Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #6

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If someone did steal the plane and plan to use it for "not so good" purposes, what are they going to do with it to disguise it? Paint it as another airline? They can't leave it painted as Malaysian Airlines.

Why not?

Its not like you can recognise it from the ground?
I dunno why it could not . If you google images of air refuels it shows a military used 777 being refueled. In the air.

I know they dont refuel them in the air but it is in theory possible.

They would have to be equipped for refueling. Commercial jets aren't.
Could they have refueled on land... or in air?

Just a thought we kicked around a few million pages ago...


good point.....I guess we have to start thinking like someone who steals a large airplane.
Since the engines give off a "ping" that can be detected by satellite and determined to be this particular plane, IF it is somewhere being kept for future use, wouldn't the engines (I believe it was the engines that gave off the signals after everything else was turned off)---wouldn't they start giving off the same pings as soon as they started running again---as soon as someone tried to use the plane? and wouldn't those signals get picked up by satellite and ID'd again? and even located?
What's unbelieveable to me about hijacking is that no passengers got out any cell phone calls.

I'm guessing if this was indeed a hijacking cellphones were purposely collected early on.
this is an excellent article on the pings that they are gaining this info from....

it is interesting that they cant tell if it is on land or not......however some will only generate while in the air............remember Malaysian Airlines did not subscribe to the level which sent the actual data back, only to the one that said there was info available...

well that map of Thailand-Kasakhstan covers some "interesting" countries,.....would also cover the North-west of China where they Uygher are.

How do we really know that Malaysian Airlines don't subscribe to that level? I see two options here. Either the world has learned nothing since 9/11 and we're still bumbling idiots, or we've learned a lot and don't want to let the bad guys know it. Maybe I watched too much Columbo when I was a kid.

My mind is racing 100 miles an hour. I'll never sleep.
this is an excellent article on the pings that they are gaining this info from....

it is interesting that they cant tell if it is on land or not......however some will only generate while in the air............remember Malaysian Airlines did not subscribe to the level which sent the actual data back, only to the one that said there was info available...

well that map of Thailand-Kasakhstan covers some "interesting" countries,.....would also cover the North-west of China where they Uygher are.

Yes....very interesting.
How do we really know that Malaysian Airlines don't subscribe to that level? I see two options here. Either the world has learned nothing since 9/11 and we're still bumbling idiots, or we've learned a lot and don't want to let the bad guys know it. Maybe I watched too much Columbo when I was a kid.

My mind is racing 100 miles an hour. I'll never sleep.

For all the Columbo fans, "Just one more thing..."

“There are signs of disapproval by the ruling elite in Kazakhstan regarding the Russian military involvement in Ukraine,” write Peter Elstov and Klaus Larres in the New Republic."

Kazakhstan is not happy with Russia. http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn...eading-will-russia-make-a-play-in-kazakhstan/

Could they have stolen the plane to use against Russia?
The scary thing here and I hope I'm not coming across as an alarmist, is that if this is so far a successful hijacking and the plane is hidden somewhere, then what's the next part of the plan?

Thus far the 'hijacker's' pretty much have the whole World watching. They have every-bodies attention. Is it possible that the passenger's may still be alive and they are planning on reloading them, putting them back in the air and may make some demands using the passenger's as a bargaining chip. I mean everyone's watching, it's a good way to hold something to ransom?

The only good thing about this scenario is that the passenger's may be alive somewhere and there's still a chance for them to be saved.

Or could they just be planning to use it as a weapon at a time that suits them? A 9/11 scenario perhaps? Passenger's not alive.

Presumably all Nation's are about to spend a fortune on Defence. If they can't find that plane all Countries in the vicinity are going to be watching/monitoring their skies with increased vigour....

They have managed to pull something off that none of us would have thought possible in this day and age.

I don't think that they have crashed into the ocean. There has been too much effective and efficient planning for it to simply end like that and I prefer not to think that anyway because I want the passenger's to be alive.....

Who knows really but I don't think it will be long until we find out!

I've been having exactly the same thoughts.

I hate to say this. Please forgive me. If it was a hijacking or terrorist plan I doubt that the poor passengers are alive somewhere. If they weren't killed during the flight IMO there's no chance they would have been allowed to disembark and possibly escape. :(
It does, but that puts it over a lot of land too...

Which is good ,because that means it did not crash on land the black boxes would have reacted to a land crash. Good as in we can rule out land crash .
Does he mean corridor as in the small countries in between Kazakhstan and Thailand?

That would be my guess.

Airmen talk of flight corridors, he may be referring to the most used air corridors between the two.

A million square miles of (mostly lawless) landing which to place a runway and hangar especially with the help of a despot or two.

This is looking very ugly.
I'm guessing if this was indeed a hijacking cellphones were purposely collected early on.

Which could be an explanation for why they rang out when relatives tried to call them.
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