after a heard several days ago that NOW the copilot phone was on I went: Ugh , I give up! I am taking recess this is getting just flat out moronic and not credible at all!

Mechanical is a rule out!
Machines in that degree of distress do not climb perfectly, alter routes over way points perfectly fly for a quarter of a day, not leave a debris path of some sort, or not explode in midair if blazing through the night, right after takeoff with full tanks.

No plane on fire has ever remained on fire and in the air for HOURS (7 hours ludicfious)

Here are the durations of aircraft, on fire, in minutes, until impact:

Swiss Air = lasted 16 minutes
Algers 26 minutes
Vickers Viscount 3 minutes
Varig 7 minutes
Pakistan Air 17 minutes
Air Canada 19 minutes
Hi guys!

Ugh, after a heard several days ago that NOW the copilot phone was on I went: Ugh , I give up! I am taking recess this is getting just flat out moronic and not credible at all!

Mechanical is a rule out!
Machines in that degree of distress do not climb perfectly, alter routes over way points perfectly fly for a quarter of a day, not leave a debris path of some sort, or not explode in midair if blazing through the night, right after takeoff with full tanks.

No plane on fire has ever remained on fire and in the air for HOURS (7 hours ludicfious)

Here are the durations of aircraft, on fire, in minutes, until impact:

Swiss Air = lasted 16 minutes
Algers 26 minutes
Vickers Viscount 3 minutes
Varig 7 minutes
Pakistan Air 17 minutes
Air Canada 19 minutes

Welcome back Cariis, i have missed you!

Totally agree with all you say, in my head there is no way an aircraft damaged by any sort of fire could have flown so long...

I've never understood why the northern arc has been so categorically ruled out.

There's something just not right about all of this...
Hi guys!

Ugh, after a heard several days ago that NOW the copilot phone was on I went: Ugh , I give up! I am taking recess this is getting just flat out moronic and not credible at all!

Mechanical is a rule out!
Machines in that degree of distress do not climb perfectly, alter routes over way points perfectly fly for a quarter of a day, not leave a debris path of some sort, or not explode in midair if blazing through the night, right after takeoff with full tanks.

No plane on fire has ever remained on fire and in the air for HOURS (7 hours ludicfious)

Here are the durations of aircraft, on fire, in minutes, until impact:

Swiss Air = lasted 16 minutes
Algers 26 minutes
Vickers Viscount 3 minutes
Varig 7 minutes
Pakistan Air 17 minutes
Air Canada 19 minutes

Welcome back!:seeya:

I agree. Fire was never on my list. :moo:
Snipped by me

I can't even believe they can still find anything to talk about. I am still surprised that every time I turn to cnn they are still covering this story. Of course it is important and tragic but how many times can you say the same thing geez

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Snipped by me

I can't even believe they can still find anything to talk about. I am still surprised that every time I turn to cnn they are still covering this story. Of course it is important and tragic but how many times can you say the same thing geez

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I think I read that their viewership was up 84% because of this, so they're milking it as much as they can!:crazy:
Snipped by me

I can't even believe they can still find anything to talk about. I am still surprised that every time I turn to cnn they are still covering this story. Of course it is important and tragic but how many times can you say the same thing geez

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Its' crazy!
They still have "BREAKING NEWS" updates...and there has not been breaking news in weeks. :banghead:
I think I read that their viewership was up 84% because of this, so they're milking it as much as they can!:crazy:

Maybe, they will finally do a whole segment exploring the theory that the plane landed safely on land.
...CNN has squeezed as much orange juice as they could out of this and now we are down to the rind.

<respectfully snipped>

I pretty much tossed in the towel when CNN got down to the bitter pith :giggle: I read the Websleuths discussion occasionally but haven't followed the case of the missing plane since I posted this on March 31:

How much longer do you think that CNN will offer (almost) continuous coverage of the missing Malaysian plane? Even weekend political programming seems focused on MH 370. Is it mostly because there is no other major news story to cover, or does the missing plane have that much audience interest? I find it difficult to follow the coverage any more because it seems like all the commentators repeatedly regurgitate the same information and opinions ad infinitum.
Hi guys!

Ugh, after a heard several days ago that NOW the copilot phone was on I went: Ugh , I give up! I am taking recess this is getting just flat out moronic and not credible at all!

Mechanical is a rule out!
Machines in that degree of distress do not climb perfectly, alter routes over way points perfectly fly for a quarter of a day, not leave a debris path of some sort, or not explode in midair if blazing through the night, right after takeoff with full tanks.

No plane on fire has ever remained on fire and in the air for HOURS (7 hours ludicfious)

LOL. I totally agree. Mechanical failure was actually off the table weeks ago.

