Mark Hawkins *Updated*

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Yes, he is a marine stationed in CA at 29 Palms which is in the desert near sort of Palm Springs.

Going to email my son shortly (he's been at Twentynine Palms since January) and see if he knows this guy. The base isn't too huge so it's possible.
With all due respect to LP, I think a lot of the time he talks off the cuff.

As far as we know, MH is just another old hs friend, why would he be the one person Casey would confess to? What makes him that special? Even if he was Caylee's father, what would she confess...."dude, you're my daughter's father and I just killed her"?? That makes no sense. The last thing Casey is is brutally honest.

I think she was planning to go see MH because she needed to get the heck out of Dodge. In Casey's small world, going to the west coast was her version of dropping off the face of the earth. And I'm sure whatever big thing she was going to tell him was going to be her specialty... a big fat lie.

I agree with you there--- I think Casey did see the west coast as sliding off the planet.
well then there definitely is a connection with this guy and Caylee; but I am still creeped out by that headline...or maybe that kind of talk is a generational thing & considered 'cool' and I'm old and out of touch?:confused:

It's a jarhead thing.
hmmmm let me try this...

I have not seen that picture. Goodness.
this guy looks very similar to the other guy but what I thought was eerily creepy and that was his headline:

"im drowning with weights around my neck"

what in the world is THAT supposed to mean? I'm not necessarily tying this profile to the CA case but who ever's profile this is I just think it's really strange to have a headline like that:eek:

Prolly a song lyric, like a lot of KCs stuff.
i have her facebook, i can look it up.

i also noticed on facebook she has a friend named kyle k. who was a friend before all this and actually commented her page. (in other words, was a friend, not a random looky-loo like recent people.)

didn't she call a kyle in the 'flurry of phone calls'? did anyone ever come up with anything about that?

No, I think the only non-family in the flurry was Jesse G. He said she talked about Tony.
but then wouldnt he want to see caylee and possibly try to get custody? that wouldnt work if caylee was already dead at that point. if KC was living with MH and TOLD the A's that caylee was with her, would they easily be able to find out that caylee was not with her? i doubt it. unless they had MH's phone number i dont think that would have found out that caylee was missing as soon as they did. and if MH thought that caylee was with the A's, no one was the wiser. it would have been a good plan if she would have left florida before CA got to her.

which brings me to a question that i keep forgetting to ask. in the 400 pages, KC says that she left a note (possible 2) on the car saying that it was out of gas and asking for amscot not to tow it. has this been verified? if so, then the whole abduction thing wouldnt make sense. im thinking that she thought it was stolen and would never be seen again. the only reason CA went and found KC that day was because they got the car. if it was never towed, KC would be in Cali right now...

I thought the tow driver said he didn't find any notes?

Besides-- if you put a note on your car at 7am, and it's still there in the afternoon... that's MORE than enough time to get it gassed. I think they'd tow it anyway.
I thought the tow driver said he didn't find any notes?

Besides-- if you put a note on your car at 7am, and it's still there in the afternoon... that's MORE than enough time to get it gassed. I think they'd tow it anyway.

IIRC she said she put (2) notes on the car, which I found strange.
MH iis NOT in a M6.... look at the trim is is rug...m6 would use the rubber/plastic stuff.I would say mh is at a holiday inn kinda hotel.

someone who was on here in the military weeks ago said the decor was typical of a military place where they all stayed and it was not actually a hotel, or was a hotel just for them or something, will go try to find the exact comment
With all due respect to LP, I think a lot of the time he talks off the cuff.

As far as we know, MH is just another old hs friend, why would he be the one person Casey would confess to? What makes him that special? Even if he was Caylee's father, what would she confess...."dude, you're my daughter's father and I just killed her"?? That makes no sense. The last thing Casey is is brutally honest.

I think she was planning to go see MH because she needed to get the heck out of Dodge. In Casey's small world, going to the west coast was her version of dropping off the face of the earth. And I'm sure whatever big thing she was going to tell him was going to be her specialty... a big fat lie.

Remember the Marine that killed his pregnant gf in NC earlier this year (I believe). If he's trying to climb the ranks, having a child may have hindered that. It certainly would have affected his paycheck. Idk. I'm thinking there's more to his association than we may think.
Wow. That sure is an interesting quote he has there. "im drowning with weights around my neck"

I've heard it before. Means stressed out to the max.

The band "Ben Folds Five" used a similar saying in their song: (Brick)
"She's a brick and I'm drowning the coast and I'm headed no where...."

