Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #23

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MarySchiavo@MarySchiavo · 6h

AUS Defence minister: more powerful towed side-scan sonar equipment likely to be deployed in #MH370 search, like those which found Titanic


MarySchiavo@MarySchiavo · Apr 7
#MalaysiaAirlines competitor #AirAsia apologizes for ill-timed ad boasting "we ensure your plane will never get lost"
So is the new finding anything to do with the missing plane?

Just heard about this.

I'm still wondering where on land it is?

They have been investigating, researching,consulting,advising,discussing,
analyizing,contemplating,pondering,evaluating,examining,looking,considering, and scrutinizing, it for hours – they should figure something out by 2015!

Its odd how the media is focused on only one aspect of this event as an accident verses crime

The fact remains that there can be 2 Conspiracies we are seeing. The event and the investigation of the event. The conspiracy in hi jacking a plane and the in-advert conspiracy to find the lost or crashed plane.

We need to evaluate the fact to find the truth.

This is a criminal act.

1. The pilot and co-pilot did not issue a mayday or emergency distress call after the flight paths diversion. The plane was diverted and did not confirmed or relayed this change to Air Traffic Control (ATC).

2. It is a crime to disrupt a flight in progress by any person. We have seen flights diverted due to an unruly passenger and charge with a federal crime. Commandeering a plane is refereed as a Hijacking or Air Piracy. The line is drawn when the flight path is altered without confirmation with ATC or authorization.

So this event is a crime not an accident.

With the information that is known we can piece together a probable course of the event.

Not knowing the parties involved we will refer the to the parties as the cockpit, the plane and passengers. (The passengers will include the flight attendants.)

The cockpit took the plane from Malaysia Air when it diverted the flight path without probable cause.

The scenario has the cockpit against Malaysia Air, and the passengers. Most likely the attendants noticed the change in course which would prompt a call to the cockpit. This exchange is unknown but most likely the passengers asked the question.

At this point we have a scenario of cockpit against passengers.

The deactivation of the location equipment (ACARS) indicates that the cockpit is positioning the plane for concealment. With this action the event is heading toward a criminal act 100%.

The next expected action by the cockpit is to reenforce its concealment. Which would be to prevent the passenger from communicating with the outside world. This could be verified by the on board telephone/radio system.

If this system can detect the deactivation or loss of communication from the ground then we have another piece of the puzzle.

If the cockpit restricted the passengers from making an Air to Ground call the we can see the intent of the cockpit. The next step is for the cockpit to insure concealment by addressing the passengers.

The assent to 39000 feet could address this issue.

There are only two avenues for the cockpit at this point, Land or crash. Heading toward the Indian Ocean has two purposes

1. Unrecoverable wreckage
2. Destination concealment.

The plane cost $250 to $330 million I'm not sure why a reward for "X" amount is not posted for information in this case. Someone has to know something.

In any case this plane has to be found intact or in pieces.

This world is changing and it is important that we the people start paying attention to the details.

one of the best forum post's i've ever come across .... thank you !
Senior Sergeant Steve Principe at Busselton Police Station told The Busselton-Dunsborough Mail the object in their possession, which had washed up on a beach at Scott River near Augusta, was eight feet (2.43 metres) tall, half a metre wide and was an alloy type of metal.

The object did not have any identifiable writing on it, Senior Sergeant Principe told the Western Australian news outlet.

It was reported that the person who found the object initially kept it for a day or two before taking it to the Busselton Regional Airport for inspection.

The object was then taken to Busselton Police Station on Wednesday.

(Busselton is about a 1hr drive from the area in which the piece of metal was found on the beach, and probably has the nearest airport.)
I never thought it could be so difficult to determine if something is a plane part or not...
one email to Boeing or NTSB 15 minutes later done. Ithink they all have to tell other countries what they are gonna tell the public like it seems like they have to do with all this- <modsnip>

I never thought it could be so difficult to determine if something is a plane part or not...
I never thought it could be so difficult to determine if something is a plane part or not...


"Three pieces of debris washed up off the coast of Western Australia are being investigated to see if they could be wreckage from missing Malaysian flight MH370.
One of the objects is believed to be the length of a car with 'distinct rivets'."

"The investigation could take days."

As the objects were taken to Busselton Regional Airport first, I wonder if someone there has said ... yes, looks like they could be from a plane, let's tell the JACC.
Knock it off and leave the snark off the posts. Where this post falls is no reflection on the posts immediately before it.