This was the big "T" but not in the tradition sense. I believe they only wanted the plane.
Yeah, I keep getting pulled back to those early photos of debris off Vietnam, the sighting of the plane on fire from the oil rig and the fire canister over in the Islands...

Me too. And I watched a video on a "conspiracy theory" website that tracked MH370 on radar and there were 2 aircraft that zipped through the ocean with <?> on them, and almost after that MH370 disappeared off the radar.

The guy had a soothing voice, and he believes MH370 was shot down, but why? It is also does not not explain the transponder being manually switched off.

As much as I have faith they are searching in the right area, part of me thinks it's final moments were in the S. China Sea.
Welcome back Cariis, i have missed you!

Totally agree with all you say, in my head there is no way an aircraft damaged by any sort of fire could have flown so long...

I've never understood why the northern arc has been so categorically ruled out.

There's something just not right about all of this...

It is because something would have to be done about it. No one wants to touch it.

If someone has it in that region, they'll have to upload a video of the plane on youtube to show the public but other than that...nope.
And considering less than safe maintenance of the aircraft would place all liability on Malaysia Airlines aka the country of Malaysia...

True, but Malaysia is not looking so good anyways. Withholding the information such as cargo contents, and why did it take so long for MAS to report MH370 just vanished (poof), are some questions that have not been answered.

I suppose they are not media crazy like Westerners are, but still a 777 vanishing has startled a lot of people because of air travel.
Hi guys!

Ugh, after a heard several days ago that NOW the copilot phone was on I went: Ugh , I give up! I am taking recess this is getting just flat out moronic and not credible at all!

Mechanical is a rule out!
Machines in that degree of distress do not climb perfectly, alter routes over way points perfectly fly for a quarter of a day, not leave a debris path of some sort, or not explode in midair if blazing through the night, right after takeoff with full tanks.

No plane on fire has ever remained on fire and in the air for HOURS (7 hours ludicfious)

Here are the durations of aircraft, on fire, in minutes, until impact:

Swiss Air = lasted 16 minutes
Algers 26 minutes
Vickers Viscount 3 minutes
Varig 7 minutes
Pakistan Air 17 minutes
Air Canada 19 minutes

Just a thought and nothing more. Maybe MH370 did catch fire, was put out, but fried all the electronics, so they had no choice but to fly visually?
Just a thought and nothing more. Maybe MH370 did catch fire, was put out, but fried all the electronics, so they had no choice but to fly visually?

Its good wishful thinking however as we have talked before then they would have gone for an emergency landing close to shore.

There is no way they would fly 7 hours south in the middle of the ocean with no chance of help from people on shore.

The pilot was proven to have on his simulator runways that were available to him. Even if no communication the pilots are trained to fly by sight if they have to. They have emergency training for every possible situation and if no communication and even at night they have instructions and training to emergency land. I've read a lot of the emergency protocols for loss of communication at night. At night is all the more reason the plane would have tried to get near land, airport, or city lights to keep visual contact. Having visual contact with ground lights helps the pilot if no instruments are working.

Everything I have read said to get to nearest airport and obtain alternate communication by flying low to use cell phones or satellite phone if they have them. Or alternate VHF radio communication if that is only thing working. The emergency protocols I have read even talk about pilots should have hand held compasses available to them, flashlights, etc. The flashlights are used to view the instrument panels if lighs on the panels are out.

None of the emergency procedures I have read says to fly into the abyss away from land and away from help.

Remember the 1 plane that crash landed in the ocean near a popular travel beach destination. It worked really good because people on shore immediately phoned for additional help for them and boats got to them quickly and saved some people in the water.

I know we have talked about all this before and we all tend to go around and around on things because its all we got.
None of us really know for sure what happened but IMO I have ruled out mechanical failure due to the plane not trying to get to nearest airport as all emergency protocols say to do.

IMO, I am leaning towards 1 of 3 things.
1-It was shot down
2-It was hijacked by pilot or someone else and crashed either on land or water somewhere much more closer to where last communication was done with ATC
3-A combination of 1+2 with pilot trying to get his friend's court case reversed and was demanding this or he was going to fly into a building so they had to shoot it down before he approached any buildings

If it was shot down I can think of at least 2 reasons why. Either a country just made mistake thinking it was hostile and now they want to hide their mistake OR #3 above and the Malaysia government or military are trying to hide their involvement. There was enough time early on for them to pickup all debri in the sea if they knew exactly where they shot it down.

All JMO on things. The only thing I am certain of is Malaysia has sure acted very sketchy from the very beginning and I agree with the families that they feel they are not being told the truth from the start. Its like Malaysia has said to everyone...."Go Home People. Nothing more to see around here".
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