Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #23

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" Australian officials said Thursday that after examining detailed photographs of unidentified material that washed ashore in the southwestern part of the country they are satisfied it is not a clue in the search for the missing Malaysian plane.

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau has advised search coordinators that the material, which washed ashore 10 kilometers (6 miles) east of Augusta in Western Australia, is not from missing Flight 370, according to a statement from the Joint Agency Coordination Centre.

Martin Dolan, chief commissioner of the safety bureau, told The Associated Press Wednesday that an initial analysis of the material — which appeared to be sheet metal with rivets — suggested it was not from the plane."
Jmo, but as I do have faith in Australia, I believe they think the plane is there, in the ocean. It would be absurd to invest in this sort of a search operation, if not.

Same here.
I don't think it's anywhere else but where they're looking.
Jmo, but as I do have faith in Australia, I believe they think the plane is there, in the ocean. It would be absurd to invest in this sort of a search operation, if not.

Same here.
I don't think it's anywhere else but where they're looking.

I do believe it is deep in the S. Indian ocean, but i'd like to see debris.

Then again, if the bottom is silt, the debris could be buried in there.

Are they sending the ROV down?
I have a feeling any debris is buried :(

Agree. The depths of the ocean are far from being clear water. It is extremely murky and wouldn't take very long for the plane to become embedded in the ocean floor. Whatever pieces may have broken off and not sunk could be anywhere due to the ocean current.

Even though the piece of "sheet metal with rivets" which washed ashore in Australia do not appear to be from this aircraft, thankfully the citizens are observant and brought it to the attention of authorities. Through people like this, whatever may be floating on the surface of the ocean, may be identified.

Debris from missing MH370 could wash up on WA coast: expert

Busselton underwater observatory manager Sophie Teede said the Leeuwin Current that originates off the coast of Indonesia is able to transport material all the way along the West Australian coast.

“Depending on the conditions and what time of year, it can run all the way to Tasmania,” she said.

The warm water current is created as a result of differences in temperature between the water and the atmosphere.

“If you put an object in at the start of it, within a few weeks it'd be in the south-west,” she said.

Ms Teede said it made sense that the discovery of the item in Augusta was seriously considered as potentially being significant to the MH370 search.

She said that, depending on conditions, the current would usually be running directly through the area being searched about 1600 kilometres north-west of Perth.


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It is perplexing how these so called experts are conveying information that one can really question.

Another point or clue that should be investigated is the phone calls made a few days later.

The families in China were making calls to the passenger and they were receiving ring back. The experts stated that the calls were not true ring back but only courtesy ring back which is possible but not necessarily accurate.

Cell phones have a system called Home Location Register (HLR) and Visitor Location Register (VLR) these systems keep track of where you are located. When you travel into a new area and power up your phone, your phone tries to locate a compatible network. That network will look at your phone and register it with the HLR or VLR depending if you are roaming or a local customer. It then notifies your carrier that you are on their network (known as roaming) and if anyone calls your number locally your carrier will forward your call to the VLR of that carrier that registered your phone.

What the investigators should have done was to verify if the local families in Malaysia got ring back when they called. This is important because a local call verses a long distant call from China does not have to transverse through networks.

If the plane crashed the saltwater would have destroyed the phone immediately (unless it was water proof). If a phone was off or disable calls would be sent a recording that the subscriber is not available. You can see this when ever you go into Airplane mode, those call do not ring they are send to voice mail or recording.

If a family member in Malaysia called their passenger and got a ring back chances are that phone was operable. The question would have been from what cell tower did the call ping from.

Call that were made to the local VLR can be questionable but calls that were made to the HLR means that the system still had the phone registered in its local area and the phone was available.

Cell phone technology is not that primitive where it gives back erroneous ring back in its local network.

As I look at the news clips I cant believe how these experts believed that the cockpit caught fire and all this speculation. It pretty much threw everyone off.

It will be interesting to see the outcome.
Good morning all, just catching up on what's been happening overnight, looks like not much has changed...

Looking at our local news and saw this

I wonder why nobody was suspicious enough to send jets up to check out MH370 when it randomly appeared in an unidentified way on radar?
Couldn't resist posting this....

Comment: Conspiracies more mysterious than MH370

April 24, 2014 5:58PM

Any reporter who has covered the missing aeroplane will have received emails demanding they ask questions of secret government agencies and get them to confess the truth about the plane

They will have been instructed to investigate American cloaking technology and the ability of the US to take control of planes remotely

And that is the thing about the authors and adherents of conspiracy theories. They seek to portray the existence of an even more unpleasant world, as though it is not troubled enough.

