Found Deceased Malaysia - Nora Quoirin, 15, from UK, special needs, missing on vacation, Seremban, 4 Aug 2019 #3

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the whole Shamen 'she will appear tonight thing' is so timely with the reward but I still feel it was a message to whoever took her that tonight you must return her.

Yes, we discussed the last thread.

Wonder if we will hear who claims the reward. MO...
I don't think the police will speak, unless to rule accidental death.

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Thanks. I started at page 20 odd of the first thread so admit I’ve skipped some posts. I’ll look back tomorrow

ETA- that’s where I picked up from, not just a Radom number I chose to start at.
After following this case since the beginning I feel absolutely devastated for Nora's family and very sad for this previous child for her life to have ended this way. I cannot imagine how awful Nora's family must feel right now. They have gone through so much with her due to her condition and subsequent disabilities. How many times must they have thought that they could have lost her following her birth and through surgeries to improve her quality of life. They will have been forever encouraging and supporting her during her childhood, perhaps more so than with a child who doesn't have impediments to development. It is extremely sad for them to preciousdiscover today that their precious Daughter is no longer with them after ten agonising days. This case has really gripped me and had me continually looking for updates in the hope that Nora would be found safe.

As for what could have possibly happened to Nora, I don't feel that anything sinister has occurred. In spite of her physical disabilities and very limited cognitive ability, I think that like any other child she will have had determination in her personality that helped her achieve what she did in life. Also like any other child she will most likely have had her own mind that parents despair of sometimes.

I honestly think that Nora took it upon herself to have a wander around the morning that she went missing, got lost, perhaps after just a short distance. Once she was in this pickle Nora would not have been able to get herself out of it due to her brain not functioning as a child of her age could without her condition.

It is very sad situation for Nora herself and her family but sometimes things can be that simple. With regard to Nora's ability to walk as far as she did, I think that perhaps she did it in short spurts if she needed to rest but unfortunately went in the wrong direction. I doubt that her parents would have chosen the holiday that they did (which appears to involve lots of walking on hilly ground) if they didn't think Nora could manage it. It would have been miserable for her and the rest if the family if Nora became too tired and/or needed frequent rests. Looking at the accommodation and assuming that all three children were sleeping upstairs, I doubt that this would have chosen if Nora was severely limited with her walking. The stairs look positively dangerous to me in respect of all the children never mind a child with walking limitations.

This is my take on this. I know that many here have concerns that something nefarious has occurred but I really feel that this was a very unfortunate accident that perhaps could not have been foreseen.

This is a lovely thoughtful post.
I also just read on a review for the Dusan resort from someone who stayed there that for the main gate to be opened you have to phone a mobile for someone to open it and and wasn’t it said at the start after Nora family arriving that the main gate was left open and it shouldn’t of been and that night there was sound of rustling and a truck heard in the early hours of the morning?
I don't believe there was any abduction. The police mentioned seeing Nora's foot prints the day before, but just one set, not two. And by now there would be an all out manhunt for a murderer as she most likely would have been strangled or severely beaten by anyone who had ill intentions towards her and that would have been immediately clear on her body. Plus what murderer/rapist would be so patient to hold a disabled girl by the hand to lead her a mile to a waterfall that would have taken her probably 2-3 hours (or more) to hike given the state of her condition and doing it in low light. The parents probably feel responsible and having two other children will be afraid of authorities back home taking them away due to neglecting their daughter. Either they had been preparing their child for more independence or overcoddling her to the point that they underestimated her abilities, the disability that she had would not have limited her much from escaping and running off. I feel sorry for her parents and siblings but at least she's in peace and it seems like she finally did find that waterfall she was so excited to see.
The police stated the footprints were not Noras.

I don't think there is any way she would have run off, or walked by herself through the jungle, or gone for a swim.

She was described as not going anywhere without her family. She was shy, sensitive, and quite anxious.

If anything I think others are overestimating her disability.
Her verbal communication was limited. She did not understand anything conceptual, and was unable to do math. She relied in her family and the specialists who worked with her to assist her with daily living skills.
She could not do day to day activities independently. She could not manage buttons and struggled to wash her hair.

She would not know how to ask for help, as she had communication difficulties.

She loved playing "cat bingo" and telling silly jokes, like a very young child.

She struggled with balance and coordination. She would have a very difficult time navigating a jungle by herself, even a path, and if she did get lost, I think she would have been terrified.

I taught children with special needs with similar disabilities for years, and going by the description of her disabilities we would consider them moderate to severe in the US.

Her family has desribed her as having a mild disability, (I think her grandfather said that) but in schools I have worked in this would be a student with a large amount of therapeutic support which it sounds like she had.

The school she attended sounds like what we would call a "self- contained" special education school. Children there need extensive support and therapies that a public school cannot offer.