Less than Jake uses this lyric: (From Abandon Ship)
"Treading water with weights around my neck"

I don't take it to mean code or anything sinister.

How many times do people say "I am drowning here." or "I have the weight of the world on my shoulders." etc.
I think since this was a costume party chances are someone was dressed in a costume that required that type of hat/uniform. I didn't even notice that in the picture though--very observant.

The haircut is wrong too. Marines have that "High and tight" thing going.
I agree. i agree. they are not identical. the question was ....does anyone recognize the hotel that mh is in? If u scan in on the pic there are leopards on the bedspread.

I just spent the entire month of August '08 living out of about 6 different CBQ (combined bachelor's housing) rooms as a "transient" personnel while attending an extended school in San Diego.

I can tell you that the room that MH is standing in is identical to every room I stayed in: same checkered carpet, same overblown evacuation notice on the door, same sink/hairdryer directly across from the bed (not in a separate bathroom) and the same circa 1980's bedspread.

As soon as I saw the bedspread I recognized it the same pattern I slept under in the different military transient barracks rooms (essentially a barracks that are only for temporary personnel and are cleaned by maids just like at a cheap motel). MH could have been in a transient barracks for the same "student status" or training exercise purposes that all military personnel find themselves in at one time or another.

Also, he could have been wearing his desert cammies for the sake of whoever was taking a picture of him dressing/undressing. Once the desert cammies are issued to "first-timer's" either headed to, or training for a tour in Iraq/Afganistan, they have a sense of pride about the uniform and many show it off to family/significant others/ect. This picture of MH shows him wearing a very junior rank and was probably taken within his 1st or 2nd year in the Marine Corp.
hmmmm let me try this...

Ugh. I just hope that's not one of the parties Caylee would be at while KC partied. I remember all the pics of Caylee in costumes. Please tell me she didn't have to see KC dry hu***ing another bent over female in the name of fun. I know it happens, I surely do, but it's so d@mn sad.
Not sure if I can help any with this..but if this soilder is in California, and he flew back to Orlando, more than likely he would not be in that uniform. Most soilders are not required to bring them home during any kind of time off, nor wear them on any airlines unless its tour related....

Having a brother that is currently serving and just returned from Iraq, It is AGAINST military policy (I know army for sure) for a soldier to fly anywhere in uniform unless they are returning to base from a duty. I know the soldier in the pic is in the Marines but most military are universal with rules. They are not allowed to fly in uniform even to home on leave. Just like they have a special flag that they wear on their uniform when they are deployed.

On another note to Mydailyopinions..... May God Bless your nephew and I will pray for his safe return!
I've heard it before. Means stressed out to the max.

The band "Ben Folds Five" used a similar saying in their song: (Brick)
"She's a brick and I'm drowning the coast and I'm headed no where...."

Less than Jake uses this lyric: (From Abandon Ship)
"Treading water with weights around my neck"

I don't take it to mean code or anything sinister.

How many times do people say "I am drowning here." or "I have the weight of the world on my shoulders." etc.

I agree however, I would think given the current situation of Caylee missing - which is displays in his status - that's an inappropriate thing to say. Surely he would have thought about it before putting it up.
Leonard Padilla just made an interesting comment. He said if there was anyone that Casey would have told the truth to, it would be him. What do we know about him other than he is a marine she befriended? Why does LP think so surely that he would be the one that Casey would tell the truth to? I think somehow we have overlooked him in our sleuthing!

I thought he was the one she posted a myspace or facebook message to which said (paraphrased) "I have to tell you something that I have already told Mom and Lee but I'll have to get drunk to tell you". It went something like that. I could be wrong, but I thought this was the guy. Isn't he stationed at 29 Palms?
Yeah, it sounded like he was really upset but it didnt sound like he was thinking Caylee was deceased either. I did see on a facebook post listed somewhere that Casey had posted him on the night of June 26 around 6 something with a one word post that said "brothaaaaaa..." Odd.

If it *is* proven (it may already be) that Casey spoke to him around the time Caylee went missing, it sounds like she may have been prepping him.. i.e. him saying Caylee is the strongest little girl he knows. Maybe she told him she was sick or had something major coming up so when the "kidnapping" took place she could get even more attention from him since he already thought she may be in some sort of sad state for Caylee, whatever he thought she was going through. If he posted that AFTER he knew Caylee went missing, then it was probably just words of encouragement.

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