Malaysia Flight MH17 shot down in Ukraine. 298 aboard. 7/17/2014 - #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Do we have any idea of how many folks they transpoorted to god knows where?

The Expess says 38 bodies have been removed from the site.

This article sums up my frustration with the reporting of the crash site. In the article they state that the removal of bodies is "sparking claims the pro-Russian rebels were trying to destroy evidence".
So in the media, everything is a bad thing. Keeping the bodies in situ, placing them in bags is a bad thing, removing them is a bad thing! What is the right thing.

I don't really understand how the removal of bodies is somehow a cover up. Surely they'd be better off taking the plane parts (which they may of course be doing). The worry is very much that no one knows where these bodies are going.

From the images I've seen, I think they've started with the bodies which are in the best condition to start with at one (or a couple) of locations. I don't think that indicates a cover up as the article states.

Oh, maybe I'll look for another article. I HATE that the person discussing the scene has named a SPECIFIC victim and described how people looted his body. That has really upset me. Definitely a damaging thing to do to the family. It's bad enough that people hear reports that it is happening to some victims, but to know details of your specific loved one is just vile.

Anyway, hope that is useful.
Malaysia Airlines MH17: Missile expert arrested near border, Ukraine government says

The Ukrainian government says it has evidence three people were operating the missile launcher that brought down Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over rebel-held territory near the Russian border.


Authorities in Kiev say two men have been captured near the border on the Ukrainian side, one of whom reportedly had paperwork indicating he was a missile specialist.

Looking for more on this because earlier reports indicated there had been three arrests.

Where is Strelkov?
*U.K. PM’s Office Says Six British Accident Investigators in Kiev for MH17 Probe

I wanted to see some pics of what is now going on:


images;,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 o6tx1D5Jv4FTHZ I7SlTf8AvMDvUJl3Rw87PptP32On ou/Nbdzas4ZrTrTc6mfI/kVFp9QklEqoVCREoFQklEoFQklEoFQklKgEqRCBUIQgwQklCBUiSUSgVCRCBUJEIFRKRCDJCRCBUJEIFQkQgVCRCBUJEIFTZvNUy4TEH/Cf7tITkmLfepGCrdQG rgEHXuyzLhKA/wm 7QVw7B zxWLpcC4VWjo4X ieNnU8tKm3kxo9GhM2LPZ7RpO4VqTmHxaZH0UEiQkQqFQkQgVCRCBUJEIFQkQgVKsUqBUJEqDBCEiIEIQihCEIBKkQgVCRCBUIQiBCEIBKkQgVCRCBUJEIFUZ Ibv 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Here is what they are doing: P L E A S E I COUNT 7


There holding there noses yesterday:











RELATIVES of the 192 Dutch victims of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 are waiting near Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport to fly to the crash site in Ukraine.

“It’s not yet known when the families will go,” an airline spokeswoman said on Saturday, asking not to be named.

Is this really a good idea?

Oh dear GOD that is a terrible idea. They will find no peace there, just intolerable images that they will never be able to clear from their minds. It's one thing to see photos, quite another to breathe the air and see it first hand. Definitely not something to put themselves through.
RELATIVES of the 192 Dutch victims of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 are waiting near Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport to fly to the crash site in Ukraine.

“It’s not yet known when the families will go,” an airline spokeswoman said on Saturday, asking not to be named.

Is this really a good idea?

Putting myself in their shoes. I'd put myself at risk for a loved ones remains.
Good god what a mess.
(Apologies for posting this next bit) --- They need to get those remains preserved in cold storage to delay decomp and return them to the relatives ; imo.
All personal effects need to be returned to their loved ones as well , and NOT destroyed ! This isn't like the MH370 that went missing in the Indian ocean ; there is evidence and it needs to be preserved.
The photo that endures in my mind is the one of children's card games and toys strewn about on the field -- precious things a child would bring with them on a trip .
This is, imo, a crime scene and needs to be treated as such.

The way I see it --and there are probably some who would agree -- this was murder and not some random "accident". Not trying to sound disrespectful, but to look at this tragedy and say that the one(s) who fired off this BUK missile did an "oops"is ridiculous. They knew they were going to kill someone. But to point this weapon at some random plane and hope they hit the right one ? What incompetents.