Australian officials are hammering out a new agreement put forward by the Malaysian government that will set out critical guidelines in the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane.
.../..."The Australian government is currently considering that proposal from the Malaysians and will respond as quickly as possible," Dolan said. "We hope to have resolved this within the next week." He declined to elaborate further on specific details put forward by the Malaysians, explaining that once finalized, details of the agreement probably would be confidential
This is very disappointing. Thanks for all your posts and updates.

Sheet metal with rivets that washed ashore in Western Australia is NOT wreckage from missing flight MH370, officials confirm

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau had been scrutinising photos of the object, which washed ashore six miles east of Augusta in Western Australia state.

But Martin Dolan, chief commissioner of the bureau, said an initial analysis of the material - which appeared to be sheet metal with rivets - suggested it was not from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.

Read more:
This is very disappointing. Thanks for all your posts and updates.

Sheet metal with rivets that washed ashore in Western Australia is NOT wreckage from missing flight MH370, officials confirm

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau had been scrutinising photos of the object, which washed ashore six miles east of Augusta in Western Australia state.

But Martin Dolan, chief commissioner of the bureau, said an initial analysis of the material - which appeared to be sheet metal with rivets - suggested it was not from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.

Read more:

I became curious about as it relates to his aviation background.: I was unable to find anything in his background related to aviation in any manner. He has a lot of family connections however!

Haris Onn Hussein and Hishammuddin Tun Hussein are political royalty in Malaysia. Their father, the late Tun Hussein Onn, was Malaysia's prime minister between 1976 and 1981. He was succeeded as prime minister by Mahathir Mohamad. Their grandfather, Dato Onn Jaafar, was the founder of Malaysia's ruling United Malays National Organisation political party.

-He graduated with a BA. (LL.B) degree from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, in 1984. He also attended the and received a LL.M) degree in Commercial and Corporate Law in 1988.

-formerly a lawyer
-elected as the youth chief of UMNO Malaysia
-popular campaign promise was to develop the Sembrong constituency towards a better and stronger Malaysia. (whatever that means?)
-elected as the Parliamentary Secretary of the International Trade and Industry.

-appointed as a Minister of Youth and Sport.
-He got into some trouble for waving a dagger about :
Hishammuddin's act of waving the (traditional Malay dagger) at the UMNO Annual General Meeting in 2005 drew applause from the UMNO delegates and then upset the Chinese.

-Then he got into issues with : the state government which wanted to relocate a temple in a majority Muslim area.
-He then Accused Anwar Ibrahim as a CIA

-Another minister who attracts an equal amount of opprobrium is Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein. He told an online news portal that fighting crime has never been considered a priority

-He hinted that society was partly to blame for rising levels of crime.
In May 2010, Hishammuddin met 100 students at the Malaysian Students Department in London, and said that idle gossip fuelled the perception of a much higher level of street crimes, than in reality.
He said, “Most victims are women. What do women do? They go to the hairdressers… they chit-chat and suddenly it is everywhere and cause people to fear.”(sic.)

-Hishammuddin seems oblivious to the concerns of the public – men who mysteriously fell off buildings, people who had “sudden death” syndrome during their time in the police lock-up and teenagers who died after being shot by policemen.

Hishammuddin Hussein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Malaysia has been ranked as one of the most corrupt nations and listed as a country which is most likely to take shortcuts to meet targets when economic times are tough, according to a recent survey by Ernst & Young, signalling that the government's Performance Management and Delivery Unit (Pemandu) has failed in its role to transform the economy.

Malaysia, along with China, has the highest levels of bribery and corruption anywhere in the world, according to the latest report, Asia-Pacific Fraud Survey Report Series 2013.

policies that are in place and how they are applied in practice," said Chris Fordham, EY Fraud Investigation & Dispute Services Managing Partner of Asia-Pacific, in the report.

About 39% of respondents said that bribery or corrupt practices happened widely in Malaysia, a figure which is nearly double the Asia-Pacific average of 21%.
Anything look suspicious to anyone on 9-11 until it was too late?

(anyone! what time EST did this break - debris ?)

Also re debris today all they need to do is upload the pics to Boeing - what are we in now the 10th hour and it is still a mystery!!


I just don't see how they're going to make this determination with photographs. I would think they would have to physically examine the metal object.
I just don't see how they're going to make this determination with photographs. I would think they would have to physically examine the metal object.

Link up thread said that it is not a piece of the plane.
I guess that means it's been physically examined.
whatever they found was handed over to AMSA lastnight 23rd April.

Investigators looking for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 were last night on their way to Busselton to collect debris that washed ashore on a remote beach 10km east of Augusta

Police officers photographed it and sent the images to the Australian Maritime Safety Authority, who forwarded them to ATSB.

The debris is still at Busselton police station, but will be handed over to AMSA tonight.
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