MD MD - Judith 'Judy' O'Donnell, 19, Baltimore, 30 Nov 1980

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FOIA office of US Marshals can neither confirm nor deny. No stone unturned. The Sanitation Strike began 12/1/1981. I will be calling to find out of the Museum of TV and Radio (the Paley Center) in NYC has that tape.

If you haven't been following this from the beginning, I feel strongly that there is a connection between 54, the Reagan Inaugural, the Sanitation Workers Union Strike, and Judy's disappearance.

Whether she helped pull down a prostitution or drug ring, or was considered too politically active, or something. Something about those three things, or maybe it's just all a big fat coincidence. Who knows. Me=head/wall.
I sent a message to my mother today, outlining some of the activities, asking her if she had received the copies of the newspaper I had asked Jackie to send (bless her heart she did!!) this is the response I got (nothing about the Witness protection program, nothing about the midtown jane, nothing about the case in Vancouver -- nothing about the coverage of the Reagan stuff or sanitation strike ...) Does this strike anyone else as odd? No "atta girl" no nothing, not even an acknowledgement that I'm still looking??

Hi Moe..we received the papers (3) on Tuesday. Hopefully someone will be able to supply more info for you. Looking down the calendar a bit, we are planning on having Thanksgiving dinner here this year. Hopefully you're not already " booked" for that time. Please let me know if you'll be able to make it or not. How are he boys liking their school situations this year? [my baby]must be a bit lonesome when they're gone. Summer's almost over. Sure hope we have a nice fall and easy winter. Everyone has had their fill of bad weather...time for a rest! Love to all. Mom
I sent a message to my mother today, outlining some of the activities, asking her if she had received the copies of the newspaper I had asked Jackie to send (bless her heart she did!!) this is the response I got (nothing about the Witness protection program, nothing about the midtown jane, nothing about the case in Vancouver -- nothing about the coverage of the Reagan stuff or sanitation strike ...) Does this strike anyone else as odd? No "atta girl" no nothing, not even an acknowledgement that I'm still looking??

Hi Moe..we received the papers (3) on Tuesday. Hopefully someone will be able to supply more info for you. Looking down the calendar a bit, we are planning on having Thanksgiving dinner here this year. Hopefully you're not already " booked" for that time. Please let me know if you'll be able to make it or not. How are he boys liking their school situations this year? [my baby]must be a bit lonesome when they're gone. Summer's almost over. Sure hope we have a nice fall and easy winter. Everyone has had their fill of bad weather...time for a rest! Love to all. Mom

Honestly, I think she doesn't want to know WHAT or HOW. I believe she has accepted that her daughter is dead and that's all she can handle. She seems to understand or accepts that you want to know and she seems to have made peace with it.

I don't think she is able to support you or be involved because it opens a wound that is so deep she just can't handle it. She's very loving toward you and isn't against you doing this just can't be in there with you or for you.

She seems so much like my mother was and I can tell you, this eats her heart out. I believe she is proud of your strength and determination. I'm sure she will read the article over and over again.

I'm very proud of you! Don't expect your mom to change. She has had this wall around her heart for a long time and she's too delicate to allow it to come down. Judith was her daughter and I have no doubt she loved her very much and still does.
Honestly, I think she doesn't want to know WHAT or HOW. I believe she has accepted that her daughter is dead and that's all she can handle. She seems to understand or accepts that you want to know and she seems to have made peace with it.

I don't think she is able to support you or be involved because it opens a wound that is so deep she just can't handle it. She's very loving toward you and isn't against you doing this just can't be in there with you or for you.

She seems so much like my mother was and I can tell you, this eats her heart out. I believe she is proud of your strength and determination. I'm sure she will read the article over and over again.

I'm very proud of you! Don't expect your mom to change. She has had this wall around her heart for a long time and she's too delicate to allow it to come down. Judith was her daughter and I have no doubt she loved her very much and still does.
I suppose you are right. To me, it just seems like a very real, very raw, very personal version of "Ode to Billy Joe"

"Billy Joe never had a lick of sense, pass the biscuits please." you know?
I suppose you are right. To me, it just seems like a very real, very raw, very personal version of "Ode to Billy Joe"

"Billy Joe never had a lick of sense, pass the biscuits please." you know?

I can certainly understand you feeling like that. I probably would if I were in your shoes. It would be real, raw, and very emotional for me if I were. I think because I'm not I can be more objective. I hope you understand that I do feel your pain too. I can understand your frustration and feeling like you're all alone in this and that has to be the biggest hurt of all. I know family would be better but you're not alone. All of us here love and care about you. We want you to get the answers you have searched for all these years.

Let me give you a better song for your situation.............
I sent a message to my mother today, outlining some of the activities, asking her if she had received the copies of the newspaper I had asked Jackie to send (bless her heart she did!!) this is the response I got (nothing about the Witness protection program, nothing about the midtown jane, nothing about the case in Vancouver -- nothing about the coverage of the Reagan stuff or sanitation strike ...) Does this strike anyone else as odd? No "atta girl" no nothing, not even an acknowledgement that I'm still looking??