Thanks is not enough! I agree; it was murder!
KUALA LUMPUR, July 19: Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 that was blown out of the sky while flying across eastern Ukraine, was not a sole casualty of warfare. Unfortunately, there has been a long history of commercial planes being shot down when flying over or near war zones. An article by CBS News highlighted a few recent cases: Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114 (Feb 21, 1973) An Israeli F-4 jet fighter’s 20mm cannon brought down a Boeing 727 flying from Tripoli to Cairo off-course because of mechanical problems. .....It tried to make an emergency landing in the desert. Of 113 people on board, 108 died.

Korean Air Lines Flight 902 (April 20, 1978) Two died when a Boeing 707 was ordered shot down after violating Soviet airspace. The damaged plane made an emergency landing on a frozen lake.... There were 107 people on board.

Air Rhodesia Flight 825 (Sept 3, 1978) A surface-to-air missile was used to shoot down an Air Rhodesia plane shortly after the Russian-made Strela 2 airliner took off from Kariba during the Rhodesian Bush War. A few months later in February, the same rebel group was responsible for another shoot-down of an ....All 59 aboard were killed.
Korean Air Lines Flight 007 (Sept 1, 1983)

KAL Flight 007, a Boeing 747, deviated from its planned route shortly after take-off from Alaska heading to Seoul. It entered Russian territory and fighter jets accompanying the aircraft shot a missile that struck the plane. .....8,000 feet, before falling from the sky over Moneron Island. All 269 people on board were killed. In a Presidential address Ronald Reagan told Americans: “This crime against humanity must never be forgotten, here or throughout the world.”
Air Malawi 7Q-YMB (Nov 6, 1987)

A domestic flight in Malawi ventured into Mozambique air space during that country’s civil war and was shot down, ten passengers and crew members were killed.

Iran Air Flight 655 (July 3, 1988) Iran Air Flight 655 flying from Tehran to Dubai was shot down by the United States Navy guided missile cruiser USS Vincennes. The attack took place in Iranian airspace, over its territorial waters in the Persian Gulf while the plane was on its usual flight path. ..... All 290 on board, including 66 children and 16 crew, died.

Transair George disasters (Sept 21, 22, 23, 1993) Three incidences over three days saw Transair Georgia planes shot down by rebel gunfire in the former Soviet Republic. On Sept 21, 1993, a Tu-134 aircraft was hit by a surface-to-air missile and crashed near Sukhumi-Babusheri Airport, killing 27. The next day a Tu-154, also attempting to land at Sukhumi, was shot down; 108 people died......

Siberia Airlines Flight 1812 (Oct 4, 2001) A Siberian Airlines Tu-154 flying from Tel Aviv to Novosibirsk in Russia, nearly a month after the 9/11 attacks, crashed into the Black Sea off the Crimean coast with the loss of 78 people. ..... Ukraine government admitted that its S-200 missile had struck the plane after missing a test drone target.

Lionair Flight LN 602 (March 23, 2007)
Fifty-five people lost their lives after the Tamil Tiger rebels allegedly caused the crash of a Lionair Antonov An-24RV into the sea of
Read more:
RELATIVES of the 192 Dutch victims of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 are waiting near Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport to fly to the crash site in Ukraine.

“It’s not yet known when the families will go,” an airline spokeswoman said on Saturday, asking not to be named.

Is this really a good idea?

That's totally untrue.
I have been watching the Dutch news all day long.
A day ago or so, Malaysia airlines offered the families to go there.
Today they said, we changed our minds, it's too dangerous to go there, it's a warzone.
So NO, non of the relatives are going there.
RELATIVES of the 192 Dutch victims of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 are waiting near Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport to fly to the crash site in Ukraine.

“It’s not yet known when the families will go,” an airline spokeswoman said on Saturday, asking not to be named.

