Malaysia Flight MH17 shot down in Ukraine. 298 aboard. 7/17/2014 - #2

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At 4.10pm the order came to fire the missile - behind the downing of #MH17


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You just hold on right there a minute!!! Ha!

You know the state between waking up and being asleep. This flooded me. Whoa! All our leaders are posturing, we want full access etc. etc
Well, do any of you know, of any nation, that has sent any expert over to Kiev? You know of any nation that has blocked a bunch of rooms at the Hilton over there?

We would see that – the media would be all over it. Britain is sending 14 experts to Kiev to position for the investigation. Germany USA your with me.

Makes zero sense.

Not being insulting , but a lot of nations don’t have hurricanes. And a lot of you are from all over the world (which adds much to WS).would not know how the hurricane dance works.

If a hurricane , typically above cat 3 is heading anywhere toward the USA, the roads roar! FEMA is prepositioning close to anticipated landfall. 18 wheelers with ice, food tents, etc. are “in route” days ahead.

During Charlie, (it was really neat) the day after, I went for a drive- I lasted 32 minutes (!) and decided not a good idea. But for weeks after that the power caravans where all over the place.

Lines like 20-25 trucks all in different colors and markings of power companies from all over the country. It was really neat!. What they do is the lead power truck, when they had to make a turn way ahead, the first power truck would merge to other lane. And the whole line of trucks slid over into the next lane. It was like a train of trucks And, they did beautifully, it looked choreographed. It was neat.

And, believe, for the next several weeks anyone saw a caravan coming we got out of their way! We need our power back! They were treated like gods! I froze a bunch of water bottles and drove around the following week giving it to the power guys – they were dripping in sweat.

Digress. – back to topic! (I know none of you know about my tendency to “wander “ on the keyboard- that’s funny!) Just a slight drift from a paragraph or so! Ok back on track………………

You all are seeing where I am going
What DO we know? WHAT HAVE we seen?. We have seen media from around the world GET IN to site. We have watched TONS of the videos of media crawling all over the accident site.

We have not heard one story of any media outlet being “refused” entry. Th

Yes, it adds drama to the story , however, anyone seen any video of a TV crew being thrown out? Heck, , we have all seen media, here in the USA, getting slapped all the time!! LIVE!

Alright , alright they don’t make kind hosts, they were not offering coffee or tea, or some cookie but…………………

Furthermore, if you committed a hideous crime, would you let hoards of media, with cameras, just roam all over your murder scene? Huh now would you! Doubtful!

Football teams book hotel rooms. So do rock stars! They also lug their equipment WHERE NEEDED IN ADVANCE.

Where is all this “preparation” for this “ demanded” access??? Who, exactly is over there needing admission? 12 people and they were let in.

NTSB has what is called a “go team”.24/7/365. It’s like 15 people (it rotates) that have everything packed, their instruments etc. etc. ready to go. A plane crashes NTSB “go team” on a private jet or commercial flight within hours to site. Britain group does same. They are on site within hours. And actually at the scene a few hours after that.

This is BS. It certainly has made it much more enraging for all countries to allow their citizens to “ believe” access is being denied – it changes the whole mess politically – more power in posturing.

It’s not like from the minute it broke we were not enraged – but let’s acknowledge that the last several days with access “ supposedly, denied has certainly gotten us all riled up now hasn’t it?

Despise these terrorists more and more huh?

We are being manipulated. Governments want us to believe access denied.

How can one ***** about something when there is no evidence that the individual did not “try” to get their needs met??

How can I say I was refused admission to a concert if I do not drive to the Arena??????????????????????

With a ticket…………………………………………….
I'm glad to see this thread still at a high level of activity. I am aware that interest tends to slack off after awhile however we are just a little over three days after this event and already I have noted our local newspaper (city of half million) seems to be relegating this to the back of the paper. Just two small stories buried well inside the paper today.

Those of us on here may well be overestimating the degree of public awareness. We had friends over for dinner last evening who seemed not to have heard about it. Incredible...
Old news in a new format? Methinks I've seen this rants, raves, and allegations before.
I seriously doubt anything can be done about this situation. It would seem those who are in control are made up of escaped from forensic insane asylum, none worse than this.
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