Malaysia Flight MH17 shot down in Ukraine. 298 aboard. 7/17/2014 - #2

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enough is enough!

action now!


The Netherlands have been hit in the depths of the soul with the outrageous dragging of bodies and possessions at the location where the aircraft was shot down in Ukraine. The helpless cry for support that Prime Minister Rutte addressed to President Putin will achieve nothing.

This brute had the opportunity to condemn the attack for all world to witness immediately after it happened. Instead, he put the blame on the government in Kiev and he tirelessly persisted in his propaganda-war – lying and cheating as he was taught by the KGB is all Putin is able. By obfuscating the key evidence the separatists signed their own admission of guilt.

Because he does not use his influence, Putin delivers proof of Russian complicity. An independent inquiry is killed in advance. Therefore, intervention is called for. The area of the debris should be secured by sending NATO troops. At the same time, Special Forces must be deployed to track down the perpetrators of this massacre, and bring them to justice in The Netherlands. Now is time for action.


Some absurd bug is replacing all capital letters by small letters. Kindly fix this. The Netherlands have a right ot their own name, as do many others.

Thank you SO much for taking the time and effort to translate this onto the thread :loveyou:

I alerted the Mods about the capitalization issue. I will post it onto the thread that is tracking issues since the upgrade as well. Hopefully it is addressed ASAP. :heartluv:

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enough is enough!

action now!


The Netherlands have been hit in the depths of the soul with the outrageous dragging of bodies and possessions at the location where the aircraft was shot down in Ukraine. The helpless cry for support that Prime Minister Rutte addressed to President Putin will achieve nothing.

This brute had the opportunity to condemn the attack for all world to witness immediately after it happened. Instead, he put the blame on the government in Kiev and he tirelessly persisted in his propaganda-war – lying and cheating as he was taught by the KGB is all Putin is able. By obfuscating the key evidence the separatists signed their own admission of guilt.

Because he does not use his influence, Putin delivers proof of Russian complicity. An independent inquiry is killed in advance. Therefore, intervention is called for. The area of the debris should be secured by sending NATO troops. At the same time, Special Forces must be deployed to track down the perpetrators of this massacre, and bring them to justice in The Netherlands. Now is time for action.


Some absurd bug is replacing all capital letters by small letters. Kindly fix this. The Netherlands have a right ot their own name, as do many others.

If a war is what it takes I say go for it. That may be the only thing these people understand! I say erase them from the face of this earth. Monsters!
'Alexander Borodai, leader of the pro-Russian reblels, said that the plane's black boxes had been recovered and would be handed over to the International Civil Aviation Organisation.'

'He also said that the bodies recovered from the crash site would remain in refrigerated rail wagons in the rebel-held town of Torez, 15 kilometres (9 miles) from the crash site, until the arrival of an international aviation delegation.'

Posting this because I want to be able to bump it if these things don't happen.
enough is enough!

action now!


The Netherlands have been hit in the depths of the soul with the outrageous dragging of bodies and possessions at the location where the aircraft was shot down in Ukraine. The helpless cry for support that Prime Minister Rutte addressed to President Putin will achieve nothing.

This brute had the opportunity to condemn the attack for all world to witness immediately after it happened. Instead, he put the blame on the government in Kiev and he tirelessly persisted in his propaganda-war – lying and cheating as he was taught by the KGB is all Putin is able. By obfuscating the key evidence the separatists signed their own admission of guilt.

Because he does not use his influence, Putin delivers proof of Russian complicity. An independent inquiry is killed in advance. Therefore, intervention is called for. The area of the debris should be secured by sending NATO troops. At the same time, Special Forces must be deployed to track down the perpetrators of this massacre, and bring them to justice in The Netherlands. Now is time for action.


Some absurd bug is replacing all capital letters by small letters. Kindly fix this. The Netherlands have a right ot their own name, as do many others.

Thanks ZaZara. This was very well written. Clear & concise, and I back up the Dutch!
More fighting reported near crash site.

This is worrying. I thought there were only rebel separatists and civilians in the area. So who is being shot?

Thought I had an article up that said where the train was going; not sure if I closed it.
What's interesting is no one is stopping all the journalists reporting.

Rebels Load MH17 Victims' Bodies Onto Train Cars, Destination Unknown
Train dispatcher Natalya Koruzhaya said she, too, had not been told the destination of the train, and would only know when she received a phone call from a "commander" she would not identify.

