GUILTY MD - Korryn Gaines, 23, fatally shot by Baltimore police, 1 Aug 2016

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That is also known as the "let the spoiled, unruly, entitled, rotten punk that ruins our public school system for the rest of the kids get away with being disruptive and reinforce his bad behavior technique" which I personally think is mostly wrong with our broken public school systems.

Having witnessed this first hand, I'm amazed there's any teachers left to teach! My daughter would come home crying because she didn't learn anything that day due to the constant chaos in the room. The only thing I can say did make some difference, the kids that were the most disruptive and argumentative with the teacher.....I made it a point of being a parent volunteer. I was in the room multiple times a week. As soon as the child showed signs of becoming disruptive, I removed the child from the class room, either walked them to the principal to deal with, or pulled a desk in the hall and taught them myself. The typical problem each year with the disruptive child......they were NOT being supported at home! That's a sad problem, but it happened every single year!

My kids have finished highschool now. Recently one of those disruptive kids came up to me while I was shopping. Asked if I was 'Mrs so and so', and asked if he could hug me. Thanked me for making a difference in his life, for caring, and for being there. Told me what he was doing as a CAREER now and I was so proud of him!!! However, teachers don't have time to coddle and find out what the home problem is that is causing a child to be so disrespectful! Sometimes the child has gotten so far behind in class, they feel they can't catch up! One particular child I tutored to bring up to grade level on math. The child couldn't add or subtract, and was now suppose to know how to divide and multiply with 3 digit numbers. He couldn't! He didn't have the foundation to build upon! Thus when it was math time, he became disruptive, his attempt at stopping math class.

I seriously considered homeschooling my kids at many different times.
How do you think this case could have ended any differently? It's obvious she was not going to comply.

Negotiations, and under absolutely no circumstances should a cop shoot a child.
Why should it be the absolute last resort though? If someone is pointing a loaded shotgun at you and saying they are going to kill you, why is saving their life the absolute highest priority of all? Aren't there OTHER priorities at that point that may be higher? Like protecting the public and the other officers and oneself? Maybe shooting the perp is the best option at that time considering the other risks at hand.

Because in 1789 the US Congress decided that we would be a nation of laws, and that all people would have a constitutional right to due process. If you want to live in a banana republic where people are shot on the spot without a trial, then the US is not the country you should be living in.
That is also known as the "let the spoiled, unruly, entitled, rotten punk that ruins our public school system for the rest of the kids get away with being disruptive and reinforce his bad behavior technique" which I personally think is mostly wrong with our broken public school systems.

Oh my word, this is the post of the Millenium! :bow:

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Negotiations, and under absolutely no circumstances should a cop shoot a child.

Negotiate what? They had a valid warrant for her arrest. There was nothing to negotiate. She had to surrender or she would be met with force. End of story.
How would they know there were children present until they entered? We are not quite to the Orwellian society where Big Brother knows everything.

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They heard the child inside, before they busted the door down.
Because in 1789 the US Congress decided that we would be a nation of laws, and that all people would have a constitutional right to due process. If you want to live in a banana republic where people are shot on the spot without a trial, then the US is not the country you should be living in.

Who was taking away her due process? No one but the victim herself. She had all of her constitutional rights intact. All they wanted to do was take her to face the legal process. She had plenty of chances at that time for due process. She was the one that short circuited that process by pointing loaded weapons at the cops.
Who was taking away her due process? No one but the victim herself. She had all of her constitutional rights intact. All they wanted to do was take her to face the legal process. She had plenty of chances at that time for due process. She was the one that short circuited that process by pointing loaded weapons at the cops.

People cannot have due process after they are shot dead.
After the fact.

Of course after the fact, that she pointed a gun at him/them. It would be kinda hard to get an arrest warrant before she pointed the gun at him/them. They were there original to serve a (bench warrant) before the fact of the arrest warrant. for failure to appear.
People cannot have due process after they are shot dead.

Agreed. And maybe she should have thought of that before she brought out the loaded shotgun. The cops were not the ones that introduced the violence here.
People cannot have due process after they are shot dead.

