Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #7

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Yes. "Hello, Iran? I have a great big plane for sale which would be perfect for flying into public places to cause terror, but I need a little help getting it there."

Yeah... Maybe we should start looking on Craigslist to see if any one is trying to sell a 777 on the cheap?

The 'weak' pulses from the engine: it is possible that the plane was in the process of being hidden in a hangar (or something similar) somewhere, obstructing the satellite from getting a strong signal. It could be that the plane had just taxied into the hangar and was still running before being shut off.
Lol!! There's a 12 step program for that!

Let's begin:


I think we may have quite a large number of Sleuthers to help us start the 12 step program!

BBM Is it like Ambien? I've done weird things on that and not remembered the next morning, I won't take it anymore!

For example:
I went online and sent out mass emails to everyone I'd ever known at 4 am exclaiming "EVERYONE SPAY and NEUTER YOUR PETS!" like the female Bob Barker.

I fried up a batch of unknown substances (I think cheese was involved) in a vat of oil on the stove, it was all over the floor, everywhere!

Ambien badddd!!!

Sounds like a "business as usual day" for me...



Respectfully snipped. I think the link you posted gives some great perspective on the scale of the search.

"If the search area were shrunk to the size of a sports stadium, the likely wreckage trail would be smaller than a five cent piece".

So basically, just because we can't find the wreckage with extensive searching, it doesn't mean it's not there. Not being able to find the wreckage of a crash does not give weight to theories that the plane landed somewhere in itself.
Could this plane be controlled by remote? Say like a drone?
But, using the hijacking theory, how do we explain that NONE of the passengers attempted to contact loved ones/police etc via cell phone? I cannot wrap my head around that.
Australia said it was sending one of its two AP-3C Orion aircraft involved in the search to the remote islands in the Indian Ocean at Malaysia's request. The plane will search the north and west of the Cocos Islands, a remote Australian territory with an airstrip about 1200 kilometers (745 miles) southwest of Indonesia, military chief Gen. David Hurley said.

Read more here:


But, using the hijacking theory, how do we explain that NONE of the passengers attempted to contact loved ones/police etc via cell phone? I cannot wrap my head around that.

That plane wasn't equipped with/for airphone service.
most experts say the person in control of the aircraft would more likely have chosen the southern route. The southern Indian Ocean is the world's third-deepest and one of the most remote stretches of water in the world, with little radar coverage. The wreckage might take months — or longer — to find, or might never be located.

Read more here:


But why pick south unless you didn't want to end up anywhere? It all depends on the motivation, which the 'experts' don't know.

I can't buy into suicide, which would really be mass homicide. Why bother doing it this way? Why evade radar and fly for 7+ hours? I think there was intent to land somewhere, and I hope they made it. I still have hope.
Could this plane be controlled by remote? Say like a drone?

Theoretically and technically possible, but no evidence yet this occurred. Seems odd a cyber-terrorist would turn off ACARS/transponder before disabling pilot radio, but hey, maybe there would be a reason for it.

how do we explain that NONE of the passengers attempted to contact loved ones/police etc via cell phone?

Hijackers could have taken phones and disabled any air phone system. Plane had no wi-fi and current radar data shows it flying too high and too fast for any cell phone to work. Further, if plane was over ocean or remote territories, no cell phone towers.
I'm sceptical of smears against the pilot originating from the Malaysian government simply because it bolsters them: after all, the trial he was exercised about was so controversial because many think the charges are trumped up.

Upthread someone mentioned they were getting some support from governments including France. Why France? The others mentioned all seemed to be on the potential flight paths.

The new links with an Al-Qaida plot are interesting. Could this have been brought forward because of that trial?
I was surprised when they said pax wouldn't realise the plane was changing course. Maybe it's just me but whenever I've flown I've always been acutely aware of the plane altering altitude or heading. When a plane takes off or lands it feels to me like it's bumping up and down steps, and there's always a pressure shift when it banks. First time my then-b/f and I flew somewhere he was amazed that I knew when we started a gradual descent ahead of preparing to land.

I suffer vertigo and travel sickness, so maybe I'm more sensitive? I'm scared of taking off/landing but fine once we're at cruising altitude, nose to the window.

I'm the same way when I fly. I can tell when the plane is changing altitude and I can tell when the plane is starting it's descent. Maybe it's because I fly to the same place (LAX) every time I fly and I just know the flight route.
I was telling DH about the flight simulator in the captain's home. He said there are only two reasons for a pilot - who flies more days than he does not - to have a flight simulator at home:

1) to train others
2) to practice landing somewhere you've never landed

(Was it determined that it was a true simulator?)

The pilot was an examiner, so it is possible he would help people with technique (even if not officially training them).

It sounds like he was extremely passionate about his job, so perhaps the simulator was a way to get people together to enjoy his passion. It could also be to impress people when they visit.

The pilot was also described as a techno geek, so I'm not suprised he wouldn't have the latest gadgets and a simulator (he is a wealthy man afterall).

Considering your last point about a person having a simulator to practice landing where they have never before, that could be innocent as well.
The pilot was very well respected and experienced. Perhaps he wanted to master very difficult senarios as a challenge. If you love what you're doing as a career you always want to improve and push yourself to master new things.

JMO, MOO. Obviously the pilot is under scrutiny and so the simulator does ring alarm bells! I do think though that it may not indicate him planning to take the plane somewhere.

Urgh, so many pieces to one puzzle and none fit together perfectly!
But why pick south unless you didn't want to end up anywhere? It all depends on the motivation, which the 'experts' don't know.

I can't buy into suicide, which would really be mass homicide. Why bother doing it this way? Why evade radar and fly for 7+ hours? I think there was intent to land somewhere, and I hope they made it. I still have hope.

He is the master pilot. Pulled off the the big one before he kills himself. Hijacked a major airline jet. A 777 full of people and after evading detection for 7+ hrs takes it out into the deepest part of the Indian ocean where he hopes it will never be found and crashes it. Maybe, just a thought.
Upthread someone mentioned they were getting some support from governments including France. Why France? The others mentioned all seemed to be on the potential flight paths.

Could the support from the French government just be going to the family of the French passengers perhaps?
I know... I might be struck by lightning... :stormingmad:

But with my experience of listening to Jeraldo through many years...

When/if this mystery is solved...

Jeraldo will acknowledge that it was HE that single-handedly solved the WHOLE problem...


Maybe he will congratulate himself with another drunken naked selfie:rolleyes:
Could the support from the French government just be going to the family of the French passengers perhaps?

No, it's because France operates satellites in the area that may have information.
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