MD - Freddie Gray dies in police custody #3 *INDICTMENT*

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It's easy for some to equate/mistaken Freddie Gray's death with murder. There are not enough facts to determine guilt, Ms. Mosby hasn't even presented anything at a preliminary hearing for PC, no GJ proceedings and so far no trial by jury. As a matter of fact, there is very little factual information available publicly. Police Officers are entitled to the same 5th and 6th amendment and other rights as any other citizen accused of wrong doing. If any of these LE officers committed the crimes of which they are accused, then of course they should be held accountable. But just because a prosecutor is charging them, does not make them guilty of the crimes. Facts and evidence beyond a reasonable doubt by a jury does. Respectfully, Jmo of course.

I did not say they were guilty. Only that they were charged.

And a man suffered injuries resulting in death while in police custody. I did not call that murder. I believe it is listed a homocide? But it is possible it was murder. In any event, why is LE being given the carte blanche? <modsnip>

It is for a court to decide if these 6 were responsible for Freddy's death.

The cop murderers in MS are only "charged". Do any of us really think they are not guilty? Nobody is waiting for trial to call them murderers. Because they ARE.

I get it, we ought to wait for trial outcome to declare innocence of guilt. But we don't. The alleged murderers of the Hattiesburg officers are automatically guilty (and I really believe that). So why aren't the alleged killers of Freddy Gray considered automatically guilty (i really believe they are)?

Sometimes cops are wrong. Sometimes people with criminal records are not deserving of a death beat-down. <modsnip>

Justice is not just. Lesson learned.
You say there is 'there is no reason to believe these charges are false. '

I see several reasons some of the charges are false. For example, I believe it was an illegal knife. That wipes out several charges right off the top. Also, I believe that the victim had long term medical issues which weakened his bones. So it did not take that much force to injure him, imo. I also believe the dispatch audio, which is all over the net, will show that the driver DID call for medical help. So I don't see a case for depraved/indifferent murder.

You say : Why are some people on a mission to insist LE is innocent of any wrongdoing? WS is supposed to be victim-friendly.
I do feel like I am on a mission/. But it is NOT to insist that LE is innocent of ANY wrongdoing. I am on a mission to rebut this public witch hunt, which is tarring ALL LE with false accusations of brutality, imo. WS is both victim friendly and cop friendly.

You say : If, after a trial, the LEOs are found not guilty, then, that is another story.

And I am saying that it is unfair to charge someone with such horrendous charges without a lot of solid evidence. And I do not see that yet, nor do I see a lot of time and care taken to investigate so far. And I see a whole lot of political BS surrounding the SA as she spoke.

You say: [I]There are bad people in every walk of life. LE is no exception.

THIS ^^^ I totally agreed with. I know that to be true.

Very well said katy. I totally agree with you. Guess we'll have to sit together in the "creepy" corner.
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Mothers Day.
I'm going to read another thread...have a great night and I will see you tomorrow xxxooo!
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Mothers Day.
I'm going to read another thread...have a great night and I will see you tomorrow xxxooo!
Thanks Wysteria! Hope you and all the mothers here had a wonderful day.
I think people will be singing a different tune when the truth comes out in this case. JMO
Many were surprised to see Baltimore's State's Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby invited on stage shortly after Prince began to perform around 9 p.m. A spokeswoman for Mosby — an avid Prince fan — said late Sunday the tickets were a Mother's Day gift from her husband, Councilman Nick Mosby.

Rule 3.8: Special Responsibilities of a Prosecutor

(f) except for statements that are necessary to inform the public of the nature and extent of the prosecutor's action and that serve a legitimate law enforcement purpose, refrain from making extrajudicial comments that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused and exercise reasonable care to prevent investigators, law enforcement personnel, employees or other persons assisting or associated with the prosecutor in a criminal case from making an extrajudicial statement that the prosecutor would be prohibited from making under Rule 3.6 or this Rule

Marilyn Mosby was NOT just attending a "rock concert" as a *patron*. She was an invited guest ON STAGE for a RALLY organized for Freddie Gray. That is yet another absolutely EGREGIOUS public display of conflict of interest, and conduct not in accordance with Maryland Special Responsibilities for Prosecutors. IMO.

She is a PROSECUTOR, not an immature adolescent with a backstage ticket to a rock concert! FGS, someone needs to reign in this woman. Her arrogance and unprofessional conduct is utterly appalling.
Post have been removed and a cleanup is taking place. Please DO NOT respond to posts that violate TOS. Alert on them and let Mods or Admin handle it. Any more nonsense tonite in this thread and it will be closed for everyone to take a breather.