Hi Moe..we received the papers (3) on Tuesday. Hopefully someone will be able to supply more info for you. Looking down the calendar a bit, we are planning on having Thanksgiving dinner here this year. Hopefully you're not already " booked" for that time. Please let me know if you'll be able to make it or not. How are he boys liking their school situations this year? [my baby]must be a bit lonesome when they're gone. Summer's almost over. Sure hope we have a nice fall and easy winter. Everyone has had their fill of bad weather...time for a rest! Love to all. Mom

I agree with Jeannie has said too. My mom would probably do the same as your mom has. She just has that personality. Too much time has went by and it was probably such a dark time in her life, she just wants to put it behind her. Like Jeannie said, she probably accepted the fact that Judy has died but it's very hard for her. I can't imagine being a mom and not knowing what happened to one of my children..

You seem like you have the same personality as me... I have always been the go getter, the one who wants more info and you won't stop until you get answers. I must say I don't know where I got this quality, both of my parents are more reserved.

The whole entire reason I came to this website was to help find Cherie Mahan. She went missing from Cabot PA in 1985. She was 8 years old. Cabot is about an hour away from me, and Cherie is a year younger than me. Her disapperance has haunted me since 1985 when I would see it on our local new in Pittsburgh. People don't understand my drive on finding missing people. If I could make this a full time job and bring the missing home, I would.

Your mom seems like a sweet woman. She is lucky to have you as a daugther and Judy is lucky to have you as a sister. You should feel good about what you are doing.
Do you think the Jane Doe in NYC could be Judy? What is your gut telling you?

My gut's telling me it's not -- that she's in Potters Field. Or somewhere else, simply never identified. The reason for my looking for clues is that I, too, believe she's dead - and I just want to start the process of getting to whoever did that - any info is good info.
My gut's telling me it's not -- that she's in Potters Field. Or somewhere else, simply never identified. The reason for my looking for clues is that I, too, believe she's dead - and I just want to start the process of getting to whoever did that - any info is good info.

I totally understand. I hope you get some answers soon.
I pray everyday that you get the answers you have searched for all these years. I also pray that you can take your sister home and have a place to go to when you need to talk to her. Sounds silly but we do that and it helps.
I have read all of the posts and links on this thread and must simply say that I am so proud of you, JudysSisterMaureen, for your hard work and determination in finding anything that explains what happened to your sister. Congratulations on getting that article printed too-perhaps it will help jog someone's memory about Judy!! Your family's reaction doesn't really surprise me, people of that era seem to believe that someone's life choices (prostitution, drug use, etc.) are a reflection of them, so if they don't discuss it, it never happened. I have an aunt who was recently angry with me because I told her children that our grandfather was illegitimate--her children, mind you are in their late 40's/early 50's!! Some people can't handle any type of "smear" to their reputations!! I, like you, are willing to forgive/forget what family members have to do to survive and would certainly not stop looking for my sister just because of her lifestyle choices. I wish you the best of luck in your continued search and will keep you and Judy in my prayers until you find her!!
JSM - Wow - I am so sorry for your un-knowing what happened to your sister - Your determination is inspiring - my thoughts and good vibes to you and your family that you may have answers soon.
this is one of the more inspiring threads on here. I read the entire thing and wish to help somehow. Maureen, I sincerely hope you find your sister.

Was the woman in the blanket, discussed in the article, identified?
this is one of the more inspiring threads on here. I read the entire thing and wish to help somehow. Maureen, I sincerely hope you find your sister.

Was the woman in the blanket, discussed in the article, identified?

Do you have a link to the article? Maybe we can find out for you.
this is one of the more inspiring threads on here. I read the entire thing and wish to help somehow. Maureen, I sincerely hope you find your sister.

Was the woman in the blanket, discussed in the article, identified?
the midtown doe has yet to be identified, and the ME in NYC is slammed right now, or at least so goes the story, to compare the xrays that gave been sent by the nys troopers. It has been 2 months. This, unfortunately is the kind of waiting - the lack of communication between different law enforcement branches is MADDENING. The Midtown Doe case was profiled, televised, written about - but just this year I heard of it from Jackie Gallucci - and now the bastards in NY City are dragging their feet - from shaking me down when I called (they called me back at 10:30 at night, I have 3 small kids, the guy was a total jerk) -- to the ME who hasn't responded despite the XRAYS they have in their possession. I can, to at least a small extent, understand how my parents gave up hope. It's exasperating.
Sigh...I can only imagine how frustrating this is for you, Maureen. Sometimes it seems like people don't understand how important it is, but maybe they do. I have read that it is "normal" for the labs to be backlogged with cases. Please try not to take it personally (easier said than done, I bet).

Despite whatever is causing delays, that rude phone call should never have happened.

Don't give up (I know you won't); you are an inspiration to many (read back on the thread for encouragement). :)


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