BBM She wouldn't accept the ticket for the march incident in the car, then she wouldn't open the door to be served for failure to appear, kinda hard for due process to happen when they refuse to show up for their court date.
Some folks think that police should not engage in any traffic stops, and that would "solve" all of the "problems" of offenders with fines, outstanding bench warrants for non-appearance, etc. Some folks think that traffic stops are "unfair" in certain neighborhoods, or that they "target" certain races or cultures.

KG was driving a car with a cardboard sign in place of a license plate that said "Free Traveler"-- that is why she was pulled over in the first place. ANY driver with cardboard signs that said that, in place of license plates, would be pulled over for that---black, white, asian, hispanic, rich, poor, etc. She was not being racially profiled, picked on, or harassed. She WAS being "identified" as someone who was violating the law.

Her car had cardboard signs in place of license plates, and police were well within their duties to pull her over and find out more about exactly what was going on. She knew that, too. She deliberately put those signs on her car to PROVOKE the police into pulling her over, IMO. It was a set up for a confrontation that she was orchestrating, complete with kids in the car and her video recording, and mouthy and defiant refusal to cooperate. The police had that figured out, too.

Driving is a privilege, not a right (as any parent of a teenager who drives has said many times!). KG was free to "not believe" in traffic laws and registration laws, but she was not free to do as she pleases in terms of driving a car. She was subject to the same requirements for licensing, registration, insurance, and compliance with traffic laws as every other driver, as well as subject to providing proof of those when asked by law enforcement.

She could have chosen NOT to drive, and still held her (IMO, not sincere) "sovereign citizen" ideas, without breaking any laws. She could have walked, taken a taxi, rode a bicycle, taken public transportation, asked a neighbor for a ride, or just stayed home. The very fact that she put the cardboard sign on the car with the intention to drive it, is evidence that she knew precisely that what she was doing was not only legally wrong, but provocative. Again-- BEHAVIOR in putting the sign on the car, not beliefs, is the focus.

And her BEHAVIOR at the traffic stop is the next problem. The car was being impounded, she was being ticketed, and she refused to cooperate, even when officers offered to let her walk the few hundred feet to her apartment with her kids. Her BEHAVIOR earned her the arrest. This was not "over policing" or "police brutality".

Then her BEHAVIOR in not appearing in court, and not making other arrangements if she was unable to appear, earned her the bench warrant for her arrest.

And her BEHAVIOR when police arrived to serve the warrant caused her own death, and the injury to her child.

The police are not in the wrong at all here. This woman had numerous chances at every step of the entire 4-5 month process to cooperate with LE and the justice system. In the end, she chose to threaten police, endanger her child, and other bystanders, with a shotgun. For HOURS upon hours of negotiation. She wouldn't even listen to her own family! Her shooting was entirely justified by her behavior. Just like Michael Brown, Jamar Clark, and many others.

I'm incredulous that anyone, any reasonable, intelligent person, could think that what the police and the justice system did at each step in the process was not entirely justified by her actions. And it's a shame-- for someone so young and pretty on her outside, she was very ugly and despicable in her attitude, behavior, and treatment toward others, including her own child. I feel very bad for the police officers that had to deal with her, but I don't feel any sympathy, empathy, or pity for her. She was a terrible excuse for a human being, IMO.
BBM She wouldn't accept the ticket for the march incident in the car, then she wouldn't open the door to be served for failure to appear, kinda hard for due process to happen when they refuse to show up for their court date.

You arrest people, don’t shoot them. Then they get their due process. Cliven Bundy pointed guns at LEOs and threatened to kill them. He was allowed to walk free for two years, before they arrested him, because they didn’t want to hurt him. He is getting his due process. A black woman in the ghetto, does the same thing, and she and her child get blown away in six hours, because she doesn’t need to have a trial.
You arrest people, don’t shoot them. Then they get their due process. Cliven Bundy pointed guns at LEOs and threatened to kill them. He was allowed to walk free for two years, before they arrested him, because they didn’t want to hurt him. He is getting his due process. A black woman in the ghetto, does the same thing, and she and her child get blown away in six hours, because she doesn’t need to have a trial.

When the person LE are trying to arrest points a gun at you and declares they will kill you, it makes it hard to do.
Any person that points a gun at Police and threatens to kill them deserves to die. jmo

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