MD - Freddie Gray dies in police custody #2

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Guess he wanted to go back where he has lots of family. He made more as chief of Oakland, which I've read has the second highest paid police force in the US. His successor at Oakland made $276k in salary but went out on medical retirement in 2013 at the age of 47.

The contract calls for Batts to receive a salary of $190,000, the same that Batts' predecessor Frederick H. Bealefeld III received when he was appointed to the post five years ago. It's a pay cut for Batts, who has a doctorate of public administration and made about $250,000 commanding a smaller force in Oakland, Calif., and about $225,000 in Long Beach, where he spent his 30-year career.

The salary of Oakland officers is another controversial issue. Police Officer Entry Level current annual salary is $69,912 to $98,088, the second highest in the country.[27] Additional pay increases are granted to higher-ranking officers. Average total compensation for an OPD employee is $162,000.[28] In 2012, 179 Oakland police officers took home over $200,000 in total compensation.[29] Three patrol officers, a sergeant, and a captain each took home over $300,000.[29] In 2011 the Police Department's costs make up 44% of the city's $400 million general budget.[

my goodness if someone is making 162K a year its fine to expect a professionial at ALL times!
It will be interesting to see how police handle the curfew tonight.

The first two nights the curfew was in effect police did not really enforce the curfew when the action was centered around North/Penn . The first night they arrested only 7 people despite the fact hundreds were on the street past 10 PM.

Last night when the main action was centered around city hall and a completely different demographic of demonstrators was involved (mostly OWS, "social justice" warriors ) police wasted no time encircling the protesters in a "kettling" operation and making scores of arrests.

Now that the action is back at North/Penn will police strictly enforce the curfew as they did last night? Somehow I doubt it.

Yeh, I think ,understandably, they are sick of being told where they can be. It does have an unAMerican "feel" to it IMO
Have heard on and off about heroin and weed in his system -- some disguised cop on Hannity made the claim, but it seems to me real authorities would just release that - why not if true?

Which "real authorities"?

Med Examiner has/will have actual tox report info, as does St Atty's office (I azz-ume).
Why would ME's office release it? Seems SOP for ME is gen'ly is not not to release autopsy info pre-trial,
unless requested to do so by St. Atty's ofc.

If hosp-admission tox tests show heroin, weed, illegal drugs, non-Rx drugs in FG's sysytem, or
if autopsy tox tests show same, seems St Atty would not be inclined to release that info.

Why would St Atty prosecuting LEOs for FG's death release positive drug test results,
when presumably she wants to paint FG in best poss 'victim' light?

JM2cts, hope I'm not misunderstanding the question.
Agree. I just can't imagine the ER taking the time to worry about that before getting his heart and breathing stabilized. We need a medical person on this thread. Any opiates given in the hospital would test the same as heroin.

That is a really good point! Maybe that is why it has not been reported heavily - most of the stuff I have read hinted that he did not use, but sold ....................
Which "real authorities"?

Med Examiner has/will have actual tox report info, as does St Atty's office (I azz-ume).
Why would ME's office release it? Seems SOP for ME is gen'ly is not not to release autopsy info pre-trial,
unless requested to do so by St. Atty's ofc.

If hosp-admission tox tests show heroin, weed, illegal drugs, non-Rx drugs in FG's sysytem, or
if autopsy tox tests show same, seems St Atty would not be inclined to release that info.

Why would St Atty prosecuting LEOs for FG's death release positive drug test results,
when presumably she wants to paint FG in best poss 'victim' light?

JM2cts, hope I'm not misunderstanding the question.

I was thinking if it was fact SA would have just "stated it".
Yeh, I think ,understandably, they are sick of being told where they can be. It does have an unAMerican "feel" to it IMO

I agree. I don't think there is any place for curfews in a free society. If I was a law abiding citizen in Baltimore I would not like to be told I cannot go out past ten (especially on a weekend). This is also hurting a lot of businesses.
Yeh, I think ,understandably, they are sick of being told where they can be. It does have an unAMerican "feel" to it IMO

You know what feels UNAmerican to me? A bunch of people who refuse to follow the laws like everyone else, who loot, destroy and burn then whine when something bad happens to them. Who in 'ell do they think they are?
Really hope it remains quiet - it has been nice not to see things burning, and gases, and swinging and all that junk
That is a really good point! Maybe that is why it has not been reported heavily - most of the stuff I have read hinted that he did not use, but sold ....................

And in the Tammy Meyers case some said it doesn't matter if she had drugs (legal or not) on board because she is the victim.
I have heard several police officers comment on the DA saying there wasn't probable cause. They don't have to have probable cause. All they have to do is have a reasonable suspicion to make an arrest. So I think that part will be thrown out by the jury if they thought he was making a drug transaction.

He was already known as a drug dealer in that area. From what the other BM officer said on Hannity they saw FG make a drug exchange.

It will also be interesting if the rumor is true that he had heroin and pot in his system. Don't some of these criminals try to ingest the drugs they have on them before the police can arrest them?

Not saying that is what happened to Freddie but the amount found will be interesting.


If they thought there was a drug transaction, don't you think that would have been in the arresting paperwork?

The only thing he was arrested for was for the knife.
Somehow its unAmerican to think that streets should be for traffic and not demonstrations for a week straight?
If they thought there was a drug transaction, don't you think that would have been in the arresting paperwork?

The only thing he was arrested for was for the knife.

Agree....just like the switchblade................the "hidden" for "weeks" grocery store stop
Agree....just like the switchblade................the "hidden" for "weeks" grocery store stop

I don't think the grocery store stop was hidden. The only person who knew about it was the van driver and he was the only officer who did not cooperate with investigators (which is his constitutional right). In retrospect I bet that the other five officers wish they had exercised their constitutional right and refused to cooperate. I bet some of the evidence used against them came from their incident reports. This should be a lesson to LE everywhere. If involved in an officer involved killing do not cooperate with investigators.
I don't think the grocery store stop was hidden. The only person who knew about it was the van driver and he was the only officer who did not cooperate with investigators (which is his constitutional right). In retrospect I bet that the other five officers wish they had exercised their constitutional right and refused to cooperate. I bet some of the evidence used against them came from their incident reports. This should be a lesson to LE everywhere. If involved in an officer involved killing do not cooperate with investigators.

That is a very very good point - reframed it for me TY! Stuff is starting..........

Oh boy is that a visual, guy on the ground, surrounded by cops wearing a tea **** that says in big letter *advertiser censored** The Police - that is a visual...............
No - the right to protest is that a right!!

Not necessarily on the streets (staying on sidewalk), no blocking traffic, attempting to shut down bridges, blocking access to highway, etc
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