Why they do this is a mystery bigger than MH370
Interesting Worldwide MSM-link news reports:

MSM - The People&#8217;s Daily reporter Yang Ye reported,
Vietnam&#8217;s Fifth Naval Region political commissar Rear Admiral Ngo Van Phat claims the
plane crashed 153 nautical miles from Tho Chu Island, near the border between Vietnamese and Malaysian territorial waters.

"More than 24 hours after the airplane vanished from radar screens, the
disappearance was the top topic on Sina Weibo, a Chinese equivalent of Twitter."

MSM links
Early reports

MSM - link, article published April 22, 2014 by
"Why are Americans obsessed with missing plane?"
"From the beginning, the story has bubbled with enough drama to rival a good Hollywood whodunit. And even though it unfolded on the other side
of the world with only 3 Americans on board, many were sucked in anyway.
"This story has many ingredients of compelling drama, particularly early on: lives at stake, mystery unsolved, a race against time, human emotion,"
Tom Rosenstiel, executive director of the American Press Institute, said in an email.
Many found it impossible to believe that a modern Boeing 777 carrying 239 people could just vanish without a trace in an age where an iPhone can be tracked just about anywhere."

MSM links NTV7 (Natseven TV Sdn Bhd, a Malaysian broadcaster)
News Link published 23 Apr 2014:
"Search for MH370: More powerful Sonar considered for underwater search operation."
"Yesterday Acting Transport Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein tweeted that he would be discussing with China on
their underwater search capability.
When asked why it was not considered earlier he replied there was no need for such equipment before."


"PETALING JAYA: It is &#8220;impossible&#8221; for the MH370 aircraft to be hidden from radar using electronic warfare technology, said an electromagnetics expert.

University of Toronto researcher Dr George Eleftheriades, an expert in cloaking technology, explained that the technology was still in its infancy and thus not easily available.

&#8220;This invisibility technology is still in the laboratory stage and not readily available. Moreover, it would seem impossible to fit the airplane with such a cloak while in flight.

&#8220;Therefore, I firmly believe such a possibility is out of the question in explaining the disappearance of the plane,&#8221; he said."
MH370 probe team may be forced to ‘start again’

General McInerney said it was in Pakistan over a month ago according to his sources.

Russian Intelligence says it's in Afghanistan

Israel tightens up security of it's airpsace

Ok, now each of these articles are pointing to a different place, but they are pointing towards land. Seeing how there has been zero evidence other than the pings, I just don't see why the search has not gone to the north as well. Obviously if it showed up on radar in one country it would, or should, show up in another country even if the transponder was off. Thailand said it showed up on the radar but didn't bother with the plane because it didn't pose a threat, so is it safe to assume other countries would do the same?
Why can't the public see the pictures of the debris?? I think they should release them...what could it hurt?
JMO .... but I don't think we've seen pics of any debris - floating or otherwise - since the JACC was formed and Angus Houston took over.
I'm getting more and more concerned with every passing day that this aircraft really was highjacked and landed somewhere. Something really screwy is going on, IMO.
Does seem odd...

No debris, no oil slick, no tangible evidence of mid air explosion/bomb(US SBIR should/would have seen that)

Appears that there is no US ship within thousands of NM of search site(almost like they know something)

Most terrorist acts involving a plane in the past seemed to have some sort of mid air explosion, hijack and a landing, or a crash into a high profile target.

Even a sudden or slow depressurization usually culminates into a high altitude, straight and level flight or a climb out on manual to a loss of control.

That seems to leave only a landing somewhere or an odd motive to fly a plane far out over an ocean and destroy it.

I find it unbelievable that with 13,000+ satellites, no one saw anything. I would however believe that no one is talking publicly about what they saw or know and I think they'd be extremely reluctant to share that info with Malaysia.
Not to add to conspiracy theories, and not that I think this happened, but
what if someone just tossed beeping flight recorders and/ or debris in strategic places?
What if the purpose was to " corral " all important search boats and other high tech equipment and personnel into one spot, perhaps leaving other areas more vulnerable?
SYDNEY: Searchers for missing Flight MH370 face tough choices on how to proceed after almost seven fruitless weeks, with only a fraction of a deep-sea zone still left to be scanned.
After 11 dives seeking wreckage from the Malaysia Airlines jet which mysteriously disappeared on March 8, an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) has come up empty-handed.
&#8220;Bluefin-21 has now completed more than 90 percent of the focused underwater search area,&#8221; the Joint Agency Coordination Centre managing the search said early Thursday.
Not to add to conspiracy theories, and not that I think this happened, but
what if someone just tossed beeping flight recorders and/ or debris in strategic places?
What if the purpose was to " corral " all important search boats and other high tech equipment and personnel into one spot, perhaps leaving other areas more vulnerable?

That thought crossed my mind, the tossing beeping flight recorders in the water to throw off the search.
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