Is this really a good idea?
Not in my opinion. I can understand why they would want to go there, however, I believe it is much too dangerous as well as what it may do to them psychologically. This is something they should not see in reality. Leave it to the images of the photographers.



eta: just saw the post where this has been called off due to the danger.
Shortly before taking off from Amsterdam, one of the pilots of Malaysia Airlines 3786.KU -11.11% Flight 17 sent his wife a text message on WhatsApp saying that he would be home soon,

Capt. Wan Amran Wan Hussin, who had been a pilot for Malaysia Airlines for 25 years, t

Capt. Amran was the father of two boys, Yunus, age 10, and Irfan age 8,

"His wife appears calm, at least on the outside but inside… we don't know," Ms. Umi said. "His first son, who is 10 years old, is OK. He knows about it already. But the second son, who is eight years old, is a bit confused,

would have turned 50 in September

Capt. Amran was one of 10 children

....she saw Capt. Amran a month ago and he spoke of the tragedy of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which disappeared on March 8. Comparing the loss of Flight 370,

wife learned of the tragedy when a local television station called and told her to watch the TV. A representative of airline came to her home, she said. "I knew about the tragedy from my son, and then I watched the news on TV. I was really shocked when I discovered that it was him on the flight," Ms. Umi said.
They supposedly took a BAK system from an Ukrainian airbase.

Supposedly being the operative word.

It's also highly possible that the unsubstantiated story of the Buk being captured from a Ukrainian military base is fabricated as a cover. It's highly possible (as well as highly likely) that Russia provided the Buk missile system to the separatists and planted the cover story in an attempt to conceal the truth of where it actually came from.
I believe the military know how to set up a "portable morgue". It is done in battlefields during conflict zones. Dry ice can be shipped in and a building used to lower the temperature. Shelves built to hold the body bags. Attach ID's where applicable and possible. Even a small town of 5-18,000 has to have a refrigeration company.

RELATIVES of the 192 Dutch victims of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 are waiting near Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport to fly to the crash site in Ukraine.

“It’s not yet known when the families will go,” an airline spokeswoman said on Saturday, asking not to be named.

Is this really a good idea?

I think it is a great idea. I think they need to show up in numbers and demand their families remains. jmo
I think it is a great idea. I think they need to show up in numbers and demand their families remains. jmo

Quote Originally Posted by Mrs G Norris View Post
RELATIVES of the 192 Dutch victims of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 are waiting near Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport to fly to the crash site in Ukraine.

“It’s not yet known when the families will go,” an airline spokeswoman said on Saturday, asking not to be named.

Is this really a good idea?

They are not going. Malaysian Airlines has made this offer, but today the trip has been cancelled because the area is too dangerous.

Here Jonathan Rugman 4News interviews the parents and brother of Dutch victim Pim De Kuijer. The mother has many questins and wants to visit the location of the crash, but "it is too dangerous". Video is also a beautiful tribute to Pim's life.

I believe the military know how to set up a "portable morgue". It is done in battlefields during conflict zones. Dry ice can be shipped in and a building used to lower the temperature. Shelves built to hold the body bags. Attach ID's where applicable and possible. Even a small town of 5-18,000 has to have a refrigeration company.


If bodies can fall through roofs, I doubt they have refrigeration. JMO

And what is "safe" ? Flying on a commercial plane? Nope, not any more.
I think it's a terrible idea for the next of kin to try to go to the crash site. It's a war zone.

I don't know why Malaysian Airlines even made this suggestion or offer, but they definitely shouldn't have. It's beyond ludicrous to think it would be safe.
I think it is a great idea. I think they need to show up in numbers and demand their families remains. jmo

I think it is way too dangerous due to the drunk, Russian thugs guarding the site. Warning shots have been fired by these neanderthals at the press for not leaving the area. Putin's dogs are showing the world what he is all about.
Normally, a situation such as this would be tended to by The International Red Cross. This event seems to have everyone, and I do mean everyone, running around like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off.
I believe the military know how to set up a "portable morgue". It is done in battlefields during conflict zones. Dry ice can be shipped in and a building used to lower the temperature. Shelves built to hold the body bags. Attach ID's where applicable and possible. Even a small town of 5-18,000 has to have a refrigeration company.


Thanks, that is very helpful information!
So they should have been able to organise this without much issue at all. Why choose not to I wonder! I mean it seems there is little dispute about what weapon was used to bring the plane down (the question is of course, who). So what could possibly be gained by not tending to the bodies sooner I wonder.
Thank you Noor, I am beside myself. I am so sorry for the relatives of the people who have perished. Not being able to go in and get the
remains is beyond comprehension. I cant imagine the pain to the parents of the children. Has putin no soul? He has the guts to blame
the Ukraine, who started the war? I know you agree. All Countries must turn their back on Russia right now...I feel sorry for the good
Russian people, but such is war. I thank God the relatives have the sense to stay out of there. I didn't mean to rant~it just came flying
out.:love you:
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