Her colleague, Verinika, who declined to give her last name because she was not authorized to speak with the media, said the train will likely go toward one of two stations next: north to Debaltseve, or east to Ilovaisk, in the direction of Donetsk, the pro-Russian rebels' stronghold. Rebels told Mashable on Saturday that they had already taken some 30 bodies to a morgue there.

Other destinations are also possible. Observers and the governments of those who died in the crash have expressed concern over murmurs that the bodies could wind up in Moscow.

Ukrainian authorities asked that they be taken to Kharkiv, about 185 miles north, where some of the country's best forensics facilities are located, and where a crisis center has been set up to accommodate families of the victims.
While this is a political issue that involved the shooting down of this aircraft, please remember to keep opinions you have about countries that have victims on this flight out of your post. It is clear all countries involved are trying to do the best they can to get an investigative team into the area. Whatever methods these countries try to use someone will have an either positive or negative view but it does not belong on this thread.

If you need to vent on a political platform there is one in the basement set up for that purpose.

Thank you
There is no stopping now. This is a major International incident with the loss of the poor souls on board.

Why is Putin getting a get out of jail free card?

We need international intervention now.

Grrr moo.

In regards to international intervention: at what cost, though?
Is it worth more bloodshed by having military from other countries come in?
Unless it can done in a peaceful manner, is it worth it?

Don't get me wrong. Something NEEDS to done, but not at the expense of more lives lost.
And what more CAN be done? The bodies are being removed, albeit slowly, but the scene is being dealt with as best as it can be.

And the Queen of England was (a few years ago/maybe still is) the richest woman in the world.

The point is?

The point is- this is a man who has enriched himself in office perhaps with shady deals with oligarchs. The Queen inherited her wealth. Anyone worth what Putin is, who amassed it such a short time- has to be corrupt. It was posted simply to share an insight into the sort of man we are facing here.
In regards to international intervention: at what cost, though?
Is it worth more bloodshed by having military from other countries come in?
Unless it can done in a peaceful manner, is it worth it?

Don't get me wrong. Something NEEDS to done, but not at the expense of more lives lost.
And what more CAN be done? The bodies are being removed, albeit slowly, but the scene is being dealt with as best as it can be.


Yes, thanks ILP. I am glad there are moving the deceased, and attempting to contact get in contact with the loved ones. That is #1.

Perhaps it is best to just stay away from there, because since this incident, there is no reason for anyone from the international community to be there.

Thanks for your voice of reason.

Black boxes to be handed over to ICAO and bodies on train being held outside Torez to await investigators
Good news, assuming it is true and the black boxes will be handed over. In this instance, however, the most important thing is getting the remains of the victims to a secure location and eventually returning them to their families. The black boxes probably won't yield anything of significance as the early reports indicated the flight crew didn't even have time to send out a distress call.


If a war is what it takes I say go for it. That may be the only thing these people understand! I say erase them from the face of this earth. Monsters!

You know, I am fast coming to agree with you. I expected him to deny but at the same time to allow an investigation of the crash site, body recovery etc. Since he hasn't i think this is a global problem that needs troops on the ground. Nato should send in troops to the area.
I've read through the last few pages catching up with tears in my eyes. How can we be letting the remains be taken away to who knows where? The agony of the families - I can't bear it :(

I don't want another war, I don't want more families to lose their loved ones - let international pressure sort this out now. It's just hideous.

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At least the Ukraine is rid of Pavlo Lazarenko and Yulia... but they are basically still run by Oligarchs and we are still stuck with Lazarenko in the US until they decide what to do with him. And don't forget these politicians are up for murder charges themselves or were. The Oligarchs have been bleeding their people and others dry for decades. I don't see them as any better than Putin, they are just smaller.
Mourners march from Dutch embassy to Russian embassy with black flags to join protest already going on in front of Russian Embassy

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 vigil in Ottawa turns to protest

In Ottawa, protesters pinned the blame on Russian President Vladimir Putin for his continued support of separatists in Ukraine. About 30 people gathered outside the Dutch embassy on Albert Street Saturday morning, and later marched to Russian embassy on Charlotte Street where a protest was already underway.

"This is a global issue that deserves the world's attention and help," said Inna Platonova, a Ukrainian-Canadian who helped organize the protest at the Russian embassy. "Anybody could have been on that plane — us, our children. We are grieving together with the families that lost their loved ones. We are crying together with them. We are heartbroken."
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