Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #5

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It does? I always understood it to be shorthand for "CHInese COMunnists". My apologies, it wasn't my intention to offend anyone. I'll go edit my previous post.

Thanks, sorry for mentioning it, groggy waking up here and I'm sensitive to things like that. On the urban dictionary online it gave mixed definitions
Reporter on SkyNews right now saying the Andaman Islands story is based on radar data, and he is attributing this to a "military" source that he has not specifically identified. The same reporter is suggesting that the Andaman Islands is the new "focal point" of the search.

Once there is an online source with this information we should have a link with more information, but the initial break of this story was attributed to Reuters.

found this
Radar data suggest missing Malaysia plane flown deliberately toward Andamans

Military radar-tracking evidence suggests a Malaysia Airlines jetliner missing for nearly a week was deliberately flown across the Malay peninsula towards the Andaman Islands, sources familiar with the investigation told Reuters on Friday.

Two sources said an unidentified aircraft that investigators believe was Flight MH370 was following a route between navigational waypoints - indicating it was being flown by someone with aviation training - when it was last plotted on military radar off the country's northwest coast.

The last plot on the military radar's tracking suggested the plane was flying toward India's Andaman Islands, a chain of isles between the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal, they said.
This is a stunning development if accurate, but it would explain why the US intelligence officials frequently quoted by the Wall Street Journal were convinced that the plane was landed somewhere deliberately. An unidentified plan spotted flying between waypoints! This could be it! Of all the theories floating around, the only ones I considered even remotely believable were ones that involved the plane crashing into the water and killing everybody on board... so this development is not only shocking to me but extremely hopeful! We need to start aggregating what relevant information we can find about the Andaman Islands!
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On page 24 of thread #2 Harmony post also has tips ( can't quote as closed thread)

Hope that makes sense !
List of airports in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India (excluding heliports and closed airports)

Eerie to me to find that the Andaman Islands were prominently featured in a Sherlock Holmes story? Eerie because earlier today I was thinking to myself that the only way to crack this mystery would be to badger Sherlock into using his Mind Palace

The military track suggests it then turned sharply westwards, heading towards a waypoint called "Vampi", northeast of Indonesia's Aceh province and a navigational point used for planes following route N571 to the Middle East.

From there, the plot indicates the plane flew towards a waypoint called "Gival", south of the Thai island of Phuket, and was last plotted heading northwest towards another waypoint called "Igrex", on route P628 that would take it over the Andaman Islands and which carriers use to fly towards Europe.
New York Times: US taking back seat in MH370 inquiry

The best information about the missing flight MH370 is probably in the hands of American officials who are in Malaysia assisting the investigation but they are keeping mum, the New York Times reported.

In a twist, some of the world's foremost experts on crash investigations, radar and the inner workings of the Boeing 777-200ER are in but they are here – technically – only to assist Putrajaya.

The paper, however, said they were “being scrupulously low-key”.
CNN America goes live in 15 minutes. Malaysia press conference scheduled in 45 minutes.
I agree. Do pilots get to carry weapons, like a gun? If it was a suicide, I feel strongly that the pilot or co-pilot would have had to take out the other because the plane supposedly flew on for so long afterward. That would leave the FAs and passengers to figure it out. Passengers would likely be sleeping (although I would be shocked if each and every one was sleeping). I keep going back to the hidden axe. Don't FAs normally speak with the pilots at least periodically throughout a flight? I had never known about hidden axes on planes before now so it is possible the passengers didn't know about it either, but the FAs probably did. I just don't understand how a suicide could have occurred with no one talking some sense into him or overcoming him with force.

I've thought about something akin to a suicide bomber but I still don't understand why someone would continue for so long.

I am also curious about the possible psych issue. Depending on what was up, could there have been a psychotic break (think of that recent situation with the mom driving her kids around and eventually trying to drive them into the ocean)? That would account for what appears like illogical choices to us. You would think he would have been acting up though beforehand. Even in the case I just mentioned, the sister noticed and called LE.

IDK, no theory seems to account for all the weirdness. Hopefully the discovery will answer all the questions but I totally agree with whoever mentioned that even with a discovery and explanation, it will probably not be universally accepted.


Sammi, I don't know the exact answer to your question but I did see video of the pilot and copilot going through security (metal detectors, pat downs) before this flight.
They were showing it to emphasize that everything seemed normal, the pilots did not seem "off".
If the recent developments regarding the plane traveling a path between waypoints are true ... and it is also accurate that the transponder was manually disabled in the cockpit ... it seems to me that if this plane was indeed hijacked, the hijackers had to be the pilots. However this theory makes little sense without a clear motive. But all these actions seem to reflect those of an aviation expert
sri jegarajah ‏@cnbcsri 55s
next #mh370 media briefing scheduled 1730 kuala lumpur time

many alerts coming from this thread... I think i took care of all the offending posts...

Please stop the bickering and post in a civil manner...

please disregard any alerts from me. I go to press the thanks button and the page moves and i end up hitting the alert triangle.

Am on a tablet that has a mind of it't own
There is an approx. 4,400x100ft runway on Great Coco Island
Security Beefed Up In the Islands Based on Intelligence, General Public Cautioned

Port Blair, Jan 23: The internal security scenario in the country continues to remain turbulent with several forces inimical to the country actively involved in planning to strike against the state. Intelligence inputs to this affect have been received and there are indications that the threat is potent.
CNN completely dismissed the Reuters report, saying that the Andaman Islands are simply "on the way" to the Indian Ocean.

Andaman & Nicobar Command Joins Search for Missing Malaysian Jet

Port Blair, March 13: India’s only unified command, the Andaman Nicobar Command has joined the search mission for the missing Kuala Lumpur-Beijing Malaysia Airlines MH 370 jet. The operation has been named ‘Search Light’. Air Marshal P K Roy PVSM, AVSM, VM, VSM, ADC Commander - in- Chief Andaman & Nicobar Command has been nominated as Overall Force Commander of Indian Forces including from Mainland.
The Reuters report states that after the sharp westward turn, the plane was tracked going through the following waypoints in order:

Igari, Vampi, Gival, Igrex

Can anybody with aviation knowledge construct a map showing how these waypoints connect to each other?
PORT BLAIR: A runway and other infrastructure is being developed at the Coco Islands to the north of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands but India shall continue to treat China as a strategic partner in growth and not a threat, said Air Marshal P K Roy, commander-in-chief, Andaman and Nicobar Command. The Coco Islands belong to Myanmar. However, over the last several years, there have been reports of the Chinese creating military infrastructure there. There have also been reports that the islands, which are too close to the Andamans for India's comfort, have been leased out to China by Myanmar.

"We are aware that a runway is coming up at Coco Islands and other infrastructure is being developed. We have issues with China but would not consider the country as a threat. We also have a strategic partnership with China on the economic front. Both countries are growing. They have their requirements and are trying to increase their influence in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). Their shipping movement in this region has increased. As a result, they are increasing the size of their navy. We are also enhancing our capabilities," the CiNCAN said.
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