Marilyn Mosby was NOT just attending a "rock concert" as a *patron*. She was an invited guest ON STAGE for a RALLY organized for Freddie Gray. That is yet another absolutely EGREGIOUS public display of conflict of interest, and conduct not in accordance with Maryland Special Responsibilities for Prosecutors. IMO.

She is a PROSECUTOR, not an immature adolescent with a backstage ticket to a rock concert! FGS, someone needs to reign in this woman. Her arrogance and unprofessional conduct is utterly appalling.

Expect additional filings by the FOP lawyers first thing Monday.

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The more I think about Marilyn Mosby making an "appearance" on stage with Prince, the more bothered I am about the undisclosed "benefit" nature of the event!

Participants were invited to wear "gray". Good grief. This has the appearance of the PROSECUTOR participating in a fundraiser for the benefit of the deceased victim-- just days after filing charges against 6 police officers.

Holy buckets of hubris.

It's unclear what portion of the tickets — which cost between $22 and $497 before fees — will be donated or to which charities the funds will go.
My understanding is that these two police officers went to a call about a dog that had attacked and bit a woman. Murphy's client had the dog on one of the dog catcher poles. They called animal control to come and get the dog. Animal control was delayed in getting there by over an hour. The dog showed signs of dying so the other office slit its jugular believing he was doing the humane thing. Included in the report is both the medical examiner and a veterinarian said the dog was already dead when the jugular was cut. Murphy's client was the one in control of the dog up until that time, so the dog died under his actions. Yet it Murphy's client that the SA dropped the charges on, and still is proceeding with prosecuting the other.
The report is attached in the joint motion of the six officers.

So, is it against the law to kill an already dead dog? What am I missing?
So, is it against the law to kill an already dead dog? What am I missing?

If I've gotten it all straight, it appears the error was in the attorney he hired. If he'd been rep'd by Mosby's friend then his charges would have been dismissed also. Maybe? Somebody correct me if I've gotten it wrong.

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This thread is being closed.

If you can't discuss this case without violating TOS and alerting over and over then we are going to close it for good.

As of now it is closed for the night. We will re-open tomorrow morning.
The thread is now open.

We have tens of thousands of other threads on Websleuths. None of them come close to the amount of alerts we get than on this thread.

Discuss the facts. Do not bring in other cases to this discussion.

Please, do not make us run around till all hours of the morning trying to clean up this thread.

My patience is at its very end. I have no more. Please think before you post.

Thank you Tricia and mods!! Sorry this thread has been such a PITA.
C'mon peeps, we can do better than this. We ARE better than this!
Think before you post
Respect others and their opinions
If all else fails.....scroll and roll.
Let's keep the thread open and stop driving the mods crazy.
I am shocked that Ms Mosby thought even attending that concert was a good idea! If her husband did get her the tickets as a gift he should have known better!
Not much coverage on demonstrations or charges, like the story fell off a cliff after it going 24/7. I wonder why the plug was pulled.

Marilyn Mosby was NOT just attending a "rock concert" as a *patron*. She was an invited guest ON STAGE for a RALLY organized for Freddie Gray. That is yet another absolutely EGREGIOUS public display of conflict of interest, and conduct not in accordance with Maryland Special Responsibilities for Prosecutors. IMO.

She is a PROSECUTOR, not an immature adolescent with a backstage ticket to a rock concert! FGS, someone needs to reign in this woman. Her arrogance and unprofessional conduct is utterly appalling.

But I would bet that if the concert were in support of the cops and she attended and went on stage, it would be no big deal. In fact, she'd probably be applauded for being willing to make a public show of support for law enforcement.
I am shocked that Ms Mosby thought even attending that concert was a good idea! If her husband did get her the tickets as a gift he should have known better!

Rule 3.8: Special Responsibilities of a Prosecutor

(f) except for statements that are necessary to inform the public of the nature and extent of the prosecutor's action and that serve a legitimate law enforcement purpose, refrain from making extrajudicial comments that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused and exercise reasonable care to prevent investigators, law enforcement personnel, employees or other persons assisting or associated with the prosecutor in a criminal case from making an extrajudicial statement that the prosecutor would be prohibited from making under Rule 3.6 or this Rule.
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