Malaysia Flight MH17 shot down in Ukraine. 298 aboard. 7/17/2014 - #2

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I seriously doubt anything can be done about this situation. It would seem those who are in control are made up of escaped from forensic insane asylum, none worse than this.

Yes, that's exactly what this feels like (the old saying):

The inmates are running the asylum

Heaven help us, indeed.


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I seriously doubt anything can be done about this situation. It would seem those who are in control are made up of escaped from forensic insane asylum, none worse than this.

What it seems like to me, if you repeat the lies often enough, most will take them as truth.

I prefer REAL truth to posturing, empty words, and innuendoes.

MY opinion only
Hoping ZaZara (or another WSer) might be able to translate for us. This was posted by a journalism student. Hope it's OK to share on the thread:

@JustHovensGreve - 6h

Biggest Dutch newspaper,Telegraaf, asks for military intervention by NATO to protect #MH17 & calls Putin a KGB liar.


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I'm glad to see this thread still at a high level of activity. I am aware that interest tends to slack off after awhile however we are just a little over three days after this event and already I have noted our local newspaper (city of half million) seems to be relegating this to the back of the paper. Just two small stories buried well inside the paper today.

Those of us on here may well be overestimating the degree of public awareness. We had friends over for dinner last evening who seemed not to have heard about it. Incredible...

I have noticed that with lots of stuff, the public at large is too busy too be bothered with lots that goes on. I have a friend that works for a large company (>10,000) I will ask her on occasion what are people at work saying about such & such. For the most part she and they are not up to date/uninformed about the situation.
well i hope it doesn't stop tough action against Putin and the rebels. We need to stay involved and show our outrage
Hoping ZaZara (or another WSer) might be able to translate for us. This was posted by a journalism student. Hope it's OK to share on the thread:

@JustHovensGreve - 6h

Biggest Dutch newspaper,Telegraaf, asks for military intervention by NATO to protect #MH17 & calls Putin a KGB liar.


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I did a Google search thinking I could access this paper's webite snd then use translation to see what it says. I cannot get that far without clearing what looks like a request to sign up for cookies, etc- all in Dutch and i won't click there unless I know what they are saying.
hoping zazara (or another wser) might be able to translate for us. This was posted by a journalism student. Hope it's ok to share on the thread:

@justhovensgreve - 6h

biggest dutch newspaper,telegraaf, asks for military intervention by nato to protect #mh17 & calls putin a kgb liar.


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enough is enough!

action now!

nederland wordt in het diepst van de ziel geraakt door het schandalige gesol met lichamen en bezittingen op de plek van het neergeschoten passagierstoestel in oekraï hulpeloze noodkreet van premier rutte aan het adres van president poetin zal niets uithalen.

Deze bruut had direct na de aanslag de kans om voor het oog van de wereld een harde veroordeling uit te spreken. In plaats daarvan legde hij de schuld bij de regering in kiev en ging hij onverdroten verder met zijn propaganda-oorlog – liegen en bedriegen zoals hij dat leerde bij de kgb is alles wat poetin kan.met het verdonkeremanen van cruciale bewijsstukken tekenen de separatisten hun eigen schuldbekentenis.

Door zijn invloed niet aan te wenden levert poetin het bewijs van russische medeplichtigheid. Een onafhankelijk onderzoek wordt bij voorbaat om zeep geholpen.daarom moet hier worden ingegrepen. Het gebied van de brokstukken dient te worden veiliggesteld door het sturen van navo-troepen. Tegelijkertijd moeten special forces worden ingezet om de daders van deze massamoord op te sporen en over te brengen naar nederland voor hun berechting. Het is nu tijd voor actie.


The Netherlands have been hit in the depths of the soul with the outrageous dragging of bodies and possessions at the location where the aircraft was shot down in Ukraine. The helpless cry for support that Prime Minister Rutte addressed to President Putin will achieve nothing.

This brute had the opportunity to condemn the attack for all world to witness immediately after it happened. Instead, he put the blame on the government in Kiev and he tirelessly persisted in his propaganda-war – lying and cheating as he was taught by the KGB is all Putin is able. By obfuscating the key evidence the separatists signed their own admission of guilt.

Because he does not use his influence, Putin delivers proof of Russian complicity. An independent inquiry is killed in advance. Therefore, intervention is called for. The area of the debris should be secured by sending NATO troops. At the same time, Special Forces must be deployed to track down the perpetrators of this massacre, and bring them to justice in The Netherlands. Now is time for action.


Some absurd bug is replacing all capital letters by small letters. Kindly fix this. The Netherlands have a right ot their own name, as do many others.
What it seems like to me, if you repeat the lies often enough, most will take them as truth.

I prefer REAL truth to posturing, empty words, and innuendoes.

MY opinion only

Which lies are you referring to?
I suspect the black boxes have already been destroyed.

I still find it hard the believe the BB's have been found amongst the mass destruction. Have there been any pics? (Sorry I missed it). Has Malaysia asked for them?
It really does look as though the victims are being spirited off to Russia. I can't believe it.
I still find it hard the believe the BB's have been found amongst the mass destruction. Have there been any pics? (Sorry I missed it). Has Malaysia asked for them?

Here's one I found / posted upthread (apologies for quoting myself :blushing: )


Video shows black box being removed from #MH17 crash site. So where is it now?

2asyqyhe.jpg[/QUOTE] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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