Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #6

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Will the satellites give them information if the plane is on the ground?

I thought that's the whole reason the satellites helped... because it was in the air.
(There isn't a whole lot to track in the air that is unidentified, compared to the ground.)

Would they be able to see it land, drop out of the sky, or whatever on satellites?
Then would they be able to track where it ended up on land or in the water with satellites?

We need someone to confirm whether the satellites would help on the ground or not.... :dunno:

These passenger jets send a bunch of information back via different systems, for example the engines are monitored independently by Rolls Royce.

I guess every thing is through satelitte now including the internet so any information will be sent as long as that piece of equipment is still functioning whether its on the ground or not.

There are parts of the planet that are not covered by sstelitte however so if its in a black spot it will be unable to communicate.
Hi Cheri,
They said they are still analyzing last pings...slow process.....I think they will be able to narrow it down more (he said they are not through!). These two areas are much more specific than the huge area they were dealing with before. Seven hours....I wonder if they did make it to land?.

:seeya: Initially I believed with satellite pings and especially with satellite cameras that the plane's whereabouts would have be discovered quickly. I really thought the plane exploded and disintegrated. But tonight after hearing about the last communication -- now I think there's a slight possibility it made it to land.
And we were told they had 7.5 - 8 hours of fuel.
I don't like that timeline at all... :please:

But wait... 12:40am to 8:11am would be 7 hours and 31 minutes, wouldn't it?

Yes ,sorry I am tired!
I think I will edit.
What's unbelieveable to me about hijacking is that no passengers got out any cell phone calls.
Vu Trong Khanh ‏@TrongKhanhVu 4m

Correction: Malaysia PM: #MH370 Likely in Corridor Along Thailand-Kazakhstan or Indonesia-Southern Indian Ocean

(I went back and corrected my previous posting of the incorrect tweet as well.)
I'm wondering if they flew until they were over land and reasonably near to wherever they wanted to land, then went lower in altitude so that they couldn't be detected by radar.

At first we thought they only had 4 hours of fuel in board, now we know it was 7. Perhaps there was even more? Somehow?

And....1:07am transponder turned off....7 hours later wouldn't it be light out? Someone could have spotted the plane...maybe?
this is an excellent article on the pings that they are gaining this info from....

it is interesting that they cant tell if it is on land or not......however some will only generate while in the air............remember Malaysian Airlines did not subscribe to the level which sent the actual data back, only to the one that said there was info available...

well that map of Thailand-Kasakhstan covers some "interesting" countries,.....would also cover the North-west of China where they Uygher are.
I would be willing to bet they already analyzed the final pings and know exactly where the plane is and area getting everyone into position.

Well they said they don't have the capability to know exactly where the plane stopped however, I think they would use deception if they thought they could save the passengers.
Can you refuel this plane in the air?
I mean I know they normally don't... but COULD it be done?
I thought that was only military planes... :scared:

I've been told that the commercial plans can not be refueled in the air.
the plane. You said it could be they could be sending a message to the hijacker to throw them off and not put passengers at risk but I don't understand how that could be or how the plane could be going.

(I'm so lost on this crap I can't even tell you so I'm sorry I'm coming off as an idiot.)

Don't worry :hug: There's been loads of conflicting information to digest, it's pretty overwhelming if you're just coming on board. I'm sure many of the questions we have asked in these threads sound ridiculous to anyone with aviation expertise. Hang in, you'll catch up. No-one thinks you're an idiot, just not up to speed yet.

Basically, the plane took off with about 7 hours worth of fuel. It had to land before the fuel ran out or it would have crashed.
I wonder exactly what the PM meant when he said corridors along Thailand and Kazakhstan???
If someone did steal the plane and plan to use it for "not so good" purposes, what are they going to do with it to disguise it? Paint it as another airline? They can't leave it painted as Malaysian Airlines.
And....1:07am transponder turned off....7 hours later wouldn't it be light out? Someone could have spotted the plane...maybe?

Civilians would have seen it but how would you know from the ground it wasn't just a normal fight, IF you even knew that early about the missing plane? Also that early nobody was probably looking that far out.

I find it more surprising that various other countries wouldn't have noticed an unknown plane in their airspace from a military/ATC perspective. But maybe it's not that unusual in those areas, IDK. Or maybe it had a stolen/ falsified flight path that was registered in those areas as was suggested by some pilot mentioned in the last thread.

Just brainstorming...
The Malaysians have told us it was hijacked.

They say it was an inside job.

It pretty much has to be one or both pilots flying even if they have a gun to their heads.

No word on cabin staff but there almost has to be a perp in their number.

I think its gone straight to Kazakhstan or Pakistan.

I pray that a miracle will happen.
I've been told that the commercial plans can not be refueled in the air.

I dunno why it could not . If you google images of air refuels it shows a military used 777 being refueled. In the air.

I know they dont refuel them in the air but it is in theory possible.
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