They cannot do the things that other children do without support, supervision, or assistance.

Nora sounded very high functioning for a child with her diagnosis.
No doubt the attention and services her parents provided for her contributed to that. Without the professional services she has probably received since she was born, she would have been dysfunctional.

This is just my opinion, but the description of her disabilities sounds very similar to many of the students I have had over the years, and although they can indeed be very high functioning, it doesn't mean they can be independent and function without a parent assisting them throughout the day.

If she did wander off, I don't think she would have made it very far. Certainly not a mile. And I think she would have been found sooner.

And she probably would have been terrified if she was hiding. But I don't know why she wouldn't have responded to her mother's voice. I hate to think she was down in that ravine hearing her voice and helpless. Imo
I also just read on a review for the Dusan resort from someone who stayed there that for the main gate to be opened you have to phone a mobile for someone to open it and and wasn’t it said at the start after Nora family arriving that the main gate was left open and it shouldn’t of been and that night there was sound of rustling and a truck heard in the early hours of the morning?

Perhaps it was deliberately left open? Moo
Why do people keep bringing up this ridiculous idea that she must not have been abducted since there were no muddy foot prints inside. Seriously?!

Please go read up on Alesha Macphail if you want to wonder how a child disappears from a house without waking up the many adults inside or leaving muddy footprints. It happens. And for some reason abductors didn't all get the memo they needed to muddy up their feet before abducting people.

I agree.

Respectfully, it would not be intelligent to leave blatant evidence like footprints.

I may have missed it; I never read, heard or saw a MSM report it rained the night she disappeared. If I missed, somebody please repost.

If it did rain or there was mud, wouldn't N have left her foot imprint or even a toe/heal imprint somewhere around the house or trail? Odd...

I also just read on a review for the Dusan resort from someone who stayed there that for the main gate to be opened you have to phone a mobile for someone to open it and and wasn’t it said at the start after Nora family arriving that the main gate was left open and it shouldn’t of been and that night there was sound of rustling and a truck heard in the early hours of the morning?
Fate, coincidence, opportunity, foul play, whatever it may be. I was outside in the back patio with my laptop reading about Nora being discovered last night and started to cry for her when all of a sudden I saw a shooting star. I stopped crying. Coincidence maybe.
Perhaps it was deliberately left open? Moo

Could have been left open. It was suppose to be a gated resort. The gate is suppose to be locked. The website states you have to arrange to have gate unknocked for entry. The website did NOT state there's a big hole in the fencing.

Tropical Rainforest Resort | the Dusun

It's a hot an humid climate opening a window day or night should not be an issue. My friend TA is a true eye opener. Not one review but 70% is what I base my judgement on.

Working with special needs all ages, I know N could not get thru the window alone. She may have her fingerprints on it, from looking out or touching it. She didn't go out the window without help, scratches, scrapes, and alot of noise. She was found over a mile away, in an area searched several times, underwear barefoot. She was found by hikers. It just don't jive with me.....

Respectfully MOO...
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Am sure a lady staying at the resort said it was the evening time and the gate was still open and it shouldn’t of been.Makes you wonder why would staff leave the main gate open especially when it’s only gets opened when someone phones the staff.I also read on a review from the Dusan that there is a side gate that anyone can get through so it seems the main gate was left open so a vehicle could get in and there’s still no explanation on what that truck was doing at the resort at 3am in the morning?
Very sad for her poor family and for poor Nora - lost and distressed in a strange environment. Poor girl. I am sure it will torture her poor parents but at least they found her and can lay her to rest. Sleep easy little one.

The changing facts and reports have made it confusing. I still tend to believe she left and got lost and disoriented but for me that does a depend on whether she was found clothed or not and the results of the autopsy. The distance does cast a question but getting lost in a strange environment and not really understanding where they came from or how to get back happens all the time as we see with able bodied people on here all the time. I will tend towards the getting confused, curious or lost unless there is evidence otherwise.
I don't believe there was any abduction. The police mentioned seeing Nora's foot prints the day before, but just one set, not two. And by now there would be an all out manhunt for a murderer as she most likely would have been strangled or severely beaten by anyone who had ill intentions towards her and that would have been immediately clear on her body. Plus what murderer/rapist would be so patient to hold a disabled girl by the hand to lead her a mile to a waterfall that would have taken her probably 2-3 hours (or more) to hike given the state of her condition and doing it in low light. The parents probably feel responsible and having two other children will be afraid of authorities back home taking them away due to neglecting their daughter. Either they had been preparing their child for more independence or overcoddling her to the point that they underestimated her abilities, the disability that she had would not have limited her much from escaping and running off. I feel sorry for her parents and siblings but at least she's in peace and it seems like she finally did find that waterfall she was so excited to see.
I agree with you totally
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